Message for 3-16-25

William LeFevre preaching from: 

John 11:28-29 "The master calleth for thee" 2-6-20 PM





2025 Camp Meeting Dates


Monday March 24th - Friday March 28th


Monday October 20th - Friday October 24th


Service times

Monday - Friday 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM

Three meals per day, with limited lodging available - service pets only.

For more information call: (423) 646-1352 or (423) 878-2771



Watch Brookside Baptist Church services at:



Radio messages


Whole Service

3-16-25 William LeFevre John 11:28,29 "The master calleth for thee" 2-6-20 PM
3-6-25 Mike Nixon Hebrews 10:19-25 "It's not a burden" 2-23-25 AM
3-2-25 Fred Potter John 20 "What Jesus said after he arose" 4-23-00 AM
2-23-25 Fred Potter 2 Corinthians 5:2 "He was made sin for us" 10-4-98 PM
2-16-25 Mike Nixon Jeremiah 31:31-37 "The grace of God" 1-30-25 PM
2-9-25 Fred Potter 1 Peter 2:5 "Living stones" 1-10-93 AM
2-2-25 William LeFevre Luke 16:23 "Hell is the place" 2-27-20 PM
1-26-25 Fred Potter 1John 14:16-18 "Another Comforter" 1-17-99 AM
1-19-25 Mike Nixon 1 Corinthians 1:18 "The preaching of the cross" 1-12-25
1-12-25 Rick Bolick Exodus 13 "A conversation between two good friends" 10-30-93 PM
1-5-25 Fred Potter Hebrews 10:26-29 "The judgment of God" 1-3-99 AM
12-29-24 Mike Nixon Genesis 18:14 Is anything too hard for the Lord 12-22-24 PM
12-22-24 Fred Potter Exodus 12:13 "When I see the blood" 12-24-98 PM
12-15-24 Mike Nixon Matthew 2:1-7 "The gift" 12-8-24 AM
12-8-24 Rick Bolick 1 Chronicles 1 "Seek the Lord" 9-4-05 AM
12-1-24 Fred Potter 2 Cor. 1 "What is cost to have Christmas" 12-6-98 AM
11-24-24 Mike Nixon Psalms 78 "How good God is" 10-21-24 PM
11-17-24 Fred Potter Romans 3:21 "His righteousness" 11-22-98 AM
11-10-24 Rick Bolick 1 Kings 21 "Don't sell the farm" 3-25-07 PM
11-3-24 Mike Nixon Ezekiel 47:1-12 "The rivers of God" 11-3-24 PM
10-20-24 Fred Potter Matt. 15:26, 27 "Thank you for the crumbs" 10-18-98 PM
10-13-24 Mike Nixon Genesis 1 "When God turns the light on" 10-6-24 PM
10-6-24 Rick Bolick Psalm 41:1 "Blessed is he that considereth the poor" 11-23-97 PM
9-29-24 Fred Potter Romans 5:15, 6:16 "Know ye not" 6-7-98 PM
9-22-24 Mike Nixon Col. 2:1-15 "The surgery of God" 9-8-24 AM
9-15-24 Rick Bolick Acts 11:19-25 "The race for second place" 11-3-96 PM
9-8-24 Fred Potter 2 Timothy 2:3 "Being a good soldier" 9-7-97 PM
9-1-24 Mike Nixon 2 Corinthians 11:2 "I am jealous over you" 1-18-24 PM
8-25-24 Rick Bolick 1 Samuel 23:8 "Staying in the bean patch" 5-8-97 PM
8-18-24 Fred Potter John 3:16 "For God so loved the world" 8-9-24 AM
8-11-24 Mike Nixon 2 Kings 4:26 "Is it well with thee" 8-4-24 AM
8-4-24 Rick Bolick 2 Samuel 13:3 "And Amnon had a friend" 10-30-03 PM
7-28-24 Fred Potter Col. 1:1-29 "Filling up that which is behind" 7-26-98 PM
7-21-24 Mike Nixon Nehemiah 9:17 "But thou art a God ready to pardon" 7-14-24 AM
7-14-24 Rick Bolick Job 18:21 "A journey through the halls of hell" 7-5-98 PM
7-7-24 Fred Potter Rev. 2:1-5 "...thou hast left thy first love" 7-5-98 AM
6-30-24 Mike Nixon

2 Chro. 9 & Prov. 1 "Hear the instructions of thy father" 6-16-24 AM

6-23-24 Fred Potter Galatians 3:13 "The blessings of Abraham" 6-21-98 PM
6-16-24 Fred Potter Genesis 6 "When God shuts the door" 5-31-98 PM
6-9-24 Mike Nixon Romans 14 "Faith" 6-2-24 AM
6-2-24 Mike Nixon Matt. 13:24-30 "Tares among the wheat" 5-19-24 AM
5-26-24 Fred Potter Acts 2:22 "You'll not escape" 5-28-98 PM
5-19-24 Mike Nixon John 10:11-18 "I lay down my life" 5-12-24 AM
5-12-24 Fred Potter Revelation 3:14-17 "I found the answer" 5-10-98 AM
5-5-24 William LeFevre 2 Timothy 3:1-17 "Continue thou" 4-7-24 PM
4-28-24 Fred Potter John 11:25-26 "My Lord is not a thief" 4-19-98 AM
4-21-24 Mike Nixon Psalm 119:9-32 "Where God wants you to be" 4-14-24 AM
4-14-24 Fred Potter Psalm 80:14 "Visiting the vine" 3-22-98 PM
4-7-24 Rick Bolick 2 Timothy 1:1-4 "Crying to get in" 4-2-98 PM
3-31-24 Fred Potter Acts 13:38 "You won't believe it" 4-5-98 AM
3-24-24 Mike Nixon Matt 24:4 "Take heed that no man deceive you" 3-14-24 PM
3-17-24 Fred Potter 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 "Why did he do it?" 3-29-98 AM
3-10-24 Mike Nixon John 4:1-26 "He goes where he is needed" 3-3-24 AM
3-3-24 Fred Potter Romans 4:1-8 "Abraham believed God" 3-8-98 PM
2-25-24 Mike Nixon 2 Peter 3:17 "Beware" 2-11-24 AM
2-18-24 William LeFevre Luke 24:11 "What unbelief does" 1-21-24 AM
2-11-24 Fred Potter Revelation 2 "A poor, sick and deceived church" 2-1-98 PM
2-4-24 Mike Nixon Heb. 10:25 "As you see the day approaching" 1-28-24 AM




Missions Updates



November - December 2024

Dear Pastors, Churches, and Friends,

Well, it was a disheartening Fall for our people in Western North Carolina. However, the Appalachian people are renowned for their resilience. I am grateful that God is aware of our situation, and we are confident that good will emerge from it all for the children of God! Hurricanes also impacted my travels. One that struck Florida forced a group accompanying me to cancel. The water got into one of their churches and the pastor’s house. Consequently, I embarked on a solo trip to a Hispanic country, but I had to make a second trip a week later to complete my task. Ironically, each time I left that country, hurricanes hit the island causing damage to some of our pastors’ places.

Little has changed in this country. The situation remains dire for the people struggling simply to survive. As I was departing on one of those trips, there was a nationwide blackout! While at the airport the power was cut off! You could see long gas lines as people waited for hours to get gas. Consequently, I missed my flight and had to spend a night in Miami.

We were able to assist some of the individuals affected by the hurricanes on one island, while providing aid to those whose houses and churches were damaged. One pastor even had to spend a night in a tree due to the flooding! We visited a house church on the outskirts of a big city that we had previously helped and donated money to help them finish the floor, as they only had a dirt floor.

As the year draws to a close, I reflect on the events that have transpired. It has certainly been an eventful year, but God has been faithful and good.

Joyfully Yours,

Farren Caeble 1 Sam 12:24     A printable PDF version is available here

PS: Debbie has decided to suspend her medication due to the adverse side effects. However, her annual MRI scan came back positive. Please continue to pray for her.



November/December 2024


Dear Pastors, Churches, and Fellow Saints,


This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Joshua 1:8,9


The year 2024 has quickly passed. It was full of many blessings and events. God has helped us every step of the way.


I was in Bulgaria until May, attending meetings and working on a new church building. Many of you helped by prayer and financial support. We are grateful for that. We are able to hold church services in it and are enjoying our times of fellowship and worship together. Our 15-year-old grandson, Carrick LeFevre preached recently in one of our meetings and that sure was a blessing to our hearts.


In the past year we have had to say goodbye to some of our church folk here, that have passed from this life to the next. One of them was my dear old friend, Malcho. We had been to many church services together and he never failed to get up and give a testimony. I will miss him and the others who have gone on before, but I'm confident and at peace knowing we'll be reunited one day in our heavenly home with our loving Savior, Jesus Christ.


In May we were in the States for our daughter Charity's high school graduation. After graduating Charity joined the Air Force and left to Basic Training. She came through with flying colors. She is now stationed at Hill Air Force Base in Utah. Please remember her in your prayers.


As I mentioned in a previous letter, it was necessary for me while in America, to have a total knee replacement in August. After a couple months of recuperation, and therapy, we returned back to our home in November. I continue to slowly improve and truly appreciate your prayers for complete healing.


Our son, John, is stationed at an Air Force base in Germany, and he was able to visit us for two weeks during the Christmas and New Year holidays. We were so happy to have him home. Then, at the same time, we had a surprise visit from our daughter, Grace, and son, James. They spent three weeks with us.


Most of you are probably aware that our daughter, Hannah, and her husband William (along with their four children), serve on the mission field with us in Bulgaria. Needless to say, we all enjoyed a very happy time together. It was a very joyful ending to 2024.


Last of all I would like to mention a woman named, Sylvia. Please pray for her health and salvation. She works at our local village store. She has always been unfriendly toward us. But the Lord laid her on my heart recently and I was able to talk with her and give her a tract.


All because of Calvary,   (A printable PDF version is available here)


Matthew and Jane Welch



December 2024 (Year-End Update)


Dear Praying Friends and Family,


Greetings: I hope this letter finds you well in the Lord as we leave the old year and enter the new. This year-end edition of our prayer letter will necessarily be longer than usual. More space is required to cover my last trip to Ukraine and give an update of our current situation and plans to return to the field. So far, we have financed four trips into eastern Ukraine. I personally participated in the last three. Our most recent trip during the first two weeks of December was one of the best yet, mostly because my son, Samuel, was with me. I want to thank Missionaries Paul Hamilton and Clayton McCurdy for their help and generous hospitality picking us up at the airport in Chisinau, putting us up for the night, and driving us across the border into Ukraine.


Target Area and Objectives: Circumstances in Ukraine are extremely varied and often misunderstood. The situation in most of Ukraine is not the same as eastern Ukraine where they survived the Russian occupation of their hometowns for almost a year. After discussions about our upcoming trip, Pastor Alexei and I decided that we would much rather go into the eastern regions than to go to the borders of Romania and Poland. People are needy everywhere. Everyone needs to be saved and to be given a chance to hear the Gospel. However, in eastern Ukraine, there are hundreds of thousands of people who could not flee when the Russians came. The people who survived the Russian occupation have been traumatized, while the people in other parts of Ukraine have not yet been so affected. We wanted to take the Gospel to those left behind. To those who lost everything, who were cold, in the dark, and praying, “God, please help me!” We wanted to reach those people first, to go into new regions who have not yet heard the “Good News” and, so, we went into the Kherson region (see map).


Preaching in the Regions Beyond: From our house, it was a 5-hour trip to get there, and we were thankful to have an abandoned church building where we could camp out. It was warm and dry. It also had a small kitchen but no bathroom or shower.


All total the Lord provided well over 10 tons of supplies and literature to distribute. We had lots of literature, 1,200 care packages, packages of rice, boxes of flour, and 1,200 loaves of bread to hand out in seven different towns. The leaders of these towns cooperated with us and registered close to 1,200 people collectively. We arranged a time and place in each town where they would gather to hear the word of God preached and receive help. I’ve never seen this type of cooperation from the leaders in Ukraine before. We preached the Gospel in every town and gave a clear invitation explaining that they would be responding to an invitation to call on the name of the Lord to be saved from their sin. After three long days preaching in seven towns, we saw close to one hundred souls respond to the invitations to be saved! There are plenty of stories and details I would love to tell, but space will not allow it. One newly saved person said, “That was the first time I’ve ever heard anything like this.”


Long Term Versus Short Term Missions: There is a constant struggle maintaining balance between long-term missions and short term. Between soul-winning/evangelism and discipleship/church planting. Long term church planting in the regions where we’ve been working is difficult right now. However, there is every indication that the eastern regions of Ukraine will be ripe for church planting and discipleship when peace is achieved. But for now, people need at least a chance to hear the Gospel clearly communicated with an invitation to be saved. Anything could happen in these areas in the months ahead! I believe in the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to not only save your soul but to change one’s life forever. The process described in Romans 10:13-15 culminates in the moment when a guilty sinner calls on the name of the Lord for salvation. Though this moment is often preached as the pinnacle, it is really the beginning.


I still remember the day when I trusted Jesus Christ and He changed my life forever. I still believe this is possible every time I preach the Gospel. We set out for eastern Ukraine with this in mind.


Tense Moments: Before we set out, we realized that we were going to be preaching just a few miles from the frontlines. There are no guarantees. There are drones, minefields, separatists, and curfews to consider. Then, of course, being that close to the front, there was a slight possibility that the Russians could break through the line and be in our area quickly. You can always hear the war from where we were. There are big explosions over there, about 10-15 miles away, not the kind that smaller drones make. During our first night a drone was shot down over the town where we were sleeping.


On another occasion, we had to make a stop on the side of the road. I left the van to take care of some personal business. When I returned to our van I saw my son, Sam, along with Brother Sasha both checking out a blown-up tank in the burned-up tree line on the edge of the road.


As I walked towards them, I saw a knocked over warning sign on the ground. They had ventured into a minefield! All of Ukraine has to deal with sirens and drones, but these minefields are only located in eastern Ukraine. They are deadly mementos left behind by the Russian army.


Another close call was when we had to change plans, last minute, and go to different towns. Two of the towns we planned to visit had been hit by the Russians and the people would not come out of their houses. One of the most disconcerting moments of our trip was being out past the military curfew called, “commandonski chaas” which begins at 8:00 PM. The rainy weather, and delays from changing course twice had us out way past curfew, which could have ended badly for us. Thankfully, the Lord took care of everything and everyone!


Fruit That Remains: During our last evangelistic meeting, I had a special moment with the Lord while standing in front of the crowd that gathered outside in the cold. I was shoulder to shoulder with my son, Pastor Alexei, and Brother Sasha when I realized what a gift the Lord had given me: the privilege to invest my life into men for Jesus’ sake. We were all there, just miles from the front, by choice. I introduced them, one by one, and stated our relationship. My son was newly married, attending Bible Institute, yet he chose to be there. Brother Sasha is exempt from military service but also chose to be there. I had a small part helping him with financial support and through our online Bible Institute. Then there was Pastor Alexei. He too has exemption from military service and could have left the country to get his family to safety, but he chose to stay and lead the church. I said, “I watched him grow up in our ministry from childhood.” To which he, piped up and said, “That’s the truth!” I pointed out that they were there, not by conscription, but because of a burden for their souls. We were there because of what Jesus Christ has done for us. The people listened very attentively, and 25 precious souls received Christ as their Savior.


Such fruit is not grown in a day. It takes a lifetime of investment on the part of a missionary. I thank God to have made the choice to spend so many hours of my time with men in the ministry. I’ve had several of our supporters comment that I do not communicate with our supporters using social media. I’ve tried to do so in the past, but I find it distracting. Maybe I will in the future. I’ve noticed how many times the words “with them” occur in the Gospels. It refers to the time the Lord spent with His disciples. A missionary can be “on the field” but not in the field “with them.” Again, there is a balance between evangelism and discipleship. Neglect evangelism and there will be no converts. Neglect discipleship and there will be no long-term fruit in the form of a healthy local church. Time spent “with” your converts produces fruit that remains, even while being tried in the fiery furnace of wartime conditions. I’m very thankful for the modern conveniences of communication that allow me to spend time on video and phone calls in meetings in Ukraine. I may not be physically “on the field” all the time but, in the meantime, I certainly spend time in meetings with our people overseeing various aspects of the ministry, making preparations to return to “the field.” We look forward to our soon return to the field where God has put us.


Returning to the Field: As I’ve briefly mentioned in past letters, after much prayer and consideration the Lord has made it clear that He wants me to stay in the ministry as a missionary to Ukraine. I’ve had plenty of offers to change direction. Several were very attractive. However, I believe the Lord wants us to return to Ukraine.


We certainly could have returned to the field earlier, without proper documents and a functional home, but it would not have helped the ministry in the long term. It would have been for the wrong reasons and would have been less than ideal.


It would have cost more in time and money in the long run and could have jeopardized my men in the church at the time. Besides, many supporting pastors called and encouraged me to keep doing what we’re doing. They encouraged me to keep making our evangelistic trips and assured me that our support was solid with them. Such words of encouragement are gold to me, and I will never forget those men who encouraged me to keep going. You know who you are. May the Lord, Himself, bless you.


We had hoped to return during the fall season but decided to postpone until after winter for several reasons. The first reason involved stewardship of time and money. We must consider the near future when my son, Christopher, will turn eighteen. This will require us to leave the field for a while to file for his own missionary visa. In the past, when one of my children were about to turn eighteen, I would leave my wife and family in the country while accompanying them out of the country to obtain their own missionary visa. That is not an option this time. We would all have to travel. It doesn’t make sense to spend anywhere from $15K to $18K on plane tickets twice instead of once. We do not have that kind of money after financing our evangelistic trips out east.


The second reason involves our ability to function as a family and ministry in Ukraine. By the end of last summer our local power company in Ukraine began announcing that the electricity would be cut off many hours each day. It was not hearsay. This is currently the case. My current setup would cost me $75 to $100 each day to heat and power my house. Many Ukrainians have switched to solar power, inverters, and generators. We need a better power source to stay warm and function. There was work that had to be done on the wiring in our house before we could even purchase and install a reliable cost-efficient backup power source. This was an unexpected curveball thrown at us that required us to delay our return. It is not God closing the door on us making our return impossible.


Both of the above-mentioned reasons together required additional time and fundraising. Our supporters have been generously giving towards the refugee work we’ve been doing since the war began. In fact, the past four trips into eastern Ukraine have resulted in more people being saved than my last ten years living on the field. I believe these trips are preparing the ground for future church planting when peace is achieved. The first two of these trips were financed out of the love offerings collected during my deputation/furlough meetings, which cost around $14,000 each. Most of these offerings could have been used in other ways that would have helped us return to the field earlier, but given the delays, I decided to put those love offerings into these trips. It was obvious to me that we could accomplish more on the mission field in the long term by waiting on the Lord’s timing. The last two trips cost $20,000 each and were supernaturally commissioned and provided for by God working through pastors who took the initiative to call me stating their desire to help finance them.


What Needs To Be Done: There are four basic things that need to be in place before we can return to the field: 1) documents; 2) a functional home; 3) no escalation of the war to our region; and 4) a way to get my family to safety in case the war spreads to our region in the form of a reliable vehicle. I would like to speak to each of these needs briefly. First, the need for documents. We plan to submit all necessary paperwork in early April. This should take care of everything we need in this area. There are no problems here. No closed doors. Second, a functional home. Not only has the wiring in our house been completed but the Lord literally provided all the funds needed for a backup energy source two days before the new year! The equipment will be installed soon, allowing us to function as a family and ministry once we arrive. Again, this was a delay, not a closed door. Thirdly, the war has not spread to our region and I’ve gotten enough inside information to no longer be concerned about the Russian “peacekeeping” troops stationed in Transnistria (see the map on the first page). Lastly, the Lord provided for a vehicle which is already purchased and sitting in my garage in Ukraine and ready for our return.


Please continue to pray for us and our ministry. My family and I would like to thank you all for your friendship, fellowship, prayers, and support of us in this work that God has given us.

That Ukraine May Know Him,

Christopher Rue - A printable PDF version is available here



January 2025


Dear Churches and Praying Friends.


"How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him." (Acts 10:38)


Greetings in the name of Jesus of Nazareth whom we preach. Again, we must thank God for his many blessings.


Another year of ministry has come and gone. The challenges were many, and the power of the Lord was always present to fill the need.


In July the Lord provided the money to begin the professional recording of the Bible in Turkish. That work has begun, and should be completed this year. We have ordered some audio players with the Bible recordings on them. So, people who are unable to read can still hear the word of God.


Several sinners have come to know the Lord in the last few months. One young lady had complained of an evil spirit that was troubling her every night. We met together and pastor Alish preached the gospel to her, then we all prayed. She asked the Lord to come into her heart. The following Sunday she came to church and brought her husband, and told us that she had truly been delivered.


In the city of Shumen there was a lady who lived right across from the church house, but had never attended. At work she cut her foot and it soon became gangrenous. One day she asked me to come pray for her. I preached to her for just a few minutes before praying for her. About a month later she died, but this testimony: Don't let the Muslims do my funeral; I want a Christian burial. That's a great testimony to her family, that she wanted to confess Christ in her death.


There are others who have started coming to church, but have not yet made a public profession of faith. Please pray for us as we preach to these people. Some have been hurt by false religion. I'm so glad that Jesus is a friend of sinners.


This past year I have been going to pastor Mitko's churches. He has asked for help in his churches while he concentrates on the Bulgarian Bible. Lord willing, he will have that translation finished this year. His churches are a true blessing. Many of the people have been saved for twenty years or more. Over the years he has reached just about every single home in these villages. Not everyone who has heard the gospel has obeyed, but at least they have all heard. Pastor Mitko has done a good work here. If someone were looking for an opportunity to support mission work, Pastor Mitko would be a wise choice. He has been faithful to evangelize the lost, minister to the saints, and translate the King James Bible into the Bulgarian language. Other missionaries in this country have printed Pastor Mitko's gospel of John and distributed hundreds of thousands of them. Would you please pray for him and his work?


In Christ,

Zachary LeFevre     A printable PDF version is available here


January 2025


For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11


As we begin a new year, I believe it should be approached with optimism as we assuredly know that our God is with us and for us.


There are many things to reflect on from the year 2024. Some things that bring happiness and some sorrow, but without fail God has been with us. God has continued to bless our family, and for that I am grateful. Since our last letter we have two new granddaughters. David and Mckenzie blessed us with Ivey Claire, born on October 19th, and Zack and Haylie graced us with Maelyn Belle on September 14th. We are truly blessed with these new additions. God has given us 18 wonderful grandchildren and for this we thank him every day.


We returned to Bulgaria after being home for my mother’s funeral, and hit the ground running. We arrived one day, and the next I was driving to Bucharest, Romania to pick up Brother Duane Moore and his son Will. They came to spend around ten days with us. It was without a doubt a time of blessings for us and the churches in Bulgaria. Brother Moore preached in many of our village meetings along with a large meeting in Dabravino. He challenged the believers to reach out to those around them with the gospel. We also spent a day in Romania with Nathan and Jacob Reed and the believers. It was a wonderful time of worship and fellowship. It was also a blessing for the missionaries here to have a three-day meeting and to have our hearts encouraged and challenged from Brother Moore’s preaching. We greatly appreciate him coming, and look forward to him returning in the future.


