The Caeble Family
Missionaries To
Bolivia and other Hispanic countries

Charity Baptist Mission Inc.
P.O. Box 692
Bristol, TN 37621



Hispanic Missions

Dear Churches, Pastors, and Friends, March-April 2024

Greetings to All!

Thanks to all of you who prayed for me during my recovery from surgery. I am doing great! Three trips were planned during this time: two to Cuba and one to the Amazon. They were well covered while I was recuperating. The trip to the Amazon was a first-time training session. About 200 people attended, and it was very productive. One humorous story, there is not any beef or pork available, there are no roads into that jungle area; and fish is the main staple food source. After two days the American pastors asked for hot sauce. Hot sauce is not normal for this area, but a sister went to her house and brought back a bottle. After enjoying the sauce for a couple of days, the pastors asked how she made it. She showed them the bottle and it was full of "fire ants" and also had a tarantula inside! Oh well, you have to ask what kind of food you are eating and even then, sometimes you do not know!

In April I made a trip to Cuba with a group. I was sick the whole week, but we were able to go to all of the services while some of our team did the preaching. Economically things are a lot worse - as if they weren't already having enough problems! Cuba's main export is sugar cane and now "they" have decided that the farmers will not be permitted to grow sugar cane!!! It just doesn't make sense!! Cubans now only have 4-6 hours of power a day and thousands have fled the island. It has been speculated that a million people may have fled over the last year!

For 23 years we have supported these preachers and their families. This allows them to live and work in their ministry. Pray for them as they struggle to survive. They remain encouraged and believe the Lord will supply their needs. We were able to buy several bicycles and Bibles on the last trip. Also, through the help of several churches, we were able to provide funds for several church buildings.

Please continue to pray for my wife. She is struggling with taking a preventative cancer medicine due to its many bad side effects.

Joyfully Yours,

Farren Caeble 1 Sam 12:24    A printable PDF version is available here


Dear Pastors, Churches, and Friends,    December 2023 - January 2024

While writing this letter I am reminded of scripture found in Job 24:22 “He draweth also the mighty with his power: he riseth up, and no man is sure of life.” I do not want to be morbid, but in reality, all of us are graveyard travelers! That is why our time is to be used wisely in the short life that we have! On December 23rd I had an emergency surgery. About 10 years ago I had a non-cancerous “Turp” prostate surgery. The doctor told me that it might last 12-15 years. On December 21st, I began having serious problems and two days later I had the surgery. After two emergency room visits, I was taken to Frye General Hospital by ambulance and the doctor and his team performed another “Turp” procedure. I am doing well and have recuperated. I had three trips planned for the first of this year. We already had people scheduled to travel and they were able to make these trips successfully without me.

Two trips were made to a Hispanic country, the first in January and the second in February. Both trips were without incident and accomplished all that we had planned with these two groups while visiting and preaching. One of our American pastors preached a message on “just being faithful” and “sticking with it”. One of our national preachers was weeping after hearing the message at the church he pastors. He said, “I was really discouraged and wanted to give up. Thank you all for coming and for the message!” They had special prayer for him before leaving.

We also had a trip to the Amazon planned. It had been several years since I had been able to go into that area. The countries on the Amazon River where we travel and reach are the countries of Colombia, Peru, and Brazil. This trip we had planned to have an institute and teaching sessions emphasizing missions, soul winning and church expansion. Our group went on without me. They returned and had about 200 people attending. They had a great time and the time spent was very profitable. Pray for these people. These areas in the jungle where they minister are really difficult places, not only with transportation, (all on banana boats), but there is a lot of drug trafficking and crime in the area.

Thanks to all of you for prayers for us and the works in these countries!

Joyfully Yours,

Farren Caeble 1 Sam 12:24    A printable PDF version is available here


Dear Churches, Pastors, and Friends,                           September –October 2023

It saddens me to tell you, but one of my lifelines, my mother, went to be with her Savior on October 21st. She was instrumental in my conversion, and having a deep respect for God and the Bible. She had been very sick for some time and will be deeply missed, but we know she is with Dad and “those who have gone on”. Thank you for all the condolences!

My wife is getting good reports with her cancer and is currently taking physical therapy. The medicine she takes has side effects which cause a lot of discomfort. Please continue to pray for her. She has traveled quite a bit with me this fall as I preached in churches from Florida to West Virginia. That was a blessing!

The situation in a particular Hispanic country is only getting worse. They estimate almost a million people have left the country and they are still experiencing blackouts in cities of a million people! On this last trip I was told that doctors in this country are now using electrical tape instead of surgical tape to bind the incisions of those having surgery! Please pray for this poor country.

This last year we have helped with several projects in addition to supporting Hispanic pastors. American pastors and churches have been so great to help me over the years. Of course, those who go with me see the needs first hand. They meet these great people, feel the burden, and see the hunger for the Word of God. This year we bought mules and several bicycles for our national preachers. I would like to tell you of a new project we saw about a year ago where the nationals were trying to build a structure with their few resources. The pastors which were traveling with me promised to help. This year they sent money designated for that church to have a building. There is something I want to say here: there is a lot wrong with America, but you can't complain about how American churches have always been a vital part in international missions!  I believe that is why America is still around - otherwise we would have been gone a long time ago!

Thank you, pastors and churches, for being such a great blessing to this Hispanic country over the years! I wish you could go and experience the services in this Hispanic country and meet these great people!

Joyfully Yours,

Farren Caeble  A printable PDF version is available here
1 Sam 12:24 



Dear Pastors, Churches, and Friends,                                        July - August 2023 Newsletter

The situation in a particular Hispanic country is worse than the last trip - but it could not be otherwise with the current world situation. I read an article that discussed this countries sugar cane exportation and production. In 1970, it was producing 8.5 million tons of sugar. Last year they produced less than .5 million! This figure is at an all-time low - dating back for over one 100 years which reflects its current economy. The people that do have jobs are now being paid a salary of $16 a month!

But we know many times the economy does not dictate the spiritual condition of a country. It was a blessing to see people still excited about serving God. They have not lost their passion for winning souls and planting churches. The number of churches that have been organized continues to grow from year to year.

One young lady really touched my heart when she told me about her conversion to Christ. She is an English teacher and as a Catholic, knew “absolutely nothing” about the Bible. Her grandmother had died and left a Bible to her. She had such respect for her grandmother that she began reading and said the BIBLE literally "led her to the Lord.” She told me her favorite verse is Romans 10:17. "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Never underestimate the power of the Word of God!

Joyfully Yours,       (A printable PDF version is available here)

Farren Caeble 1Sam 12:24   


Dear Churches, Pastors, and Friends,                                    April - May 2023 Newsletter

For this letter I wanted to share some experiences that I have had in the ministry over the years, and particularly in the last few months. I remember the first soul that I won to the Lord many years ago when I was about 21 years old. My wife and I had traveled to Virginia from North Carolina with my wife’s grandmother to see her pen pal of many years. Her name was “Cat” and she had terminal cancer. After we arrived, we sat there with my wife’s grandmother and “Cat” and listened as they talked and caught up with the news as old friends. “Cat” showed us the clothes she wanted to be buried in. I asked her before we left if she minded if I talked with her about something and she agreed. I said to her, “Now you have shown us your clothes that you will be buried in; have you had any thoughts of being ready for eternity?” She said she had not. I showed her from the Bible how she could be saved and be assured of heaven; and then she prayed with me and received the Lord Jesus Christ! This was the very beginning of my soul winning effort that has been a blessed and joyful journey over the years.

Each year in March and August, I am in West Virginia for several weeks attending Missions Conferences in order to raise support for National Pastors from many countries throughout the world. During this year’s conference in March, I was preaching at a church in Beckley, West Virginia. During the invitation a young boy about 10 years old came forward for salvation. The altar was already full, and I remember as I looked down, he was on his knees praying with his mother and father on each side facing the pulpit. What a joyful and rewarding memory!

In April, I was in a Cherokee native church that has supported us for years. (The man that had been Pastor of the church for many years had passed away and his wife passed three days later. They had a double funeral for this sweet couple). The morning I preached, a young native girl about 18 years-old received Christ. What a blessing, this is what it is all about! This is the joyful part of the ministry! There are challenging times indeed, but then you can look back and see many wonderful things God has done over the years!

