Leach Biography Larry Leach, Jr., along with his wife and five children
went to Romania as missionaries in November of 2004. In 2006, by leading of
the Holy Spirit, they moved to Bulgaria where they now minister. Larry
preaches in church meetings, helps with food distribution, helps get the
gospel out by making and handing out the CDs and DVDs (used instead of
tracts to the illiterate), and helps out wherever he can. |
![]() |
The Leaches |
Supporting and Mailing Address: |
Coats for Kids Prep 10/14/24
In late spring and on into summer, renovations were happening in Avren. A dilapidated house on the property was expertly renovated for ministry and has given our mission group separate and designated spaces for church, dining hall, printing, coats, etc. For this ongoing project, the coat closet was needed for safe storage of materials and tools. The timing was perfect because the need for that space came at the same time as Larry’s and my trip (and extended medical stay) to America.
But as the materials were used in the remodel, the space became less needed and today we went out there to put everything back and take inventory of needs. We were excited to see that doors had been added to the attic storage spaces, and a coat of primer had been painted on the walls. Larry got out the vacuum and I moved tables where I wanted them. We organized hangers and added the new, stronger hangers we got for the heavier adult coats. Then we took inventory of what items and sizes we have the greatest need of. Some baskets were full and others were nearly empty. We have some boots but more are needed. I enjoyed the day - I LOVE working in the Coat Closet!
Please pray with us about the upcoming distributions. I look forward to sharing updates!
Love to All,
Carrie M. Leach (A printable PDF version is available here)
P.S. To give toward the needs, please make checks payable to:
Charity Baptist Mission
memo: Larry Leach, Jr. Coats for Kids.
Charity Baptist Mission,
P.O. Box 692
Bristol, TN 37621
September 2024
I sat down to write a letter about this year’s coat and sock drive and instead found an old letter retelling stories of Coats for Kids and I decided to recycle it. Why? Because I love these stories and revisiting them bring tears of joy to my eyes. The following is a countdown of my top three favorite Coats for Kids memories:
In late 2009, Naziye’s aunt lay dying on a mat next to the wood stove. She had been a member of the Novi Pazar church for many years, and was the sweetest, most precious woman. No matter how warm they kept the room, she remained cold. I had been giving coats and socks to the kids and then went in to see her. She was small, so I found a teenaged size coat and a pair of socks for her. She had no strength and asked me to put the socks on for her. I did. And quite carefully since her skin was paper thin. Such a fragile state. She reached up one trembling hand and touched my cheek. She pulled me to her face and kissed the other cheek. It was then that I knew I couldn’t possibly limit the coat and sock distribution to only children.
Eforie 2015. Entering the Container Village in Romania was always emotional for me. Driving through the city dump, down a deeply rutted dirt/mud path was bad enough, but when a row of small dwellings came into view in the midst of trash heaps… I always found my heart in my throat. Yet the children there were always so happy. So sweet. So loving. This particular day was no exception. I was inside one of the container houses organizing the coats into piles by gender and age. Outside a line was forming at the door. One-by-one the children entered and were fitted with a coat and a pair of socks. One little girl was antsy for her turn and as soon as she was given the nod she ran and jumped on my lap. We talked a bit and she told me her name. She hugged me over and over. And even again before we left. Her joy both blessed and convicted me. She was the epitome of thankfulness.
