LeFevre Biography

Meet the LeFevre Family:
 Hello Friends!

   Concerning the ministry here, we are glad to report that the Lord is doing great things.  Our little family has had the honor of working with 8 other American families, in the furtherance of the gospel, among the Turks in Eastern Europe.

     As we look back we have seen God's hand leading us every step of the way.  It is because of Him, that we are where we are today.  From childhood, both of us (Zachary and Verity ) have had the opportunity to be in Christian homes, and were in churches where the gospel was preached.  Where we were able to come to be saved, and experience God's redeeming grace.   Even before we had met, both of us had the desire to be used in God's work... wherever He would lead us.  So, upon meeting and marriage, we sought the Lord's direction.  And the Lord led us here...

     Our work is mostly with the Turkish people in Bulgaria.  They are the POOREST people in Bulgaria. They are a rough and tumble group of folks, who are outcasts in their society.  But they are receiving the gospel, and are being brought to salvation, and the knowledge of Jesus Christ.  We are thankful to be a part of the work God is doing here, and look forward to many more years in His service.

     Zachary LeFevre 

Below are some of our mission letters.




issionaries to Eastern Europe





January 2025


Dear Churches and Praying Friends.


"How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him." (Acts 10:38)


Greetings in the name of Jesus of Nazareth whom we preach. Again, we must thank God for his many blessings.


Another year of ministry has come and gone. The challenges were many, and the power of the Lord was always present to fill the need.


In July the Lord provided the money to begin the professional recording of the Bible in Turkish. That work has begun, and should be completed this year. We have ordered some audio players with the Bible recordings on them. So, people who are unable to read can still hear the word of God.


Several sinners have come to know the Lord in the last few months. One young lady had complained of an evil spirit that was troubling her every night. We met together and pastor Alish preached the gospel to her, then we all prayed. She asked the Lord to come into her heart. The following Sunday she came to church and brought her husband, and told us that she had truly been delivered.


In the city of Shumen there was a lady who lived right across from the church house, but had never attended. At work she cut her foot and it soon became gangrenous. One day she asked me to come pray for her. I preached to her for just a few minutes before praying for her. About a month later she died, but this testimony: Don't let the Muslims do my funeral; I want a Christian burial. That's a great testimony to her family, that she wanted to confess Christ in her death.


There are others who have started coming to church, but have not yet made a public profession of faith. Please pray for us as we preach to these people. Some have been hurt by false religion. I'm so glad that Jesus is a friend of sinners.


This past year I have been going to pastor Mitko's churches. He has asked for help in his churches while he concentrates on the Bulgarian Bible. Lord willing, he will have that translation finished this year. His churches are a true blessing. Many of the people have been saved for twenty years or more. Over the years he has reached just about every single home in these villages. Not everyone who has heard the gospel has obeyed, but at least they have all heard. Pastor Mitko has done a good work here. If someone were looking for an opportunity to support mission work, Pastor Mitko would be a wise choice. He has been faithful to evangelize the lost, minister to the saints, and translate the King James Bible into the Bulgarian language. Other missionaries in this country have printed Pastor Mitko's gospel of John and distributed hundreds of thousands of them. Would you please pray for him and his work?


In Christ,

Zachary LeFevre     A printable PDF version is available here


September 2024

Dear Churches and Praying Friends,


"But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the sabbath day,

and sat down. And after the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them, saying,

Ye men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on." (Acts 13:14,15)


Greetings in the name of Jesus, the son of God, the holy one who died, yet was raised by God and saw no corruption. Through this man is preached the forgiveness of sins. It is our wonderful privilege to preach this gospel. We praise the Lord for the many here in Bulgaria who have believed on Jesus, including four young ladies who were baptized this week.


Recently, I had the privilege of visiting the archaeological site of Antioch in Pisidia. They had there the remains of an old church building, basically just the foundation stones. That church, it is said, was built upon the previous building - a Jewish synagogue, where Paul visited and preached after the reading of the law and prophets. Upon hearing the preaching of the gospel many believed.