Please keep my wife in your prayers. Thank God they were able to get all the cancer. This was a huge blessing for us! She still has trouble with the medicine that she must take to prevent the cancer from returning; if she can take it for five years, she has a good chance of the cancer not coming back.

I will be in touch when we return from our next trip.

Joyfully Yours,    (A printable PDF version is available here)

Farren Caeble


Dear Pastors, Churches, and Friends,       January - February 2023

We had two groups visit a Hispanic country this year, and we just returned from a trip to the island. Things are progressively getting worse there. I believe there are several factors behind this. The economic situation in the world is getting worse, and inflation is escalating all over the world. Russia being this country's strongest ally is now putting all their resources in Ukraine, (this is my opinion) but it has caused the local people who were already in financial straits to see even more difficult situations.

There is almost no fuel on the island, causing power outages. With the exception of a big city, the rest of the island has power for about six hours a day. Turkish freight liners or huge power producing ships are in the bay sending power to the island for a trade-off of nickel that is mined there. Medical conditions also are bad. Doctors will not operate on patients unless the patient can obtain antibiotics from an outside source like America. Food availability is worse. People stand for three to four hours to buy chicken at an outrageous price.

On the spiritual front things are a lot better. We had services that were simply saturated with the power of God. People were weeping before we even preached, we were just trying to open up the services. There was a sweet presence of His blessed Holy Spirit helping and ministering to the needs of His people. This caused me to think of a precious verse in Job 23:10 “But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” God will certainly take care of his people! Don’t mean to preach here, but with all the things that are going on in the world, God knows where we are at!

We are trying to get a load of Bibles there. Since 2001, the year when we began to work there, we have always taken money to buy Bibles. Now the Ecumenical Movement has the priority of buying all of the Bibles that are available. We are working on a plan to send a container load of Bibles to the island. This is something that we have never attempted to do, but we are going to try. Help pray for this endeavor, and I will keep you informed about this project as we go along.

Joyfully Yours, Dale Caeble 1 Samuel 12:24n  (A printable PDF of this letter is available here)


August - September, 2022

Dear Pastors, Friends, and Churches,

It is good to be serving the Lord! God has been good to me by allowing me in His grace to begin well by being saved at the age of 20! As the years have gone by, now my only desire is that I want to finish well. Paul left the admonition in Colossians 4:17 “And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it.” I want to fulfill the ministry that God has put me in!

Also, I want to thank each one of you for all the prayers, cards, and phone calls concerning my wife, Debbie. She has finished her radiation treatments and is doing well. She had some side effects from the treatment, but all in all she did really well. Please continue to pray for her as she will be taking a daily pill for the next five years to help her treat this type of cancer.

In October I made a trip to a Hispanic country. The people there are facing some serious issues, with no gas, diesel and blackouts, etc. I also want to share a story with you of a pastor there whose name is Isaiah. I have always been impressed with his ministry, demeanor and music in his work. He labors for the Lord in a very poor community. The sewage runs by his work and the place where he lives has a dirty creek. He gave me a thumb drive before I left that described his needs for the increase of believers at his work. Currently, they are meeting outside under a carport with a tin roof that is adjacent to his home which is located on a "converted hog lot". He and his family have been living there for the last eight years! The pictures on the thumb drive broke my heart.

Please understand, my purpose of writing is not to ask for help, but to thank all of you who have given faithfully to the needs of supporting these Cuban nationals all these years as they preach and reach their people!

The Caeble Family,         A printable PDF of this letter with pictures is available here.

1 Samuel 12:24



Dear Church Family, Spring 2022 Newsletter

In March I made a trip to a Hispanic country and had some trouble going in, but once I was on the other side it was without incident. I had a great time, although I was sick and had to take it easy. I was alone, so it was up to me to do the preaching; and the Lord allowed me to preach several times. Sunday morning’s service was in a church in town, and I will never forget that day. There were about 250 people attending, and I knew the Lord was working. I was expecting people to come forward, but was not expecting what actually happened. I even sensed the Lord was calling someone to preach, though that was not my emphasis in the mes-sage. After the service, four young men in their twenties came up to the preacher who is one of my team. Two of the young men were weeping, and all four of them surrendered to preach! A young lady was also weeping and said she wanted to surrender to whatever the Lord wanted her to do in her life. Wow! What can you say? The Lord moved in a great way!

I am also writing with much sadness to tell you some bad news. My wife Debbie has breast cancer. She has been having some pain for several months, so she had a mammogram and an ultrasound. There was an area of concern, so they did a biopsy and confirmed that it was stage one breast cancer. They also did an MRI to get more information. The doctor was very optimistic since it is in an early stage and has not spread. She will be having a small lumpectomy on June 1st, followed up with radiation for about four weeks. We are thankful that it is in the early stages. We covet your prayers at this time.

(Most of you have already seen much of this sent in prior emails, but I wanted to send it again prior to the surgery date.)

The Caeble Family,   (A printable PDF is available here)

1 Samuel 12:24


Dear Pastors, Churches, and Friends, Summer 2021

Who would have dreamed that this stuff would drag on this long? It causes one to think that the word “pestilence” used many times in the Bible is a precursor of things to come…. a “sign of the times”! I know Jesus used the term in Matthew 24 when speaking of the end times. God always used weather, pestilences, and war to get man’s attention in the Old Testament. One of the greatest verses used for revival is II Chronicles 7:14: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Interestingly enough, pestilence is used in the preceding verse as a means of judgment. Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines a pestilence as a “contagious or infectious disease that is epidemic and mortal.”

I know this, the whole world is affected by it! I was planning to go to a Hispanic country in the Spring, but the pandemic spiked there worse than before. I was cautioned not to travel by my Hispanic contacts. Then, as many of you know, this country had an uprising among the people which further complicated the matter of traveling there.

I just finished a round of conferences in WV and we had great meetings. We were there with four National Preachers, for three conferences. There were tears, there was rejoicing, and there were challenges given, as these men updated and told about the works they have in their respective areas. I will probably have to travel to Georgia to help with some of the conferences in September. Unfortunately, we are short-staffed because of the trouble getting men in from some of these nations that are affected by the Covid pandemic.

I hope to travel to this country in October. We are checking and waiting on word as to when we will be able to travel. Pray for the brethren who are striving to preach the gospel in the “regions beyond”.

Joyfully Yours,

Farren Caeble, 1 Samuel 12:24


Dear Pastors, Churches, and Friends,            March - April 2021

As I am reflecting on the events of last year, in my mind I am still trying to deal with this mess that has been perpetrated by men and by Satan. Who knows how it all began! It may have taken us by surprise, but we do know that it did not take God by surprise. As the old cliché states, “Has it ever occurred to you that nothing has ever occurred to God?” Of course, we know that the world has had to deal with national calamities before and suffer many times worse. I am glad that as the child of God, though there are times when we temporarily lose sight of God, He always knows where we are! “But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” (Job 23:10)

I normally do not mention our work here in the United States because we are always sharing reports of the travels to those countries where we go; but each Sunday we are preaching in services and providing supporting churches updates of the work. We also have several mission conferences each year. We were in Princeton, WV in March and preached and presented the work in a Hispanic country. I mentioned the continual need of bicycles for our men in one of my messages, and a young boy came up to me with his grandmother and told me that he had set aside money for his own bicycle. He said the Lord laid it on his heart to give that money to help the cause for bicycles over there. Before the week was over, he had doubled the money given back to him for his charitable giving of the need there! That is how it works! God could do the work Himself, but He chose man to have a part in His great work of preaching to every creature the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We were not able to travel to a certain Hispanic country this quarter because of the pandemic, but we were able to send through a contact enough funds to help the nationals until the government eases the travel restrictions. We will make a trip hopefully in May, and we have another trip lined up in June or July. Pray for the works and our men. This is just another reason why we work through nationals in their countries, because in this manner the work carries on. Amen!

Joyfully Yours, Farren Caeble, 1 Samuel 12:24


December 2020 news letter.