God is continuing to do great things here. Winter has arrived along with many of our folks returning from the fields, and with that we’ve seen our meetings increase in attendance. This is always a blessing. I’m grateful to say that I have made significant advances with preaching in Turkish. It’s still a difficult task, but it is a blessing to be able to preach in their language. I’m still studying the language every week with lessons in Varna which is about an hour from us. I’m doing this, two or three times a week while still attending seven village meetings. It’s keeping me busy. Please pray that the Lord helps me with this. Tracy is doing well and accompanies me when she is able. She is also very active reaching out to those around us. Please pray for her as she ministers to several ladies with the gospel.


Every year we look forward to the flour and oil distribution which will begin in a month or so. This usually helps around 1,500 families. It is always a busy time for us, and we may have some people coming over this year to help unload and distribute in the villages.


We will also be visited by Brother Jedidiah Bickmore and his wife, Ashleigh, as they make a survey trip here in March. They believe that God is leading them to work in Bulgaria. We pray that we can be a help to them, as God leads them in what he has for them to do.


In closing, we are excited to see what God has in store for this year! We ask for your continued prayers and will do our best to remember you in ours. We love and appreciate each and every one of you. 


God bless you all,

Brother Keith Blalock         (A printable PDF version with pictures is available here)


September - November 2024


Greetings Beloved,


In our last prayer letter, we asked prayer for Dmitri who was to be sent to a hot spot in the war. His orders were changed and he got to stay in Odessa. We asked for Pastor Slava's cousin Sasha who was in training to go fight. He got sent home. We asked for Pastor Slava's mother. She passed from this life, but we were told by one who attended the funeral, I never saw it so quiet at a funeral. Everyone listened so attentively. Thank you for all the prayers you pray for us and for Ukrainians. Please pray for a day children's program we will be having in Lymanske in the beginning of January and for our door-to-door winter evangelization.


One of the things we had always wished we had more of to send out was children's Bibles, but they are very expensive and we never could buy very many. Another ministry that had many children's Bibles had Russian strikes several times near their storage place. They feared they could soon be hit and so they decided to send us 2,900+ children's Bibles. All we had to pay for was the transport. About a month after that another ministry heard of our work and sent another 720 Children's Bibles and 3,287 other children's books. We estimate it would cost $44,000 or more to purchase these books wholesale. Of course, orders are coming in more now as people hear that we have such books. One mother who received one of these children's Bibles wrote, “My child is so thankful for the children's Bible!” We looked for one for a long time.


God also blessed us with over 700 New Testaments, 9,000 daily devotional calendars and other Christian literature. We have printed up 90,000 4.125 by 5.75-inch calendars. Half of these calendars have Luke 2:10-11 on the front which talk about good tidings of great joy and the back of the calendar talks about all the joy that comes when anyone accepts Jesus as his or her Saviour. The other 45,000 calendars have Matthew 11:28 and Isaiah 53:6 on the front and on the back, it talks about how everyone is offered salvation if he/she will recognize their sin and come to Jesus, who is waiting for them to come to Him by faith. We also have printed up 32,800 evangelization bags: small bags to be used to put literature in especially for going door to door or for use for those who distribute literature from tables set up in public places around the country. On one side of this newly designed bag, we have the picture of sinful man with the cross of Jesus Christ making a way for any sinner who wishes to come to God the Father. We have accompanying Bible verses that explain it all. On the other side of the bag, we have 1 Corinthians 15:3,4 and the Romans road on an illustration and an example prayer. Of course, all our literature has our contact information on it. Please pray that God will prepare each person as they somewhere, somehow receive this literature that He has put in our hands to distribute!


With love and prayers,

Paul and Angela Gray

Psalm 68:11



LeFevre Family Christmas Letter 2024


“For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich,

yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.” 2 Corinthians 8:9


Dear friends, family, and the fellowship of Saints, A Merry Christmas to you all!


Time has a way of playing tricks on us. Last Christmas seems like an eternity ago, and yet where have the days gone in between? We spent last Christmas in America, drinking in every wholesome seasonal pleasure available to us. We even saw Santa Claus on more than one occasion and in completely different locations. I did notice several telling discrepancies regarding his person at each appearance. I’ll not belabor the differences in dress: that, in the fancier shopping center he was much more richly attired than he was in the classroom, where his outfit seemed shabby. We all have in our closets clothing varying from the expensive and uncomfortable to the well-worn and cheap. And we too dress, for the most part, to suit our surroundings. I don’t fault him for that. But when he expects us not to notice that he’s grown or shrunk in height or weight, and that his whiskers alter their length and hue, it strains credulity! And why, if he has his own means of manufacturing, is he always found in Malls?


Santa Claus very much aside, we very much enjoyed our Stateside Christmas. It’s less the customs and accoutrements of the holiday that bring us joy, and more the souls we pass it with. Surrounded by those dear to us, we thank God for the occasion that affords the reunion. It’s always good to get together, and the older we get the more excuses we find to do so. We seek out trifles, or nothings, and elevate them to necessities that we might once again be in the company of those that yield the most pleasure.


And yet Christmas by itself is a fount of joy that far excels and eclipses all the personal sentimentality that surrounds both the day and the season. While we revel in all of its trappings, the advent of the Almighty needs no external adornment to add to its magnificence. In fact, adding to often detracts from. I understand that the condescension of the Lord Jesus has contributed to the enriching of every facet of our human existence, and we celebrate that fact as best we can. But every benefit, every blessing reaped from believing, is intended to reflect clearly and distinctly His image alone. We are prone, as a people, to lose ourselves in our provisions and forget to kiss the Son that provides them. Recall to mind that the intent and expense of the gift serves to illustrate the affections and wealth of the giver. And has anyone ever given so unspeakable a gift to such an undeserving recipient as He to us? There is no way to quantify the expanse between those two extremities. And a life lived in absolute dedication and perpetual gratitude to God for the gift of His Son is only a start.


What wonderful, humbling thoughts! I feel almost ashamed to move on to anything else. Let me retain that spirit of thankfulness, recognizing the gracious handiwork of the good Lord in all His blessings. And He has blessed us exceeding abundantly.


Not least of His blessings, though smaller than the rest at present, is Derrick Wade LeFevre. How can I, in a single paragraph, do justice to the joys Jesus has granted us through “Little Fellow?” He turned five recently, and, by his own testimony, has grown up. He laughs, in good humored contempt, at the frivolities and eccentricities he manifested while four. His tastes have become more refined, more mature with age. He informed me yesterday that while four he was fascinated with trains, preferring to watch Thomas the Tank Engine. (The original, British version, not that abomination America produced, or the awful modern wreck, where the Island of Sodor is home to a multicultural depot, with engines of every nation shunting unnatural freight. Does that sound racist? It’s not. I just have the God-given sense to recognize that children’s programs have no need for politicization and can reflect wholesome virtue illustrated best during a specific period in time, and ought not be mediums of progressive propaganda. Which is why, if the kiddos are so inclined to watch cartoons, we only watch cartoons pre-1950, excepting some Bugs Bunny iterations, and Charlie Brown, and obviously the Grinch, with Boris Karloff. I do make an allowance for the 2009 animated version of “A Christmas Carol,” as it follows closely the book.) Now that he’s five, he’s moved on to tornadoes. His exact words: “When I was four, I was a train boy; now I’m five, I’m a tornado boy.” He is definitely a tornado boy, and a dust-storm boy, and a tsunami boy, an earthquake boy, and any and all manner of natural disaster-related phenomenon boy. His obsession with weather permeates every part of his life. While picking him up from school recently, we overheard a teacher discussing a fellow student’s undisciplined behavior with his father. We asked Derrick the little boy’s name who was being kicked out of kindergarten. He replied, matter-of-factly, “Hurricane Johnson.” We asked Derrick, “What do the children call you?” He said, “The Tornado Kid.” They both might have been born a hundred and forty years too late for what seems their obvious calling as desperados. (Do criminals still get nicknames?) People think I’m making things up when I talk about Derrick, or that I’m embellishing or exaggerating, but I assure you I’m not. All of his siblings are older. All of the conversations he hears are more mature. His vocabulary reflects that, even if his understanding doesn’t. While on the town the other night with his mother, he got in trouble for not listening or obeying. She said, “When I get home, I’m going to tell your father.” Arriving home he came straight to me, not waiting on Hannah. He said in a tremulous voice, apropos of nothing, “Dad, we need to have a good talk about discipline and patience, with zero spanks.” The good Lord has enriched our lives with this little boy.


Dixie Joy is another one of the Lord’s illuminations in a darkening world. At ten, though growing, she’s getting close to being passed by her little brother in height and weight. We expect a growth spurt soon. I think she fears losing the platinum tint to her blonde tresses when that occurs. She is a sweet little doting thing, always quick with a hug or an outward sign of affection, almost as quick with a flash of the temper and a pooched lip as well. She is very creative, investing her spare time, and even her school time, to personal projects of art or design. She loves Legos and loathes “The Tornado Kid” wreaking havoc on her little villages with his pet F-5. Where she sees the scattered mess of an invasive sibling, he sees the chaotic beauty of nature’s destructive power. Still, for all the strife he causes, Dixie Joy tries her best to mother him. You can imagine how that goes over. She is a well of patience and understanding that suffers occasional droughts. She compliments her mother, embodying the same loving essences, for now less refined, though distilling in her little frame.


Christian Asher has undergone a remarkable change in demeanor and stature. He’s days away from turning fourteen. And the impact of his growth hit home when, in preparation for the family picture accompanying this letter, I offered to comb his hair. For the first time in our lives, I couldn’t see the top of his head. But for personal pride, I would have retrieved a stepstool to finish the job. If you notice any mess in the mop atop his head, blame his shrinking father. He has also grown more silent, and at times, sullen with age. Which, if you recollect the child Christian, and all his youthful exuberance and excitable outbursts, the contrast is quite striking. (No one tells us that, do they? No one prepares you for the day when your happy little home, racketed with the cacophony of four perfect little parcels of pure, wholesome, innocent love, wrapped in fun and ribboned with laughter, falls quiet, when hormones beget emotions that grow into moods that hang low like louring clouds threatening storms, and you have to go out into the rain for relief. Growing children isn’t for the fainthearted.) Don’t get me wrong. I’m not likening Christian to the tempestuous sea, or inclement weather; I’m likening him to myself. Of all my children, who each manifest morsels of my moods or mannerisms, Christian is the whole meal. He has more of my temperament than the others. That is a frightening thought and one that has done more to alter my parenting than any book, other than the Bible, ever could. Incidentally, Christian says, “Hi. I miss you. And, oh, oh yeah… Merry Christmas.” I love him. I love to see him get the giggles and catch a glimpse of that little boy peeking out through his big body. I love to see him on Sundays, proud of his appearance, dressed to the nines (or with him, as with me, to the nearest approximation), basking in the warm glow of the light reflecting from his brother’s braces. A man might call himself favored of God and blessed to have one such child; I have four.


The fourth copy of my paternal image was stamped first, fifteen years ago. Back then he was all ears and smiles. But such were his ears that growing into them put a strain on his smile. Nevertheless, they both look natural now. He was, though, a perfectly aerodynamic little baby, with a great, round, bald head and two massive wing-like protuberances, flanking his watery, blue eyes. If his nose had been longer, he couldn’t have avoided an association with Dumbo. (I’m only writing this because I know he’ll read it, or it will be read to him -- he struggles with language comprehension –- probably about the same time you’re reading this. It’s hard to say what his reaction will be. I’m gambling on it being gregarious.) He is a good young man. (With ears like his he can’t afford to be unlikable. Hahahahaha. Just kidding, Carrick. I love you.) He has his teenage eccentricities, as do all teenagers, in their desire to both fit-in and yet standout. He sometimes dresses like an old man, in complete disregard of mood or weather, choosing to wear a suit and tie to take out the trash or go to the park in heat of summer; or a short-sleeved polo in freezing temperatures for football practice, with his wide brim Stetson hat shading, but not shielding, his enormous aural appendages. (I’m stopping. I promise.) He really is the most good-natured, respectful young man I know, providing big shoes for younger brothers to fill, and even bigger earmuffs. (As you can see for yourselves in the picture, I am exaggerating, or out and out, lying.)


I’m tired. My heart is full, but my thoughts are taxed. It is no small feat to try and sum up, in a few sentences, the sentiments that rule your heart and guide your home. I have attempted to express what can only be experienced. I set out to write my yearly biographical sketch of those individuals whose lives most affect my heart, to convey a sense of their worth to me, and how, as gifts most surely given by God, albeit mainly to and for me, they are blessings in and of themselves; and I have failed. Nevertheless, I enjoy the exercise. Perhaps if more of us penned our thoughts and expressed the love we struggle to articulate, our relationships might be stronger and our homes happier.


I haven’t written my usual, glowing review of Hannah, as she said she finds it embarrassing, and I don’t wish to cause her pain. You that know her know how beautiful she is. You know how industrious she is, how intelligent. You that know her closely know that she’s a thoughtful homemaker, a doting mother, and even a teacher. But I know her best. And all that I could say, or rather try to say, wouldn’t do her justice. So, I’ll only say this: She taught me how to love by example. I think that’s enough.


I’ve so far neglected to say anything of the wonderful Thanksgiving we passed with Bro. Matt and Miss Jane, Hannah’s parents, in their home in Dabravino. It has been my custom, since beginning this tradition, to start this letter the evening of our feast. This year, however, I spent the days leading up to the holiday in Turkey, studying the language. I returned to Bulgaria just a few days before and passed that time catching up on all the things I had to leave in order to accomplish my goal. I haven’t really had time to pause and muse, and draw inspiration. Needless to say, with Miss Jane and her best daughter, Hannah, helming the holiday celebrations, we dined like kings.


Neither have I mentioned the transformation our apartment has undergone, guided by the skillful hand of my beloved, reflective of the season. (She really does make a house a home.) I returned from Turkey to a veritable Christmas wonderland, warm and snug, glowing with lights tastefully hung, and scented with candles. The whole place announces the arrival of the King of Kings. We’re not really waiting on Santa to come on the twenty-fifth; Jesus has already been here and filled more than our stockings.


Still, I hope you all receive everything you’ve asked for this Christmas, though I’m positive none of us have made the nice list. (This letter alone excludes me.) If you don’t ask, you won’t receive. I asked for a new laptop, as my old one burnt up. I’m doing all this on a tablet for the first time. There are severe limitations in editing with a tablet, besides my limited imagination and ability. I submitted my request to the attractive blonde Santa Claus that inhabits my close personal quarters. We’ll see. I go out of my way to bring her a cup of coffee every morning and gaze devotedly on her as she scrolls through her phone. I sort and fold the laundry. I make our bed. I dress our five-year-old and drive him to school. I only hope it’s enough. I think I’d be wiser to ask from Him who “giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not.” If, however, none of us get what we want, let us be eternally grateful we’re not getting what we deserve. And bear in mind that all of the gifts we give or receive are but poor imitations, at best, of the gift God gave to us all in the person of His Son. “Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.” 2 Corinthians 9:15


A very merry Christmas to each and every one of you.

O come, let us adore Him.

The William LeFevre Family



Ukrainian Crisis Letter Fall of 2024

Dear Praying Pastors, Brothers & Sisters,

Oksana’s Operation in Odessa on Oct. 8th was very Blessed! We thank Everyone who prayed for her operation and speedy recovery! She is feeling well, everything healed up. There was no cancer in the tumor!

Praising the Lord for your Prayers and His Protection as missiles & drones hit Odessa ~4+ times/week now! We are Encouraging a couple Churches in Odessa as well as Ministering through Lakeside Baptist Church in Lemansky, Ukraine as we travel to other cities teaching Evangelistic Seminars & Evangelizing.

December 13-15 Missions Conference in Dnipro: Pastor Slavic will be teaching Missions and I will be teaching Practical Personal Evangelism at a Missions Conference. Pray the Lord stirs up this Church and their new Pastor. Dnipro is constantly under drone and missile attacks!

Evangelistic Crusade to Zaporozhe: The Lord Blessed and saved 13 souls as a team of six of us Evangelized from house to house in three smaller villages. He gave us great opportunities to preach at three different locations where Churches pass out food every week and where another Church passes out Bread!

Visiting Widows from Dec. 1-8th: Oksana and I travelled to Chernivtsi to help Pastor Valera and his wife in their monthly ministry of comforting and presenting the Gospel to 65 families who’ve lost either Husband, Son or Daughter due to this war. PLEASE Pray these distressed souls will come to Christ to find Comfort and Rest from Him. Matt 11:28 Praising the Lord for 72-year-old Ekaterina who called upon the Lord for salvation.

Ongoing Evangelism: Project (1) Pastor Eugene’s small bakery bakes loaves of bread. These are distributed with Gospel Tracts as they Preach the Gospel in the town of Northern Sumy Region where daily Mortar Attacks are forcing the Evacuation of five border counties! * Just 50 cents will bake a large loaf of “Bread” to reach a lost soul!

Project (2): Preparing Care packages for Soldiers to be distributed on the front lines. Pray that the Goodness of God will lead them to Repentance and Faith in Christ through His care from Christians. (Rom 2:4) * Includes: First Aid, Hygiene supplies, Chocolate, Coffee, Tea, three tracts, a Gideon’s New Test. and Gospel Postcard Calendar ~ $15. * Two Evangelism PROJECT(s) for your Church to pray for &/or participate in: Please make checks out to: Charity Baptist Mission, PO Box 692, Bristol, TN 37621-0692: Write in memo: Maher- Ukraine – Bread or Maher- Ukraine – Care Package

Local Evangelism: Sharing the gospel with Displaced souls who resettled to Odessa seeking refuge from the war

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Prayer Needs:

1) Learning to Speak and Preach in the Ukrainian Language. Pray for Me!

2) Evangelistic visits to sow and water the Gospel to Displaced souls resettling here seeking refuge from the bombings.

3) Eugene’s Church: Baking loaves of Bread to distribute as they Preach along the front-line towns in Sumy!

4) Soldiers to read the N.T. and Tracts & to be Saved!

5) Zaporozhe: The Sowing of the Gospel Seed at the three Food and Bread Distributions!

6) For the Lord to Open Hearts among the 65 Widows and Parents who lost a son or daughter

7) L.B.C.’s Printing and Correspondence Ministry – Printed our new Gospel Door Hangers with the Romans Road

8) L.B.C.’s Yearly Devotional Calendar distribution of 8,500 packets in 12 villages Sowing the Gospel Seed

9) Pray for L.B.C.’s Missions Conference to be held either Dec. 27-29 or Jan. 3-5.

10) WARSAW POLAND – Evangelism Seminar in a Polish Baptist Church in the end of February!

For the Souls of Ukraine,


Richard, Oksana, Elisabeth and David Maher -    A printable PDF version is available here

Remember Phil. 1:12 Things Happen so God can Further His Gospel!




November, 2024


Dear Brethren,


Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and hope this letter finds you well and in His nurturing grace. As winter begins, I’m honestly thankful for the cooler weather, but for many in this country this will only become the beginning of their hardships as they try to search for wood and anything to burn to keep their family warm. I want to thank the Lord for what he has done these last few months of summer and fall in the church here in Pecineagra. This is the village where my in laws live and help us every week with the Turkish meetings. Many of my wife’s relatives live in this village and come regularly to the services. We start with a meal and then we sing hymns, testimonies and then me or my father preach. It is a blessing to hear of the joy in the believers as they leave.


This past July, we had a church group come over from Texas to visit the children’s home, where we live, and they came out to Pecineagra. We had three days of church activities with Bible studies, and we cooked meals, and had evening services. It was a tremendous blessing for the children who have never experienced anything like it. Many started to come who have never come before and it was a blessing to see the American’s share the love of Christ. They couldn’t speak the language, but the adults and children could feel the love of God. It was a true blessing to me and my family also. After the group returned to America, our Orthodox neighbors with whom we’ve had problems in the past, went to the police and filed a noise complaint about our singing, comparing it to the sound of howling dogs. This is not the first time they have come against our church, and we ask you to help us pray the Lord touches their hearts and brings them to repentance.


In October, some of our fellow missionaries came up from Bulgaria for a big church service in Calarasi, where my dad and mom live. We brought the Turkish believers from Constanta and several other villages to Calarasi, where we had a meal and fellowship and then had a wonderful service. We sang and prayed, people gave testimonies of the Lord’s goodness, then we enjoyed the preaching. The believers were blessed and encouraged to see each other and to just enjoy a good time in the Lord. A couple of days after the meeting in Calarasi, I and some Turkish believers went to Bulgaria for a special service they were having down there. On the way back, at the border between Bulgaria and Romania I encountered problems with the border police who said my international driver’s license were not valid and told me I couldn’t drive until I got specific ones, they accept. My dad was able to get the ones we needed, but I couldn’t drive for around three weeks. It was a trying time, but the Lord showed Himself faithful and provided the funds I needed for Ubers, to get my kids back and forth to school. Several people helped me financially, and I can’t express how much I appreciate them because the Ubers were very expensive.


We want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the Lord richly bless all of you, the faithful.


From Constanta, Romania,


Jacob Reed and family  A printable PDF version is available here


“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified, even as it is with you.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1




November 2024


Dear Brethren, Family and Friends,


Greetings from Romania and blessings from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Hope and pray this letter finds you well? We have been praying for the ones who have been devastated by Hurricane Helene and are thankful to hear of all the response and faithful testimonies of our great God and how his grace is sufficient. May the Holy Ghost strengthen, comfort, and keep you all, and know you are in our prayers daily.


What a wonderful and exciting day to be in our Lord’s work. Darkness only reveals the Light more clearly. So thankful we have the true Light to shine in these dark days and I have found that more people want to come to the Light than ever imagined. Light produces a hope that the captive hasn’t felt in years! We have seen this in our people here in Calarasi. They have been surrounded by religion all their lives but have seen that it is a false hope. We can’t trust in ourselves or our works to accomplish anything good for God. It is only through Jesus Christ we find the strength to come out of these dark places and find his faith in us, which produces a hope and peace that passes all understanding. Thankfully, through your prayers and faithful support all is growing so fast we have had to expand our church building to accommodate people who are coming to the Light. This past summer and fall we met outside under an extended porch roof and grapevine arbor. We would ring our bell, and all knew it was time to come together and sing praises unto our Lord and offer up prayers for our loved ones who are in great distress. What prayers we have seen answered by our faithful Lord, who bids us to ask anything in his name and he would give it.


Many new men are coming to the meetings. One man’s name is Ciprian. God has done real miracles in his life. He was in trouble all the time and was very violent and unstable. The whole village was afraid of this young man, but his wife continued to pray and come to church and by the grace of God he was converted, and it is a miracle how God is working in his life. He is always witnessing too many people and bringing them to church. Just last week he brought another young man who had taken some sort of drug and seemed to have lost control of his mind. After the second service the young man has improved, and we are looking for God to do the same work in his life as he has done in Ciprian’s life. Please pray for our meetings and new believers!


Now winter has come, and we are purchasing wood for our churches. We also purchase wood for our church widows, as well as the poor, sick, and elderly. It is very difficult for the poor here in Romania! Gas is around $7.00 a gallon and there is a standard 19% sales tax on all purchases and many times another tax can be added and runs the cost up to 30% just for taxes on needed goods. I have some men in our congregation who make their livings by selling wood, and they gather wood and sell it around the community for around $75 dollars a wagon load. This is almost half the market price for me and helps them provide for their families. This is a real need over here and ask you help us pray!


It is once again time for our year end Christmas packets. We hope to do over 600 packets this year. We are blessed by you who have given and by our mission board which sends us containers every year. We receive a lot of clothing, diapers, sanitation and medical supplies, as well as blankets, toys and candy. All these things we distribute throughout the year, but at the yearend, we put together what we call family packets. We put together a packet that has something for everyone in the family and a special toy, candy, and clothing for the child that receives the packet. What we have in storage, we give and what we lack, we purchase from local stores. It is the highlight of our year, and we absolutely love to see the little faces light up because most of these children will not receive anything for their birthdays or Christmas.