The reason for our visit in that region was to begin the work of publishing the Old Testament in the Turkish language. Missionary Ralph Cheatwood worked on this translation for over thirty years. His desire was to deliver to the people the right Bible and the right Spirit. He translated the Bible into modern Turkish according to the English King James Bible. Although he went home to be with the Lord several years ago, his work continues. Our publishing method is two-fold. First, we have the Bible on the internet for people to read. Secondly, for those who cannot read (most of our Turkish believers here are illiterate), we have professionally recorded the reading of the New Testament. Now, Turkish speakers anywhere in the world can both read and listen to the New Testament in their language. This year we begin the recording of the Old Testament.


To do things right is not cheap. The professional recording studio in Turkey asked for twenty- five thousand dollars to do this job. I certainly didn't have that kind of money, but thought that the Lord might give it to me. This summer I was back in the states for four weeks for my son to attend some youth camps. I imagined that maybe during those four weeks I might get into a few churches and share our burden for this ministry and that those churches would supply the need, but I quickly talked myself out of that. There's no way, I thought, that the Lord would give us twenty-five thousand dollars in just four weeks. Well, the Lord did give us that money, but in just four days! I believe that He wants His word published. Our prayer is that in old Antioch and the regions round about, the reading of the law and prophets will one day be followed by a word of exhortation concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and some believers will be filled with joy and the Holy Ghost.


We thank you all who have given towards this project. May the Lord of the harvest bless all of your efforts to help publish this gospel among all nations.


In Christ, Zachary LeFevre    A printable PDF version is available here


The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. Psalm 68:11

June 2024

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

We trust this letter finds you continuing steadfast in the faith and looking for the coming of our Lord. Our heavenly father has been good to us in answering our prayers. In Avren the work on the church buildings continues.

This past Sunday we were able to hold services there in the upper room. Below there is a room for the Turkish church to meet; there will also be a kitchen and bathrooms. It's been about two years ago that we first began to pray for the funds to do this work. Now, the work is almost complete.

The Turkish Bible translation work is nearly complete. This was a work started by missionary Ralph Cheatwood back in 1980. He spent over thirty years of his life working on this so that the Turkish people might have a reliable translation of the scriptures. For several years now the preachers in Bulgaria and Romania have been using his New Testament translation. We have produced these paperback New Testaments here in Bulgaria. Back during the Covid epidemic we began to pray about making an audio recording of the Bible so that those believers who never learned to read could at least listen to the word of God. The Lord has answered this prayer in part. The New Testament has been professionally recorded and is now available for listening on a website, also it can be heard on the internet radio in Turkey. The internet radio station plays the Bible being read eighteen hours a day. As soon as possible we would like to begin recording the Old Testament as well. This project will cost around twenty-five thousand dollars. We will need half of this by August in order to begin. Those of you who know the Lord, ask him to send it to us.

Thank you all for your continued prayer and financial support.

In Christ, Zachary LeFevre    A printable PDF version is available here


Dear Churches and Praying Friends,                                             January 2024

Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of
faith unfeigned: From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling; Desiring to
be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.  1 Timothy 1:5-7

I thank God that I have found the end of the commandment: charity. While others may rant and rave about the law and commandments, I continue walking down the old road of preaching the gospel and loving sinners. We are seeing souls saved and lives changed, new converts baptized; young believers sing the hymns every chance they get, and love to hear the Bible preached. The Lord keeps supplying the needs and adds blessing upon blessing: love, joy, peace, answered prayer, fellowship, new doors of opportunity opening, sinners coming to church and hearing the gospel, and then, more joy. James tells us that "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." James 1:27  A great part of the work in Bulgaria is ministering to the widows and fatherless - people who suffer in poverty. Sometimes their situations are heartbreaking. But, praise the Lord, the poor have the gospel preached unto them! Christ came to the poor and needy, to sinners. If the son of God came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, should not we minister to the same people? Most Americans miss one of the greatest blessings of heaven: that its citizens will hunger no more, nor suffer from heat or cold. The poor saints appreciate it. Our ministry is not to provide heaven on earth by providing their necessities, but to give them the invitation to the great marriage supper of the Lamb.  The master has said unto his servants, "Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind." Luke 14:21  Charles Wesley sang it this way:

Come, sinners, to the gospel feast; Let every soul be Jesus' guest;
Ye need not one be left behind, For God hath bidden all mankind.
Come, all ye souls by sin oppressed, Ye restless wanderers after rest;
Ye poor, and maimed, and halt, and blind, In Christ a hearty welcome find.