Dear Pastors, Churches and Friends,

As we reflect over the events of the past year, it made me think of the 44 years of preaching and our ministry. I have never seen a year like this past year. Covid took our economy down, shut our schools down and literally brought the evangelization of the churches almost to a stand-still. These events have caused all of us to reflect, to search our hearts, to pray and seek the Lord. Little did I know in January of last year that I would not be returning to this country for some time. Life is delicate and not to be taken for granted!

I was able to make a trip to a Hispanic speaking country in December as this year was drawing to a close. Upon our arrival we were harassed and had to answer many questions, then spent a long time waiting as they searched our suitcases. It reminded me of old times! We were also tested for Covid before we went through the immigration line. Man, were they persistent with that swab! I stood there with tears from the aggravation of the test as I was interviewed!

We had to spend all week quarantined in the house with the nationals who picked us up. However, it was a time for us to encourage one another, with time that we have never had in our trips in the past. In a normal week, we are always on the go, either in Bible Institutes or traveling and seeing the work. We were still able to accomplish our first objective for making this trip. Thank the Lord we have not lost any of our people to Covid there. We are planning another trip in February, as we try to catch up for lost time.

It is sad, but one of our key preachers in Panama died from Covid. I preached for him last year, and he took me out to eat after the Sunday service. Pray for his family. He was in his 60’s.

Thanks to all the churches for your faithfulness to the cause of evangelizing every creature before the Lord returns. We must not lose sight of reaching the lost at any cost!

Joyfully Yours, Farren Caeble


Dear Pastors, Friends, and Churches, June - August, 2020

Who would have dreamed that the COVID-19 virus would have lasted this long? We have had several of our national pastors and fellow laborers to contract the virus. It is with sadness that I inform you that one of our pastors in Panama died from complications caused by the virus. I preached for him last year in his church and he took me out to eat afterward. Pray for his family and also for the church family. Even on the Amazon, a pastor and his family fell ill to the virus. In Bolivia, a pastors’ associate and his wife got sick due to COVID-19!

We know all this was prophesied in the Bible. In Matthew 24:7, Jesus said in the last days, “nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places”. The 1828 dictionary describes “pestilences” as follows: any contagious or infectious disease that is epidemic and mortal. That is a thorough description of COVID-19!


Due to current travel restrictions I have included several older Hispanic church meeting pictures we’ve attended while on the field. The airports were supposed to open up in the beginning of August, but that did not happen. However, we were able to get some support to them in the spring to help out until we can travel again. We will make a couple of quick trips to get their support to them as soon as the airports reopen.

In August we returned from our annual conferences in West Virginia. Obviously, we were not able to bring in men from international countries to these meetings. Brother Ron Cole, Brother Humberto Gomez and myself preached and showed videos to cover the conferences. We also closed out our conference in Hickory, NC. We had great services in all these meetings. However, several churches had to cancel their services, but the videos were made available online. What a weird year that we all have experienced! I am glad the Lord knows all about this and it did not take Him by surprise. He knows where we are!

Joyfully Yours, Farren Caeble 1 Sam. 12:24



Dear Churches, Pastors and Friends,                    Spring Newsletter 2020

The world as we know it is in lockdown, and we are reminded how delicate man’s life really is. One day we are living a normal life, and the next day the world is in total disarray! I was reading through 2 Kings this week about the rule of Josiah, the King of Judah. His seeking God and the scriptures contributed to one of the greatest revivals in Israel’s history. The very next king was taken out of commission by Nebuchadnezzar! We are only a generation away from total domination by the Anti-Christ. In the year 2020, we are standing on the precipice of world change and world domination by the man of sin, but I am glad that God is in control! For the church, troublesome times are treasured times. It is during the darkest times that the light shines the brightest! Jesus said, “ye are the light of the world.” Paul said to the church of Ephesus, “arise and shine.” Our desire is, or it should be, that we the church should reach the lost. Well, they are listening! Are we shining?

I was in Princeton, West Virginia for our first spring conference when the pandemic began. We decided it was best to send the nine National Pastors back to their respective countries. Some airports closed the very day they arrived! We also had a Colombian preacher in the WV conference that I had met on the Amazon River last year. He too, made it back safely. We also got word that he and our families in Colombia, as well our men on the Amazon, in Peru and Brazil, are all ok.

I have communicated with our Hispanic contacts and they too have been affected by all of this, but do not have as many cases as we do. Unfortunately, a Pastor (not one of ours) died from the virus. We were scheduled to fly there April 16, but had to postpone the trip due to the virus. We are planning to fly to this Hispanic country when things open back up.

Please pray for our men in all the countries that we work in. I know they do not have the resources that we have here in the United States, but God knows their needs and can protect them and supply their every need.

God Bless and keep looking up!

Forever Yours,

Dale Cable 1 Sam. 12:24


Dear Pastors, Churches and Friends,            Oct - Dec 2019 Newsletter

 In the last newsletter I told of our travels to the Amazon, so I wanted to follow up with some good news about the ex-mayor which we are helping. He is carrying on that new work and doing well. We are hoping to bring him to the United States in February for our conferences. He now has a church building and a small house in the second largest city in Colombia on the Amazon River. Thanks to many of you who made it possible through the offerings you gave to build him a house!


In June we took a trip to Panama with a youth group and had a great time. There were many conversions during our church services and also while going house to house during visitation. The “swinging bridge” project that we went to in 2018 is doing well and upon our return we had another service. Last year 15 people attended the first service. After a year of church services, there are now approximately 50 people attending. Several made professions of faith; and after the service we presented Bibles to some of the local church members, and gave Thompson Chain Bibles to three of our national preachers. Another older preacher came up to me (one not supported by Help Ministries, but instrumental in these works being started) and he asked me, “How much would one of these Bibles cost?” I had an extra Bible with me that I was using to preach out of, and gave it to him. Oh, the things that we take for granted!


Our trip to another Hispanic country in September went well. There were no problems going through customs, but we were denied a religious visa. Even though the government regime had taken action against the church during this time our group was able to attended several house church services. We are still seeing a great move of God on the island and now have over 450 organized churches in this country!

 Many thanks for your faithfulness in prayer and in giving this year, as we minister for the cause of Christ in these Hispanic countries.

Forever Yours,  Farren Caeble  1 Sam. 12:24



Dear Pastors, Churches, and Friends,        February-March 2019

The year 2019 personally began with a blast for me. I made a trip to a Hispanic country and then another to the Amazon. On the trip to the Hispanic country, three men travelled with me and taught in our first institute of the year. They covered Bible Customs and Manners, the Three Epistles of John, and Great Truths of the Bible. Over 80 pastors, preachers, and their wives were in attendance. We learned, studied, rejoiced, and some even cried as we sat each day listening to the Word of God. Many of our people had traveled several hours in what we call a “cattle truck” in order to be there. My, My! What sacrifice the brethren in other countries must make in order to do the ministry that God has called them to. But it pales in comparison to the sacrifice our Savior made for us!

The latter part of January was spent on the Amazon River in the countries of Brazil, Peru, and Colombia. This was my fourth trip there over the years. Through the labor of our men, Help Ministries now has around 15 works that cover about 70 miles of the Amazon River. There is so much that we experienced while there, neither time nor space would allow us to write about all of it. We traveled up the river further than we had ever traveled to a small river town called Caballococha, to visit the works that we have there. As we were leaving the next day, we passed out gospel tracts in the streets, just before boarding our boat. People were sitting and reading the material, and some were responding to it. One man came up to us and asked if we would come to his village to preach, and start a church! Another older man stood weeping as he was led to Christ, literally in the street, wiping his tears away! My, my, this experience reminded me so much of the phrase “so much to do, with so little time”!

I preached an ordination service for a Colombian preacher on our last night there. He had been the mayor of the largest Colombian city on the Amazon River. He had gotten saved 20 years prior and had surrendered to preach the gospel. We hope to place him in the second largest city, Puerto Nariño, where a church building is already in place. We would also like to raise the funds needed to build a house. This would guarantee him ownership of the church and give him the liberty to preach and start a church on that property. In Columbia, you cannot just go into a village, town, or community and start a church. You are required to obtain an open invitation of the chief of the village. Pray for these men who feel the call to reach their people.