Targovishte 2010. Targovishte is a good size city, but the section in which Pastor Nasuf lives and pastors is basically a landfill with a few nice houses, a lot of seriously run down houses, and several cardboard and plastic tarp shacks. On that particular day it was sunny and ice had thawed just a bit to make mud everywhere. Sunny, but cold and muddy. And kids were running barefoot in the streets and in fields full of garbage. Once we got everything set up and sorted at the church, a couple of rough little characters ran in. Disheveled hair. Muddy feet. Snotty noses. Mischievous eyes. I loved them! I fitted them with coats and then went to help one put his socks on. Only, his filthy feet were freezing. I wiped away the mud and then held his small feet between my hands until they were warmed. Then I put socks on him. He giggled the entire time and then hugged me and wiped his nose on me before he took off running toward his next adventure. While the moment itself was precious and unforgettable, it was some time later when the fullness of my experience was revealed to me…
You see, I eventually reached a place in parenting, marriage, home, and ministry where I felt completely worthless. Totally inept. I read Christian self-help books and devotionals and was none bettered. I took up jogging. I got a goat. Many things to better my life and bring some kind of joy or fulfillment. I prayed but it felt as if Heaven was brass and my voice rang back with emptiness in my own ears. My teenager was rebelling. Homeschooling was a joke. My goat proved stubborn and I threatened her by telling her I thought I’d enjoy BBQ’d goat ribs, but she didn’t heed my warnings. My health had begun to challenge me. My house was unfinished and remained in a construction zone state. My husband was beyond overwhelmed, yet remained busy in the churches. I simply didn’t know how much more I could take and I questioned God big time. In my despair I sat with my Bible in the few quiet moments I could steal in a day, and I read again and again the passage of Mary with her Alabaster Box. I cried and prayed and told God that all I wanted for my whole life was to be like Mary and worship at His feet. To wash His feet with my own tears. To give of everything precious to me, just for Him, so how was it that I ended up sitting in a pool of my own tears, alone and bitter. In that dark moment, scenes of Targovishte sprang to mind. Little muddy feet. The Lord revealed to me, even in my ugly state, that I’d lost perspective. I wasn’t seeing anything beyond my struggles. And every foot I got to clean or warm were His. That one revelation has been the prize and joy of my life. I have touched the feet of Jesus. What a tremendous honor I hope I never again take for granted!
It’s not yet cold enough for coats, but it takes quite a bit of time to raise money from America, get it sent here, and begin purchasing. That’s why I write this early. Please pray with us for this year’s coat and sock distribution, and if you can give anything to help with the need, it will be appreciated more than you’ll ever know. To give toward this ministry, please make checks payable to Charity Baptist Mission with “Coats for Kids” in the memo.
Larry Leach, Jr.
C/O Charity Baptist Mission
P.O. Box 692
Bristol, TN 37621
Keep us in your prayers; we need it!
Love to All,
Carrie M. Leach
printable PDF version is available here)
The Leach Family Missionaries in Bulgaria
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he
trusteth in thee.” Isaiah 26:3
Dear Brethren, January 2023
James tells us, “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” Paul tells us to think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praise-worthy. The above verse in Isaiah directs our minds to stay on God. The promises and admonitions we find in scripture are key to managing our Christian walk, and I can attest to these managing my OCD. Since arriving back in Bulgaria, OCD has not miraculously left me, nor did I expect it to, but I’m learning to manage it. Or, rather, when I focus on the things of God rather than my own things, God manages it. This is my thorn: the thing that keeps me humbly in prayer. I appreciate everyone continuing to pray for me, and for sending words of encouragement. I have no strength in myself to overcome, but when I walk in the strength of God, He gets work done and He alone gets the glory.
The work in Bulgaria continues and we’re thankful for faithful missionaries, national Pastors, and church members. Pastor Ismail is struggling with some major dental problems and I know he would appreciate your prayers. A few months back he talked to me about his aging knees and how it was getting more difficult for him to go visiting in town, walking to the hospital or even house-to-house. So we were able to find a threewheeled scooter for him and he’s so thankful. He’s able to get out daily and do the work of a Pastor, and that’s a blessing to both him and the church folks. If he knew I was writing this he would tell me to send greetings from him and the church in Novi Pazar, so I will send you greetings now on his behalf. The church in Novi Pazar is growing and is a church full of love and faith.
The work on the Coat Closet expansion is slow, but happening. This winter we purchased nearly 900 coats and even more socks. I do not know how many of those were actually distributed since we’ve had a fairly warm winter, but whatever is not given out will be ready and waiting for next year. One of the national Pastors needed a coat and we looked through the stock at the Closet and couldn’t find his size. Everything we had was either smaller or larger. We sent a few possible options along with many others in bags for the kids at one of his churches, but he didn’t find one that fit. He didn’t tell us this, however. So last week when we were in Shumen we ran into him and his daughter told us they were going to look for a cheap coat for him. I knew it was no coincidence we ran into him, so we took him to a few stores to look for a coat. When we found just the right one, he cried and praised God in the middle of the store. And so did we. He was thankful for a warm coat, and we were thankful we got to be part of helping him with that need.
In my last letter I mentioned Carrie’s car. When we returned to Bulgaria we fixed a few things on the car and then gave it to a national Pastor. Thankfully it wasn’t as damaged as we expected, and repairs were minimal. And now it’s being used by a Pastor. We’re praying about a big van for Coat Closet and church work, and we would appreciate all who would pray with us about this need. Thank you all for your faithful prayers for us, Pastor Ismail, the Coat Closet, the churches, and the many ministries going on here in Bulgaria and Romania.