While we go to the heathen preaching the gospel, we remember the poor by all means, but the gospel is our message. Seeing children fed or clothed warms our hearts, but seeing sinners reconciled to God is glorious. Nothing cheers this preacher more than seeing sinners come to church and hear the gospel for the first time.
Brethren, pray for us. Pray for the sinners in Bulgaria. The Lord is supplying every need. He supplies the spirit through your prayers. We desire the spirit's aid, and it is given through your prayers. Please, keep praying.

In Christ,
Zachary LeFevre   (A printable PDF version with pictures is available here)



Dear churches and Praying friends, October 2023


As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. (Galatians 6:10)


Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


We trust this letter finds you rejoicing in the promises of God and serving him continually. We certainly thank God for your continued support of the ministry here in Bulgaria. We think about you and pray for you often. Certainly, the heavenly father has you also on his mind. He is not unfaithful to forget your work and service to his son, Jesus.


I would like to share a few pictures of the ministry here.   (A printable PDF version with pictures is available here)


Our chief work is in the village churches where we preach on a weekly basis. We had eight people saved and baptized this year, due to the national pastors serving faithfully.


As you know, each winter we distribute one hundred pounds of flour and five liters of cooking oil to each family in the churches here. This past winter the total amount was over 76 tons of flour. In a place and time where there is little work to be found the flour and oil are a tremendous blessing!


For over twenty years we have been feeding children in the village churches. Recently there was a young lady that came to a prayer meeting and got saved. She said "when she was little she used to eat at the church and would watch the others pray over the food, but she never prayed herself until that day when she asked Jesus to save her. We thank God for the seeds sown in the hearts of these children which continue to bear fruit.


We continue to print and hand bind Bulgarian and Turkish New Testaments. These are distributed free of charge throughout Bulgaria. Also, we are working on putting the Turkish Bible on the internet both in text form and audio. Currently, a reliable translation of the gospel of John can be listened to by Turkish speaker’s worldwide, and has been heard over a thousand times.


In the village of Avren we continue to work on our church ministry building. The Bible work room is finished, along with one room where we meet for church. The main room for the church, and the kitchen remain unfinished, but slowly, the work continues.


All this is by, through, and for the good God that we serve. Please continue to pray for us in this ministry that we might reach as many as we can with the gospel, and so that Christ would receive the worship of those he died for.


In Christ,

Zachary LeFevre   (A printable PDF version with pictures is available here)



August 2023

"Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation,
that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God." (II Cor. 1:3,4)

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Brethren, we want to thank each of you for your continued prayers and support as we continue serving the Lord in Bulgaria. This summer has been full. First, we were able to return to the states for just a short time to be with our daughter, Maggie, as she graduated high school. She will be living with her sister in South Carolina; the Lord has provided her with a job, and even a car. A dear pastor friend in Virginia gave her his car. What a blessing that is! Seeing the Lord bless your children is a great joy. We were also able to visit with our son, Isaac, who is studying for the ministry. Bur, alas, our time of departure has come, and once again we say good-bye to our dear children. Our Lord told us that, he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me, And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. It's not easy to forsake all for Jesus, but he told us again, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's, But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children. As we said good-bye to one family in America, we were greeted by a larger family here in Bulgaria - those who have come to know and love the Lord Jesus through our service here.

Also, last month Verity's father passed away. He was 83, and ready to go. He had lived a long life in service to the Lord and brought many people to the knowledge of salvation. Even at his death and funeral there were more testimonies shared of people who had come to know the Lord through his witness. We thank God for such a goodly heritage.

Here in Bulgaria we stay busy preaching in churches with our national pastors. This month we're baptizing. There's been several new believers baptized, and several others still waiting. Some of our people have moved to western Europe for work and found churches to attend, but they want to be baptized in Bulgaria.