Joyfully Yours, Farren Caeble 1 Sam. 12:24




Dear Pastors, Churches, and Friends, September - November 2018


As 2018 comes to an end, I look back over the year and wonder where it has gone. It has been an eventful and rewarding year. Of course, it is overshadowed by the sadness of my Dad being called to his heavenly home in May. Dad, we miss you!


In one Hispanic country, we have seen an easing of harassment while entering the country. With that recent blessing, it also affords us more opportunity to do more than we have in the past. We have added to the number of national pastors that we support, and now support 175 men. Seventeen years ago, we began with 28 churches, today we have over 400 organized churches and have 750 preaching locations. Currently we are working on a church building in the middle of the island that will serve as a local church and our base of operations.


We are still seeing an abundance of souls being converted to the Lord Jesus in this country. During our last trip, we saw the power of God move in the church services as strong as when we first began 17 years ago! During one of these services, an 80 year-old man made a profession of faith. After his profession of faith we were rejoicing in his conversion, and talking about the odds of a man his age being saved. The very next service, a 90 year-old walked the aisle!


Our conferences in the States are going well. Each year I help with mission conferences in West Virginia for several weeks in the spring and fall. I also travel and preach each weekend in different churches to raise support for the men. We have seen many powerful services in the local churches at home and abroad. God is good!


In addition to the four trips to this Hispanic country each year, I usually make an extra trip to other Spanish-speaking countries. During the month of July we made a trip to Panama to see several works that we visited in prior trips. We also saw several new works that had been started since our last trip to Panama two years ago. It is amazing to see how the work of God multiplies in these countries.


I want to thank all of you who have helped make these things possible. The God of harvest knows all. He will reward you richly one day for your faithful giving to the cause of proclaiming the gospel to all nations.
Joyfully Yours,


Dale Cable 1 Sam. 12:24


Dear Pastors, Friends, and Churches,     May-June, 2018

It is with much sadness that I write this newsletter. My Dad, who was a pastor for many years, went home to be with the Lord in May. He had leukemia, then had a bone marrow transplant and lived about 17 years after the transplant. This was a miracle within itself to have survived that long with such an aggressive treatment and take chemotherapy. It is always a shock when someone whom you love departs from this life. He was a soldier for sure. God bless you Dad!

We made a trip to a Hispanic island in April and had a great Institute with approximately 80 attendees. Our American pastors taught, wept, and encouraged our Hispanic preachers. It is always a blessing to sit and enjoy the Word of God when it is preached, taught or just discussed, whether in English or Spanish. It’s also getting easier to enter in and exiting out of this country now.

I recently returned from Panama. We were preaching in the city and in the mountain Indian villages. While visiting a new work we crossed a huge river by a hanging bridge that spanned 75 to 100 yards. The community there had a very large stove with a cheese cloth hung over a pot for their coffee, and a hewn out tree trunk that served as a huge bowl to grind the rice with a pole. We gave out Bibles and gospel tracts and preached. Three people were saved, and it was only their 4th service. We also had a service at a building which “Help Ministries” assisted with in constructing. Around 150 children attended the classes and had a meal of rice afterwards.

Over the years we have seen this particular work become a base assisting several other works that exist in these mountains.

We now support several of these national Indian preachers. We also gave out Bibles and commentaries to our preachers and to several young men who are studying and preparing for the ministry. It is exciting to see what the Lord is doing, and the future that lies among these Ngöbe-Buglé Indians in Panama. Thank you for your prayers.

Joyfully Yours, Farren Caeble 1 Sam. 12:24



Dear Pastors, Churches, and Friends,     January 2018

We have had a very interesting year. The presence of the Lord was so real in our services while here in the States. We have also enjoyed a measure of health with a few aches and pains, but at least you can feel something!

2017 was a year of hurricanes for, the United States, Puerto Rico and other Hispanic countries. On our last trip we used most of the time assessing the damage from the hurricane that plowed across the Northern section of a Hispanic country. We are trying to help in as many areas as possible, but there were so many people affected by the storm it seems almost impossible. Those that sustained heavy damage will never completely recover in their lifetime.

One project that we began in is almost finished. Now the only problem is getting the required materials, because so many others are in need from the hurricanes. This particular church and house will serve as our base of operations. We want thank all of you who have helped with needs from the hurricane and this project.

We just returned from a trip to the Amazon; seeing works along the river in Colombia, Peru and Brazil. As a result of two prior trips in 2009 and 2010 we were able to bring three men to the States to be in our conferences. Since then, these men have “increased” their ministry by planting several new works. It was exciting as we road banana boats across and up the Amazon to see those churches and be in services with the people.

One of the buildings that we helped build in 2010 was at the point of being taken over by a drug cartel. They had threatened the pastor’s life. As Brother Euler told us the story while weeping said, “the brothers from the church were hazarding their lives to salvage materials from the building by disassembling it, and all at once, they were totally surrounded by soldiers with guns”! He said while being overcome by tears, “until this day they do not know if it was the military or angels protecting them!” God is on the throne and mindful of our needs!

Thanks to all of you who have been so faithful to our ministry with your prayers and help. May God Bless each one richly in this next year!

Joyfully Yours, Farren Caeble



Dear Pastors, Churches, and Friends,                                  Spring 2017


It has been a wild and very busy year!  I did not realize it had been so long since the last letter, my apologies!


We made three trips since the last letter, of which one was an extra trip. During the January trip we travelled to a small seaport on the southern coast. We were there for several night services and the churches were packed. We had over 20 conversions during that week! One afternoon service really stuck out. This was in an "underground" house church where you would walk through the house and the meeting was held in the back yard, so you would not attract attention. Since it was an afternoon meeting we were not going to have a complete service, just greet them, read some scripture and give a word of encouragement. Many are working during the day and the attendance is always down. As we walked through the house, you had to bend your head down to walk through the back door. We stepped into their "church building" which consisted of no more than a chicken coop and there were 25 people in attendance! One of the American pastors that travelled with me said, if it is OK, I will preach. Well, he tried to preach, all he could do is weep. God has been so good to America!


On the next trip we had a similar situation. On the last night before returning home we sat under a tree with the stars overhead and had church! The people had a cardboard backdrop arranged with a schedule of services under that tree. It was a sweet service with the best music of all that week. I thought, well this is a new work. Upon inquiry I found out they have been meeting there for five years!


Two weeks ago I made the third trip to this Hispanic country and we took a plaque honoring Brother Bob Barker who traveled with me many times to Cuba. He passed away almost a year ago and shall be missed. He certainly was a great help and loved the national preachers and their coffee. It was a sweet time. Our American preachers did well in preaching and exhorting the brethren. During one service seven people were saved. One of the preachers spoke on "There is going to be an abundance of rain". And there was an abundance of God's blessings as those people were wondrously converted.


Thanks for your patience and prayers for our ministry. May God richly bless you!


Joyfully Yours, Farren Caeble, 1Sam. 12:24



Dear Pastors, Churches and Friends, Nov - Dec 2016

As I reflect back on the year of 2016, first I want to say that I believe it was the fastest year in my life. I guess there are several factors that caused this. One, I am getting old! Second, it was a very busy year. Even though it was a fast year, it also brought many benefits. In 2015 I made the comment that I believed it was my best year in 40 years of ministry. However, looking back at 2016, I will have to say this was the best year. God is good! We felt His tremendous presence in our meetings, the Spirit moving in invitations, and we saw Him intervene and work in our lives on a daily basis.

In December we traveled to Panama and received many blessings.  I preached to a congregation of 136 in Panama City on Sunday. The next day we drove for six hours to the city of David (which is only one hour from Cost Rica).  We made several trips to the mountain villages where we had traveled on previous trips. Since our last visit H.E.L.P. Ministries has assisted the people to build two buildings in those mountain areas. These people live in poverty and have many needs.  Of all my travels, I believe that trip was the toughest as we traveled with 11 other people in our group!  There were 19 people in the back of the small truck that we were traveling in. The truck was jostling around and sliding in 18 inches of mud; but when we arrived and saw the faces of those Indian children and adults, it made it worth our time and sacrifice. We had several services in those mountains.  One was a Mother’s Day service, and we passed out Bibles to all the mothers.