This also is a wonderful way we show the community we care and is a great way to open doors, and keep doors open for the ministry. This is a big job and a lot of work, so we covet your prayers for us and for God’s richest blessings on his children and his church. I will write more about this later.


Time would fail to tell of all the Lord is doing in our nine weekly meetings. Each year it seems he is doing more and more. Most of our older believers have gone on to their reward in heaven.


I have been with the faithful ones and the ones who weren’t as sincere as they pass. As they entered death, some held on to their former religious traditions and holy works in life, and that seemed to be their only comfort. It troubles me to hear someone speak of their accomplishments or even their failures more than Jesus and his accomplishments and forgiveness as the enter death. Unfortunately, our children know our hearts and because the parents lack of relationship with the Lord and only coming when it seemed there was something to gain, instead of having their sins purged, we’ve seen their children also lack the strength to fully come to Christ with all their hearts. There are exceptions, but most of the time the next generation falls away. Now with the faithful it isn’t the case. I’ve seen God bring wayward children to their dying parent’s side and with sincere desire to find their parents faith. I’ve seen God give the person dying, words of wisdom and experiences, to help the family members know that they weren’t sorry that they followed Jesus fully in life. Not that they lived a sinless life, like their former religion demands, but Jesus is real to them and no matter what they did he was faithful to supply all they needed in life by simple prayer and weren’t sorry they trusted this man called Jesus. This is the case with one of our national pastor’s named Kadir. We have known him for over 20 years, and he has remained faithful despite the devil’s many attacks on his health and though a tragic car wreck which broke his back. His biggest test was the loss of his dear wife to covid in 2021. He has remained faithful and untouched in his walk with his Saviour. He has helped us start four meetings and feeding centers over the years and was at every service we had with exception to the English meeting we have at the children’s home in Constanta and our meetings here in Calarasi. He is dying and I am watching God do these things I spoke about earlier. Please pray for him and his dear family. His family is gathered around him daily watching and taking care of him. He isn’t able to travel with us to the meetings any longer, but we have service in his house every week and it is amazing to see what God is doing before his departure to heaven. He sometimes can stand and sometimes he must sit on the edge of his bed, but always preaches from the Word of God. He will join us via phone video, just so he can hear the Turkish hymns and service. His children have no problem knowing his love and dedication to his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He is the only national pastor we had who has his driver’s license and he would always bring his family to the meetings. Now God is working with his youngest son. He never showed much interest in the meetings until recently, but now God is working strongly with this young man and all Kadir’s family. Now Etem is driving his family and in-laws to the meetings for his father! Please remember this young man when you pray.


Thank you for all you do and mostly for the prayers you offer up daily for this ministry. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May God richly bless you the faithful is our prayer!


From Calarasi, Romania

Nathan, Teresa and Nate Reed     A printable PDF version is available here




October – November 2024


Dear Praying Friends and Family,


I hope this letter finds you all thankful in the Lord Jesus. It is the day after Thanksgiving and I’m reminded how the Lord Jesus has been so very gracious and kind. There is much to be thankful for (i.e. salvation, the Bible, the Blessed Hope, etc…) But, sitting to write a prayer letter gives me occasion to think of you, our supporters. I want to thank each and every one of you for every prayer on our behalf in this work. Your support of every kind has encouraged us to continue. I pray all you’ve invested in this ministry will be the source of great rejoicing at the Judgment Seat of Christ.


The Lord has graciously provided for another trip into Ukraine for evangelistic work in the former occupied region of Kherson. This time my son, Samuel, will be joining me and I am very excited to serve alongside him in the trenches, so to speak. Our departure is the first week of December. Our plans are to evangelize new towns and visit some of the old ones to check on things as time allows. While I am a church planter at heart and always emphasize long term missions, the situation in Ukraine gives special urgency to evangelism. We want the people in these areas to simply have a chance to hear and understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ before going out into eternity. The possibility of the door closing if Russia takes control of the region is another scenario that soberingly reminds of the Lord’s words, “the night cometh, when no man can work.” Lord willing, when peace comes to the area, we hope to engage in more long-term work.


There is a lot of preparation and planning that must go into this evangelistic trip. God has provided the funding; we now need lots of prayer. I’ve already wired the money over for the preparation of 1,200 care packages containing food and literature. In addition, we will have even more literature to carry, along with about 800 loaves of bread, and more emergency rations of rice and dehydrated meat. Lord willing, most of the preparations will be finished by the time we land. Please pray for power and conviction of the Holy Spirit as we preach and for God’s protection since we will be very close to the front and things have escalated over the past month.


We look forward to spending some time with our church in the Odessa region and will need a few days to work out some details for our permanent return. The men in our church have finished updating the wiring and breaker box in our house. It is now ready for a gas generator. We are still praying for the Lord’s provision and timing to purchase one.


Please continue to pray for our paperwork to return to Ukraine. We have a few more details to work out, which is being done with Pastor Alexei, who is the only man who can help us with our paperwork at the current time. His exemption status was granted but is expiring soon. He has filed for another extension, and we are prayerfully waiting for an answer. Our trip will be VERY difficult without him. Please pray that the recruiter’s office will grant another three-month extension.


In my last letter I announced that Benjamin, my son, had surrendered to serve the Lord in Ukraine and was preparing to go to Bible Institute. It was an emotional experience for him. I misunderstood his exact intentions amidst the emotion. He was only talking about surrendering to the Lord’s will in general. He is still praying about the Lord’s will involving missions. I’m very happy that he experienced the joy which only comes from total surrender to the Lord. I would be happy for any of my children to serve the Lord with us on the field…IF that is His will. Please continue to pray for him that the Lord’s will be clear to him.


Please continue to pray for the following top-of-the-list requests: 1) the Lord’s protection on our upcoming trip to Ukraine; 2) God’s provision for a gas generator, and for a well to be drilled; 3) our paperwork; 4) God’s comfort, wisdom, and safety for our church in Ukraine, especially for the men who are fighting; 6) the growth of those recently saved; 7) our study of the Ukrainian language; and 8) for the war to end. My family and I would like to thank you all for your friendship, fellowship, prayers, and support of us in this work that God has given us.

That Ukraine May Know Him,

Christopher Rue - A printable PDF version is available here


July - August 2024

Dear Pastors Churches and Fellow Saints. 


It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not. Lamentations 3:22


Greetings in the blessed name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


To begin with, I would like to thank the Lord for the time we could be with our family and friends during our stay in America. We miss all of you and are encouraged and blessed to see you again.


While in America we were privileged to preach the word of God and present the work God has called us to in Bulgaria. We visited churches in Alabama, Florida, North Carolina and Tennessee. We are grateful for these meetings and for the prayers and support of all of our churches and individuals.


During our stay in America, I suffered some serious problems with my right knee. The diagnosis was osteoarthritis. The cartilage in the knee joint had deteriorated and the joint was bone on bone. It was determined that I needed to have a total knee replacement.


On August 30th the surgery was successfully preformed. Dr. Bryant was the Orthopedic surgeon who operated on me. Since then, I have been recuperating and getting around with a walker and a cane. I have physical therapy twice a week and things are progressing well. We want to thank all of you that helped us during this difficult time. We appreciate your concern, love and prayers.


We are looking forward to returning to Bulgaria on November 6th. We have lived as missionaries overseas since 1993 and consider it to be "home".


We thank the Lord for allowing us the blessings of being a part of this work all these years. We have seen many souls saved, many churches started, and so many needs, both physical and spiritual, have been met. And you, our dear supporting friends, family, and churches, have had a part in this ministry also.


May the Lord bless each and every one of you as you have blessed us.


All because of Calvary,   (A printable PDF version is available here)


Matthew and Jane Welch


October 2024

Dear Friends in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you to all of you who pray faithfully and have supported this work that Brother Ralph Cheatwood began over 40 years ago.

About 25 years ago, after seeing the number of children abandoned at the hospital, especially among the poorer communities in which we worked, Brother Ralph said in church one Sunday that he believed God wanted us to start a children’s home. He wanted a home where these forsaken children could be raised to God’s glory. He also wanted it to be a place where they could be proud to say they grew up in “The Father’s House”. Now, six years after Brother Ralph went home to be with the Lord, we are continuing the vision the Lord gave him with a new generation of children.

Most of our original children are now grown…some married, some moved out on their own and some still here with us…all of them still a part of our family and most importantly a part of God’s family, having come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior.

In our church, on any given Sunday, we may have our older children - some with spouses, some with their own children, some with boyfriends or girlfriends that they bring to church with them – and, of course, the young kids who now have the example of older brothers and sisters to worship with.

We have a “middle” group of young teens who are all saved, still in school and doing well. Creed, who turns 15 this month, has been leading the singing in our church services for a while now and also sings the occasional “special” during the song service.

We hired a private tutor to “homeschool” our three youngest kids. They are 4, 7 and 8 years old, but having grown up virtually homeless, we didn’t feel they were ready to be thrown into the school system here. They are doing wonderfully… catching up very quickly with the basics as well as learning to speak English. They sit attentively in church and usually ask if we can sing “Jesus Loves Me”, which is their favorite.

For those of you who had children and nurtured them, especially if you brought them up in church, it would be hard to imagine how far they had to go to catch up. Being very neglected, they could hardly speak at all and were very fragile and undeveloped both emotionally and socially. Dara has done an amazing job with them. First of all, making them feel safe and loved. Then bringing out their amazing little personalities that had been buried in fear and suspicion. It has been a year-long journey that was an around-the-clock job, but the results are such a blessing to see.

The Romanian and Turkish churches in town that I care for are doing well. One of our older daughters, Sheker, has the Romanian meeting in her home and she has been a great help to me.

There is never a dull moment around here but, Praise God, we see Him working on every hand. We cherish your continued support and prayers and we remember you often in ours.

In Christ,

Dave, Dara, Sandy and the kids    (A printable PDF version is available here)


Fall 2024

Halito! Hello!

It’s that time of year again when the long, hot summer is almost over. Fall is in the air! This verse comes to mind, (Jer. 8:20) The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. And yet, this year has been a time of labor and travel, a time of seeing the Lord save and restore. It’s also been a time of strife in our nation concerning the Nov. election. It’s been a time of heartache for those involved in wildfires and the hurricanes. As we travel, I’m so glad we can claim this verse, (Prov. 18:10) The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

The last newsletter had us heading for the west coast and Cowlitz Way Baptist Church in Kelso, WA. The folks there are a blessing to us and have supported us for many years. Pastor Dave and the church have been faithful to “keep the light on” in a place of deep darkness. As we left WA, we knew we were running out of time because we had to be back in OK by the 1st week of September. So, we made our way to New Mexico and the Navajo Nation to be with Grace Navajo Baptist Temple at Mentmore, NM. There Daniel preached and we tried to encourage the Believers. We love these people and always hate to say goodbye.

Upon getting back to OK, Elena had been asked to teach in the fall classes at the Baptist School of Native American Biblical Studies in Stilwell, OK. About thirty women showed up nightly for classes on the Book of Ruth, Biblical Counseling, and Women’s Ministries in the church. Such an encouragement to see Native’s working together and starting their own school where church members can come and take classes on certain topics. The goal is to grow stronger Christians and stronger Churches.

After that we were asked to go back to NM and sing for the Memorial Service for Pastor Jimmy Walters, his wife, Rachel, and son, Davis, who all passed away in 2020 from Covid. It was an honor to be asked by the family to help remember their loved ones. They were remembered with great testimonies of having lived for the Lord. (Rev. 14:13) And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

In Oct, we were blessed to be back at Concord Missionary Baptist for a revival in Concord, AR. Thank you for your faithful support. We were able to bring Mrs. Shirley’s eighty-six-year-old cousin, Ken, with us and it was such a blessing to have family close by. From there, we went home only to have our A/C and heat unit go out (the 1st night of the fall it dropped to the 30's), but, Lord willing, it will be repaired in a week or so. As this is wrapped up, we have more meetings coming up, the Native Men & Women Bible Conference, homecoming meetings, and other services, so even though fall is here, there are still fields to work in. Please help your missionaries pray that the Lord of the harvest would send forth laborers into HIS harvest. The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.

Thank you in Jesus’ Name,

In HIM, The Higginbothams: Mrs. Shirley, Elena, and Daniel             (A printable PDF version is available here)



Coats for Kids Prep  10/14/24

In late spring and on into summer, renovations were happening in Avren. A dilapidated house on the property was expertly renovated for ministry and has given our mission group separate and designated spaces for church, dining hall, printing, coats, etc. For this ongoing project, the coat closet was needed for safe storage of materials and tools. The timing was perfect because the need for that space came at the same time as Larry’s and my trip (and extended medical stay) to America.

But as the materials were used in the remodel, the space became less needed and today we went out there to put everything back and take inventory of needs. We were excited to see that doors had been added to the attic storage spaces, and a coat of primer had been painted on the walls. Larry got out the vacuum and I moved tables where I wanted them. We organized hangers and added the new, stronger hangers we got for the heavier adult coats. Then we took inventory of what items and sizes we have the greatest need of. Some baskets were full and others were nearly empty. We have some boots but more are needed. I enjoyed the day - I LOVE working in the Coat Closet!

Please pray with us about the upcoming distributions. I look forward to sharing updates!

Love to All,

Carrie M. Leach        (A printable PDF version is available here)

P.S. To give toward the needs, please make checks payable to:

Charity Baptist Mission

memo: Larry Leach, Jr. Coats for Kids.

Charity Baptist Mission,

P.O. Box 692

Bristol, TN 37621



September 2024


I sat down to write a letter about this year’s coat and sock drive and instead found an old letter retelling stories of Coats for Kids and I decided to recycle it. Why? Because I love these stories and revisiting them bring tears of joy to my eyes. The following is a countdown of my top three favorite Coats for Kids memories:

In late 2009, Naziye’s aunt lay dying on a mat next to the wood stove. She had been a member of the Novi Pazar church for many years, and was the sweetest, most precious woman. No matter how warm they kept the room, she remained cold. I had been giving coats and socks to the kids and then went in to see her. She was small, so I found a teenaged size coat and a pair of socks for her. She had no strength and asked me to put the socks on for her. I did. And quite carefully since her skin was paper thin. Such a fragile state. She reached up one trembling hand and touched my cheek. She pulled me to her face and kissed the other cheek. It was then that I knew I couldn’t possibly limit the coat and sock distribution to only children.

Eforie 2015. Entering the Container Village in Romania was always emotional for me. Driving through the city dump, down a deeply rutted dirt/mud path was bad enough, but when a row of small dwellings came into view in the midst of trash heaps… I always found my heart in my throat. Yet the children there were always so happy. So sweet. So loving. This particular day was no exception. I was inside one of the container houses organizing the coats into piles by gender and age. Outside a line was forming at the door. One-by-one the children entered and were fitted with a coat and a pair of socks. One little girl was antsy for her turn and as soon as she was given the nod she ran and jumped on my lap. We talked a bit and she told me her name. She hugged me over and over. And even again before we left. Her joy both blessed and convicted me. She was the epitome of thankfulness.

Targovishte 2010. Targovishte is a good size city, but the section in which Pastor Nasuf lives and pastors is basically a landfill with a few nice houses, a lot of seriously run down houses, and several cardboard and plastic tarp shacks. On that particular day it was sunny and ice had thawed just a bit to make mud everywhere. Sunny, but cold and muddy. And kids were running barefoot in the streets and in fields full of garbage. Once we got everything set up and sorted at the church, a couple of rough little characters ran in. Disheveled hair. Muddy feet. Snotty noses. Mischievous eyes. I loved them! I fitted them with coats and then went to help one put his socks on. Only, his filthy feet were freezing. I wiped away the mud and then held his small feet between my hands until they were warmed. Then I put socks on him. He giggled the entire time and then hugged me and wiped his nose on me before he took off running toward his next adventure. While the moment itself was precious and unforgettable, it was some time later when the fullness of my experience was revealed to me…

You see, I eventually reached a place in parenting, marriage, home, and ministry where I felt completely worthless. Totally inept. I read Christian self-help books and devotionals and was none bettered. I took up jogging. I got a goat. Many things to better my life and bring some kind of joy or fulfillment. I prayed but it felt as if Heaven was brass and my voice rang back with emptiness in my own ears. My teenager was rebelling. Homeschooling was a joke. My goat proved stubborn and I threatened her by telling her I thought I’d enjoy BBQ’d goat ribs, but she didn’t heed my warnings. My health had begun to challenge me. My house was unfinished and remained in a construction zone state. My husband was beyond overwhelmed, yet remained busy in the churches. I simply didn’t know how much more I could take and I questioned God big time. In my despair I sat with my Bible in the few quiet moments I could steal in a day, and I read again and again the passage of Mary with her Alabaster Box. I cried and prayed and told God that all I wanted for my whole life was to be like Mary and worship at His feet. To wash His feet with my own tears. To give of everything precious to me, just for Him, so how was it that I ended up sitting in a pool of my own tears, alone and bitter. In that dark moment, scenes of Targovishte sprang to mind. Little muddy feet. The Lord revealed to me, even in my ugly state, that I’d lost perspective. I wasn’t seeing anything beyond my struggles. And every foot I got to clean or warm were His. That one revelation has been the prize and joy of my life. I have touched the feet of Jesus. What a tremendous honor I hope I never again take for granted!

It’s not yet cold enough for coats, but it takes quite a bit of time to raise money from America, get it sent here, and begin purchasing. That’s why I write this early. Please pray with us for this year’s coat and sock distribution, and if you can give anything to help with the need, it will be appreciated more than you’ll ever know. To give toward this ministry, please make checks payable to Charity Baptist Mission with “Coats for Kids” in the memo.

Larry Leach, Jr.
C/O Charity Baptist Mission
P.O. Box 692
Bristol, TN 37621

Keep us in your prayers; we need it!
Love to All,
Carrie M. Leach      (A printable PDF version is available here)


July – August 2024

Greetings to all the Churches, Pastors and Friends in the Gospel,

I appreciate all the prayers and concerns for our health. I am doing well from my surgery and even better than the first prostate surgery I had several years ago. Debbie, my wife, is still struggling with taking cancer preventive medicine. We feel it is causing many of the problems that she is suffering with at this time. She has had a couple of steroid shots that helped this summer. Please pray for us as we make decisions concerning this medicine.

We have had a rather busy summer, as we always do every year, while coordinating and preaching in conferences. In March and August, we took nationals from all over the world to visit churches in West Virginia and North Carolina. We are away from home for about a month with this part of the ministry. I also take four trips to a particular Hispanic country each year, and sometimes go to other Spanish speaking countries. Please pray for my wife, as this takes me away from home quite a bit.
When home I am usually preaching on the weekends and sometimes in other states. This is necessary, to continue our ministry in Spanish speaking countries, as we present and bring updates while preaching in our supporting churches. We have had some great services this year! GOD IS SO GOOD!!

If your church is not involved in some facet of missions (whether at home or abroad), you are missing out on some real blessings! A scripture we have used for years concisely states: "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." Proverbs 29:18

I think "perish" not only refers to the people you could have reached had you been involved in missions; but also if we as believers do not have a vision to care for souls, our reason for even existing diminishes. A heart wrenching example is the Ethiopian eunuch. "And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?" He answered frankly and honestly: "And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him. Acts 8:31-32

Joyfully Yours,

Farren Caeble 1 Sam 12:24    A printable PDF version is available here



Ukrainian Crisis Letter - Summer of 2024

Dear Praying Pastors, Brothers and Sisters,

Mid June: We moved back to Ukraine. We Praise the Lord for His protection as we live in Odessa which has missile and drone attacks 1-3+ times a week! We have been Ministering to Lakeside Baptist Church in Lemansky, Ukraine and assisting Slavic our national pastor as we make trips to other parts of Ukraine. Pray for the Church’s outreaches and Growing Correspondence ministry: printing and sending out thousands of tracts weekly.

July 5 and 6 trip to Nikolayev Oblast (Territory formerly Under Russian Occupation): Missionary Casey Kline and Brother Sasha Illchenko needed help with transportation to Preach and distribute 500 Aid boxes in five heavily damaged villages. We had great liberty and many responded to receive Christ as they heard the Gospel clearly for the first time.

July trip to Chernivtsi: Pastor Valera invited me to present the Gospel to visited 45 families who had either lost their Husband, Son or Daughter due to this war: The Lord supplied both physically with a large care package of food and spiritually with a clear Gospel Explanation: Gregory 72 and Lydia 54 called upon the Lord for salvation. The Lord opened up opportunities to present the Gospel at three week long Children’s camps: 65 children and parents, then 100 children in a small town and over 310 came out from five different mountain villages- 90 parents also heard the Gospel.

(Most of the time I use either a large “EvangeCube” or “EvangeFold” with pictures to clearly illustrate the Gospel).

*{If interested in this material: (watch the video of how to use the eCube *ON SALE). *Large Evangefold:

August trip to Chernivtsi: Oksana and I encouraged a few new Churches. We also presented the Gospel on eight Evangelistic Visits as well as teaching the Gospel to 85 and 60 children at two VBSs. I taught a Workshop on Practical Evangelism to 30+ young adults and youth. We also worked at a camp ministering to 35+ widowed wives and wives of soldiers actively serving in the war. I was able to clearly present the Gospel to them and their Children separately.

Praising the Lord for how He works (Philippians 2:13):

Our Son DAVID labored from April-August with Slavic (Oksana’s Brother) doing Evangelistic/Humanitarian help & participating in Christian Camps in Odessa. On August 4th he Followed the Lord in Believers’ Baptism at Lakeside Baptist Church! He also Proposed to His Fiancé Evelyn! She is from Odessa and worked at camps with him for three years.

Our Elisabeth spent the summer here: visiting Refugee friends, as a leader at Camps in Odessa & helping with Lakeside’s VBS. She is now finishing up her last semester of college and is seeking God’s direction for her Life.

Prayer Needs: 1) Learning to Speak and Preach in the Ukrainian Language. I have preached in Russian for 30+ years, BUT due to this WAR, most Ukrainians don’t want to hear the Aggressor’s --language.} Pray for Me!

2) Slavic (Oksana’s Brother) is distributing firewood and Evangelizing families in the formerly occupied Kherson Oblast.

3) Evangelistic visits: Slavic’s camp is housing 30+ (mainly elderly) displaced souls who we will be visiting to sow the Gospel seed and water it as we minister to these Displaced souls resettling here seeking refuge from the bombings.

4) Bro. Eugene laboring in Sumy Region set up a small bakery; They Preach and distribute large loaves of bread with Gospel tracts while Evangelizing where daily Russian Mortar Attacks are forcing the Evacuation of five border counties!

*{Looking for an Evangelism PROJECT to pray for or participate in: 50 cents will bake a loaf of “Bread” to reach souls! 5) Project 2: Care Package for Soldiers including: First Aid and Hygiene supplies, Chocolate bar and Gospel Tracts~$15.