In the village of Avren we have had a building for some time where we produce Bibles and hymnbooks. This year we are fixing up the old house which was falling down. The new roof is on, but the interior of the house still needs a lot of work. When it's finished it will provide rooms for church, and a fellowship hall, as well as a small apartment. Ralph Cheatwood, our senior missionary, had wanted to have church for three different groups in this village - Bulgarian, Turkish, and English. We've already had Turkish and English meetings here, and we've had some interest among the Bulgarians. Our desire is to finish this building for the glory of God and have a place where the local people can come hear about Jesus. Would you pray that the Lord would send in the funds that are needed to finish this work?

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.

In Christ, Zachary LeFevre  (A printable PDF version is available here)



Dear Churches and Praying Friends,             April 2023


"If he offer it for a thanksgiving, then he shall offer with the sacrifice of thanksgiving unleavened cakes mingled with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and cakes mingled with oil, of fine flour, fried." (Leviticus 7:12)


Greetings in the name of our heavenly father and of his son, Jesus Christ. The Lord has been good to us, here in Bulgaria. We have just finished our annual feeding. This year the Lord provided funds for us to distribute over seventy-six tons of flour and over seventy-five hundred liters of oil. Each year this is possible through the many gifts that you all send. Giving an offering of flour and oil is as old as the Bible itself: it was one of the offerings God commanded the people to give in the Old Testament. When you gave to feed the poor saints in Bulgaria, you were actually giving unto the Lord! He told us so in Matthew 25, For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat...Then shall the righteous answer him saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee?... And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily, I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.


This feeding is something we do once a year in obedience to the apostles' desire for gospel preachers to remember the poor. Throughout the year, though, we preach Jesus, the bread of life, in the Turkish speaking villages all over eastern Bulgaria. This is that meat which endureth unto everlasting life. We thank the Lord for the national pastors which he has raised up to do this work. One of them, pastor Alish, is turning eighty years old. He still preaches in four villages a week.


Recently, the Lord has provided us a way to publish the Turkish Bible. In the modern age of technology, it is no longer necessary to distribute literature in person; this can be done via the internet. Our goal has always been to put a Bible into the hands of each believer. Although we're still not ready to print Bibles, we have found some believers in Turkey who can put the Bible on the internet, both in text form and audio! Not only will our believers in Bulgaria, who are for the most part illiterate, be able to listen to the Bible, but any of the eighty million Turkish speakers in the world. This is a big project, and will cost several thousand dollars. Thankfully, the Lord has already provided the funds for the New Testament, and that part of the project is nearing completion. The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. (Psalm 68:11)


Thank you all again for your continued prayers and financial support in this great work.


In Christ,


Zachary LeFevre                A printable PDF of this letter is available here.




Dear Churches and Praying Friends, November 2022


"Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ,

and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place." (II Corinthians 2:14)


Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus. We thank the Lord for his continual blessing upon the work here. Most of our village churches are full. Recently, in our little village we had a young woman come for the first time. On my way into church that day I overheard another lady telling her how to be saved. That day at the meeting she gave her testimony. Like everyone else in our village she had heard the gospel before, but never acted upon it. Several weeks ago she began to suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. A friend gave her some medicine which turned out to do more harm than good. She ended up in the hospital, with her life in danger. After her recovery she went back home and lived in seclusion from her family for a week. Finally, she cried out to God that she couldn’t go on like that. Later she got out her phone and searched for a Christian hymn in her language. She listened to a hymn about Jesus and gave her heart to him. That morning at church she wanted to make it official that she was a Christian.


For several years now we've been using a Turkish new testament that was translated by Ralph Cheatwood. Brother Cheatwood worked for 30 years to translate the King James Bible into modern Turkish. This translation has borne fruit all over Bulgaria and Romania. For the last year or so we have been praying that we could record the Bible and make it accessible on the internet. Many of our believers here are illiterate, so being able to listen to the Bible would be a great blessing. This has been our prayer and heart's desire. Recently, on a trip in Turkey I was able to meet an American brother there who had received one of our new testaments years ago and loved it. He is now in the process of having it professionally recorded. They have already posted the book of John! Unbeknownst to us, this whole time we've been praying, the Lord has been getting the job done!