I want to leave something with all of you that pray for us and help us during each year. In our lives we encounter struggles, and sometimes there are mountains in our paths and obstacles in our daily walk. Caleb in the Old Testament at the age of 85 said, “Give me that mountain!" David said in Psalm 30:7, “Lord, by thy favor thou hast made my mountain to stand strong.” This will be my Bible verse for 2017. What a blessing that God has made us strong in the middle of the fight, and He has given us strength to endure the battles!

God bless you all, and may He bless each one of you richly in this New Year of service.

Joyfully Yours,

Joyfully Yours, Farren Caeble, 1Sam. 12:24


Dear Pastors, Friends, and Churches,                                        September 2016

We have had a most interesting year thus far. We have had some decisions to make concerning a Hispanic island country and the leadership, and we have made several trips to objectively make plans for the future.

Our last trip to this country in late September went great and we traveled quite a bit. On Friday we landed in Santiago, the 2nd largest city, then went to Manzanillo. While there we preached in a couple of churches on Sunday, then continued up to Holguin on Monday. There we met with several men before traveling on to Camaguey where we spent a couple of days. Also, during this trip we saw some preachers we have not seen for a long time. We had several meetings with our preachers and missionaries in these cities.

As we pray this year with anticipation over the elections for America, we are also praying for the upcoming changes in this country. Now we can freely travel into this Hispanic country with religious visas! This has helped us tremendously. We can only hope that with these changes this nation will not be affected in a negative way.

I know it will take many years to bring this Hispanic country to a "normal" society as they have had to survive such harsh conditions.

Pray for us also, as these preachers and people are facing an unknown future in this country.

Joyfully Yours, Farren Caeble, 1Sam. 12:24


Dear Pastors, Friends, and Churches,                                        Nov - Dec 2015                                                          2015 year in review

As we approach the New Year, we always reflect on the past year with all of its accomplishments and disappointments. We have seen a year with many disappointments concerning our nation and decisions made against the Bible and its values. Personally, I have had three major surgeries in the last three years. However I am on the road to full recovery, and God willing, I am hoping that I have been completely overhauled and ready for another 100,000 miles!

But to be honest, as a Christian and a preacher 2015 was one of my best years in the ministry! God’s presence was very real in our services here in the States and abroad. We had made several trips to Cuba and had one of our least problematic years of all our travels to that country. However there was one occasion where I was detained for a whole day!  As more Americans are being allowed to travel there it takes the pressure off me as I go in and out of that country.

A project we began in April of 2014 with construction of new church houses is now complete, and many thanks to you who helped and gave sacrificially. It was a provisional door that opened in Cuba for the first time in many years. This opportunity allowed us to place some of our key national pastors in areas that we had hoped for many years. We raised the number of pastors that we support in a Hispanic country from 120 to 140 men! God is good!  We have seen some amazing results through our men on the island in the last 15 years!

In May, 2015 we made a trip to Paraguay, South America to initiate a partnership with some local pastors with the hope of establishing new works in this country to work with Help Ministries. Other international preachers and I preached a meeting there which turned out to be an “old fashioned revival”. We had 23 to profess Christ and many were weeping with conviction on the altar and being saved. To God be the glory!

Thanks to all of you who make all of this possible through your faithful support and prayers for our protection. Please pray that God gives us utterance as we try to further the gospel in other lands.

Joyfully Yours,
Farren Caeble 1 Samuel 12:24


Dear Pastors, Friends and Churches,                                                 June-July, 2015

Things are going well. We have had a pretty eventful spring and early summer. It began with a trip which I told of in the last newsletter. Then two weeks later we were on our way to Paraguay. This was an effort for Help Ministries to partner with nationals in Paraguay. I had preached a revival the week leading up to this trip here in the States and it went well. But little did I dream that the week following it would get better. And it did! 23 came forward to be saved! I watched as first time visitors sat and wept during the services. It was simply amazing! God is willing that none, absolutely no one perish! Several preachers from Help Ministries preached. I closed the meeting out preaching a message in Spanish that I also preached in English. There were eight souls that came forward weeping to get saved! Seeing these people weeping so moved me that I also was weeping! Help Ministries hopes that we can bring a couple of these national pastors to the States to get help as they carry on with the work in Paraguay.

In July the Spanish church that my son-in-law pastors moved into a new building in Lenoir City, Tennessee. We spent several days helping them make the move. I wrote a letter asking for some help for furniture, as they had spent considerable money for the deposit and needed help to furnish the Sunday school rooms and a nursery. Many of you responded with different types of help and offerings. Thanks! They had a goal of 250 in attendance for the opening day. They had 265! Five were saved and two baptized! To God be the glory!

Pray for me, I will be making my next trip to a Hispanic country the first or second week of October. We will be traveling to see several new works.

Thanks for the prayers.

Joyfully Yours,  
Farren Caeble   1 Samuel 12:24!


Dear Pastors, Churches and Friends,                         May 2015

While writing this letter I’m rejoicing while looking back over the last few months of service for the Lord. We have had some powerful services filled with His presence! I just closed out a revival, with possibly one of the best meetings I have ever preached in. Our weekend preaching services have been great as well.

I just returned from a Hispanic country a couple of weeks ago. Due to airline issues, I missed my flight connection and had to wait an extra day in Miami before flying to our destination . Then it took two days to meet up with the American pastors who were able to go in as originally scheduled. We had an institute meeting scheduled, so they were able to take advantage of the time and teach and preach until I could join them. Fortunately, I have made 50 trips into this Hispanic country over the past 14 years and have not had travel issues such as these.

I'm sure you have heard of the changes in this Hispanic country, but do not believe half of it. If this country does change it will take years for them to catch up with the rest of the world. The great thing is the Lord’s not handicapped as we are. In fact, because of the harsh situations that exist in this Hispanic country , He can use them to His glory! Many people are still coming to the Lord. I am certainly glad He has allowed me to be a part of the harvest there in some small way.

Pray for me, as I will be traveling to Paraguay, South America on May 18th and returning on Mar 25th. We are going to be with some national pastors and hope to be able to establish partnerships with them while working with Help Ministries.

Joyfully Yours, 
Farren Caeble 1 Samuel 12:24


Dear Pastors, Friends, and Churches, October-November 2014

On November 10 I had to have back surgery to repair a ruptured disc which caused excruciating pain for six weeks leading up to the surgery, but am now home recovering. In September I went to Cuba with this pain, but greatly appreciated & needed help from the pastors that went with me the entire trip.

We landed in Santa Clara, and traveled to Camaguey to hold a Bible institute. We also spent time with our men making plans for some of the property that we bought and other properties that we hope to purchase in the coming months. There is a change coming to this Hispanic country. I know some of you have heard this for some time, but it was slow for me to sense this due to the pressure that the government has put on me the last few years. There are some things that we have enjoyed just in the last two trips that we have never experienced. I hope this is not temporary. You never know what a Communist government might be doing or planning. I do know that despite all the setbacks in these 14 years of working in this Hispanic country, that God has been faithful and allowed me a measure of liberty to preach and encourage the brethren there! We have had to labor and plan under the air of uncertainty for so long we do not want to assume there will not be setbacks. Please Pray that God will show us the exact steps that will enable us to enjoy that liberty to preach there.

When I returned from this Hispanic country, I preached a revival in West Virginia while still having the back pain, but God is good! I can testify with Paul when he spoke of God's grace in 2 Timothy 4:17: "Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion." I have always experienced (even in these times) that the Lord is not handicapped; in fact it is in these times when the Lord shows his power and presence!

I was also scheduled to travel to Bolivia in December to hold a Bible conference; however, due to my surgery I was unable to attend. Please pray that the men who travel there will be a blessing and encouragement to the Bolivian pastors.

In the year 2015 we hope to travel to Panama, Brazil, Peru, and Columbia as well as our normal trips to a Hispanic country.

Thanks for all the prayers for me during this time.

Joyfully Yours, 
Farren Caeble  1 Samuel 12:24

PS The letter above was written before the international news was broadcast of Obama's intent of lifting the embargo!