Because He First Loved Me, (A printable PDF version is available here)
Larry Leach, Jr.
P.S. Somehow in our packing and preparing to return to the field last fall, there was a miscommunication and our fall prayer letter didn’t end up being sent out. We apologize to all those who usually receive our letters via mail. We’ve included the lost letter in with this one. Thank you for understanding.
- Support Address: Charity Baptist Mission: P.O. Box 692, Bristol, TN 37621-
- Field Address: 9900 Novi Pazar, P.K. 42, BULGARIA. larcarleach@gmail.com -
Dear Brethren, August 28, 2022
My last prayer letter, and especially my last email update, came from a very discouraged missionary. I had a lot of questions, a ton of concerns, very little direction, an excess of bills, and lower monthly support. And all of that on top of the daily battle that is OCD, which severely affects my routines. I recall back in May standing before a precious congregation in rural Michigan and saying, “If God doesn’t do something, I’m done. I can’t continue on the field like this.” From the back pew a man called out, “We will pray you through it!” Shortly afterward I received a call from a deacon in Southeast Tennessee telling me that the church wanted to know how they could help, and that no matter how long this valley lasted they were with me because, as he put it, “We don’t believe in kicking our soldiers when they’re down.”
One individual after another - one pastor after another - one church after another encouragement came slowly, but surely, through God’s people. My medical bills, which had drained my reserves, were taken care of by generous gifts. A Pastor called and asked me to come so his church could be a blessing to us. Another Pastor called and asked me to come, simply with the intention of praying over me. Weekends spent in Kentucky, West Virginia, North Carolina… moments around a preacher’s table or at a restaurant with a pastor and his family… God’s people listened. They didn’t offer endless advice; they listened. One dear lady held my wife’s hand across the table and cried with her. These small moments wrought a big work in our hearts.
God, as He is faithful to do, worked on our hearts. Some time in July it occurred to me that I probably would not find any answers medically/supplementally/nutritionally, and that I will likely battle OCD for the remainder of my life. I don’t have to tell you how discouraging this thought was, but a day or so afterward a sister at a supporting church just this side of the North Carolina line shook my hand and said, “I hope this isn’t out of line, but I feel the need to tell you that a broken vessel lets the light out better than a whole one.” So I came to America seeking, with questions about how to be victorious over OCD, but instead came away with the answer that this thorn in the flesh, though it will remain, will be the very thing that will help me minister.
I came with many questions, but am either getting the answers I didn’t ask for… or getting answers to questions I never asked.
Which brings me to the next part - God is leading us to expand the Coat Closet in Avren to a year-round clothing distribution. That thought never entered my mind, and wasn’t part of the questions I was seeking answers for, but Carrie and I both are excited about this expansion. The need is there, and we already know distributors. I already know Pastor Ismail will be excited to help the kids in his impoverished neighborhood. It will be a lot of work to get up and running, but churches are already asking how they can help. As of right now we plan to return to Bulgaria September 14th, and we will have a lot of work to do right away. First to take our house back from potential mildew and rat squatters. I will also have to tend to our vehicle situation, since my wife’s car was hit while in its parking space outside of our front gate. But it will also be time to reach out to coat distributors for our yearly coats and socks distribution. I hope to begin the closet expansion after the Coats for Kids distribution. Pray with us.
One more random story and I’ll try to close: A few weeks ago when in prayer I told the Lord I’d sure like to have my teeth cleaned. I know that sounds like such a small thing, but I don’t like going to the dentist in Bulgaria. OCD and Bulgarian dentists don’t mix well. Also, American dentists are expensive and usually booked up for months out. But I told the Lord I’d really like to have my teeth cleaned. Carrie called several places and not only were no appointments available any time before November, it would cost nearly $400 (because as a new patient it would also require x-rays and exam). Let’s back up just a bit… Cherith called us from Michigan with severe tooth pain a couple months ago. We went and got her and took her to her dentist here in Bristol, TN and she underwent an urgent root canal. After the root canal there was a scratchy piece on a tooth behind it, but she said she wanted to wait and see if it smoothed out. Now fast forward to that day I talked to the Lord about my teeth. Cherith asked to go back to the dentist to have him look at that scratchy spot. We went in the office and they scheduled her for the next day. I decided to ask if they had any openings for cleanings. The receptionist said they had two cancellations for the following day and they could get me in. Carrie, too. I took those two appointments. Just then a dear old friend came out from the back. She’s a dental hygienist we met years ago. Come to find out, we were scheduled to see her. She texted Carrie later and said she spoke to the dentist and the cleaning and x-rays would be free, and that we only needed to pay for the exam. So we got our teeth examined and cleaned and talked about the Lord the whole time during our appointments. Afterward we got a call from the pastor of our dear friend, inviting me to speak at their church. We went and enjoyed time with them, and the church chose to begin supporting us and also one of our fellow missionaries. Every morning I wake up and thank God for not only removing this dental burden from my shoulders, but also using something so trivial to me to connect us with a precious church in Virginia. God’s ways are amazing to watch.