Make check to: Charity Baptist Mission, PO Box 692, Bristol, TN 37621-0692
Write in memo: Maher - Ukraine – Bread or Maher- Ukraine – Care Package

For the Souls of Ukraine,

Richard, Oksana, Elisabeth and David Maher

Thank You all for faithfully praying, supporting & being genuinely concerned for our family and our safety and especially for the souls of Ukraine during this devastating time: Remember Phil. 1:12 Things Happen so God can Further His Gospel!      A printable PDF version is available here



September 2024

Dear Churches and Praying Friends,

"But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the sabbath day,

and sat down. And after the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them, saying,

Ye men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on." (Acts 13:14,15)

Greetings in the name of Jesus, the son of God, the holy one who died, yet was raised by God and saw no corruption. Through this man is preached the forgiveness of sins. It is our wonderful privilege to preach this gospel. We praise the Lord for the many here in Bulgaria who have believed on Jesus, including four young ladies who were baptized this week.

Recently, I had the privilege of visiting the archaeological site of Antioch in Pisidia. They had there the remains of an old church building, basically just the foundation stones. That church, it is said, was built upon the previous building - a Jewish synagogue, where Paul visited and preached after the reading of the law and prophets. Upon hearing the preaching of the gospel many believed.

The reason for our visit in that region was to begin the work of publishing the Old Testament in the Turkish language. Missionary Ralph Cheatwood worked on this translation for over thirty years. His desire was to deliver to the people the right Bible and the right Spirit. He translated the Bible into modern Turkish according to the English King James Bible. Although he went home to be with the Lord several years ago, his work continues. Our publishing method is two-fold. First, we have the Bible on the internet for people to read. Secondly, for those who cannot read (most of our Turkish believers here are illiterate), we have professionally recorded the reading of the New Testament. Now, Turkish speakers anywhere in the world can both read and listen to the New Testament in their language. This year we begin the recording of the Old Testament.

To do things right is not cheap. The professional recording studio in Turkey asked for twenty- five thousand dollars to do this job. I certainly didn't have that kind of money, but thought that the Lord might give it to me. This summer I was back in the states for four weeks for my son to attend some youth camps. I imagined that maybe during those four weeks I might get into a few churches and share our burden for this ministry and that those churches would supply the need, but I quickly talked myself out of that. There's no way, I thought, that the Lord would give us twenty-five thousand dollars in just four weeks. Well, the Lord did give us that money, but in just four days! I believe that He wants His word published. Our prayer is that in old Antioch and the regions round about, the reading of the law and prophets will one day be followed by a word of exhortation concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and some believers will be filled with joy and the Holy Ghost.


We thank you all who have given towards this project. May the Lord of the harvest bless all of your efforts to help publish this gospel among all nations.


In Christ, Zachary LeFevre    A printable PDF version is available here


September 2024

“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.” Psalm 116:15

One of the great hopes we have as a child of God is the security of knowing that heaven is waiting for us when we die. It also gives us peace to know this is true for our loved one who died with faith in the Lord. August 29th at around 2:23 PM my mother went to be with her Lord. Words cannot express the impact she had on my life and the lives of my children and grandchildren. She was also “Mamaw” to many others. She was loved by so many whom she touched by the love she so eagerly shared. Thankfully, we were able to be with her when she went on to be with the Lord. We returned to the States when it became evident that Mom was going to pass. Thankfully we were able to be by her side at home under hospice care, as she peacefully went on to be with her Savior. Please keep my father in your prayers as he adjusts to life without his partner of 62 years.

We will be returning to Bulgaria on October 17th. During this time, we will be waiting for the arrival of two new grand babies. Zack and Haylie are expecting around mid-September and David and Mckenzie around mid-October. We are praying that we will be here for both. The latest we can stay due to our visa process is October 17th. We will be taking this time to assist my father in any way that we can and of course seeing our new grand babies.

The work in Bulgaria has been going well. We have experienced one of the hottest and driest summers on the books and with that have been unprecedented wildfires. The construction project in Avren has gone very well. I’m grateful to all those who contributed to this. We still have a little way to go in completing all the interior work; flooring, electrical, plumbing, kitchen appliances and bathroom fixtures. We trust the Lord to supply these needs as they arise.

We recently had a “Sofra” in Avren. A sofra is a special meal and gathering to commemorate or celebrate an event. In this case it was a celebration. Many people came, and it gave us a good example of what we desire to do with the building and church in the future. We all are very excited for what the future holds in Avren.

As always, I am grateful for your prayers and support. We ask that you remember us in these coming days as we prepare to return to Bulgaria a few weeks from now. We will be hosting Brother Duane Moore for a week when we return and look forward to seeing what God will do during the time that he is with us. Please also pray for our daughter and daughter-in-law as they await these babies to come and for my father as he adjusts to life without mom.

God bless you all,

Brother Keith Blalock         (A printable PDF version with pictures is available here)


May – June 2024

Dear Pastors, Churches, and Fellow Saints,

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

I am very thankful that the Lord blessed my wife and me with ten beautiful children and eleven grandchildren. Our youngest daughter, Charity, graduated from Pensacola Christian Academy in May. We are very proud of her and thankful for everyone who helped her accomplish this. We are also grateful for the time we could train her in the “way” she should go.

I’m thankful for that way, also known as the gloryland way, the old paths, the gospel road, the right way (Gen. 24:48), his way (Deut. 8:6), the good and the right way (Isa. 12:23), thy way (Ps. 25:4), and God’s way (Acts 16:17). It’s a glorious, blessed, satisfying, peaceful, and life-giving way. I entered the way in 1979; I received the Lord Jesus Christ (the way, the truth, the life, John 14:6) as my Lord and Savior and was translated into the kingdom of God’s dear Son. It’s a wonderful way.

We are not only admonished to train up a child in the way he should go, but we also have the promise that when he is old, he will not depart from it. It’s the way he was trained in, always before him, written in his heart, and he can’t depart from it.

I believe the prodigal son was trained in God’s way. Yet when he left, he couldn’t help but compare the “bad way” to the “good way.” He went from being “in want” to having “bread enough and to spare,” from not “worthy to be called thy son” to “this my son,” from “took his journey into a far country” to “I will arise and go to my father,” from “fain have filled his belly with the husks” to feasting on “the fatted calf,” and from sent to the fields of swine to the father having compassion on him, kissing him, and receiving him safe and sound. What a blessing! No matter how far he strayed from his father’s way, he could never get so far that the way he was brought up in departed from him. As a Christian father, I take great solace in the promises of God found throughout the scriptures. For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us (2 Cor. 1:20).

Concerning our new building in Avren, Bulgaria, we have started to hold church services. Our families meet here to have an English service on Sundays. Bibles and songbooks in the Bulgarian and Turkish languages are printed and bound here. We are close to finishing the building, but still have a little ways to go. We cannot express enough our thankfulness to all who prayed and helped out financially.

All because of Calvary,   (A printable PDF version is available here)

Matthew and Jane Welch


June – July 2024

Dear Praying Friends and Family,

I hope this letter finds you enjoying the Lord’s word and will. The last two months were spent in meetings in OH, KY, ND, MT, and ID. It was a great blessing to visit with these pastors and their congregations again, even if it were for a few hours. My brother-in-law, Pastor Samuel Witter, asked me to preach a two-day revival, while we enjoyed meeting his new bride, Emily. We were encouraged in these meetings seeing the Lord move during the invitations and an increased interest among young people to help on the mission field.

We’ve begun the paperwork process for religious visas to return to Ukraine. We do not know how long the process will take due to the war. Please pray for all that is involved.

My right-hand man in the ministry, Pastor Alexei, has been called up to appear at the local recruiter’s office. He has had exemption status since the war began which has given him the freedom to lead the ministry. He was in the category that does not require parents of handicapped children to serve. However, Ukraine recently changed these laws making conscription for him a possibility. Please pray with us that they will extend his exemption. There are many legal aspects of our lives, both personal and ministerial, that are in his name. If he were to be conscripted it would affect many, especially his wife and family.

I was hoping to make another short trip into Ukraine during the latter part of August. My vehicle, however, broke down during our travels and repairs were very costly causing us to postpone the trip till later this fall. We are, at the moment, prayerfully considering our family making a three-month trip into Ukraine without waiting for our visas. Such a trip would allow us an opportunity to accomplish much work before winter hits. This would include allowing us to encourage the church, continue trips into eastern Ukraine, prepare our house for our return, put up food, and take care of our paperwork on that side of the ocean.

Please continue to pray for the following requests: 1) the Lord’s guidance and provision for our next trip to Ukraine; 2) God’s provision for a gas generator, and for a well to be drilled; 3) our paperwork; 4) God’s will for Samuel and Susanna; 5) God’s comfort, wisdom, and safety for our men in Ukraine; 6) the growth of those recently saved; 7) our study of the Ukrainian language; and 8) for the war to end. My family and I would like to thank you all for your friendship, fellowship, prayers, and support of us in this work that God has given us. May the Lord Jesus bless you as you continue to serve Him.

That Ukraine May Know Him,

Christopher Rue    A printable PDF version is available here




August 2024

“And we sailed thence, and came the next day over against Chios; and the next day we arrived at Samos, and tarried at Trogyllium; and the next day we came to Miletus.” Acts 20:15

To family, friends, and fellow saints,

Chapter twenty of the book of Acts recounts the return trip of Paul’s second missionary journey. The chapter stands out, and in particular this verse, because it still sums up many return trips of modern missionaries. It sounds like our return: depart Dulles in DC; arrive in Germany the next day; depart Germany for Austria; tarry in Austria; eventually depart Austria for Bulgaria; greeted in Bulgaria by friends; take another short journey to our ultimate destination. Things haven’t changed much in two thousand years, except maybe the part where Paul was minded to go afoot.

But there’s a bigger lesson to be learned from the text as well: We’re on a journey. We’re headed someplace. We may be pilgrims and strangers, but we’re headed for a country and looking for a city. We’ve said our goodbyes. We embarked by faith, and we have hope, that calm and certain assurance, of our arrival.

We, like Paul, have traveling companions. Not only do we have a great cloud of invisible witnesses cheering us ever onward, we have a visible company of likeminded travelers. All of us have made our departure from the city of destruction, deposited our sin burden at the foot of Calvary, and are making our way by faith and patient endurance, with the grace and mercy of God, to the celestial city. More even than those we meet and walk a while with on the road of life, we have a great, indwelling friend, able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think, whose riches in glory are inexhaustible and every ready to us, who vowed never to leave nor forsake us no matter what the road holds.

As too, like our text, every day has its own adventure, its own challenges, trials, temptations. The Christian life is anything but dull when you set out to follow Jesus. New souls in familiar places, or new places with abounding opportunities or oppositions are around every bend and on every horizon.

One day, as with Paul’s journey, after many twists and turns, ups and downs, blessings and blastings, we, by the promise of God, who cannot lie, will reach our destination. Unlike the journey of the text, ours doesn’t culminate in a place as much as at a person. See, we began with Jesus; we travel with Jesus; and one day, bless His name, we’ll appear in His presence. We’ll see Him face to face and never desire to see anything else again.

There is such a feeling of peace arriving at your final destination. God was so good to us on this trip, I can’t explain it. After all these years traveling to and fro, I think this had to be the easiest trip we ever made. Our ride from Bristol to DC was excellent. John Porter drove the bus, and Luke Welch provided security. Google guided us, and Ben Franklin kept us fueled up and caffeinated. But it was God who went before us, contented us, and provided peace and joy. Why, even the check-in folks at Dulles were friendly! In fact, every employee at every stop seemed to be having a blessed day. God sure is good! Then to meet Keith and Tracy Blalock at the airport and be driven to an apartment we’ve never even stepped foot in, and find the other missionary ladies had prepared a welcome – it was better than good. We checked everything over and couldn’t have been more pleased. What an arrival!

It took us a little longer than usual to get our sleep schedules adjusted. One night I heard Carrick playing his guitar on the balcony off of his bedroom. I had to tell him he couldn’t sing “Country Roads” at 2AM out of doors; people who hadn’t traveled from America were trying to sleep. Two weeks after our arrival, we all came down with Covid. That seemed more in line with being back in Bulgaria. Between that and Hannah’s renewed battles with Bulgarian bureaucracy, we’re feeling everything fall back into place.

We were able to attend a special Turkish meeting in Avren a few days after returning. Young Pastor Alish has a new grandbaby that they were afraid had some health issues. Alish decided to have a service to preach to his family and a sofra to thank God for whatever outcome He gave. Isn’t that wonderful? Listening to believers thanking God regardless of what might be, sure does stir the soul.

Tomorrow we’ll have our big Turkish meeting in Dabravino. It’ll be good to renew old acquaintances again and worship once more with them in their language.

Oh, let me tell you about this. Yesterday, Dixie Joy, along with all her siblings and Hannah, were going to spend the night at “Mimi’s” (Jane Welch’s) house. For whatever reason, while packing the car with their luggage, Dixie’s bag got overlooked. When they arrived at Mimi’s, they realized what had happened and immediately called me. I went to where the car had been parked, and there was no bag to be found. Dixie Joy was inconsolable. Miss Jane said she’d buy her another bag and they’d replace the contents. However, inside the bag was a bracelet from her BFF, and that couldn’t be replaced. So together, Momma and daughter stopped to pray and ask the Lord that it would be returned. After praying, she made a post about it on Shumen’s Facebook page. An acquaintance saw it and shared it, as well. A few minutes later, a friend of that acquaintance saw it and reported she had found it and turned it in to the police. I was able to retrieve it this morning with everything (laptop, earbuds, clothes, and especially the BFF bracelet) still intact.

Pray for us. Pray for the nationals. Pray for this people. Pray that blinded eyes would be opened, and seeing eyes would look to Jesus. Pray for the family as we get back into the swing of things. Pray for Bro. Matt Welch, who’s back in America awaiting knee surgery at the end of this month. It’s a big expense, and he’s paying it out of pocket. Pray God raises it all quickly. Pray for Bro. Larry Leach, who has a house to sell here. Pray that God works in that situation, granting a buyer and peace of mind and heart for Bro. Larry. Pray for Bro. Zach and I as we make our way down to Turkey. Pray God would prosper our journey and go before us.

We love and miss y’all.
Because of a living Savior,

The William LeFevre Family                (A printable PDF version is available here)




Summer 2024

Halito! Hello!


As I write this letter, we are taking a few days breather in Yaak, MT, after being in services Saturday and Daniel preaching Sunday. This place is very special to us as we have been coming here for many years. Many of you have heard us talk about it and the church here. There aren’t many places you go where you see moose playing outside your door! We love the Yaakers!


When we finished our spring meetings back East (where the Lord met with us and His people) we began the summer work in OK. The summer work is a time of focus on children. The Choctaws do their VBS a little different in that they have adult classes and also close the VBS every night with a preaching service. We started June off helping at Grace Indian Baptist at Talihina, OK. The membership of the church is a blessing because they have stepped up and do their own VBS now. We hang out with them and I teach the mission story, Daniel helps in preaching, and Mrs. Shirley with music, but for the most part they are self-sufficient and I mean that in the best of ways! They rely on God, but have taken off the training wheels so to speak and are following the great commission like “white” churches! It’s like a family atmosphere and we saw four young people come to Christ!


We moved on to Indian Baptist Missions Camp the second week of June. We helped with the teaching, music, and preaching. The crowd was small this year, but we did have some Navajo come from NM. We pray the Lord will restore the ministry the camp has had to many tribes for 30+ years.

The 3rd week of June found us at Keota, OK and New Hope Indian Baptist Church. This church is among the oldest in OK and was most likely started by Choctaw Missionary Peter Folsom. In fact, he is buried here on the church property. It is around 140 years old, with no pastor and the decimation of Covid, the church has only a handful coming, but they are faithful. We were privileged to work with Grace Indian Baptist and help them with a VBS. The members from Grace worked their jobs and then drove the hour and a half one way to hold the VBS every day. The Word was shared and the people of New Hope encouraged. They are not alone and not forgotten by a Heavenly Father who loves them!


The last week of July was spent at Spring Hill Church in Honubia, OK. This week is more like a family camp. Day classes for all ages till noon, followed by lunch and then mandatory singing school learning Choctaw and English hymns. We have nightly services for all enrolled at the VBS, and those that live nearby come also. Mrs. Shirley had to teach the 2-5 year-old class for a couple of days when Mrs. Josephine had to work, and little did she know the young man helping her was one she had taught 30 or more years ago! God is so good! Some that have attended the camp for years have chosen to walk away from truth and the Lord. It’s an answer to prayer when they come back and also to see the Lord still save souls along and along like He did young Peyton, this week. This brings us to July and we had one more VBS to work in at Zion Missionary Baptist in McAlester, OK. Once again, we teamed up with Grace Indian Baptist.


Again, we had classes and a service after. We taught on the book of Daniel for four of the five weeks, so we were all familiar with our lessons and it all worked smoothly. The Higginbothams have been going to Zion for about 37 years or so.


Like most Native churches they were in need of a pastor, but they have had Bro. Ron Burning fill in for them in the winter months and now Bro. Ross is helping with preaching on Sundays. Because of this they have had more people coming. Zion has a Godly heritage and I know they were being cheered on by a great cloud of witnesses. Unfortunately, as you leave OK and began to head west this is not the case.


The Choctaws have had the gospel before leaving MS on their trail of tears. Whereas, most reservations have no church of any kind, and especially not a Bible preaching, fundamental church.


We went home to rest a bit before heading to Fort Hall, ID and the Shoshone Bannock tribe. We merged with Missionaries to the Sho-Ban Joe and Lela Copley, Hoopers Creek Baptist from Fletcher, NC, Missionaries Gerry and Sherril Locklear and us! Whew! We have worked with this team several years and it’s a joy as all hands are on deck. Faith Baptist Church has grown in number since last year! How wonderful! The tribe will not allow us to door knock so it’s up to the parents to bring the children, which some did! Or Mrs. Lela and Bro Joe to run their normal bus routes. The church was full to capacity every day, with people standing around the walls! We finished the week with four young people coming to know Christ and left some wanting to know more. We believe that God will continue the work started in these young and old hearts. Psalm 119:130 KJV. “The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple”.


When we got to Fort Hall, ID we found out that the next two VBS with the Kalispel and Spokane tribes in WA state had been canceled. The church that was going to be working with us locally were unable to work this year and unfortunately neither tribe was responding, leading us to believe that they were not interested in a VBS with their children. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 16:9 KJV. “For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries”. The Adversary does not want us to labor in these fields and there are times God shuts the door. We pray this is not the case. Does not Christ love these people? Is His arm to short to reach them? Is the Light of His Love grown too dim to shine in these dark places? Or is it that the churches of America have no burden for the lost? My mind goes to the pictures in the old days when a fire broke out on a building and the people would line up and pass a bucket single file, person to person, until the last person poured the water on the fire. That’s how it is when we partner with you, our supporting churches, and then those churches like, Hoopers Creek, and Grace Indian, and then connect with Missionary Copley, arm in arm until finally we drop the seed of God’s Word. And one, or two, or four people come to Christ. Praise the Lord for salvation that reaches to the uttermost!


As we rest a few days before heading to the west coast of WA and then all the way back to NM with the Navajo people, we are rejoicing in what our eyes have seen; people coming to Christ, tribes reaching other tribes, and, the Word of God being planted in new and old places. Pray for us that our strength and faith fail not. We have more miles to go before hitting Oklahoma again and we want to be faithful to Him and give our best for Him. We are thankful for your love and support and prayer for us and the Native people.


In Him, the Higginbothams,


Mrs. Shirley, Elena, and Daniell           (A printable PDF version is available here)


June 2024

“And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.”

Revelation 21:23

To Family, Friends, and Fellow Saints,

The older we get and the longer we serve the Lord, the more Heaven means to us. Maybe it has to do with us having more people over there than here. I was with a preacher the other day who turned 87. He was on his way to preach in the prisons. When asked why, he said something to the effect that he was looking to see old friends. A fellow preacher responded, “You’re 87; if you’re looking for friends, they’re more likely in the graveyard than the prison.” My old dad would often peruse the county cemeteries looking at headstones. When I asked why, he replied, “I know more people here than I do anyplace else.” Heaven is sweeter because of the certainty of a reunion.

Maybe Heaven means more because of the vexation of our spirits living in this wicked world. I know there’s nothing new under the sun. I know that history repeats itself and that the days of Noe and Lot have once again come upon us. And yet, the days of Noe and Lot run concurrent in our day. In addition, according to my humble interpretation of scripture, the devil knows he has a short time left and has redoubled, or trebled, or multiplied his energies at wreaking havoc. His mask of subtlety has slipped, and his hatred is manifest everywhere. Every means of media has been infiltrated and blares out with reckless abandon and obnoxious repetition the odious and outright abominable message of the age. If you make the effort to shut it out, you still have to endure the effects on those who take it in. Only in Heaven will we be once and for all freed from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, having passed out of the devil’s domain into the Kingdom of the dear Son of God. Heaven is sweeter because of its absolute purity, its wholesomeness, its goodness.

Maybe Heaven means more because of the pains we bear. There are physical pains: pains that come with age, pains that come with disease and illness, that the passing years exacerbate. There are pains that come with experiences, misfortune and misunderstanding, trials and tribulations. Sometimes the physical hurts are easier borne than the emotional. Regardless of their source or sustain, these burdens grow heavier with the years; or perhaps we grow weaker, too frail to endure long what we once bore patiently. We long to lay off these weights, soar homeward, and be at rest. Heaven is sweeter because all of the things that trouble and have troubled us will be gone forever.

Maybe Heaven means more because we long to worship. There might be some reading this that view worship as an abstract idea. You’ve read the word and even looked up its definition, but you’re unsure of its application. Some folks’ understanding of worship is cultural, i.e. what they do down South, or in a particular church, or at a particular meeting. Some people’s understanding of worship is based on their negative views of the “contemporary” church: “Well, if that’s worship, I don’t want any part of it!” (It isn’t; and you probably won’t.) And there are even some who’ve searched the scriptures and can give a chapter and verse definition of the term, straight from the KJV, who are as much out of practice or unwilling to participate as the modernists they condemn. But the lover of the Lord Jesus longs to lay at His feet and bask in His glory. Have you ever tasted and seen that the Lord is good? Have you ever once experienced His presence?

Have you ever forgotten your cares and lost track of your requests as streams of gratitude poured forth from your heart? Heaven will be worship. Hearts unbounded, free at last, unhindered by any carnal or worldly consideration, will break forth in unceasing praise of Him who loves us and washed us from our sins in His own blood. Songs will swell the vaulted corridors of the celestial city. Jeweled crowns of unimaginable splendor and inestimable worth will sail across the throne room and clang at the feet of Jesus without a second thought given. Creatures hitherto unknown and unguessed and unfathomable will chant His praises in perfect harmony with the saints. Heaven is sweeter because we’ll finally get to worship the way the soul intends, and the flesh can no longer hinder.

I guess the list could go on and on, couldn’t it? In the end, Heaven is what it is because of Him. Sam Richards, the old, white-haired Sunday school teacher, would say, “He’s the highlights of Heaven.” In fact, everything there is a reflection of Him. Paul, while referencing Moses and the tabernacle, said, “He who hath builded the house hath more honour than the house.” And just as everything in the tabernacle pointed to Christ, so everything in the New Jerusalem points to Him. The street, the foundations, the walls, the gates, the river and trees – He’s in all, over all, above all – Lord of all! Not to sound masonic, but He’s the architect, and everything reflects His genius. Everything reverberates with His praise. Everything echoes His goodness.
“And when I see Him face to face…”, that’s Heaven. “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face.”
In the meantime, we endure as seeing Him who is invisible; and we walk by faith until we walk in sight.