Dear Pastor, Friends and Churches,                                                                                                     June, July (2014)

Greetings in the name above every name! I hope you all are well. We have been traveling quite a bit to various meetings while here in the States. Bro. Ron Cole and his wife, who works with “Help Ministries”, just returned from a trip to Hispanic communist country. They traveled in my place and had a great trip without any trouble from immigrations.

Bro. Ron related to me about a particular house church service. He said during the invitation they had noticed some commotion in the adjoining house. The neighbors in the next house (some of these houses are very close) were listening to the service and Bro. Ron’s preaching. In that neighboring house was a crippled man who was trying to get to the house where they were having the church service and he wanted to get saved. When our national brothers realized what was going on (a crippled man trying to get to a gospel invitation), they went to where he was and prayed with him. He then received Christ! I am so glad that when you cannot get to Him, he can and will come to you! This is just another account of many, which are coming to Christ in a Hispanic communist country.

My next trip to Cuba will be in September. We hope to travel under a religious visa for the first time! Pray for us, since this will be our first attempt and we are a little anxious. We also have other trips planned to for this fall: one to Panama, one to Brazil, Peru, and Colombia. Then another to Bolivia, which is still in the planning stages.

There have been several responses for the appeal of purchasing a much needed house and church building in this country. We thank all of you who have supported these needs. If there are any more interested, we still have the need for several more.

We love you all and God Bless! Joyfully Yours,
Farren Caeble I Sam. 12:24


Dear Pastor, Friends and Churches,                                                                                            March/April 2014 Newsletter

It has been an eventful Spring to say the least. I am doing much better since my prostate surgery back in January. Thank you for your prayers. My back had been doing well, and from time to time I experience a small amount of pain. However after this last trip, I am in a lot of pain and do not want another back surgery!

Our trip was very interesting. We did not have any trouble going through the immigration line this time. I know a lot of you were praying, and we sensed this as we stood in line waiting our turn. Thanks.

We traveled about 1,200 miles on third world country roads which are not at all like our roads in America! One stretch of road was just dirt for about 60 miles. As you know, our men are scattered across this 800 mile long island (which is the largest in the Caribbean), and we traveled from one end to the other. We saw a lot of our men that we support and were able to hear testimonies as they gave reports of their growth.

This trip offered us many new challenges and opportunities. The government is now allowing special privileges for some to actually build a house for the pastor and a church building! This has never happened before under the Communist regime. These will cost 50% less than what it normally would take to build two structures (around $2,000). If you have read any of my letters or heard my burden for this country, you know that I never mention money. I present the potential of supporting a national, or the need for bicycles, etc., but I do not promote or raise funds. I only mention what a church, or Sunday School class can do in passing, as I tell of what God is doing in this country. This is a golden opportunity for the local churches in America. We ought to take advantage of this great privilege, especially for the Hispanic countries where God is harvesting souls. If you are interested in helping with this please send your support to the address above.

If you have any questions about this or want to know more you can contact me at: (828) 460-0196 or by email:

Joyfully Yours, 
Farren Caeble, 1Sam. 12:24


Dear Pastor, Friends and Churches,                   December 2013 - Newsletter

As we close the year 2013, I think of the highlights and the most memorable moments of that year.  I will have to say that it has been a tough year, spiritually and physically.  In one Hispanic country we have had one battle after another; between my getting in and out of the country and many other problems which I cannot mention.  But I will have to be honest; God has been good to me and my family.  We have had a measure of good health, our table has not been bare, we have had clothes on our backs.  How could I complain?  God has been good to me, for which I could not possibly complain!  Jesus said in Matthew 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.  Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Jesus also said, do not worry about tomorrow, it will be all that you can do to take care of the "evil" of today!  That is for sure.  A preacher who was in the "Burning Hell" film, used to say, speaking of the embattled Christians’ life, "it is all uphill".  That is true, but one day we will climb our last hill, we will fight our last fight, and then we will go home to Mt Zion!

While in this country, we won some spiritual battles and we lost some spiritual battles.  A lot of people are coming to the Lord, and we continue to support our nationals despite the economic down turn in America.  We have seen new churches organized and new preaching points started.  We have also watched a lot of people walk the aisles for salvation.  But we have had to stand before the authorities in the airports and in immigration offices, and be questioned for no apparent reason, other than for the cause of the gospel.

But what should expect?  Paul was treated that way, Peter was jailed, Jesus even said, "I was wounded in the house of my friends." Why should we expect anything less?  Jesus said, "Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets."  Brethren keep up the good work; fight the good fight of faith!  Keep on keeping on! 

Our many thanks for all that you do for Cuba and the other countries in which we now work.  Do not grow weary in well doing.  Maze Jackson used to say, "We are heaven bound with the hammer down!" 

Please continue to pray for me, I have had a health issue for some time now and it has hindered my activities to the point of needing surgery on Jan 8th.  We love you and appreciate what you do.

Joyfully Yours, Farren Caeble, 1Sam. 12:24


Dear Brethren,                                                    Fall 2013 - Newsletter

Well, it has been a very interesting summer to say the least. We just made a trip to a
Hispanic communist country, and it had its troubles as expected. I would think it strange if we did not have trouble. I learned a long time ago anything that you try to accomplish for the Lord you will encounter some sort of obstacle and difficulty. I was reading today in 2 Cor. 4:18, “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal”. Everything you see is worth noting, but you must remember what you see with the eye is temporal. If we are not careful, we esteem things seen as more tangible and noteworthy than the things which are not seen. As such, you can only believe some of them, and that with reservations. But Paul said those things which are not seen are eternal. Then the preceding verse, which I love, 2 Cor. 4:17 states; “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory”. Someone said, "faith that is not tested cannot be trusted."

When our pastors arrived, during the first Sunday service that was held, there was a baptism with over 50 people being baptized! There were around 10 conversions in the services where our American pastors preached at. One of the American pastors when returning to his church here in America preached a message titled, "Quit your complaining!" We as Americans have it made compared to the rest of the world, with our lives, our jobs, etc. A trip to a third world country reminds us of just how much we are blessed.

Please pray for the
Hispanic pastors, I say this a lot, but some of them are facing challenges now that they have never faced. We need to pray that God will give them courage and wisdom to make the correct decisions.

Joyfully Yours,

Farren Caeble, 1Sam. 12:24

PS; If you would like more information please contact me at: (828) 460-0196 (


Dear Brethren,                                                   April - May 2013 Newsletter

Our Spring has been an eventful time to say the least. We began our trips to the countries of Panama, Chile, and Bolivia. In Panama we had a great time. We spent the first 2 days close to Panama City and preached in a church there. We then drove across Panama to the city of David, were the spent the next few days and saw several works. The works in the mountains where we were last spring continue to grow. They now run about 350 people, including 200 kids! The same day, we also went to a new work called the "Broken Rock", it was only their 6th service with about 70 people attending. We held the service under two big trees. Several made professions of faith.

We then flew into Chile where involved in preaching and teaching in a missions conference. Most of our churches are all located close to Santiago, Chile. I was amazed at how many Chilean national pastors I knew. Over the last 12 years I had interpreted for several in conferences here in the States. We had a great time as we fellowshipped and participated in services together there in their churches - I enjoyed the music immensely.

We then began our last leg of the journey into Bolivia. On the way we had a layover in Lima, Peru, where I had major heath issues as we waited for our connecting flight. I had to have medical attention before leaving the Lima Airport. When I arrived in Bolivia, my problems continued and I went to a doctor and stayed behind as Bro. Drake and his wife continued on to Tarija to meet with our nationals that we support through Help Ministries. Please pray for me as I continue to be attended to here in the States for this medical problem. Everything seems to be OK.

A few weeks later I took my next trip to Cuba. We had great services as we visited an existing church in Santa Clara, as well as many house churches. At the end of the week they had a last service at the existing church with an overflow crowd, as news of us being there attracted many people. The building was packed out. We had a total of three people saved throughout the week, but, we also had our share of problems. The government detained me 3 hours going into Cuba and 1 hour leaving, not to mention having other problems with immigrations that space will not allow. I am having trouble now because I have made so many trips into Cuba these last 12 years. Other men will be helping me make some of these trips in the future.