We’re at the hardest part of furlough: the goodbyes stage. Saying goodbye is such a common thing for a missionary, but we never get used to it. It seems it gets harder and harder every time, especially with grandchildren in the picture now. But God knows, and He will provide grace. Goodbye Grace. We try not to dwell there, instead trying to focus on the great times we’ve had here. The powerful church meetings. The echoes of the Prayer Room. Spending a little time with all of our children. Watching our grandbabies crawl. Laughing with friends - and sometimes belly laughing. Speaking English. Eating steak. Watching baseball. Experiencing heart healing in the church. Being reminded time and time again we are not alone in this war.
We need your continued prayers. As the man yelled out in Michigan, keep praying us through it all. The only way anything is going to get done is by prayer, I firmly believe it. Thank you all… for everything.
Because He First Loved Me,
(A printable PDF version
is available here)
Missionary Larry Leach, Jr.
- Support Address: Charity Baptist Mission: P.O. Box 692, Bristol, TN 37621 -
- Field Address: 9900 Novi Pazar, P.K. 42, BULGARIA. larcarleach@gmail.com -
Dear Brethren, August 2020
Though we are living in uncertain, precarious days we are held fast by the hands of Almighty God and His omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience, and faithfulness have not, and will not be, diminished. Though what we see and hear around us all day everyday are held in suspect, the truth of God changes not. He neither slumbers nor sleeps. He is still our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. And there is still only one way to God, and that is through Jesus Christ His Son. Bless His Name!
God is still saving lost souls! Our son-in-law, Chris Jackson, trusted Christ as his personal Savior two weeks ago and we continue to rejoice. He’s a good young man, an honest, hard worker... but until recently he didn’t know he had such a deep need for Christ. He asked a lot of questions and listened intently to the preaching, pondering his need for weeks. That Sunday, he couldn’t hold back any longer and found himself drawn to the altar. When he video called us, his face shone brightly with a joy we know only comes from Christ. We shouted and cried for joy ourselves. Our son, who was lost, is now found in Christ!
Pastor Ismail and his wife Naziye are faring well, given the circumstances of the day. They had problems with the city septic backing up on their property, but we asked for help from American churches and the need was quickly met. They can once again use their washing machine, wash dishes in the outside sink, use the outhouse... all things we take for granted. Her health is never the best, so please continue to pray for her. She is concerned her yearly bronchitis and breathing issues will put her at risk, either for contracting the virus, or for everyone thinking she has it when she doesn’t. Their younger son in Belgium is battling cancer and this weighs heavily on her heart. Please pray for him as well.
Back in January we made plans to go to America in September for our oldest son’s wedding. As has happened to many, our plans were changed. Jonathan will still be getting married, but we will only be able to attend via video chat, and we’re thankful that is an option! We requested our airfare ticket refund a couple months ago, but the major operators are simply not giving them at this time. Our chosen airline has over two billion dollars’ worth of refunds held in limbo... with our three tickets being a part of that. So, we wait, hoping we don’t take a loss.
We apologize for the lateness of correspondence. Everything has been so up in the air and unsettled. The ministry here continues, though we work in different ways than before. We appreciate all the faithful prayers and support on our behalf. In the future we hope to move from a paper prayer letter to an emailed one, as this seems more certain in this day than postal systems. To be added to our e-mailing list, please write us at larcarleach@gmail.com.
Because He First Loved Me, Brother Larry Leach, Jr.
Dear Brethren,
September 2019
The month of August was a blur, but full of blessings upon blessings. We were
able to go to America as a family and get Esther Mae set up to live there.