Again, we thank you all for your continued prayer and support.  (a PDF of this letter is available here)


In Christ, Zachary LeFevre

Sent from: Prayer Baptist Church, 855 Edwin Westland, MI 48185 

Support & Mailing Address: Charity Baptist Mission, P.O. Box 692 Bristol, TN 37621



August 2022

"After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come. Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest… Luke 10:1,2

And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them."

(Luke 10:23,24)

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who has called us by his grace into this ministry.

In the passage above we see how the Lord had sent these seventy before him to every city and village that he himself would go. Later, they returned with good news of all the things they had seen. The Lord told them not to rejoice as much in the miracles that they had witnessed, but rather to rejoice that their names were written in heaven. In the end, though, he did tell them what a blessing it was to have seen the things with their eyes that they had seen. Today we see the Lord working in a similar fashion. He does not go himself to every city and village in the world, but rather, sends his missionaries out to preach his gospel. Those who hear the message of the missionaries and receive them, also receive the Lord; his spirit enters into their hearts to dwell. The preaching is done by men, but the power to save is only from God. As missionaries, we confess that we are but small vessels to be used of the Lord; our greatest joy is not in our works, but that our names are written in heaven. However, it is a tremendous blessing to be able to see and hear the things that we do.

Recently, one lady testified that they had been without electricity for six years. Their home was old, and run down. She, her husband, and their daughter got saved. One evening they were reading the Bible by candle light when they came across the verse "...and they shall call his name Emmanuel," her daughter asked, "What does that name mean?" The mother said, "I don't know. I've never heard of it." Then they kept reading, and the verse said, "which being interpreted is, God with us." She told her daughter, "Look, God is with us." I'm glad that the poorest of the poor, the people that sit in darkness can read a Bible and know that God is with them. Thank you to all who have helped us print Bibles.

One of the pastors told the story of how several of their churches were started. Over ten years ago there was a village rather far away that had sent a man to find Brother Ralph Cheatwood and ask him to come start a church in their village. He went, along with two national pastors, and two churches were started in that village. Those two national pastors continued to drive there every week for the meetings.

One day Brother Ralph called the pastors to come look at a map. He told them not to take the highway to that village, but to take the back roads. That would mean a longer drive on winding roads in bad condition. When the pastors asked why, Brother Ralph said that because there were villages along the way that one day would want a church. Although it was more difficult, and it meant more wear and tear on the vehicles, they agreed to take those back roads every week. Six months later they went to church out there, and there was a visitor. The man was older, and walked with a cane. It had taken him six hours that morning to walk the two miles from his village to the village where the church was. He had walked it to ask those preachers if they would come to his village to preach. Within a year there were six other villages that had opened up along those back roads. The national pastor said, "From now on, I'm going to do whatever Ralph Cheatwood says, because he is God's man." Thank you to all who have helped us buy vehicles for these pastors.

This summer we've already had about a dozen people baptized, and there's several more who want to be baptized. We continue to produce new testaments and hymnbooks. Several people have returned from Western Europe to Bulgaria on their summer vacations. They told us how that during the Covid lockdowns, when no one was allowed to go out in public, they were able to sing hymns and read the Bible in their homes with their neighbors. Now they need more Bibles and hymnbooks for those neighbors.

Thank you to all who pray for this work.

In Christ,
Zachary LeFevre

Sent from: Prayer Baptist Church, 855 Edwin Westland, MI 48185  (a print ready version of this letter is available here)

Support & Mailing Address: Charity Baptist Mission, P.O. Box 692 Bristol, TN 37621



Dear Churches and Praying Friends,           May 2022

"Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name." (I Chron. 29:13)

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I thank my God that he put me into the ministry. It is truly a blessing to be able to witness firsthand what the Lord is doing for the people over here. He is reaching down to the dust and lifting up the poor.