Brethren pray for us. Our work in Cuba continues to grow, but the obstacles continue to mount also. I will continue to be in charge of the Cuban Ministry but I am going to be using other men as far as some of the traveling is concerned. My responsibility with Help Ministry is greater, as I am traveling to all of the Spanish speaking countries in South America, as well as in the Caribbean’s and Central America.

Joyfully Yours,

Farren Caeble, 1Sam. 12:24

PS; If you would like more information please contact me at: (828) 460-0196 (


Dear Pastors, Friends and Churches,                                                   Feb-Mar 2013

 As we see Spring developing around us with buds popping open and the birds singing, it is a joy to see the full expression of Christian life evident in so many people's lives.  During the month of March we had great services in eight different churches throughout West Virginia.  One church actually had a revival during a mission conference with people weeping on the altar each night.  In one of the churches, an older man was driving his car as he left the church parking lot one night and blacked out.  While his wife was trying to hit the brakes, she hit the gas pedal instead and knocked him out the door.  He was clipped by the door and a tire ran over his foot.  But, he was back at church the next night!  I was standing at the back of the church as he came out grimacing literally dragging his foot.  I made the comment to him that most people would not have come back to the services because of the pain.  He answered emphatically, “I would have come tonight if I had to of crawled!”  That is the type of assertiveness and tenacity we need in our churches today.  So many times we are hindered from serving the Lord by the smallest interruptions in our lives.

 In James 1:2 the Bible says, “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations.”  I think that this verse is not talking about falling into some sinful temptation, but rather when we find ourselves in a certain situation of suffering or testing we ought to recognize the trial as such and go on.  Not only should we go on, but esteem each occurrence as a learning experience and let it mature our faith in the process.  I am preaching to myself as much as I am writing to you all.  We ought to see these trials as such and take courage, thanking God and ask him for strength that we might glorify Him through the divers temptations.

 Pray for me, I am traveling to Panama, Chile, and Bolivia on April 13 and will be there through April 26.  Pray for protection, and that there will no problems making all the flight connections.  Also, pray for the national pastors there.  They will be traveling to the meeting and holding preaching and teaching sessions.  We also will be going to see many of their works.  Shortly after we return home we will be making our Spring trip to another Hispanic country.  Pray that we will make it into this country and back out without any problems.

 Upon my return and after things settle down I plan on writing you all of the great things that the Lord hath done and is doing.

 Please, pray for my back.  I had surgery on it last year and now they tell me the same disk is herniated again and I may have to have another surgery on it in the near future.  Love you all!

 Joyfully Yours,  Farren Caeble, 1Sam.12:24


Dear Pastors, Friends and Churches,    January, 2013

Cuba was hit with hurricane Sandy just after we left in October 2012. Later, I received a call asking if we could help them in any way possible. As I have explained in the past these people never ask for anything, so I knew this was serious. A couple of our nationals were left with just the clothes on their back. I called several churches and pastors who helped with an offering. A total of $3,000 was given in relief funds for theses nationals in December. Thanks to all of you that have helped in their hour of need. They said it looked like a war zone where the hurricane came through. Santiago, which is their second largest city in and situated in the southeastern end of the island was severely damaged.

Due to the trouble I encountered in last time, arrangements were made for two brethren to take my place during a recent trip in January. I have now traveled over 40 times to this country and must keep my visibility low for the works sake!

The following is a report of their trip: They flew into Havana and without incident cleared customs. They preached over 12 times during the trip and said they had great services. One even remarked, it was the best mission trip he had ever taken. They had several adults get saved including a teenager. The Cuban people are so precious and genuine. You would have to go for a visit to appreciate such a statement. As always the churches are receiving pressure from the Communist government, but they have learned to adapt and carry on anyway.

I am taking advantage of the gap in my schedule to take care of some health concerns that have been put off for quite some time and will be glad to get this over with! I have plans to make trips into Chile, Bolivia, and Columbia in the spring of 2013.

Thanks a lot for your care and love for the thousands!

Joyfully Yours, Farren Caeble, 1Sam.12:24


Dear Pastors, Friends and Churches,                                                Sept - Oct, 2012

Well, it has been a very busy fall as usual.  We just returned from another mission trip.  Lately we have had trouble entering this particular country.  The custom officers asked questions that they had never asked before.  They also put pressure on my American pastors (which accompanied me) as they thought maybe they could get something more concrete out of them.

The churches that we went to were in the midst of a 40 day fast and prayer session.  We were blessed to be a part of this endeavor as God's presence was so real.  We had 19 come forward to be saved.  It was so exciting as I watched some of the Christian young people almost jump out of their seats with excitement to see people coming to the altar to get saved.  It reminds me of the 70's when I got right with God, all the excitement among God's people as people were being saved all over our community!

As I sat on the plane getting ready to leave I was reflecting on these experiences.  It made me think, "oh how I wish we could go back to those days in America".  We could, but what is it going to take for us in America to get back to that type of Christianity?  I am glad God has given us the opportunity to be a part of His harvest in a country where serving God is a priority in the lives of the Christians.  It is evident in their services and in their lives! 

Thanks for all that you do.  You all have a part, whether it is supporting the national pastors, or praying for our protection as we travel in and out of this Communist country.  May God bless you and verify in your hearts of what He is doing!


Dear Pastors, Friends and Churches,                                                      May - June, 2012

We made a trip to Panama in June and had a great time. It was very interesting to see some of the sights of this country, especially the Panama Canal. We stood and watched gigantic ships go through the guided passage ways. What a project for the French to start in the 1880's, though they did not finish it. The US bought the unfinished project and completed it a few years later. This was the largest construction project our nation has ever taken on.

While spending the weekend in Panama City we preached at a national preacher's church. He has a very small van and makes several trips to bring in the people to his church. They had 93 people at his house on Sunday, with people in every room of his house during Sunday School.

On Monday morning we flew into Chiriqui, Panama and spent the week with several national preachers whom “Help Ministries” supports with their churches. The highlight of the week was to go to the mountains with one of these preachers. He goes there to feed the children and also holds two services a week. There were over 100 Cuna Indian children attending each service with numbers totaling over 200. What began as a project for the children has been the means of reaching the whole village! We saw several adults and children saved during these services. Over 20 souls made professions of faith on this trip.

I wanted to thank you all for your prayers for my wife and myself these last few weeks. I had back surgery just a few days after returning from this trip and I am still recuperating. My wife's surgery went well also. Thank you again for the prayers.

I am planning a trip on August 7th. Please pray for our protection and that God will use us in His work there.

On each of my trips I send out an e-mail asking for prayer and then I send out another with the results when I return. If you would like to be on my e-mailing list, please let me know.

Joyfully Yours, Farren Caeble, 1Sam.12:24


Dear Pastors, Friends and Churches,                                                    May, 2012

Our mission trips to have gone well. We made a trip in January, traveling with three men who helped in a Bible institute. There were around 90 nationals attending, including 60 pastors. We had a great time and in the middle of the week we had to make more copies of the courses we were teaching. You should have seen the excitement as some who did not have copies stood in line to receive their course to accompany the teaching that we were covering that week.

We just got back from our spring mission trip and had a great time. Our first service was a memorable one. It was in a community called "The Condado", "The County", more like the county jail. It is a concentrated criminal infested “pueblo“. The missionaries were doubtful of starting anything there; they said “they would prefer working with those in jail where they would at least have bars between them!”

God's presence was so real, that the missionary moderating the service was weeping, including the lost people that sat in the cramped quarters. At the invitation 6 people received Christ! Others were standing on the street encouraging the lost to respond to the gospel invitation as they looked through the window and door.

Pray for me, God willing, I will be having surgery on my back June 7th. I have a herniated disc and lumbar stenosis, which is a narrowing of the passage where nerves are supposed to work free. This has been causing a lot of pain for some time. Your prayers are greatly appreciate.

Joyfully Yours, Farren Caeble, 1Sam.12:24


Dear Pastors, Friends and Churches,                                                     November 2011

In my letters I usually talk of the persecution these people receive.  Many hear about the changes being made in Hispanic Countries, but really not a lot has changed as long as there is a Communist government in power.