Gracious that’s not half bad, even if the worst missionary you know did write it. Until we see Him, we’re carrying on doing what we can for all we can. We’ve only got a few more weeks left in the country, then we’re headed back to Bulgaria. We fly out of Dulles on the 23rd of July. The good Lord has provided us another apartment in Shumen, only a few blocks away from the one we had to leave. We’re excited about taking up residence in it.
The boys will be attending a couple of youth camps in July, before our return. Keep them in your prayers. There’s lots to do and get done before our exodus. Pray we can get it all accomplished.

Bro. Zach wrote in his prayer letter about the Turkish Bible. The proofreading is finally done. They want to get it recorded, like Scourby, and put the recordings on the radio in Turkey and on YouTube. To get the whole Bible professionally recorded will cost a big chunk of money, $25,000. A number’s a number to God. What seems big to us is nothing to Him. Help us pray.

Because of a living Savior,

The William LeFevre Family  
            (A printable PDF version is available here)




April 2024


“My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come … Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.” Song of Solomon 2:9-13


To Family, Friends, and Fellow Saints,


Winter is that season of the year when, due to the earth’s tilt on its axis, a hemisphere is farthest from the sun. As such it is defined by coldness, being farthest from the source of its warmth, and by darkness, as the hours of daylight are brief. Without heat and light, growth ceases; plants wither and die. The landscape appears barren and lifeless. Creation is held in suspended animation until in the process of time the planet in its orbit draws nearer to its center once again. Our God in His wisdom ordained the earth’s circuit, and by its placement in the heavens created the seasons we sometimes enjoy and sometimes lament.


You can draw many parallels to life from the circuit of the earth. And yet our text points to a contrast. When the Shulamite’s Savior appears, calling her to come away with Him, winter is past. Not that winter has passed, as time passes, but is past, as in gone or done away with.


I’m fully aware that when the Lord Jesus appears to summon us to Himself, and we go to forever be with our Redeemer, winter will never come again. The long nights will be over, and we’ll bask forever in the unceasing rays of the Sun of righteousness. Not a single cloud will pass between us again.


But I know this as well, that when He comes by His Spirit, through His word, now, in this life, regardless of every contrary consideration – winter is past, as if it never occurred. In the presence of Jesus, the dreary, gray clouds –pouring rain and portending more – vanish, revealing the brilliance of the azure sky. At the sound of His footstep, flowers spring forth, bud, and blossom brightly, exhibiting their most vivid hue. The melody of the song birds fills the air heralding His arrival, every note audible sweetness. The glory of creation flows from Him, reflects Him, and adores Him.


And yet for all that, it’s to me He comes. My beloved has eyes and ears only for me. How can winter linger when love burns so vehemently? And who could recall the winter in the wonders of such a spring?


That’s a big, fat, flowery way of saying God sure is good, and there’s nothing better than being saved! I hope these few scattered thoughts find you faring well and weathering the storm.


We haven’t quite been everywhere since the last prayer letter; it just seems that way. We’ve put some miles behind us, nevertheless. It’s been good getting to places and churches new to us, and equally as good revisiting friends and familiar people and places along the way. It’s refreshing to meet pastors, who are well aware of the times we’re living in and see the storm clouds approaching and yet are still eager to do more – in defiance of the devil and the age. Praise God. We’ve had a number of churches, new to us, take us on for support. I’m always humbled by it, as I wouldn’t support me. I sure am glad they’re trusting the Lord though.


We’ve enjoyed missions conferences, revival services, youth meetings, and just good, old-fashioned church. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate Christians meeting with no other agenda than to pray and sing praises and hear the word of God preached. That’s what refreshes the saints. All the programs and extracurricular activities might occupy time and prevent a foray into worldliness, but nothing builds up the child of God like Jesus-centered, Bible-founded worship. That’s our heart and soul. That’s what we want for our family, for your family, for the mission field.


I hear from our fellow missionaries overseas that the building in Avren is nearing completion. That’ll be a blessing. I’ve also heard the Turkish Old Testament is nearly finished being proofed. The believers continue to meet monthly in Dabravino for the big Turkish meetings. The pastors are also continuing their monthly fellowship services. Please pray for them. Pray for the children of the pastors. Pray God would touch their homes and help their families.


Keep us in your prayers. Time is running out on our furlough. Pray what time we have left, the Lord would use us to be a blessing.


The Lord bless y’all and keep you in His love, praying in the Holy Ghost, and looking for His daily mercies and His soon glorious appearing.


Because of a living Savior,


The William LeFevre Family            (A printable PDF version is available here)



June 2024


Dear Brothers Sisters in Christ,

We hope this finds you all enjoying the blessings of our Lord and Savior. This month marks one year since our ministry drastically changed with the departure of some of our workers. It happened quickly and we were forced to make decisions we otherwise wouldn’t have considered. We ended up moving to our church in Calarasi and within a couple of months we fixed up two rooms for my family and I to live in. This ended up being the best decision for our ministry.

We’ve seen the Lord bless our church, sending in people who would never have come if we weren’t there. Our family has found so much joy and contentment here and we feel the Lord is blessing our efforts. It encourages and refreshes us when we see the Lord working in these people’s lives and seeing new believers born again into the family of God.

One lady who recently started coming to our morning prayer meetings is named Ati. She’s a lady to whom our workers owed a large amount of money. I reimbursed her the money and asked her to come to our services and she promised she would. She started coming shortly thereafter and we saw the Lord begin to work in her heart. One week Jacob had a meeting at his church in Pecineagra and I took some of our believers from Calarasi to the service and Ati came with us. We had a powerful service where the Lord blessed in a mighty way. The people were crying and shouting and praising the Lord for all His goodness. On the way home, Ati said she felt the Lord so strong in the service she started crying and wanted to shout. Please help us pray that the Lord saves her. She has a lot of influence in this village and her testimony could reach a lot of people who are Muslims and want nothing to do with us.

As the weather has warmed up, we’ve begun having our morning prayer meetings outside again and just as the Lord continues to bless the devil continues to fight. Last week during one of our services, as we were singing, someone outside the gate began throwing rocks over the fence at us. One rock almost hit Teresa in the head while other rocks hit Brother Marchel. He and I ran out the gate to try and catch whoever it was, but they were gone. Brother Marchel decided he’d sit outside the gate in the middle of the road to guard us as we continued the service. Before this happened, I wanted to put up a shed roof over the area where we meet outside to shade us from the sun, but I’ve been so busy, I haven’t had time to add the roof yet. After this happened, I knew I could wait no longer and had to get it done. Last year, some gave money for our bell tower and the shed roof and this week we’ve finally been able to pour cement and add the shed roof. We now have a very nice place for our people to come and worship, shaded from the sun, rain and protected from any future rocks being thrown at us.

We appreciate all of you, your prayers, and your support for our ministry, and we pray for each of you, that as the days grow darker and the evil waxes worse and worse, that your light for the Lord will shine brighter, and your hearts will be more and more encouraged as we see the day approaching. Please continue to pray for our other seven meetings and our daily travels back and forth. May God richly bless you, is our prayer.

From Calarasi, Romania
Nathan, Teresa and Nate Reed     A printable PDF version is available here




June 2024

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I hope this letter finds you well and in His nurturing grace. I’m thankful for how God is working in the meetings this summer. It’s become very hot these past few weeks with the temperatures reaching into the high nineties. The heat can be very oppressive, but it doesn’t stop our believers from coming to our services and we are thankful for that.

On Sundays, I am in three meetings. We meet at the Children’s Home for our English service, then afterwards my dad and I, with some Turkish believers, go to two other meetings in the village about an hour from where I live in Constanta. At the first meeting in the village there is a man whose house we meet at that gathers up all the children in his area for the service. His name is Cerkez and he’s a blessing to us all. One day when we arrived, I said to him, “It sure is hot today.” He replied, “Well it’s hotter in hell, thank God we aren’t there and thank God for this beautiful weather.” Talk about putting things into perspective, this humbled me to my very soul. I’ve found that it’s easy to complain when we should simply give thanks every day for how good God has been to us. The children have learned the hymns and sing passionately and some of their parents have begun to come to the services.

In my last prayer letter, I spoke of a man who comes faithfully to our meeting in the village of Medgidia. His name is Yildiz and he’s handicapped in both of his feet and walks with a cane. He also cannot speak clearly but we have learned to understand his speech. Last week, without anyone telling him to, he started sweeping outside the church. He simply wanted to help clean up even though he had to use a cane. Both of his feet were burned as a child, and he also damaged his tongue and vocal cords so badly that it’s hard to understand what he says. But after a few years we’ve learned to understand him and I’ve learned it isn’t the great or the learned, it’s the humble that get blessed. Let that be a lesson to all of us.
“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;” 1 Corinthians 1:27

With the help of several churches, I have been able to build a church in the town of Pecineaga, where my wife’s parents live, and the Lord has blessed tremendously. Every Thursday, we have people from different areas around the village, along with my dad bringing believers from Calarasi, to meet for a service and a meal afterwards. My wife and I have many nieces and nephews who attend these meetings, and we are praying for their salvation as well as others who are now coming. Even though we have adversaries who live across the street from us, who don’t like that we have a church, we are still excited to see what the Lord has in store for us. Please help us pray the Lord will touch their hearts and they too will come to our church services and be saved. Thank you all once again for all you do.

From Constanta, Romania 
    A printable PDF version is available here


Jacob Reed and Family




April – May 2024


Dear Praying Friends and Family,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The months of April and May were busy with meetings in OH, KY, IN, MI, and NC. During my last visit 
to Ukraine, I saw that the Ukrainian language is replacing Russian in regions that previously only communicated in Russian. I decided that it is time to begin language study once again, this time in Ukrainian. My family and I are taking lessons twice a week via Zoom from my long-time friend Oleg, aka “Captain Translator.” The month of May was also eventful for Naomi and I as we celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary.

During my last visit to Ukraine, I was able to gather some vital information ahead of our return to the field. It will be unavoidable for us to return to our home because of our residency permits. We are, of course, trying to understand if it is safe to do so. “The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD (Prov. 21:31).” I spoke with several men “in the know” who explained the situation in Transnistria, a country where a Russian army is located and whose border is only a ten-minute drive from my house. I now feel much better about returning. However, the situation in Ukraine makes day to day life very difficult. We recently received the official schedule from the electric company in our town. We will have only five hours of electricity in a twenty-four-hour period, divvied up an hour or two at a time. In addition, there are water shortages. I will have to make at least one more trip to prepare our home before the arrival of my family. It would be almost senseless to return to a house with no water, no power, and no heat during winter! Solar panels for power and a deep well for water would be ideal and keep us independent of the utility system which was bad even before the war.

After discussing future plans with Alexei we decided to submit our paperwork for visas after Michael turns sixteen in July. Ukraine places young people in a category all their own between the ages of 16 and 18. To avoid a lot of extra problems and paperwork, which would require us to exit the country, we decided that this is the safest option. We’ve also discussed the nature of the ministry for the time being. We plan to continue to take the Gospel and aid to Eastern regions of Ukraine into the formerly occupied territories. They are humbled, hungry, and listening now.

Possible New Recruits! Even during wartime there are still young people praying about going to the mission field! My son, Samuel, and his wife, Susanna, are praying about coming over to help us in Ukraine. He wants to accompany me on my next trip while praying about the Lord’s will for their lives after he graduates Bible Institute. What a blessing! Not to mention my daughter, Miriam, is committed to returning with us as well. She is a certified bookkeeper and is working hard to get her online business to the point that she can be self-supporting on the field. I praise God for the blessing of having a family that is now producing second generation missionaries that grew up on the field!

Please pray for the men in our church who are carrying a heavy burden during wartime. Pastor Alexei is doing a fine job overseeing the church. He is under a lot of pressure from many sides and needs prayer. On the one hand there are constant threats of missile strikes in Odessa. On the other stands the sobering possibility that he, or the other needed helpers in the church, could be conscripted. They also get constant updates from church members and their families who are fighting now and say that Kharkiv is very hot and that they may be going soon. In addition to these pressures, the changes that are fast coming to Ukraine from the West are very discouraging. The Parliament of Ukraine has already presented a bill that would take the first steps to the legalization of gay marriage. What a disgrace! The men are between a rock and a hard place. If Russia wins the war, then our liberty to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ will almost disappear. If Ukraine wins, then the new form of “Western Civilization” (the Hollywood kind) which has replaced the old will come in and make Ukraine a new colony of the USA and Europe. These new “western values” and immigration will change Ukraine forever. Time is short. Even so, Come Lord Jesus.

On a positive note, I spoke with one of our church members who is serving in the Ukrainian army. He emphatically wanted me to know one thing. He said, “Pastor, I just want you to know that I give to missions as much as I can.” He gives to the Lord’s work from his small soldier’s salary. He listed the several national pastors and missionaries we’ve supported over the years. I thought of the past trials and temptations we encountered while discipling him and his mother. I was reminded that it is all worth it! It is the “fruit” that the Lord described which does indeed “remain” (see John 15:16).

Another blessing from our last trip was seeing the hand of God at work in those that were recently saved during our first trip. I was concerned about these new believers and felt an obligation to help them grow (Matthew 7:6).

We met a man named Sergei during our last trip, who said that he relocated to the area to help disciple the new converts that we led to Christ last year. I saw the fruit firsthand when we arrived in a town where we had previously preached. There were two women in particular who recently received Christ and who sang a special hymn for me during my first visit. They were happy to see that I returned to visit them again and then they asked, “Did you bring our pastor with you?” I did not know that they had one so quickly, then it was explained to me that their new pastor was the same Sergei with whom we had been working! What a blessing to see the Lord provide men where they are needed.

A Ukrainian pastor in eastern Ukraine was present when I preached the Gospel to a town north of Mykolaiv. He has invited me to return to preach a weeklong revival in his church in Nova Odesa. Please pray for these meetings.

We need prayer! A lot of prayer! Please continue to pray for the following requests: 1) the Lord’s continued guidance and protection on our next trip to Ukraine; 2) God’s provision for plane tickets, solar panels, and deep water well; 3) our paperwork; 4) God’s will for Samuel and Susanna; 5) God’s comfort, wisdom, safety, and strength for our men in Ukraine; 6) the growth of those recently saved; 7) our study of the Ukrainian language; and 8) our upcoming meetings.


My family and I would like to thank you all for your friendship, fellowship, prayers, and support of us in this work that God has given us. May the Lord Jesus bless you as you continue to serve Him.

That Ukraine May Know Him,
Christopher Rue    A printable PDF version is available here



The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. Psalm 68:11

June 2024

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

We trust this letter finds you continuing steadfast in the faith and looking for the coming of our Lord. Our heavenly father has been good to us in answering our prayers. In Avren the work on the church buildings continues.

This past Sunday we were able to hold services there in the upper room. Below there is a room for the Turkish church to meet; there will also be a kitchen and bathrooms. It's been about two years ago that we first began to pray for the funds to do this work. Now, the work is almost complete.

The Turkish Bible translation work is nearly complete. This was a work started by missionary Ralph Cheatwood back in 1980. He spent over thirty years of his life working on this so that the Turkish people might have a reliable translation of the scriptures. For several years now the preachers in Bulgaria and Romania have been using his New Testament translation. We have produced these paperback New Testaments here in Bulgaria. Back during the Covid epidemic we began to pray about making an audio recording of the Bible so that those believers who never learned to read could at least listen to the word of God. The Lord has answered this prayer in part. The New Testament has been professionally recorded and is now available for listening on a website, also it can be heard on the internet radio in Turkey. The internet radio station plays the Bible being read eighteen hours a day. As soon as possible we would like to begin recording the Old Testament as well. This project will cost around twenty-five thousand dollars. We will need half of this by August in order to begin. Those of you who know the Lord, ask him to send it to us.

Thank you all for your continued prayer and financial support.

In Christ, Zachary LeFevre    A printable PDF version is available here



March - April 2024


" of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon." Nehemiah 4:17


Dear Pastors, Churches and Fellow Servants.


Greetings from the believers in the Lord Jesus Christ that are with us.  We have been extremely busy while renovating a Church building in Avrin, Bulgaria. From the demolition of the old structure to rebuilding the new one, it has taken a considerable amount of labor and strength. With God being in the center of it all it has been a blessing and a joy. Sometimes after we were finished with construction for the day we would go and hold our weekly meeting in Ynak. We literally had a trowel in one hand and a few minutes later we had a Bible, "the sword of the spirit", in the other.


I can't express the gratitude we have for all the help and prayers that many of you have had a part in with this project. We could not have done it without you all. May all the praise be to God who has made this happen. May this building always be to his glory and honor.


God has been good to us in letting us see him work amongst us.


All because of Calvary,

                                                (A printable PDF version is available here)

Matthew and Jane Welch



Dear Churches, Pastors, and Friends, March-April 2024

Greetings to All!

Thanks to all of you who prayed for me during my recovery from surgery. I am doing great! Three trips were planned during this time: two to Cuba and one to the Amazon. They were well covered while I was recuperating. The trip to the Amazon was a first-time training session. About 200 people attended, and it was very productive. One humorous story, there is not any beef or pork available, there are no roads into that jungle area; and fish is the main staple food source. After two days the American pastors asked for hot sauce. Hot sauce is not normal for this area, but a sister went to her house and brought back a bottle. After enjoying the sauce for a couple of days, the pastors asked how she made it. She showed them the bottle and it was full of "fire ants" and also had a tarantula inside! Oh well, you have to ask what kind of food you are eating and even then, sometimes you do not know!

In April I made a trip to Cuba with a group. I was sick the whole week, but we were able to go to all of the services while some of our team did the preaching. Economically things are a lot worse - as if they weren't already having enough problems! Cuba's main export is sugar cane and now "they" have decided that the farmers will not be permitted to grow sugar cane!!! It just doesn't make sense!! Cubans now only have 4-6 hours of power a day and thousands have fled the island. It has been speculated that a million people may have fled over the last year!

For 23 years we have supported these preachers and their families. This allows them to live and work in their ministry. Pray for them as they struggle to survive. They remain encouraged and believe the Lord will supply their needs. We were able to buy several bicycles and Bibles on the last trip. Also, through the help of several churches, we were able to provide funds for several church buildings.

Please continue to pray for my wife. She is struggling with taking a preventative cancer medicine due to its many bad side effects.

Joyfully Yours,

Farren Caeble 1 Sam 12:24    A printable PDF version is available here




May 2024

And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become

the head of the corner: This was the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? Mark 12:10, 11


I pray that this letter finds each of you doing well. We are doing fine here in Bulgaria and are enjoying the beautiful spring weather. It has been borderline summer-like at times, with brief moments of really cool weather, but altogether very nice.

We’ve had a few busy months since my last letter, and I’ll do my best to fill you in with the details. The village meetings are going well. We enjoy the well-attended monthly meetings in Dabravino as well as the monthly meetings with our pastors and faithful men, young and old. These meetings have been a blessing to encourage and strengthen us all. We have also seen tremendous progress in the construction project in the village of Avren.

This is very exciting for all of us, and we are encouraged by how it has progressed. I can’t say enough about the appreciation I have for Brother Matt Welch and his work on this project. It is his expertise and patience with folks like me who have little construction knowledge that’s getting things done. God bless you Brother Matt!

The Lord has greatly provided and we are very thankful for everyone who has contributed. It will cost about $10,000 to finish the building and we fully believe that God will provide.

Upon completion, we will have a building which will have two large rooms for two separate church services, one English the other Turkish. It will have a kitchen with a bathroom and a room for storage. This building will adjoin our current building where we have church services, the printing room, and a large room reserved for Coats for Kids storage. When it is completed, we will be able to have many large meetings here and weekly English and Turkish services. It will be a beacon of light on the hill in the village of Avren. Please make it a matter of prayer about what you may do to help with this important project.

Our family is doing well, and we have several things to share. Our son Zack and his wife Haylie are expecting their second baby in September. We are excited about this and look forward to this new little one. Please remember them in prayer. Kylie is doing really well in school, and we are excited to see what God has in store for her. She just completed a course in phlebotomy and will be practicing that while she pursues a degree in nursing. Pray for her, as she’ll be moving to Blairsville, Georgia to live with Zackary while going to school there. They are all excited about this move. Also, Zack and Haylie along with McKynlee and Kylie will be visiting us in June. We are beyond excited about this. Please pray for them as they travel.

We’ve also had some trying times with the health of my brother-in-law Greg Garrison. In March he had a heart attack. He is alone in the states so, Tracy flew back to be with him. She was there for about a month until he stabilized, then she returned here. Within a couple weeks he fell and broke the femur bone in several places and now is waiting to go into rehab. Keep him in your prayers; he is having a very difficult time right now, physically, mentally and spiritually.

Brother Duane Moore with “Preachin’ Time Ministries” will be coming to visit for a couple of weeks in October, and we look forward to his time here. Please make his visit a matter of prayer, that it may be fruitful.

God bless you all,
Brother Keith Blalock  
    (A printable PDF version with pictures is available here)


Dear Praying Pastors, Brothers and Sisters, Ukrainian Crisis Letter Spring of 2024

Feb. 14th to April 10th was a very fruitful trip to Ukraine blessed with great opportunities to present the Gospel!

Ministering to Lakeside Baptist Church in Lemansky, Ukraine included making visits to lost loved ones of our Church members and visiting local lost families to sow the seed of the Gospel in their hearts. Slavic our national pastor teaches a class for our young preachers every Saturday evening. His Brother Michael also teaches a class on Homiletics (How to Preach) on Thursday evenings. I was able to take five of their classes and train them on practical evangelism including a few practical application lessons during one of which Sergey, a young alcoholic who has been coming to services decided to attend. It was great to show them all how to explain the Gospel to this young man and them to see the Gospel open his understanding and gloriously save his soul. Continue praying for the Church’s outreaches and the Growing Correspondence ministry which is printing and sending out thousands of tracts weekly.

Chernivtsi presented many great opportunities to present the Gospel in different Churches as well as special small groups organized specifically to help 100+ displaced Ukrainians both physically with a box of food, a good meal and spiritually with a clear Gospel Explanation. After the preaching, Lyudmila (60+) called upon the Lord for salvation.

On April 23rd I taught a three-part Seminar on Practical Evangelism to over 100 young adults and youth. They then practiced out on the streets in 10 busy areas of the city. While sowing the seed, they were encouraged to see three out of four people took the tracts gladly, many read them immediately while others willingly engaged in conversations.

Chernivtsi Oblast: Oksana and I worked together making many Evangelistic visits with three smaller village Churches.

Khmelnitsky Oblast: We worked with a local pastor making Evangelistic visits as we challenged two Churches too.

Praising the Lord for His direction for our ministry. Lord Willing in June we’ll return permanently to Ukraine and relocate to Chernivtsi, the city where most of our ministry opportunities and practical language learning will be centered.

Prayer Needs:
1) Learning to Speak and Preach in the Ukrainian Language with the training of a university teacher. *{We’ve preached in Russian for 30 years, BUT due to this WAR, most don’t want to hear the Aggressor’s language.}
2) Evangelistic visits: Many local pastors are very eager for us to make visits to sow the Gospel seed and minister to the many Displaced souls resettling here seeking refuge from the bombings and/or because they lost their homes.
3) Our Son DAVID who is laboring with Slavic, Oksana’s Brother to prepare for summer Evangelistic Camps in Odessa.
4) Brothers keep making outreaches to minister in Eastern towns devastated by Russian Assaults.

Printing Ministry: We have recently printed 120,000 Testimonial tracts, 20,000 Ukrainian and some Russian copies of “The Dying Drummer Boy” which is a booklet tract which is very effective in general witnessing, but especially great when witnessing to Jews and also printed over 10,000 full-page Tracts entitled “The True History of Passover” dealing with the real meaning of the Death and Resurrection of God’s perfect sacrificial Passover Lamb.