This spring we were able again to deliver the flour and oil to our church families here. Before the prices began to go up, we were able to get everything ordered. Shortly after our order, the price of oil almost doubled, and was impossible to buy more than a little at a time. The Lord allowed us to buy enough for over 1,500 families, and 78 tons of flour. All of the poor people here received it gladly, and send their thanks to God on your behalf.

Around 100,000 refugees from Ukraine came to Bulgaria; about half of them traveled through to other countries and half of them stayed here. The Lord has allowed us to minister to them. We've distributed food, water, clothing, medicines and other necessities. Our prayer was that we would also be able to reach them with the gospel. The Lord provided us with gospel tracts and Bibles both in the Ukrainian and Russian languages, and something even better than that - a preacher. Last month a Ukrainian preacher came to Bulgaria to minister to the refugees here, and we were able to direct him to the ones that we had already been ministering to. He was able to preach the gospel to them in their own language. Many of the refugees are reading the Bible now for the first time in their lives. Many of them have told us that now they are believing. Many of them are amazed at the love that you all have shown them through us. To God be the glory. It may be that in the ages to come heaven will be inhabited by Ukrainians who fled to Bulgaria for refuge, but ended up fleeing to God's city of refuge at Calvary.

Please pray for us as we continue to preach the gospel here in Bulgaria. The pastors are doing well, and so are their churches. We praise the Lord that he has provided the funds to purchase vehicles for two of the pastors recently.

In Christ,

Zachary LeFevre




Dear Churches and Praying Friends, February 2022

"We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers;" (I Thess. 1:2)


Truly, the Lord has been good to us in Bulgaria. Since our return we have been able to meet with the national pastors and hear their reports of the Lord's blessings in the different villages. There is still some sickness going around here, but for the most part, it has passed. The people are glad to be back in church again.


I would like to thank the Lord for providing us with a ministry vehicle. It took some time to get it, as the dealerships here don't have any new cars for sale. An order has to be made, then it takes between three to six months of waiting before it arrives. We were able to find a one-year-old Dacia Lodgy that only had about nine thousand miles on it. It is a seven passenger minivan that gets about 50 miles per gallon.

The needs in Bulgaria are great. There are people here that are suffering, in need of the salvation that only the Lord can give. Last month we witnessed a desperate situation. One of our long-time church members asked us to pray for her daughter. Several times the girl had complained about her husband's cruelty and violence, until it finally reached the breaking point. She left her husband and two children for someone she had met on the internet. The man had sent her money for a bus ticket to come to him, but when she arrived at his house she found it to be worse than her previous situation. She was kept like a prisoner in that house, not even allowed to speak to her family on the telephone. The last message they received from her was to not call her anymore. The family was heartbroken and seemingly hopeless. So, we called on heaven. Within a week, the girl was home with her parents! Please remember her in your prayers, along with her children.

Last week at the church here in our village we had a good meeting. There was a good spirit in the church, and some new people have started coming recently. Right as I finished preaching, before the final prayer, a young man walked in the door with tears in his eyes and a big, two-liter bottle of beer in his hand. He came right to the front and set the beer down before us and said, "Save me from this!" The church got a burden to pray for him. He went home that day and poured out his beer. This week he was back in church, with the rest of his family. His mother testified about how good it was to see her son get right with God. Please remember him in your prayers, along with his children.

Brethren, we give thanks to God always for you all. Please keep us in your prayers.

In Christ,
Zachary LeFevre




Dear Churches and Praying Friends, October 2021

On the eighth day he sent the people away: and they blessed the king, and went unto their tents joyful and glad of heart for all the goodness that the LORD had done for David his servant, and for Israel his people. (I Kings 8:66)

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the one who loved us, washed us, called us, saved us, and has given us the hope of eternal life. Again we sit down to write to our supporting churches and friends, and think about what all the Lord has done for us in these recent months. Our work this summer has been traveling to the churches and reporting of the work in Bulgaria. Telling of the work so often reminds us of how good God has been to us. The work in Bulgaria is truly a work of God. So many souls have been saved over the years. So many believers have waded out into the river to be baptized as a testimony of their faith.