Carrie got that hug from her Mom that she had been craving for months. We took a
quick road trip and saw Hannah in Tennessee, along with many friends. Then
Joshua flew up from Florida and spent a few days with us. We also got to see
Jonathan and meet his fiancée, Jana. We got to as many supporting churches as we
could in that short time and were refreshed by the fellowship. It was a quick
trip, but we are so thankful for everything God did for us, and through us,
while we were there. We bless His Name.
We landed in Sofia, Bulgaria on August 28th. Oddly, we were awake and full of
energy the next day. That however, was just fool’s gold, and jetlag hit hard. We
also contracted a virus. Needless to say, we were pretty much useless for about
ten days. But after rest and recuperation we jumped back into the ministry
schedule, and are very happy to be home.
Fall is here - winter quickly approaching. Now that we have Esther Mae settled,
my focus has switched to preparing for winter. Working in the Coat Closet,
winterizing our house, and buying firewood. To get a good start on the winter
firewood, I’m needing $700, which would buy wood for Pastor Ismail, the church
in Novi Pazar and my house (this is the early bird price - it goes up the colder
it gets). Please pray with us about all these winter preparations.
The churches continue to do well and send their greetings. Though it still seems
as if we are in a time of transition after the passing of Brother Ralph, the
ministry continues. We ask that you remember to pray for us. Pray for the
missionaries, national pastors, and churches. Pray for our children. And pray
for souls. Thank you all for your faithfulness.
Because He First Loved Me, Brother Larry Leach, Jr.
Dear Brethren, July 2018
“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.” Psalm 116:15
Missionary Ralph Cheatwood, hero of the faith, went on to be with the Lord last month. He was our Field Director and Pastor figure but also like a father to so many of us. Our children even called him Grandad. His presence will be greatly missed but we fully intend to carry on the work he began all those years ago.
Time marches on, and we strive to “Redeem the time”… The churches continue to do well. In Zlatina a lady stopped us outside on the sidewalk to inquire after the church there because she had heard about it from a believer she met while working in Western Europe. What a blessing that the testimony of the church stands strong even as it travels. Our family is doing well. I remain busy tending the flock with Pastor Ismail while Carrie and Cherith stay home on weekdays so Cherith can finish her home school work. Esther is in America for a few more weeks – she had an unexpected opportunity arise to visit a university, work a summer job, and spend a bit of time with some children in foster care. Our older children are doing well also but could always use your prayers.
In my last prayer letter I wrote at length about our vehicle situation. The situation remains unchanged and we continue to pray the Lord keeps this car going while we wait, but some money has come in for a new vehicle. Of our $18,000 goal we now have a little over $4,000.
There are so many financial needs of the ministry but at the moment I feel compelled to highlight this one: Winter Firewood. The mindset here is to always be preparing for winter, and at this time firewood (which is controlled by the government) is more available and 20% cheaper. The closer winter gets, the less available firewood is, and it gets more expensive with each passing month. I would like to see Pastor Ismail and the church in Novi Pazar get firewood yet this month. My family also.
In closing we ask that you pray for the following: 1) The upcoming American camp meeting: the first without Brother Ralph. There are many young people yet unsaved. 2) Our children in America. Guidance. Wisdom. 3) The ministry here. Pastors and families, missionaries, churches, believers. 4) Avren. Work is going on in Avren as we strive to follow Brother Ralph’s vision and carry on what he started.
Thank you all for your faithful prayers and support. Because He First Loved Me, Brother Larry Leach, Jr.
Dear Brethren, January 2018
Happy New Year! It is our hope and prayer that this letter finds you all well
and warm. Our holidays were a little difficult without the older children home,
but we had a nice, quiet time together and even tried to make new traditions.
The response this winter to Coats for Kids has been overwhelming, and for that
we are thankful. We have been very busy with the distributions, only taking a
forced break when the flu hit our house for a few weeks. Hundreds of coats and
socks (and this year some hats) have been bought, sorted, and distributed. Today
Carrie and I were sitting at the table planning our next step when a request for
coats came in. We felt like we should go get coats for this need right at that
moment in order to be ahead of the ice storm. We hope to keep working until we
have exhausted all suppliers and/or resources.
The churches are doing very well. I love the people, and I'm so glad they love
me too. Yesterday five folks from the church in Mihailovski came to my house to
check on me because they heard I had been very sick. They also brought bags of
fruit. Unfortunately I was not home to visit with them, but it blessed my heart
that they would figure out a way to get out here to my house to see about me.