Refugee Help: We recently sent out four boxes of Gospel literature to Europe for use with Ukrainian Refugees: three boxes to two different Brothers in Ireland and one box to a Ukrainian Church in Portugal.

Furlough has been encouraging as His Spirit moved hearts. We Thank the Lord for three new supporting churches.

For the Souls of Ukraine, Richard, Oksana, Elisabeth and David Maher
We would love to Encourage your Church - Call me (513) 969-4229!
We sincerely Thank You all for faithfully praying, supporting and being genuinely concerned for our family and our safety as well as for Oksana’s family and especially for the souls of Ukraine during this unbelievably heart-breaking time.  
(A printable PDF version is available here)




February – March 2024

Dear Praying Friends and Family,

      Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  I pray these brief highlights of our most recent trip to Ukraine will be a blessing to you.  The Lord graciously provided for another missionary journey into Ukraine during the month of March.  I invited several men to go with me, but only one was able to make the trip.  Brother Matthew Wallace from Friendship Baptist Church accompanied me and was a needed extra pair of hands.  We traveled through Moldova relying on Brother Hamilton’s men and Brother McCurdy to help us with logistics.  I was detained at the airport for a while after they scanned my suitcases.  I packed 2,000 Chick Tracts which the customs agents insisted were contraband.  I was being accused of being a “contrabandist” and was threatened with all kinds of stuff.  I stayed calm and told them to explain to me in detail, step by step, what they were going to do.  They called the top supervisor who looked in my suitcase and saw the US Army toiletry bag I bought in Germany over 30 years ago and thought that I was military.  He immediately lost interest and let me go!

      Upon our arrival in Ukraine we spent two days in Odesa dealing with logistical matters for the refugee work and transportation.  The Lord graciously provided half the funds needed for a vehicle enabling me to secure one for the future.  There was some concern about going into the city of Odesa because of the news we received a few days before our departure.  Russia, for the first time since the start of the war, did a “double tap” missile strike killing over twenty people in Odesa.  Thankfully things were quiet while we were in the city.

      We spent the next two days with the church in Rozdilna.  First, in a men’s meeting where we enjoyed fellowship while grilling “shashlik” over an open fire.  Two of our men serving in Ukraine’s armed forces were able to get a few days off and visited with us.  I gave the men what the Lord gave me from the Scriptures, telling them how the Lord has been leading, giving light to take one step at a time, into His will.  They were very encouraged to hear of the Lord’s guidance for us for the future.  The Sunday church services were a great time of reunion and fellowship with dinner on the church grounds and several preachers preaching.

      There were nearly two months of logistical and administrative preparation before our trip.  We had 1,200 prepared care packages, over 5,000 packages of rice with dehydrated meat and veggies, 800 loaves of freshly baked bread, and many cases of literature.  We spent three days in the Mykolaiv region just north of Kherson, about 15 miles from Russian occupied territory.  We found out from the people who survived the occupation, where the worst hit towns were located.  We visited seven towns in three days having only a 2008 Volkswagen passenger van to move over eight tons of food and literature.  We worked with the local authorities asking them to gather people in advance to save time.  In every town, the local authorities were women.  Their men had either been killed or were fighting to protect their homeland.

      Our first town was Malozhenivka and was not easy to get to.  We had to travel through many miles of dirt roads around farm fields.  Thankfully, the Lord held off the promised rain for that day. 

      I doubt we could have returned home over those roads with our van had it rained.  Around sixty to seventy people were waiting for us, fifty of which gathered in close to hear the preaching.  Since I only speak Russian, and not knowing if this would offend them, we had Brother Sasha open things up in the Ukrainian language, then he would turn it over to me.  After preaching the Gospel, seven people responded to the invitation and I took them off separately to deal with them.  They all bowed their heads asking the Lord to save them!

      Travel time and logistics only allowed for one meeting that day.  It rained the next day.  We drove to Liublyne, which was previously occupied by the Russians who pillaged and killed all their livestock.  We hung a tarp over a grape arbor for protection from the rain and a small group gathered.  We followed the same format preaching the Gospel and seven more people responded to the invitation.  I dealt with them separately and they too called on the name of the Lord for salvation! After visiting with these dear people, we piled into our van to go to the next town but it broke down.  We tried several things to no avail.  Then I said, “Let’s pray!” Duh! We should have done that first! After finishing with an “Amen,’ we lifted our heads and saw a car coming down the dirt road with a trailer! Before I could even consider what was going on, Sasha had already decided that that car was God’s answer to our prayer and was out the door running down the street to catch it.  The driver agreed to help us and, thankfully, we were back in business!

      After these delays we arrived in the larger town of Novopetrivka.  We met with the local magistrate who politely asked if we could speak in Ukrainian.  I apologized saying that I only spoke Russian which was not a big deal to her.  She humbly replied, “It has cost us something to speak our language.” Then we learned how the Russians captured her husband along with around twenty other men in their town.  They were tortured to death.  Somewhere around 300 people showed up in the bullet-ridden meeting place.  Around 50 people responded to the invitation! How many were saved? I can’t say.  All I know is that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was preached, and a clear invitation was given.  Then I dealt with them as a group separately asking whosoever will to pray to receive Christ as their Savior.  Dealing with that many people, at one time, was a first for me.

      Thankfully, we were able to commission two more cars with trailers who helped us transport the literature and aid to Partyzans’ke, Afanasiivka, and Yurivka.  In each town the Lord gave us souls for our labor, with around 15 responding to the invitations.  We preached in the dark in Yurivka while the war thundered on the horizon lighting up the night sky.  We went back to Yurivka again the next morning and preached to a larger crowd before finishing up in Blahodatne.  The destruction there is indescribable.  The war raged in their town for eight months.  Almost every house is destroyed, making it hard to believe that people still live there.  We preached to a small crowd of about thirty people with five responding to the Gospel message.  The local magistrate gave us some tea after the meeting.  While visiting with them, an elderly couple told how their home was destroyed and the magistrate allowed them to sleep in her bed while the magistrate and her husband slept on the floor.  She said that they are farmers and that the fields have to be plowed and planted.  I asked if the authorities cleared their fields of land mines.  She said, “No.  We did it ourselves by hand.”

      I will write more in our next letter.  We look forward to our next trip, while making preparations to return with our family for another term.  Please pray for the Lord’s provisions and guidance as we prepare to go.  We want to thank each one of you for your concern for our safety and prayerful support of our ministry.  Please continue to pray that this war will quickly come to an end.  Better yet, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”


That Ukraine May Know Him,

Christopher Rue

Philippians 3:10     (A printable PDF version is available here)



Halito! Hello! Spring 2024

Spring is here and we are thanking God for seeing us through the winter months. I say “seeing us through” because we’ve had quite a bit of sickness this winter and early spring, but are finally on the rebound. We are now preparing for the months ahead and the road before us.

Imagine how it would be living in the USA in 2024 and the Bible you are holding is printed in French. You couldn’t read it. It wouldn’t have passages marked by your father or grandfather unless they were of French heritage. Many Americans have an English Bible that’s been handed down and it’s marked with precious notes from a relative or mentor in the faith. For most of us reading this newsletter, the ability to read the Word of God has changed our lives. In April, we were able to attend the Native American Camp Meeting in Great Bend, Kansas. It’s a meeting for Native missionaries, or missionaries working with Natives, to come and share their work and burden.

One of the blessings that has been coming to fruition in the last couple of years is the ability to get the Bible, or parts of the Bible, printed/reprinted in several tribal languages. Most tribes have NO BIBLE in their language. This is most likely because the government sent the children to boarding schools and wanted them to assimilate English. God gave a language to each tribe and they are now realizing what has been taken from them. These Bibles are being printed as parallel Bibles, for instance, Ojibwe and English, side by side. They can be used by the tribe to teach the language. The missionaries that labored in the 1800s translating and printing Bibles for the five civilized tribes, (Choctaw, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Seminole, and Creek) gave the tribes a great light! These five are considered the most Christian of the 574 federally recognized tribes in the US. When we first went to the Choctaw reservation in Mississippi years ago, I remember seeing the grandmothers bringing their Choctaw Bibles to church and reading from them. These copies didn’t even contain the entire 66 books! How different the reservations would be if this light had been available all across North America. We’ve given thousands of ENGLISH John and Romans, but giving a Native American a parallel John and Romans, in their language, is received more quickly.

Maybe the time has come for this light to shine to more than the five civilized tribes. Please pray for those involved in the translating and printing. This is an expensive endeavor. For some people or churches in America there is no shortage of money, but unfortunately there is a shortage of time. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Psalm 119:105)

We have meetings coming up in May and then start the summer work. We look forward to seeing you as we go to your area of the country. We just realized we have been in our field of service for 40 years!! Wow! Thank you Lord, for Your Grace and love that has enabled us to sew the seed of the Gospel for 40 years.

Thank you, co-laborers, for your love, prayer, and support these many years.

In HIM, The Higginbothams, Mrs. Shirley, Elena, and Daniel  
         (A printable PDF version is available here)


January - February 2024

“And some days after Paul said unto Barnabas, Let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord, and see how they do.”  Acts 15:36

Dear Pastors, Churches and Fellow Servants,

We send greetings from all the saints that are with us.

Paul and Barnabas had a desire to go again and visit their brethren where they had preached the word of the Lord and see how they do. The Bible says “As newborn babies desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby” 1 Peter 2:2

While in Bulgaria, we follow a schedule for visiting the churches. The apostles went out two by two, Paul with Barnabas and then with Silas. I myself go with national pastor Demir. Paul's program did not change; they prayed, they sang praises to God and spake the word of the Lord. Acts 16:25,32

It's a real privilege to visit the churches and see how they are doing. In Acts16:4 “…they delivered the decrees for to keep…” Acts 15:28-31, and through the preaching of God's word “…so were the churches established in the faith, and increased in number daily.” Acts 16:5

It's a real joy to visit the churches every week that are in: Sadovo, Venilin, Kamindell, Dolgapol, Kamarvo, Bliskovo, Gradenarovo, Provadia, Markov and Snezna. While there we sing praises to God, pray and preach God's word. We are thankful for these people, and pray for them, Philippians 1:3,4, while enjoying our fellowship in the gospel from the beginning to now. To see God working in them and us makes us long to see each other every week. “For God is my record, how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:8 Through this we are encouraged to stay on the battlefield by God's grace.

All because of Calvary,
Matthew and Jane Welch         (A printable PDF version is available here)




“O LORD, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years,

in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.” Habakkuk 3:2


Dear Brethren,           February 2024


Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I pray this letter finds you in His nurturing grace.


As we come into a new year I am wonderfully reminded of how good and loving and patient our God is and how he continues to strive with man in His creation. The meetings in Valen and Lespez are going well and continue to grow. When we first started these meetings, it was mostly children, but now in both meetings many adults and young people are starting to come. The Christmas packets were enjoyed more by these two villages because most of these children are so poor, they’ve never even celebrated their own birthdays, let alone Christmas. We’re very grateful for everyone who helped us make these children’s lives a little brighter because of our Savior’s birth.


Last week I was able to take two of my children to the meetings in Medgedia and Castelul. They got in the car after school and most of the car ride was quiet. Fifteen minutes before our first meeting Uriah asked me a question,” Dad, why do you get up and go to these meetings?” I remembered asking my father the same question when I was younger, and my response was the same. I told him, “Well son, I know where God is going to be today, and I don't want to miss Him.” He then asked me again,” Why would God meet with poor people?” I responded by telling him, “That is what he did 2,000 years ago when he walked this earth. His message hasn't changed and is still the same.” The verse comes to my mind “For he hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary; from heaven did the Lord behold the earth;” Psalms 102:19


For the past few months in the town of Pecineagra, the Lord, through the support from the churches and brethren in America, we have been able to build a building to have church and feed afterwards. We meet once a week and pray and in time we want to have morning prayer meetings there also. Many of my wife's family lives in the village and it is an opportunity to reach people who are further away from our weekly meetings. My own nephews and nieces are coming to know the love of Christ and I would be ashamed not to take this opportunity from the Lord. Please be much in prayer for this meeting and us.


I thank all the brothers and sisters in Christ who have contributed and prayed for the work here in Romania. We love you dearly and covet your prayers. “Finally brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.” 2 Corinthians 13:11


From Constanta, Romania,

Jacob Reed and Family     (A printable PDF version is available here) 




2 Corinthians 4:3-5 “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: [4] In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. [5] For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.


Dear Pastors, Churches, and Friends,      February 2024


Greetings from Romania and I pray this finds you enjoying the blessings of our Lord and using them to get the gospel of Jesus Christ to all you can in this new year.


What a wonderful Christmas we were able to have with the 450 packets this year. The excitement of the children was very uplifting and made all the hard work seem as nothing. With the containers from our mission board and the money we received; each kid was able to receive something very special. Thank you to all who helped us make this the best Christmas ever for all these poor kids and families.


We have so many wonderful people coming to the church. Every day I am amazed to learn of new and old things Christ is doing as He continues to build His church in these last days.


One man comes to mind and his name is Marchelle. He is a Romanian man who has been faithful to the church since his conversion. He only knows a little Turkish, but says he feels a real power in our church. He has had little education and has worked hard to take care of his large family. Before his conversion he was a bad alcoholic and would come to church and we would speak of many things over a bowl of soup and one day the subject of alcohol came up and I begin to explain to him how detrimental it is to one's body and one’s soul. He would listen and go off on his way and I would see him again drunk down at the open marketplace a few days later. One day he came to the church, and he had a strange burden for his son who had been placed in prison for theft. He was crying and I didn't hear the prayer, but I saw him trying to pray at the end of the service and when he rose from the prayer, I knew something had happened. I believe it was at this point that all the seeds we had sown began to take root and from that point on, he began to be more sober. I was able to baptize him that year and ever since he has been sober and is now one of the best prayer warriors in our church. I found out later he had wanted to go with God earlier in his life, but when he tried to bring his wife to church, his mother-in-law’s family had tied him up and beat him with a cable very badly, because they didn’t want their family members joining with repenters. Now he goes around the village with his bold voice singing the hymns of God and has been known to break out in testimony of his newfound strength in Christ. Please be much in prayer for him as he leads his family away for the world with the light of Christ.


Please continue to pray for us as we travel to the meetings weekly. We have morning prayer meetings and feeding here in Calarasi three days a week. In the villages we have two meetings on Saturday and three meetings on Sunday.


Thursday, we have meeting in Jacob’s village church. It takes me four hours round trip just in driving, but I try not to ever miss a meeting if possible. Gas is up to $7.50 to $8 for one gallon. Please keep all these places in your prayers. We love and appreciate all of you for all you do.

From Calarasi, Romania,

Nathan, Teresa, and Nate Reed   (A printable PDF version is available here)




November - December 2023


“...The good LORD pardon everyone that prepareth his heart to seek God,” 2 Chronicles 30:18 - 19


Dear Pastors, Churches, and Fellow Saints, we greet you all in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We give thanks for you all and are grateful for your love, prayers and support.


Yunak is just a little village, but the people are faithful and love to come to church. We meet in sister Zaharina's home and everyone has a testimony of God's faithfulness and care. We have an edifying time together when God meets with us. Lately Zaharina's step-son Nasko has been around when we have meetings. He is about 40 years old and is as rough as a cob. It will take nothing apart from a miracle for Nasko to get saved. And that’s what it took for us to get saved. We are reminded in the scriptures of when the disciples were told by the Lord that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. After hearing that they echoed most of our sentiments and said “…who then can be saved?” The more we look at lost men and women we often say only half of the verse which says "with men this is impossible". It’s easy to give up when we don't look to God. But thank God, when we look to God and his track record we read, "but with God all things are possible" Matthew 19:26. God is able to save anyone that will come to him and believe on His Son. I will admit after getting to know Nasko it seems impossible that he will turn to God. But when I look to God's word, he says “Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them." Hebrews 7:25 Then it's easy to believe. Jeremiah said it like this “Ah Lord GOD....there is nothing too hard for thee...” Jeremiah 32:17.


There are definitely two viewpoints: One "with men" and one "with God"


May God help us to see things his way because, “Where there is no vision the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18


All because of Calvary,

Matthew Welch and family        (A printable PDF version is available here)



Dear Pastors, Churches, and Friends,    December 2023 - January 2024


While writing this letter I am reminded of scripture found in Job 24:22 “He draweth also the mighty with his power: he riseth up, and no man is sure of life.” I do not want to be morbid, but in reality, all of us are graveyard travelers! That is why our time is to be used wisely in the short life that we have! On December 23rd I had an emergency surgery. About 10 years ago I had a non-cancerous “Turp” prostate surgery. The doctor told me that it might last 12-15 years. On December 21st, I began having serious problems and two days later I had the surgery. After two emergency room visits, I was taken to Frye General Hospital by ambulance and the doctor and his team performed another “Turp” procedure. I am doing well and have recuperated. I had three trips planned for the first of this year. We already had people scheduled to travel and they were able to make these trips successfully without me.


Two trips were made to a Hispanic country, the first in January and the second in February. Both trips were without incident and accomplished all that we had planned with these two groups while visiting and preaching. One of our American pastors preached a message on “just being faithful” and “sticking with it”. One of our national preachers was weeping after hearing the message at the church he pastors. He said, “I was really discouraged and wanted to give up. Thank you all for coming and for the message!” They had special prayer for him before leaving.


We also had a trip to the Amazon planned. It had been several years since I had been able to go into that area. The countries on the Amazon River where we travel and reach are the countries of Colombia, Peru, and Brazil. This trip we had planned to have an institute and teaching sessions emphasizing missions, soul winning and church expansion. Our group went on without me. They returned and had about 200 people attending. They had a great time and the time spent was very profitable. Pray for these people. These areas in the jungle where they minister are really difficult places, not only with transportation, (all on banana boats), but there is a lot of drug trafficking and crime in the area.


Thanks to all of you for prayers for us and the works in these countries!


Joyfully Yours,

Farren Caeble 1 Sam 12:24    A printable PDF version is available here



Dear Praying Friends and Family,      November 2023 – January 2024

    Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. New Years is a time when we stand in the present, while bidding farewell to the old and anticipating the new. It always reminds me of Revelation 1:19. This letter hopefully will provide a past, present, and future understanding about the ministry the Lord has so graciously committed to us for His glory.

    The past few months were spent catching up after my last trip into Ukraine, taking meetings in FL, WV, NY, OH, KY. We cherished the holidays where we were allowed to spend time with family. January was full with meetings, tax preparation, and prayerful deliberation about the Lord’s will for the future of our ministry.

    The two most common questions asked during furlough are, “When are you going back to the field?” and “Can you even get back to the field?” We have spent some time in prayerful consideration, taking counsel with our people in Ukraine, and monitoring the war. As such we are still committed to the ministry God has given us to finish. The two questions remaining are, “Where?” and “When?”

    After thirty plus years as a missionary in Ukraine, I’ve had enough experience to know both the opportunities and tolls of furlough. At the outset of this furlough, I wanted to accomplish as much as possible seeing that we won’t be given another opportunity for a long while. Our next term in Ukraine will require a lot of steadfastness and stability necessary for planting a new church. At the outset, I knew that this furlough was indeed going to be a very full one. After our last stint of seven years on the field, there was much to do: churches to update, new churches to visit to replace lost support, fundraising for certain projects, medical issues to tend to, and children to help get reacclimated in the homeland. Keep in mind that all of this was done during the Covid pandemic. Any one thing in the list could fill up a lot of the traditionally allotted one-year furlough. We did what we could but did not come close to finishing the things on the list. We planned to return to the field anyway and were excited to do so.

    Then the war broke out. We decided to continue with our unfinished furlough list while, simultaneously, raising funds for the refugee work. Going back to the field with no unfinished business was a very welcome thought. We also hoped and prayed the war would come to an end and we could just return to our home in Ukraine and pick up where we left off. This was our “Plan A” and would have been the best for many reasons. First, we have a fully set up home for my family waiting for us. Second, we have an established ministry giving us the ability to easily obtain religious visas necessary for missions work in that region of Ukraine. Thirdly, we have helpers there, consisting of those we led to Christ and trained ourselves, who are anxious to help us with our next phase of ministry. Lastly, all the time-consuming bureaucracy associated with life overseas (bank accounts, insurance, residency registration, background checks, tax identification papers, etc…) were already accomplished.

    Seeing we had unfinished business to tend to, it was wise to wait and see what the Lord would do with this war. I am taking the long view of the work in the Lord’s mission field. I did not want to have a knee jerk reaction and just start doing things to keep me busy for optical reasons. It is now, however, time for “Plan B.”
It looks like I will need to make at least two trips into Ukraine within the next couple months. The first, Lord willing, will be in March where I hope to accomplish a few things. The Lord graciously allowed me to win more souls in eastern Ukraine in two days than I have in a long time, and I want to go back for more! Another reason is that I need to move my family. It is still not clear what is to become of the Odessa region, so we have decided that it is time to begin making preparations to move to another location. We are not sure which, but we will either move to a safer city within Ukraine’s borders or to another city just outside its western border. We are praying the Lord will show us the place where we can minister to those displaced by the war and/or from which I can make trips into Ukraine, continuing the progress for our long-range plans. Lastly, I hope to be able to secure a vehicle for our use upon arrival if possible. It is too risky to be sitting in a potential war-zone with no transportation.

    My main prayer requests are for guidance, wisdom, preparation, and provision for our return. Please pray for the Lord to make it abundantly clear where He would have us minister. We are also praying for the Lord’s provision for our return. We need return tickets to the field. I purchased “Round Trip” tickets when we returned to the USA for furlough. Our original return tickets recently expired and the airline has exhausted our extensions due to Covid and the war. This was another expense that I was not expecting. Another pressing need is to set up a new residence for my family. There are two options from which to choose and I’m not yet sure which would be safest and cheapest: one, going and packing up our house and hiring a truck to move everything or, two, just downsizing and starting over. We will probably have to do a little of both but either way, we are going to need extra funds for the move. After talking to my men in Ukraine about future trips and ministry it is evident that I’m going to need a vehicle for independent travel within Ukraine, first and foremost. We sold our vehicle in Ukraine prior to returning to the US for furlough to help cover the expenses of relocating. There are a lot of details to consider but I’m sure the Lord will sort them all out in His time.

    We want to thank each one of you for your concern for our safety and prayerful support of our ministry. Please continue to pray that this war will quickly come to an end. Better yet, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”


That Ukraine May Know Him,

Christopher Rue

Philippians 3:10     (A printable PDF version is available here)



Dear Praying Pastors, Brothers and Sisters,              Ukrainian Crisis Letter            January 2024

Our Greatest Joy except our own Salvation is knowing that our Children know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. On that note we want to thank so many of you who Prayed for our son David, Halleluiah!  He got SAVED!!! Oksana had asked him to read and analyze a few Gospel Tracts (Chick tracts) which we were praying about giving to Feruza, our Muslim friend.  As he read them, He realized that he had not really called upon the Lord to Save him from his whole heart.  *We began to see the Lord changing our son and could hardly believe our eyes how caring and reciprocating he became as the Spirit of the Lord changed his heart and fruit began to grow instead of thorns and thistles!  Christ indwelling us through His Holy Spirit truly does transform the heart and change our desires.  (Our hearts rejoiced that he professed Christ openly to his best friend.  He is planning to get baptized at Lakeside Baptist Church in Lemansky, Ukraine this summer when the whole family will be there.  He is even passing his tithe to the Church through me on our current trip.)  Please Pray the Lord will show him His Perfect Will for his life!  Pray for him also as he goes to do volunteer work in Ukraine from April 8th - August 12th. {It is true that they cannot get away from Prayer!}

As I write this letter, Oksana is packing our suitcases for our trip to Ukraine from February 14th to April 10th.  Upon our arrival in Poland, we will be sending out a box of literature to Ireland to help a missionary reach the Ukrainian refugees in his area.  We will also be ministering in a Ukrainian Church in Poland on the 18th.  Then we head into Ukraine where a good portion of our trip we will be ministering to Lakeside Baptist Church in Lemansky.  Slavic our national pastor could really use some encouragement and help.  He is already planning for me to teach his class for our young preachers.  Pray for us as we will also be making many Evangelistic Visits among the displaced souls living in the Lemansky area.