As we travel into this country there is always some sort of trouble.  They try to discourage any religious activity from the outside world on the island.  Due to these difficulties I had to make two trips there this fall.

During one of these trips, I had two pastors with me from North Carolina.  We lost two days sitting in motels due to the problems I mentioned earlier.  During the night service we had a great time and God moved in a wonderful way.  We met in a small house church and the place was packed.  There were around 20 people in the house and about 30 or 40 people were standing out in the yard.  Both American pastors preached and it was such a good service.  I was surprised at the invitation when no one came forward!  One man finally walked into the house to get saved and when he did 14 more came forward!

On the next trip, a Vietnam veteran came with me.  One night he was going to give his testimony and tell about his experiences in Vietnam.  As we sat in this particular service, we were told “only saved people were there”.  The brother gave the gospel and there was so much liberty that night that he did not get to his experiences in Vietnam.  He simply told of what God had done in his life.  During the invitation I was so burdened and thought, “boy somebody needs to get saved, even though there are no unsaved people here tonight”.  One woman in her 60’s came forward then five others got saved that night!

So you never know who is sitting in a service with you and needs God in their lives.

Joyfully Yours,  Farren Caeble, 1Sam.12:24


 Dear Pastors, Friends and Churches,                                                     June-July 2011

We had some great services on our last trip.  We did not make the first flight due to a scheduling change, but flew in two days later.  In our first service, 15 people got saved.  In the same church 10 were saved in a service prior to our arrival!

On this trip we had some trouble with the Immigrations.  While waiting for our bags an immigration officer came up and questioned me about our plans and asked “how long were we going to stay in their country”?  In other words, we know you are here and we are watching you.

I’d like to say something about our services in the States.  Every weekend I am traveling, preaching, presenting and bringing updates to our churches.  We have had some very good services!  Years ago when the work began, I prayed, "Lord, these people may never go to a mission field, please verify in their hearts that what we say is true and real".  And He has.  God is so good.  Some of you may never go to these foreign fields, but you have been very helpful in many ways.  When I go to these churches and try to do what the Apostle Paul did as he "declared particularly what things Christ had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry". (Acts 21:19)  I ask the Lord, “Please, let the people know in some way what I am saying is exactly in full descript as to what is happening”.

It is amazing to see all the things which have happened in our ministry and especially in Hispanic Countries.  From time to time God lets us know that it is His ministry and that He is only letting us be a part of His great work.

To better understand our ministry, we support the Nationals because God has worked in the hearts of the American people to take these men on for support each month.  I have preachers asking me all the time, "how do you do it?"  I say, "I don't, He does!"

God Bless! Brother Caeble, 1Sam.12:24


Dear Pastors, Friends and Churches,                                                                    March - April 2011


I hope all is well with you and your church.  While preaching in American churches I have been requesting prayer for my permit to travel into these Hispanic countries.  Some of you know that I could not go due to an expired permit back in March.  A dear friend of mine from the Bahamas went in for me this last time.  The Bahamians do not have to have a license to travel to certain Hispanic countries.  The trip went well and they accomplished the goal we had for this particular trip.


Last week I finally received word from the U.S Treasury Department, stating that all my papers are in order.  Some things have changed for the better regarding our permission to travel to certain Hispanic countries, which will hopefully make the trip easier and less dangerous.  Please pray for us as any change in our treatment from the U.S. could complicate matters, this is always a sensitive issue dealing with a Communist country.


I got a call from our national pastors last week and all is well.  Lord willing our next trip will be in June.  We have a couple of American pastors lined up to go with us and we are making flight plans now.


It is so good to be a part of God’s plan in reaching lost people whether it be here in America or beyond our borders.  As a young preacher 34 years ago, I never dreamed that I would be part of God’s work in other countries trying to reach the lost.  You never know what tomorrow holds!  As a believer I have learned that if you walk through the little doors of opportunity each day, at the end of life’s way you will look back and realize that you have walked through the big doors of opportunity that changed your life forever.


Thanks for your prayers and support to us personally as well as to these national pastors.


Joyfully Yours, brother Caeble, 1Sam.12:24


Dear Pastors, Churches, and Friends,                                                                          Aug-Sept 2009

As I wrote in the last newsletter many things are changing and I want to continue this thought.  I have never seen so many pastors so discouraged.  There are things which are happening now and to mention and name them would only discourage the church.  Brethren, the Lord prophesied that this day would come, not only are things happening in the spiritual realm, but also on the political level.  Our country has always been so connected to the Bible and Judea Christian Ethics that what happens on the national scale also has its consequences in the churches as well.  But this is only a reminder of the times that we live in.  In Luke it says, “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” Luke 21:28.

As the fall of the year approaches, our schedule tightens.  It happens every year.  We have some revival meetings here in the States and several trips planned out of the country.  Our next trip will be the first week of October.  Pray for safe passage and a blessed time with our pastors.  Those pastors so look forward to our coming.  We want it to be a time where they can be edified from the scriptures and be reminded of the great call upon their lives and ministry.

In August we had a National pastor here for some of the mission conferences that we were going to in West Virginia.  He was trying to get help for some of the missionaries out of his church that are starting meetings in other areas.  He was a real blessing to those conferences in WV.

We have lost a couple of supporters during this economical down turn, but thank the Lord we have picked up a couple of new supporters to take their ranks.  We had one church that was going to have to down scale their mission giving.  After seeing and hearing what God was doing in this country, instead of lowering their amount they increased and took a couple more!  It is God’s work and God will take care of His own.

Thanks to all of our churches and supporters for being faithful in these troublesome times.

Joyfully Yours, brother Caeble, 1Sam.  12:24 PS; If you would like more information please call me at: (828) 460-0196


Dear Friends and Churches,                                                                                              January 2002

As we close another year, in the wake of the tragedy of September 11, it is easy to be discouraged looking back, and our heart indeed goes out to the thousands that were and will be affected for the rest of their lives.  But we, reflecting back on this year and especially since this horrific incident can see a more spiritual attitude among a lot of God's people that I have not seen in a long time.  In the 90's as missionaries, we had been in Bolivia for some time and when we returned to the States we could tell a difference in the churches, the attitude of materialism, of trying to buy a bigger house and a have a nicer car that consequently produced a no care attitude among the saints that we had never seen.  Now after the tragedy, there is a notable difference that I only hope will not die as time proceeds.  I preached four revivals in October and November that brought results that I had not seen in a while.  In one revival in Kentucky we had seven professions of faith.  The attendance of each of these revivals grew as the week went on.  I am looking forward to the New Year with hopes that interest for the things of God grows.

In 2001, I went into a communist Hispanic country for the first time.  I saw a renewed interest in the gospel as these Hispanic people have an opportunity that they have not had in 40 years, of going to church and enjoying ¨some spiritual liberty¨.  I watched these people flock to the services with excitement.  I came back to the States with hopes of raising support for those pastors that we met there.  I traveled to some of our supporting churches and told of the growth in those churches in this country.  I hope to be able to travel to more of our supporting churches in the year that approaches with hopes of raising support for more of those men.  I now have enough pledged support to support 14 of those nationals!

Our works in Bolivia had some problems in the first of the year 2001 but they seem to be stabilizing now.  We brought one man here with hopes of raising support for him through ¨Help Ministries¨, a ministry out of a church in Brandon, Florida.  His name is Samuel Rojas.  He was here for four months, his support was raised and he will be working (God willing) in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.  He will be working through our mission board there in Bolivia, ¨Light of the World Baptist Mission¨.  We hope to bring another Bolivian pastor this next year with hopes of raising support for him.  In two weeks we will have a Hispanic national pastor here in the States for three months, with hopes of raising support for him.

In the month of February, God willing we will be traveling for the complete month to several Hispanic countries including, Bolivia, and Chili.  Please pray for our travels and our time in these countries as we check on these works, and preach in some of these churches.

We want to give our thanks to all our supporters who have supported us faithfully this year monetarily and prayerfully.  May God bless you richly in your ministry as we all try to serve God in the light of the things that are happening in these last days.

        Joyfully Yours, Brother Caeble, 1 Sam. 12:24


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