What a blessing!
Our time in America was bittersweet, but mostly sweet. The Lord did such big
things for our family, and we returned to the field encouraged and helped. While
in America we were able to visit many churches - both supporting churches and
new contacts. The Lord blessed as we presented the work. When asked about our
personal needs, I told of those - each time highlighting the need of the moment
(getting our older children set up, Pastor Ismail, Widow Minka, getting Carrie
some medical help, Coats for Kids, etc.). I felt at peace about the direction of
each and every meeting. However, after returning to the field and finding costs
had risen while I was gone, I find that I ran out of time in America to
highlight every need and our personal monthly support ended up feeling the lack.
I cannot visit new churches in America while working here in Bulgaria, but I
know God answers prayers; so I would like to ask all of our supporters to make
this a matter of prayer for the Leach Family.
In closing, I want to thank all of you for your faithfulness. You have been
faithful to pray and support and give to special needs. We are thankful that God
put us together in His ministry. Praying for you.
Because He First Loved Me, Brother Larry Leach, Jr.
Dear Brethren, September 2017
“Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.” Psalm 103:1
This verse has become our personal psalm of praise and instead of a typical update and prayer letter, I would just like to praise the Lord a while for what great things He has done. He is worthy to be praised. He continues to prove Himself faithful and has provided above and beyond all that we hoped or imagined. He has heard our cries and answered our prayers. I better just jump into telling you about all the good things that have taken place during this furlough - take a minute to consider the depth of each one:
Hannah and Joshua are settled in, here in America. Carrie’s health is in hand and she has been given the all clear to return to the field. National Pastor Ismail’s monthly support needs have been met. We all underwent Christian counseling for PTSD and our counselors praise the Lord with us for our quick progress. Carrie is singing again. We’ve had times of rest and relaxation with friends who encouraged us more than words. We got to spend quality time with family, both immediate and extended. A dear family - a missionary to missionaries - let us stay in one of their rental homes in Florida, allowing us to rest. We made many new friends, laughed a lot, and have new supporting churches. I got to preach a lot in English. We got the clothes and shoes we all needed. And, Carrie and I got to go on many dates, including one tubing adventure down a river in Tennessee. A lot has been packed into six months and I bless the Lord.
We plan to fly back to Bulgaria on the 18th of this month and will resume our ministry among the Turkish speaking people there. We ask for your prayers. Pray for our safety and encouragement as we travel and for our grown children who will remain. We will begin fundraising for this year’s Coats for Kids drive this month, so pray about that. And pray for the ministry vehicle fund. This is one need that has not yet been fully met, but we trust God to meet this need. Of the $18,000 we need, we have a little over $1,100. Pray.
A heartfelt thanks to everyone for your faithful prayers and support of our family and the ministries.
Because He First Loved Me, Brother Larry Leach, Jr.
Dear Brethren, May 2017
We arrived in America about nine weeks ago and have already traveled over 10,000 miles. Our travels have taken us as far west as Missouri and as far south as Florida, with a trip north to Michigan planned in a couple weeks. We also spent some time in North Carolina as well as Tennessee, where Hannah and Joshua graduated high school.
Our furlough goals were many, some of which were graduation for the kids, getting the kids set up to live in America, raising money to rebuild Widow Minka’s house after the fire, raising a little more monthly support for Pastor Ismail, and raising money for a ministry vehicle. Graduation has already taken place, Hannah has moved and is doing well, and over half of the money needed for Widow Minka has come in. We praise the Lord for faithfully leading us and providing.
We still plan to return to Bulgaria in September, even though so much still needs to be accomplished. We would love to visit all our supporting churches, but some phone numbers have changed and we have lost ability to contact some. If you would like to have us visit and give an update on the work among the Turks in Bulgaria and Romania, my current cell phone number is: 276.469.9294.
Prayer Requests:
1. Naziye, Ismail’s wife has been very sick. They are running tests for suspected cancer and need your prayers.
2. Our children, both grown and still at home.
3. Our personal needs, both medical and financial.
4. The ministry in Bulgaria and Romania - the churches, the outreaches, the missionaries, and the national pastors.
Because He First Loved Me, Brother Larry Leach, Jr.