**After Lemansky we will be making evangelistic visits in villages around both Chernovtsy and Khmelnitsky.

*** Evangelistic Crusade in the city of Dnipro from March 10th – 17th. A group of Brothers & Sisters will be going out with different Baptist churches in the Dnipro Region to make Evangelistic Visits presenting the Gospel of Christ!

[As you Pray for the souls of Ukraine, keep in mind that they are more open to listening and reading tracts than ever!]

Please lift us up in prayer as Oksana and I are making this trip.  Please pray that the Lord will: (1) keep us safe,
(2) use us for His glory and (3) use us to help many Ukrainians understand, repent and receive Christ for Salvation. (4) Also, Pray that He will show us where we are most needed - We are planning to move back permanently after we finish up our furlough this summer.

February 24th will mark two years since the war began and it keeps getting worse, please pray for the salvation of both Ukrainian souls as well as the Russians.

Pray for Dasha & Vitalick whom we met while passing out tracts in Miami, FL.  They are actually my in-laws’ neighbors who recently fled to America from Odessa, Ukraine because their children could (mentally) no longer stand hearing all the explosions.

For the Souls of Ukraine, Richard, Oksana, Elisabeth and David Maher

Also, Thank you for faithfully praying, supporting and being genuinely concerned for our family, Oksana’s family and especially for the souls of Ukraine during this unbelievably heart-breaking time.  (A printable PDF version is available here)


February 2024

“But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlity,
so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ” 2 Corinthians 11:3

This verse of scripture comes to mind as I see what is discussed and debated on social media these days. We now have a bigger platform and opportunity to voice an opinion or doctrinal stand than any other time in history. I feel that this opportunity is really far more than most of us need. Much is said argued and debated. My fear is for a lost and dying world, and many times a departure from the simplicity that is in the gospel.

I’ve been blessed many times in the past months of seeing this simplicity exemplified in the lives of the believers here. Tracy and I currently go to seven village meetings each week alongside Pastor Ahmet and his wife Gulzade. We see the gospel testimony in their lives and also in the lives of those in the churches in each village. Many of these faithful believers have limited education and some are even illiterate. The majority could not debate about Calvinism or Arminianism or many theological subjects, but they do know Jesus.

“…and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus” Acts 4:13. What a wonderful testimony to have and it is the witness that many have here in Bulgaria. The greatest witness a changed life and an ever-present Lord working and interceding in daily lives.

To see and hear the testimonies of God working in their lives is what spreads the gospel to others and truly makes a difference in the lives of others and the world that we live in.

In the village of Yankavo, we have the testimony of one who was sick literally unto death. He was placed in the morgue and left for dead. Our God revived him and raised him up to testify of the goodness and grace of God. This is what affects and gains the attention of unbelievers, the manifest presence of God in our lives, not the different stances we have on this issue or that. Do not get me wrong we need to stand for truth, but the greatest thing we can do is give the world Jesus and a changed life. I will get off my soapbox for now, but I am so thankful that I can be around the simplicity of Christ preached and believers who have been with Jesus.

We are doing well here in Bulgaria. The winter has been a little snowier and colder this year, but we have enjoyed the snow days yet missing having the children with us as those days come. We enjoyed Christmas together in our empty nest, and thank God for the technology we have to be able to talk to and see the faces of all those we love.

I want to take this opportunity to thank each one who sent cards and gifts for Christmas. The extra support which was sent as Christmas gifts is always a blessing and we are very thankful for each and every gift given. We welcomed the new year very thankful for what God has done in our lives. He has worked in ways personally that we really never imagined possible and for that we give him glory.

The yearly flour and oil distribution is in progress. Please pray that all goes smoothly and that many will be blessed because of this. God has always been faithful in this endeavor and for this we are thankful. We also have the construction project in Avren where we will be able to have a larger meeting area for church, a kitchen and housing for visiting preachers. We see this as a place for us to be blessed and to be a blessing.

Pray also for our vehicle situation, we still have our van, but while we were on furlough insurance was purchased for the van. To make a long story short, whether deliberately or by accident, it was never entered into their system, so in the eyes of the police we had no insurance. Because of this the plates were removed from our van and we cannot get new ones until June of this year. Our hands are tied and there is nothing we can do but wait. We thought of trying to purchase a small car in the time being, but thankfully Brother William Lefevre is allowing us to use his van while on furlough. God provides!

Continue to pray for Kylie as she attends school in the states. She is doing well and made the President’s list her first semester. We are so proud of her. Pray also for our other children and grandchildren. God has been so good to us.

God bless you all and thank you for your prayers and faithful support,

Brother Keith Blalock      (A printable PDF version with pictures is available here)



Dear Churches and Praying Friends,                                                      January 2024

Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of
faith unfeigned: From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling; Desiring to
be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.  1 Timothy 1:5-7

I thank God that I have found the end of the commandment: charity.  While others may rant and rave about the law and commandments, I continue walking down the old road of preaching the gospel and loving sinners.  We are seeing souls saved and lives changed, new converts baptized; young believers sing the hymns every chance they get, and love to hear the Bible preached.  The Lord keeps supplying the needs and adds blessing upon blessing: love, joy, peace, answered prayer, fellowship, new doors of opportunity opening, sinners coming to church and hearing the gospel, and then, more joy.  James tells us that "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." James 1:27  A great part of the work in Bulgaria is ministering to the widows and fatherless - people who suffer in poverty.  Sometimes their situations are heartbreaking.  But, praise the Lord, the poor have the gospel preached unto them!  Christ came to the poor and needy, to sinners.  If the son of God came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, should not we minister to the same people?  Most Americans miss one of the greatest blessings of heaven: that its citizens will hunger no more, nor suffer from heat or cold.  The poor saints appreciate it.  Our ministry is not to provide heaven on earth by providing their necessities, but to give them the invitation to the great marriage supper of the Lamb.  The master has said unto his servants, "Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind." Luke 14:21  Charles Wesley sang it this way:

Come, sinners, to the gospel feast; Let every soul be Jesus' guest;
Ye need not one be left behind, For God hath bidden all mankind.
Come, all ye souls by sin oppressed, Ye restless wanderers after rest;
Ye poor, and maimed, and halt, and blind, In Christ a hearty welcome find.

While we go to the heathen preaching the gospel, we remember the poor by all means, but the gospel is our message.  Seeing children fed or clothed warms our hearts, but seeing sinners reconciled to God is glorious.  Nothing cheers this preacher more than seeing sinners come to church and hear the gospel for the first time.

Brethren, pray for us.  Pray for the sinners in Bulgaria.  The Lord is supplying every need.  He supplies the spirit through your prayers.  We desire the spirit's aid, and it is given through your prayers.  Please, keep praying.





Update From Bulgaria and Romania


Dear Friends in Christ,                             June 2018


As you have probably heard, Brother Ralph Cheatwood went home to be with the Lord recently after serving as a missionary for the last 42 years. Many of you have faithfully supported him and his ministry over the years. There were both lean years living in Turkey, learning the language and culture of the people God called him to serve, and also the wonderful years of harvesting in Bulgaria and Romania when the Lord brought an awakening after the fall of communism. The Lord used your prayers and financial support, through Brother Ralph, to establish a strong church community in these countries where before there were only scattered remnants from earlier generations.


In Brother Ralph’s years of service, he translated the KJV Bible into the modern Turkish language, he preached to tens of thousands of Turks, started over 100 churches - the vast majority of which are still led by national pastors who were raised up under Brother Ralph’s teaching. He also established a children’s home in Romania where children are being raised to God’s glory and he fed and clothed countless of the poor and needy as he strived to show God’s love to the people he cared so much for.


This is the legacy Brother Ralph is leaving behind. This is the work that he loved and asked those of us who labored alongside him to continue. His wife, Sandy, who has an invaluable role in the children’s home in Romania, will remain with us and continue to serve.


As this ministry has grown over the years, each of the missionaries working under Brother Cheatwood has tried to carry his share of the financial burden, because it far exceeded what Brother Ralph could do alone. Brother Cheatwood used very little of his financial support for himself, rather choosing to put that money into the work...printing Bibles and hymnbooks, building churches, making sure the national pastors have gas money to get to their meetings, helping widowed grandmothers who are raising their grandchildren and much more. Brother Ralph’s passing means those of us who remain will now shoulder the financial burdens that he, and many of you with him, have been carrying.


We who will continue to serve in the field that Brother Cheatwood plowed and reaped for over 40 years will carry on the same way Brother Ralph would were he still with us...preaching the Gospel, establishing churches and caring for the flock that God has given us. We ask that you will prayerfully consider continuing your financial support so that we are able to do this and, by God’s grace see many more souls added to the Kingdom of Heaven.


In Christ, Dave and Dara Turner


"If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be..." John 12:26



March - April 2018

“Now also when I am old and gray headed, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to everyone that is to come. Thy righteousness also, O God, is very high, who hast done great things: O God, who is like unto thee”. Psalm71:18, 19

Dear Pastors, Churches and Fellow saints,

Ralph_CheatwoodWe send greetings from all the believers that are among us in Christ Jesus our Lord. It was in early March of 2018 that our senior missionary, dear friend and God's man called us all together to let us know that he had been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. All of our hearts were deeply saddened by this unfortunate news. We understood the time had come for Brother Cheatwood to be able to say, as the apostle Peter said, "Shortly I must put off this my tabernacle”. 2 Peter 1:14

It was 1993 the Lord called us to "Come over into Macedonia and help" (Acts 16:9) in God's work under Brother Ralph. It was he who greeted and welcomed us to the mission field. From that time until now Brother Ralph has shown us God's strength and power as manifested in the New Testament, and that without it, God's work cannot be done. From the beginning he has put emphasis on the Word of God, on holding church services, worshipping God, and on prayer. Through these things we have experienced and witnessed God's strength and power.

God has done great things here through Brother Cheatwood. He has translated the King James Bible into the Turkish language and put together a hymnal containing 250 songs that worship God and His Son. He also started over one hundred churches and a children' home in Constanta, Romania.

I would like to thank the Lord for a man of God like Brother Ralph. His desire is for everyone to come and know and experience God's strength, power, and righteousness, and to behold His great things.

Thank you Brother Ralph for all you have done to make this possible. Phil. 4:9 and John 4:38 and 17:3

All because of Calvary, Matthew Welch and family


Important update From Bulgaria and Romania


“For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. 

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:” (2 Tim 4:7,8)


Dear churches and praying friends,                            March 2018

Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. As spring comes to Bulgaria, we are thankful for a new season of sowing and reaping. The Lord has been good to us these many years. Here in my office, I have about two hundred Turkish New Testaments that I have bound by hand, and ready to be distributed. Last month one of our national pastors went to the hospital for a week’s stay where he witnessed to all those around him. One man, although unreceptive at the first, said, “Why don’t you give me a Bible so I can read it for myself? Then I might believe.” Last week this same pastor went back to the hospital for a week, and this time he took Bibles with him. In due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

It’s been five years since Brother Ralph Cheatwood purchased a house and small building in the village of Avren. Each year we have worked on preparing the building to be a church house, a workspace for producing Bibles and also a storage facility for the coat distribution in the winter. It is our desire to finish the work this year. Brother Cheatwood was recently diagnosed with cancer in the lungs and kidneys. He has refused chemo therapy, choosing to live the rest of his days in the Lord’s hands. Paul told Timothy, “The time of my departure is at hand.” That’s where Brother Cheatwood is now. After forty three years of service on the mission field his departure time is near. He called us missionaries and national pastors together to tell us. “…neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.” His last request is that we finish the work on this church house and Bible factory.

I believe the work needed on this building will cost at least ten thousand dollars. Would you pray for this work? Brother Cheatwood has given his life preaching the gospel to the Turks and translating the Bible into their language. Although Paul told Timothy that his departure was at hand, he also gave him some final instructions. Those instructions included bringing his winter coat to him, the books, and especially the parchments. This is Brother Cheatwood’s final request. To prepare a place for the winter coats that we give the poor children each winter; to have a meeting house for a Turkish meeting, Bulgarian meeting, and an English meeting; and to have a place to print and bind the New Testament that he has translated. We believe there are some people who would believe, if only they had a Bible in their hands. Please pray with us about finishing this work.

In Christ,  Zachary LeFevre


Dear Friends in Christ,                             March 2018

I am writing this at the request of my father-in-law, Ralph Cheatwood. He has been my pastor, mentor, and example of a true man of God for the 25 years that Dara and I have been on the field.

Besides preaching to thousands of Turks in Romania and Bulgaria, planting over 100 churches, founding Casa Julia children’s home, and feeding and clothing countless children of God, he has worked tirelessly and faithfully to translate the King James Bible into Turkish so that the people he loves so much can have the true Word of God.

Brother Ralph was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer – a tumor on his bronchial tube and several other places in his body. The doctors have said that there is nothing they can do besides, when the time comes, make his passing as comfortable as possible. At this time, his only complaint is a persistent cough which makes it difficult to concentrate on his translation work.

We are pursuing some natural treatments that are said to have success in shrinking tumors, which may give him some relief from the cough. Brother Ralph is at peace with his inevitable passing. He is 79 years old and has been blessed to be serving the Lord for the last 43 years on several different mission fields. His prayer now is that the Lord will give him this summer to read through his Turkish Bible a final time to have peace that he has done the best he could.

Brother Ralph also wants to finish the building in Avren, Bulgaria that will be home to the church in that village. It will also house the printing workshop for Bibles and hymnbooks and “Coats for Kids” which collects and distributes coats for poor children. He wants to leave that building completed so that we missionaries who have served under him all these years can carry on the work that the Lord laid on his heart to do.

The missionary families here got together and are resolved to see Brother Ralph’s vision realized. This will take some money and each of us will shoulder a part of that burden for him. I am asking each of you to pray and, if the Lord leads you, to help us with the work that we will be trying to do before the end of the summer.

I know Brother Ralph is thankful to all who have supported him and this work over the years. By God’s grace, we will stay faithful to see that work continue into eternity.

In Christ, Dave Turner



Bulgaria and Romania


Coats for Kids  2017-18



Please click on the above link for a printable version



Aden’s Hats


“There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?” John 6:9


When we were in America last year I was asked to tell a congregation about Coats for Kids. After service a boy came to me and asked if there were winter hats in Bulgaria. I said yes. He then asked if I knew where to buy them and I said yes. He further asked if he sent me money would I go buy them for the kids. Smiling and crying at the same time, I said yes.


Aden was true to his word and sent money for winter hats. Instead of birthday presents he requested his friends and family give money to put hats on kids in Bulgaria this winter. This one lad shared what he had to help take care of many. It has been a blessing to give out over 300 hats for Aden.








Eforie, Romania


“The rich and poor meet together: the LORD is the maker of them all.” Proverbs 22:2 


I’ve written about Eforie before. Eforie, where castaways are cast even further away: out of sight and out of mind.  But when I tell you that in this tiny container village at the city landfill live some of the sweetest, most loving children I have ever met, I truly mean it. Hugs. Smiles. Conversation. And not just when we bring coats and socks - no, they’re like this all the time.  


So you just have to ask yourself: are they really the poor among us?













Sheker’s Boots

Sheker is a precious girl who lives in the Children’s Home in Romania. She and some of her sisters came to our house to spend time with our family. We met them at the mall in Varna where all the girls proceeded to spend Christmas money. Sheker bought a pair of boots that ended up being too big for her. I felt strongly we should buy them from her so she could get a pair that fit and we could give this pair to someone in need.


Today we met that someone. Her story is tragic - she was born into the lap of luxury and used to have huge bags full of Italian leather boots, but after her parents died and she turned to alcohol she lost everything. The woman we met did not look like she had ever been rich... but then again, maybe she’s richer now than she was before because she is open to her need for Christ. Pray for Petya.










They have very little. No indoor toilet. No accessible bath or shower. No washing machine. No kitchen. Barely any clothes.


“But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,” Ephesians 2:4


But God. God makes the difference.  God sees past these temporal things on which we place monetary value. He sees to the very heart of man.  And in an area of great opulence where these people are cast aside, the true riches He sees are in a place of great poverty where the Holy Spirit fills a shipping container and lavishes an abundance of “the exceeding riches of his grace” on a thankful people.  They may never swim in a safe of gold coins but they sure are immersed in love, mercy, and grace. They are rich.


I’m incredibly thankful to get to help people... but in the end I also ask myself: Did I help them? Or did they help me?  That’s the beauty of the Body of Christ - rich and poor, he made us all.  We are one.


On Behalf of All the Kids,


Carrie M. Leach  - The Leach Family



2017 - 2018 Flour & Oil


Dear Friends and Supporters,    November 2017


“There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many? And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand. And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would.” John 6:9-11


These verses have been resonating in my heart for the past several days: how Jesus had performed many miracles while walking here on this earth. “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written”.  Amen. John 21:25



I write this letter to say thank you. Thank you for your yearly support, both by prayer and giving, for the feeding of the Turks in Romania and Bulgaria. I am so thankful that God has allowed me to be a part of His ministry. He is still performing miracles. I am a witness to them and testify to you that our God is still God and still able. He still feeds the multitudes. He still has the Gospel preached to the poor. And those poor in spirit, are rich in faith. He still binds up the brokenhearted. Time, paper, and pen would fail us to tell all the things God is still doing.

It is time once again to give our “loaves and fishes” to Jesus, and trust Him to satisfy the hungry. I have spoken to Brother Matt Welch about the cost of this endeavor this year, and he said it would take around $60,000 to $65,000 to feed 2,000 families. These are the families that make up the 105 churches in Romania and Bulgaria. I realize this is a lot of money; but, don’t forget the little lad with five little barley loaves and two little fishes. He gave what little he had to a great big God who with it, fed the multitudes. Everything was little, but his heart. He had a heart for Jesus, as so many of you all have. We are believing this same Jesus, to perform this same miracle once again this year, by the love of God in your hearts.



Our goal is to get this money to the missionaries by the first of the year. Last year, the missionaries were able to distribute over seventy tons of flour along with around two thousand gallons of cooking oil to over two thousand families from our churches. Each family received one hundred and ten pounds of flour and five liters of cooking oil.


Thank you once again for your continued support and love for your fellow believers in foreign countries.


To God be the Glory!  In Christ, Rev. Michael Nixon, Director




From Bulgaria




Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. September 2017


But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Matt. 19:14


We hope this letter finds you well satisfied with the goodness and grace of our Lord. Many of you have been faithful to help supply the physical needs for the poor, hungry and destitute children in Bulgaria and Romania. These children have been made full by your love and generosity.


Our primary ministry is to the gypsy Turks in this region of Eastern Europe. They are very poor, and most have no means of supplying for their families. That being said, we would like to give you an update on the feeding centers in Romania and Bulgaria. The children who come to these centers are taught to sing hymns to the Lord and receive one hot meal per day. For most this is their only prepared hot meal.


Currently in Eastern Romania our missionaries along with four national pastors oversee seven feeding centers. For around $3,400 per month we provide one hot meal per day to over 320 children. This breaks down to about 35 cents per child and consists of 6,400 loaves of bread, flour, pasta, beans, rice, tomato paste, potatoes and oil. We now have adults who grew up being feed in these centers assisting with food distribution in many of these villages.


In Eastern Bulgaria our missionaries oversee eight feeding centers. Every month we send around $5,000 to provide each feeding center with: five liters of oil, five bags of sugar, five bags of salt, tomato puree, five bags of macaroni, one large sack of potatoes, four 25kg bags of flour, and sometimes bags of lentils, rice or beans. The children are not only fed physically but spiritually as well with hymns and prayer.


Our missionaries give generously to help offset the cost of these centers. Currently the exchange rate of the dollar is in our favor, and we can feed more children, but this fluctuates according to the European trade market. As this work continues to grow so do the expenses, but I believe God will meet all the needs. Many souls have been saved by the grace of God through your continual prayers and support of this ministry.


Once again, thank you for all you have done and for letting the Lord lead you in helping the helpless in their time of need.

To God Be the Glory, Rev. Mike Nixon, Director




From the Streets of Boston Massachusetts



Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? Ezekiel 33:11


Greetings from Boston,                              August 2017


I would like to thank all that have a part in this work. Thank you for your love, prayers and support. I would like to have us all pray for our country, as we can put America in that verse from Ezekiel. We see our country’s foundation being destroyed by the wicked many years ago by taking the word of God and prayer out of our schools and government. They have wanted to replace it with Islam and the Koran instead of the God’s word.


Our young people die for lack of knowledge of the word of God. It is our responsibility as Christians to proclaim the word of God. I have had many opportunities lately to go to high schools and junior high schools, sometimes not even knowing that is where I would wind up while giving out tracts. So many of today’s young people have been taking the tracts and letting me tell them that Jesus loves them, and that he died for their sins.


One time many young people were getting on the bus, but I could not reach my bag in time to get them a tract. When I got off the bus I started tracking the neighborhood and ended up in front of a graduation ceremony. At first I did not want to interrupt the ceremony, so I hung around until it was over. The young people and their families came by me and I ended up giving them all tracts. One young man said to me as I told him God loved him, “Thank you very much sir, this is just what I needed.” What a blessing!


I have ended up at so many events through the spring and summer. Case in point: The Tall Ships Festival came to Boston. I had hundreds of tracts with tall ships on them for the occasion. So many people took them and I also put many on the cars. I saw people take them off of their cars with tract in hand and take it with them as they drove off with the word of God.


I also went to a Greek festival and little did I know that I would end up getting a gospel tract in the mayor of Boston’s hand who told me he would read it. I think he noticed my Heaven and Hell hat. Also, I had Greek language tracts and many of the Greek orthodox priests took them. I started feeling uneasy and felt like it was time to go. So I went into a doughnut shop to get an ice coffee. It clouded up and all of a sudden started raining cats and dogs. I realized it was the Lord getting me out of the bad weather and that put an end to their religious festival. I thought within myself that the word of God says “The rain falls on the just and the unjust.”


Recently I went to an anti-Trump rally. I had my Bible verse sign Psalms 9:17.” The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” That sign ended up in their video that they were recording for their propaganda. Not many people took tracts, but out of the crowd came a woman who said Mr. Costigan, “What are you doing here?” She is the therapist at the VA Hospital in the rehabilitation department. The Lord used this lady to help me get my motorized wheel chair. This is the chair I use to help spread the gospel and hand out tracts all over the city. She took a tract as she usually does when I see her at the VA. This time I had a little more time to talk with her and explain my reason for being there.


Remember Proverbs 3:5, 6, ”Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” I believe she is the whole reason for my being at the rally.


Another time while handing out tracts at that area I talked to some undercover detectives. I gave them some tracts and testified about what the Lord had done for me and also them. They drove off and the Lord brought to my mind that one of the detectives had a tattoo on his arm that said freedom. Well, in my tract assortment I remember as they drove off that I had a tract entitled freedom. I thought I missed the opportunity but they came around the corner again and I stopped them and gave him a tract of the statue of Liberty on the front of it titled Freedom. I said, “I noticed your tattoo Freedom. This will explain what true freedom is.”


In closing, I would like you to pray for a girl named Jen. She got saved, and it was amazing as I shared the scriptures with her. I saw how the word of God came to life in such a beautiful way. The light shineth in the darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not. I had seen this happening to her when Jesus said ”I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12. She said she would like to go with me and pass out tracts. I asked her why? She said, “I want to help others!” Now that’s a good answer. Only the Lord could put that in her heart. It’s a long story to explain how she ended up in my life and I will explain in a future newsletter. I will dedicate the newsletter solely on her testimony. It would be a little hard to do at this time. I will need a lot of prayer. Please pray for me as it is somewhat painful, but yet glorified the Lord Jesus Christ in ways that I never thought would happen.


If anyone can help me out I can use some more chick tracts. I’ll write soon again. Eph. 6:10-20


In his Love,  Jim and Jo Ann Costigan





From Bulgaria


Dear Brethren, February 2017

The following, is an urgent matter of prayer involving Widow Minka and the church in Bulgaria.

Every week in we hold church services her house and this is where we’ve given out coats and socks as well as flour and oil for the past several years.  Tragically, all this went up in flames.  Widow Minka was adding wood to her wood stove when a piece of burning wood rolled out at her, catching everything on fire. She was able to get out with her life, but that’s all that survived.  All her tangible memories, all her personal documents, her bank card, what little money she had, her phone, her clothes, and all her furniture were lost in the blaze. We are thankful that she is okay, but she suffered a great loss. So did the church.


The only thing that survived the fire, and even the water being sprayed by the firemen are these Bibles and hymn books. This is not a coincidence.

After Pastor Ismail and I surveyed the damage today, we went and found Sister Minka. She was staying with relatives in an apartment the same size as my son’s bedroom. It’s small and she can only stay until other arrangements can be made.  When I returned home, I called our Field Director, Ralph Cheatwood and he said, “Okay, let’s rebuild.” And that, friends, is what we aim to do. Will you pray with us?

Thank you,  Larry Leach

If you would like to help, you can make checks payable to:

Charity Baptist Mission P.O. Box 692 Bristol, TN 37621 Memo: Widow Minka’s House




From the Director




September 2016


“Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.  But I have all, and abound: I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well pleasing to God.  But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus”.  Philippians 4:17-19


Brethren in Christ, we hope this letter finds you well and happy in the Lord.  For many, many years the churches, saints, and missionaries have been made full by your love and generosity.  I would like to thank each and every one for supporting the work of God and furthering the gospel.  Multitudes of souls have been saved by the grace of God because of your continual prayers and support of this ministry.


I have been sitting here thinking about all the opportunities/needs that we have in Romania and Bulgaria, and wondering how all these needs can be met, then this verse came to me.  “Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee”. Jeremiah 32:17


So I am sending this letter by faith believing God for Jesus’ name sake that He will meet all these needs.


The first I would like to mention is such a great blessing; Back in 1991 Brother Ralph Cheatwood came by Brookside Baptist Church with a burden to translate the word of God for the Turkish speaking people.  Brother Cheatwood along with the other missionaries has now completed three translations in two different languages of the KJV Bible, Bulgarian, Latin Turkish and Cyrillic Turkish.  They are now able to print 100,000 pages per month.  These are given to the people free of charge and all the labor is free.  This costs just under $1,000 a month for printing supplies and for around $12,000 they can print Bibles for a full year!


Second, I would like to mention the feeding of the churches in this same area.  These people are very poor and many have no means of supplying for their families, especially during the winter.  As many of you know, over the last several years by the grace of God we have been buying 110 lbs. of flour and five liters of oil and giving it to each church family.  The cost varies yearly due to fluctuations in the exchange rate and of flour and oil prices.  Usually it cost between $70,000 to $80,000 dollars to feed around 2,200 families each year.


Third, I would like to mention the Coats for Kids ministry that the Lord laid on Brother Larry and Sister Carrie Leach's hearts.  One day as they were driving down a road in Bulgaria they saw a woman holding a little child upside down in a dumpster as the child was trying to find some food.  When the woman pulled the child up out of the dumpster it was naked.  This broke their hearts.  As they thought of what they had seen, they began to ask the Lord for the means to keep extra clothes with them to help these poor people.  They began to search and soon found a place where they could buy a coat and a pair of socks for about six dollars.  So over the last several years they have been clothing some 300 to 500 kids each winter as the funds allow.


And then last of all, I want to mention a building that Brother Ralph has a burden to buy for a church in one of the villages.  It is a really good buy at $5,900 and they are think it would cost another $2,400 to make all the repairs needed.


This work continues to grow and so do the expenses, but I am believe God will meet the needs.  Many of you have been so faithful to support this work through your prayers and financial support.  I want to thank you and say I believe when we get to heaven God will show you the fruits of your labor.  Once again, thank you for all you have done and for being sensitive to all these needs as the Holy Spirit leads you.


To God Be the Glory  Mike Nixon - Director



From Bulgaria



- Bible printing update -






Dear Friends in Christ, Aug 2016


Current prices of Bibles, New Testaments and hymnbooks in the Bulgarian Cyrillic alphabet, the Turkish Cyrillic alphabet and the  Turkish Latin based alphabet.



 - A4 Bible - Turkish and Bulgarian with cross references $12                                    - A5 Bible - Turkish and Bulgarian with cross references $6


 - A4 New Testament - Turkish and Bulgarian no cross references $3                       - A5 New Testament - Turkish and Bulgarian no cross references $1.50


 - A4 Hymnbook - Turkish with the Gospel of John and 14 Psalms $1.30                  -  A5 Hymnbook - Turkish with the Gospel of John and 14 Psalms $.65


We are currently distributing free of charge New testaments and hymnbooks to all the believers in our churches and others that are interested.  We provide whole Bibles to the national pastors and preachers.  These Bibles and hymnbooks are produced on a printer/copier and the holes are then hand punched or drilled and then hand sewn with a laminated cover.  The labor is provided freely by the national pastors and American missionaries.  From July 2015 to June 2016, 12 months, we printed 1,220,000 (One million two hundred and twenty thousand) copies, an average of 100 thousand a month.


In August 2016 we bought two used Minolta machines ($2,000 each) which are guaranteed for five million copies each.  We start printing again in September 2016. The amount needed each month is just under $1,000 for 100,000 copies. The equivalent of 300 A4 or 600 A5 New Testaments or 750 A4 or 1500 A5 hymnbooks or combinations thereof.


The balance in our printing fund is zero.  We need your help to start printing again in September of 2016.


Brother Ralph Cheatwood.


Coats for Kids 2015 Distribution Bulgaria/Romania

Part 1a


We set out this morning with Hannah and Esther and a car so full of bags of coats and socks, they each had bags on their laps. Our plan was to distribute as many coats as we could, and we did, but God had even bigger plans for us. As we sit down near the close of the day to reflect on everything the Lord has allowed us to be a part of, we feel honored.


But let me back up… first things first… the purchasing of the coats and socks. A week and a half ago Larry and I went into the city and bought new socks. We got a good deal on them, so we really stocked up. It’s always a shock for the cashier to see us coming with an overflowing cart of socks, but we’ve been doing this so long now, we knew how to have them already organized in sections to make her job easier. Then this past Monday we went back into the city to the second hand store to stock up on coats. It was pretty slim pickins, but we did our best. Unfortunately we only filled one of the vehicles. Two more empty vehicles were with us, so we took off in search of another location. It was much better than the first place and a new contact was made there. We filled the remaining vehicles and headed back to our house where Hannah had brownies and refreshments waiting. Here are two pictures - one of the cart of socks and one of our entryway so full of bags of coats, we could hardly get up the stairs. At last count there were well over 40 bags in the entry and halls.


We then organized coats and socks each afternoon for the past week, as our schedule permitted, and felt we were ready to begin distribution in nearby villages.


First stop this morning: Novi Pazar. Pastor Ismael was already gathering the local children and organizing them in lines. We carried the bags inside and Esther and I organized them to make distribution easier, while Hannah got set up to take pictures and Larry controlled the crowd. Working together, we were able to give out around 50 coats in under an hour. In between influxes of children, we were able to encourage Sister Naziye, who is having a hard time with her blood sugar. Here are a few pictures from that distribution:



The girl standing next to Larry above is Sinem, Pastor Ismael’s granddaughter. Every time I see her, I am reminded of God’s hand in her young life. When she was four, she was diagnosed with a tumor in her lung and required surgery, which cost a lot of money and the family simply did not have it to pay. We asked you all to pray and one friend forwarded the email on to other friends and shortly a man we had never met wrote and told us he wanted to help. He paid for her surgery and the trip to the capital for the family to be with her. The surgery was a success and today she is in good health. We praise the Lord for His faithful lovingkindness.

Please click on this link to view the four part story.



Flour & Oil request for Bulgaria 2016



please click on this link for a printable pdf version





Dear Friends and Supporters, November 2015


We trust you all are doing well and enjoying the blessings of the Lord. First of all I want to thank each and every one of you for your faithful prayers and support for this ministry.


As you know, over the last several years the Lord has allowed us to feed around 2,000 poor Turkish and Bulgarian families in the village churches of Bulgaria. Each family receives 110 lbs. of flour and 5 liters of cooking oil. This really helps them during the harsh winters.


Every year this endeavor cost between 70 and 80 thousand dollars. This averages about $35 to feed a family through the winter. Winter is upon us and we would like to ask you to help us this year as well and thank you in advance for your prayers and financial support.


Also, I have included a few pictures of the grateful people who have received this blessing of your giving. Once again, thank you so much and may the blessing of the Lord be upon you.


In Christ, Rev. Michael Nixon, Director




2015 Four & Oil distribution

 please click on the link above for a printable pdf version


Bulgarian update June, 2015


We want to thank all those who contributed to the flour and oil distribution in Bulgaria.  It was a great blessing to everyone involved.  This year the US dollar was very strong against the Euro and we were able to feed over 2,000 needy church families.  Each family received one hundred pounds of flour and over a gallon of oil.  These are saved, baptized church members who attend our church meeting in Bulgaria.   They thank God for the brethren in America who gave toward helping them in their time of need.  Your generosity has redounded to the glory of God.


In Christ, Rev. Mike Nixon - Director of Charity Baptist Mission



2014 Four & Oil distribution


Please click on the picture above to see the video which shows the distribution of flour and oil to the believers in our churches in Bulgaria.



Bulgaria - Romania 9-27-14


click above for printable pdf attachment


September 27, 2014


Eight (8) American Families, three (3) in Romania and five (5) in Bulgaria:  Dave Turner, Nathan Reed, Jacob Reed, Ralph Cheatwood, Matthew Welch, Zachary LeFevre, Larry Leach, William LeFevre. We work as a group, with each missionary having their individual work.


National Pastors:

Four (4) pastors in Romania and eight (8) in Bulgaria.  Besides these pastors there are several young men in Romania that preach but do not pastor churches at this time.  All these pastors and preachers work under the authority of the missionaries.



Mostly Turkish house meetings, with seven (7) self-standing buildings, twenty (20) churches in Romania and eighty (80) in Bulgaria.  We minister in English, Turkish, Romanian and Bulgarian.

Our simple definition of a local church is a group of baptized believers, meeting regularly as a church, having a national pastor.


Charity East Association Romania:

Casa Julia: Home where we are raising eleven (11) children.  This home is also lovingly called ‘The Father’s House’.  We have had most of these children since birth.

Our ministry in Romania is done from this complex.

* for full update on Casa Julia, see Attachment 1

Feeding Centers:

National believers’ homes where we feed children a hot meal every day.  Twelve (12) in Romania and nine (9) in Bulgaria.  In these homes the children learn to sing hymns and pray, thanking God for His many blessings and for their daily bread.  As these children have grown up, many have been saved and are now established in one of our local churches.


Coats for Kids:

This ministry was started by Larry and Carrie Leach in 2008 with just a few coats in the back of a van.  It has grown and now over one thousand (1,000) coats with a pair of socks are given out each winter.


Flour and Oil:

Each winter, over two thousand (2,000) families in Bulgaria receive a fifty (50) kilogram sack of flour and a five (5) liter bottle of cooking oil.  This helps them get through the winter.


Bulgarian and Turkish Bibles:

These Bibles have been newly translated from the English King James 1611 Authorized Version.  Along with Turkish hymnbooks, the New Testaments of these Bibles are being freely distributed to our believers and others that are interested.


Daily Bread:

Over 4,500 loaves of bread are freely distributed monthly to needy families in Romania through the daily prayer meetings.



2014 Bulgarian flour & oil



We've just finished the flour distribution in Bulgaria this year.  Through your generous giving, we were able to provide each family of believers with over one hundred pounds of flour and over a gallon of oil.  Everyone is happy and thankful for this display of your care for them.

Please click on the following links: 2014 flour thank you letter and from one of our national pastors Brother Mitko.

























This year the mill produced a very good quality of flour.  One woman from the church in Trastikovo said that she had not seen such good flour in her whole life.  She said that she will be baking bread every single day until it runs out.


In the village of Grozdevo one of the believers said that her family was out of flour.  Her husband would be working, but they might only be able to afford to buy a small bag of flour with his pay.  Then, our flour truck came the next day and she received one hundred pounds of flour.  So, they are rejoicing at how the Lord has provided for them.


Another believer, in Vezenkovo, told us that she was down to the bottom of the barrel.  She made her last bread in the evening, and prayed, "Lord, what are we going to do tomorrow"?  Well, the next day when the flour truck arrived at the church, she was amazed at how the Lord answered her prayer and provided for them. 

Zachary LeFevre


Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


As always we are bound to give God thanks through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for what He has done through Brookside Baptist Church in the mission field in Bulgaria and everywhere else where the Lord let you have a part in His work.  We thank you all for caring for the poor and feeding the children over here.  It has been a great help for the churches over here to see someone like you all each winter provide 5 liters of oil and 50 kg of flour.







This food has fed a lot of people that are destitute of their daily food.  A lot of the believers have fed a lot of the hungry neighbours around and it turns to be a good testimony.  Also some of the believers testified that the oil fails not and the flour is not diminished.


Some testified that when they saw people more destitute than them they gave away their own oil and flour.


May the Lord bless you all in everything that you are doing.


In Christ, Bro. Mitko.



Brother Keith Blalock and Family.

In Christ,
Zachary LeFevre    (A printable PDF version with pictures is available here)

This is a picture of the church in the village of Brestak, getting blessed with flour and oil. All these believers are extremely poor in this world but rich with God and thank you all for blessing them with their daily bread and oil.   This is a picture of two of our sisters that got blessed by the Lord and what Brookside provided for them. They have large families and are more than happy and thankful that the Lord and Brookside care for them.




Coats for kids


Coats for Kids 2014-15  Dear Friends,


It’s that time of year again, we are excited to announce… Coats for Kids. Every year, with the help of churches and individuals all across America, we have been able to distribute coats, socks, and the gospel on DVD to needy children and widows in our area here in Eastern Bulgaria, as well as in Romania. The needs are still great, as Bulgaria and Romania are the poorest nations in the European Union and work is scarce.

Though prices of most other items have really inflated, the cost of new socks and gently used coats remains nearly the same. For $6, we can outfit a needy child with a coat and socks for the winter. Please pray about what, if anything, the Lord would have you do to help with this ministry.


It is our hope to have all gathered funds in by November 1st, so we have time for our mission to send it over at the beginning of the buying season when coats are in abundance.


You can send to:

Charity Baptist Mission

Coats for Kids

P.O. Box 692

Bristol, TN 37621



Please click on the following link to see the full story of the first Coats foKids 2013-14  (12-21-13) distribution. (a printable pdf is available here)

 The weather was absolutely perfect for a coat distribution, with temperatures around forty, clear roads, sunny skies, and a coobreeze. A little after nine this morning, Larry and I loaded up thcar and headed up the road to the LeFevre house, where the elder daughters, Katy and Polly, were waiting fous. ...Together we headed to NovPazar where we were to begin this year’s coat season. We barely had time to greet the Pastor anhis wife before the first group of kids arrived. They were a lively, rowdy bunch. I was thrilled to see them again—and they were thrilled to see us. ...that distribution went smoothly.... We gave coats, socks, and DVDs to around 70 kids there.


We brought more bags of coats and socks down from upstairs and filled the cars. Then we drove on to Kaspichan....Kaspichan is wild. I could describe it for you, but really, in order to fully understand it, you’d have to experience it for yourselfIts just wild. ...We ended up giving out around sixty coats and socks there. The demand for DVDs was so great today, we ran out.



From Romania



Please click on the link below to see some pictures from the village of Eforie.


Mugur Varzariu, is a Romanian documentary photographer who created a web page depicting the living conditions of the Roma in the village of Eforie.

Follow the link below to get more information from the authors website.  "rain of tears"



Bro. Mike and beloved saints at Brookside,


 We are thrilled to hear good reports of what the Lord is already doing at campmeeting.  It seems when Satan is getting the best of us, that is when the Lord is able to show Himself most powerfully.  I am grateful He is close by when we need Him.


I have a prayer request to ask your help with.  For a few years, we have had a meeting and feeding center in Eforie, a town not far from Constanta.  Many have been saved and baptized from this meeting and some of the poorest children in this area have been fed each day.  This is also the place where we got Kelebek, our youngest girl in the Children's Home.  The meeting was held in a 'shanty town' of houses thrown together around a garbage dump.  Most of the families, including their children, dig around for plastic bottles, cardboard, and metal to sell for a few cents each day.  A few weeks ago, the city came in and bulldozed everything down to make way for an apartment development.  The families were left outside huddled under sheets of plastic during a week of rain.  Several TV stations showed the families sitting under their shelters, their children covered in mud.  The mayor was asked what they were going do about these people.  He said "If the butcher throws the stray dog scraps, they will stay in front of his shop.  If the butcher locks the door, they will go away" He was comparing our Turks to dogs.  These are the people to whom we have given our lives to show God's love.  The city, under the pressure of the media, was forced to let these families move into a very old, abandoned school building.  The woman of the church, along with her children, have their few possessions gathered in a corner of a large room.  They cannot leave for fear their few belongings will be stolen.


I went out on Tuesday and looked at the situation.  We can build a wall with a door across the end of the room she is in and she would have her own 12 x 25 ft. "house".  If we get her a stove and a gas bottle and utensils, she can continue to feed the many children which are now living in the school.


 This seems to be an opportunity for us to show God's goodness, as many of these families have lost hope.


I think for $1,200 we can get her room built and secured and buy what is needed for her to begin feeding even more children than before.  We may also be able to have our church meeting in one of the larger 'common' rooms where all these families who are gathered in one place can attend.


This woman has been faithful through much adversity.  Please pray we will be able to take care of her and this church.


 We are all praying for the Lord to do even greater things for you this week.


 In Christ, Bro. Dave Turner



Bulgaria Feeding


Dear Fellow Labourers,

In 2013 the Lord graciously allowed supporters of the work to help feed 2,000 poor Milet Turkish church families for $80,000.  Each family received a 110 lb sack of flour and 5 liters of oil.   We would like to help feed the people again this year.   Please pray with us about this and see if the Lord would have you help feed them.


September 2013 Update from Bulgaria brochure (click on link for PDF)



2013 Bulgaria Feeding update



Bulgarian Flour and Oil Distribution Update April 2013  (click on link for PDF)


“For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.”  Ps. 107:9


Dear Fellow Labourers,


With much thankfulness we would like to give you an update on the work:


Last year in 2012 the Lord graciously allowed you to be a part with us in feeding 1,750 poor Milet Turkish church families. Each family received a 110 lb sack of flour and 5 liters of oil.  This year we wanted to feed around 2,000 church families and the Lord has supplied that need.


Thanks be to God, and the charity of His people, most of these families have now received a sufficient supply of flour and oil for the year. This was a large undertaking, but not too big for the Lord to handle.




With great joy we would like to give you a brief update of the work in Bulgaria and Romania:


•   Brother Ralph Cheatwood is completing the Turkish Bible translation and Mitko (one of our national pastors), the Bulgarian Bible, while 8 Missionary families minister in three languages:

     Turkish, Romanian, and Bulgarian.

•  16 National pastors help us oversee this work. About $1,000 a month extra is needed to support these men. We try to help each pastor offset the costs of their food and fuel (presently $7 a gallon).
    Our men oversee 5-10 churches each, while driving hundreds of miles every week to get to all of the meetings!

•  During the winter we also assist our church members with food and those in need with firewood.  A cord of firewood costs about $180.

•  Over 100 churches have been established in Bulgaria and Romania since 1991.  During the past few years the churches have grown from around 1,500 families to about 2,000.

•  In 2013 around 100 adults professed faith in Christ and were baptized.

•  Many have been saved and encouraged through our preaching and singing DVD’s and CD’s, one of our main evangelistic tools.  Wherever our Turks travel they take the DVD’s and CD’s with them.

•  20 church feeding centers have been established in Romania and 18 in Bulgaria, where children and adults get one good meal per day.

•  “Coats for Kids” was started in 2008 by the Leach family.  One year they distributed 1,000 winter coats, 1,000 pairs of socks and 25 pairs of shoes to the neediest children in his village churches.

•   In 2002 Casa Julia Children’s home was established in Romania. They are raising 11 abandoned children, giving them a safe, loving, Christian home.


The Lord has consistently met our needs. We praise Him for His loving provision, and for your obedience to His moving in your hearts.


In Christ, Rev. Mike Nixon                                                                                                                     To God be the Glory!





Since 1991 the Lord has kept the doors open for Charity Baptist Mission to help feed the poor in Bulgaria and Romania.


The following are the basic costs for carrying on this work.


•  We are supplying food for 18 churches daily. Monthly it costs about $175 per church.
•  Over 300 children are fed each month through theses churches.
•  Ten of these churches feed between 20 and 30 children daily.

•  The churches are pastored by 8 national pastors trained by the missionaries.
•  It costs roughly $8.50 to feed a child for the month or 29 cents per day.
•  We need at least $3,150 each month to continue this work.


It's been a long time since we've gotten in this amount for the feeding.  Currently, we receive less than $2,000 per month, so many of the missionaries give out of their monthly support to help with this endeavor. Even with their help, we had to cut the feeding down due to lack of funds.


We can't afford to buy beans every month. Sometimes we have to buy fewer potatoes, rice, and/or oil.  This month cabbage will be cheap, so we'd like to get each church a couple barrels of cabbage: they pickle it and use it the rest of the winter.  If we had the funds, we could also buy more potatoes this month while they're cheap and then store and use them in the coming months. 



•  We supply food for 20 feeding centers which feed 15-20 people at each location.
•  Each month we buy 7,500 loaves of bread for around $2,200 dollars (at 29 cents per loaf)
•  These are distributed throughout the Romanian feeding centers.
•  Roughly 280 people are being fed each day at a cost of $2,550 each month.
•  That comes to about $8.90 per month for a child/person.
•  Our Missionaries oversee 15 churches with the help of 7 national pastors.


In addition to the bread we are spending about $2,000 a month for food plus about $500 - $600 a month all together on rents and water for the 16 places that prepare food for children.  This includes some food for the National pastors and their families.  We also have churches in some very poor villages where not only the children, but all those that come to the church can be fed.





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(An overview of what the Lord has done through Sr. Missionary Ralph Cheatwood, who is over the work in Bulgaria and Romania)




“And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.”  1 Cor 13:13


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