Dear Brethren, October 2016
Much has happened since my last prayer letter in May. Several camp meetings, baptisms, continued work on the printing house in Avren, and the regular care of the churches have kept us very busy. But, it is all very good and we thank the Lord for it. Though I may complain on occasion out of sheer exhaustion, at the end of the day I’m so thankful I was called to be a missionary.
Carrie is much improved since my last letter, though she still has episodes of sickness where she is weak and has to go rest until it passes. Keep praying that she will recover totally. The children have begun the school year and the younger two are doing the A Beka online streaming program, which has been such a help to them and to Carrie. Hannah and Joshua are in their senior year and will be graduating in the spring. Pray for them as they make plans to leave the nest after graduation. Hannah has plans to attend community college while tending to some health concerns. Joshua has learned much working on the various building projects over here and hopes to put this knowledge and experience to use working for a home construction contractor.
Pastor Ismail and his wife Naziye have endured a very rough summer. A few months back she slipped and fell and broke her leg in three places. The doctor put a cast on it and ordered her to rest for fifty days. Ismail had to help her with everything. It took a long time to heal, but, praise the Lord, I saw her walking last week and she seems to be gaining strength every day. This time was trying for them, but the care of the churches was always on their minds and he remained faithful to go. I’m thankful for faithful National Pastors.
The churches are doing well. Attendance was down during the summer because everyone was working every hour they could, knowing winter would soon be upon them and there would be no work. But now that most of the harvest is past, the churches are full once again. Last week eight visitors came to the church in Stoyan Mihailovski. They said their son/brother was sick and needed a surgery and they heard the church was a place they could come and pray. I’m so thankful the communities know where the churches are from the testimonies of the believers of their answered prayers.
Work on our unfinished upstairs has finally begun. Carrie’s health scare and the many needs of the ministry required my attention, so that delayed my plans a while. But it has begun and already we have begun the work to level the old concrete floors, start on the plumbing, remove a load bearing wall, and hire an electrician. Some of the work was under quoted and will be more costly than I thought, but I’m going to keep going until the money runs out and hope and pray it doesn’t run out before we hit the finish line. Keep praying about this. I’m happy to be getting to work on this and happy to get to work on this final project with Joshua before he leaves. These moments are precious.
And don’t forget to pray for this year’s Coats for Kids drive. Thank you all for your faithful prayers!
Because He First Loved Me, Brother Larry Leach, Jr.
Dear Brethren, May 2016
Since my last prayer letter, there is one very big praise to report: We
were informed by Bulgaria’s Department of Migration that we have
permanent residency, instead of the five year residency visa we thought
we had. The gravity of this is enormous, and though it has been a while
since we found out, we still rejoice.
Because of this news, along with plans of taking a furlough in the
spring of 2017 for Hannah and Joshua to graduate, I felt peace about
this being the time to finish our village house here in Bulgaria. I
planned a nearly three week trip back to America to bring attention to
the various financial needs of the work here among the Turks and to
encourage Jonathan, but primarily to raise the necessary funds to finish
the house.
I took eight planes, was in three countries and five states, and went to
25 church meetings in just a little over two weeks. It was exhausting,
but everywhere I went, everyone was such a blessing. Everyone was so
receptive to the updates from oversees and even after telling so much,
they wanted to hear more. This blesses a missionary’s heart more than I
can express. With the Lord’s help I was able to bring encouragement in
the churches, all while being encouraged myself. And, many, many thanks
to the Lord, I was able to come home with 80% of the money needed to
finish our house here in the village.
While I was in America, Carrie and the kids put the pedal to the metal
and got their home school year done early. They also stacked wood,
cleaned up the yard and gardens, and did a spring cleaning of the house.
Everything was so nice to come home to, but more than the nice yard and
house, I was so happy to be back home with my family.
After a short time of settling in, we were preparing to leave for
English camp meeting in Romania when Carrie fell ill suddenly. After a
trip to the ER to rule out heart attack, she has been in bed for the
better part of a week and a half. The doctor said it was a bad virus,
but we are still unsure of the cause of these episodes. Even though she
is beginning to regain strength, she often has to go rest to calm the
racing and thudding of her heart. We ask that you pray for her very much
as she tries to recover. And pray for our family as we try to finish the
work on our house, even as the summer ministry schedule of special
meetings and baptisms is on the horizon and the work on the printing
house in Avren continues.
Thank you for your faithful prayers!
Because He First Loved Me, Brother Larry Leach, Jr.