The missionaries and national pastors have traveled to so many villages, preached so many sermons, distributed so many scriptures, prayed for so many hurting souls, fed so many hungry, clothed so many poor and given hope to so many hopeless people. All glory to God! Many times as we are busy in the day to day work of the ministry we fail to see the big picture of what God is doing, but on our time of furlough we are able to step back and see how great the ministry is. What has become mundane to us on the field (preaching in a circuit of villages) seems extraordinary to many of the believers here in the states. Seeing people rejoice at our report encourages us.

And now, like the people in I Kings 8:66, we prepare to return to our home. We are certainly joyful and glad of heart for all the goodness that the Lord has done for his people. Our son, Isaac, is adjusting well to Bible college. We had good visits with our older daughters. Our younger daughter, Maggie, has returned to Bulgaria already with the Blalock family. Next month we plan to fly back to Bulgaria. Pray for our travels.

Once we reach Bulgaria we will need another vehicle. I recently gave my old car away to one of the national pastors who was in need of one. Much of the money has already been given, but we still need about three thousand dollars. There are other needs as well, but the Lord knows what they are. Please help us pray about these things. We love you all and wish we could spend more time with each of you, but there is much work to be done in Bulgaria.

In Christ,
Zachary LeFevre



Dear Churches and Praying Friends,                     July 2021


"I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches..." Rev. 22:16


Once more it is our privilege to bring you greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, our soon coming king. I recently finished reading the book of Revelation again. What a blessing it is to know that when it's all said and done, we win! Christ won the victory and invited us onto his team. He defeated the devil, and holds the keys of hell and of death. I'm on the winning side. One day we will join that great number of the redeemed, praising the king of glory in a land where there is no more pain. In heaven we will not only be united with our loved ones again, but we'll meet the redeemed from every kindred and tongue and people and nation. I trust there will be a great number there from Bulgaria and we will again be able to worship together.


The verse above tells us that Jesus wants these things to be testified in the churches. If Jesus likes to testify in church, so do I. It is an honour to be able to travel to so many of the churches that help us and testify to them both of what the Lord wrote to us in his book, and of what he is doing these days in Bulgaria. The Lord supplied us with a vehicle, and we have already travelled over five thousand miles. Not only do we get to minister to others, but we also are ministered unto - we hear some really good preaching.


Praise the Lord that things have opened up more in Bulgaria. The national pastors there are again able to travel to their village churches on a weekly basis.


Please keep our family in your prayers. This time spent in the states is especially important for the children. Our oldest son Isaac is making preparations to attend a Bible college in the fall, then stay here when we travel back to Bulgaria. We're very proud of him, as we are of his two older sisters who did the same thing.


In Christ,

Zachary LeFevre  (629) 999-0843





Dear Churches and Praying Friends,                      April 2021

“And they told him all the words of Joseph, which he had said unto them: and when he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of Jacob their father revived:” (Genesis 45:27)

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation. I thank God for His continued care and support for us in this ministry. It's been over twenty-six years since we first came to the mission field. The Lord loves Bulgaria. He has proven this to us time and again. Every need has been supplied, and he has faithfully blessed the preaching of his word.

This month we finished the annual flour and oil distribution here. Because of all the restrictions about public meetings, it was difficult for the pastors to meet with all of their churches. We have tried to exercise wisdom and caution in all of our meetings. Most of the churches had not had regular services in many months. Nevertheless, in most of these villages the believers continued to meet together and worship in smaller groups in their homes. As we began distributing flour it soon became evident that the number of believers in the churches had not diminished in the least, but had actually increased! We actually distributed more flour this year than we did last year - over eighty tons, feeding fifteen hundred families. Fear of the pandemic gripped the world, the government forbade public gatherings, pastors were not able to do their work, but God gave the increase!

As we travelled from village to village with the truck carrying fifteen tons of flour, the believers came out of their homes, not rushing to the flour, but to see us. What a blessing it was to see all of these precious people again! They rejoiced greatly to see us, and like Jacob of old, rejoiced to see the wagons full of God's provisions. The leader of another local charity which had sent relief to the poor in Bulgaria recently told one of our pastors, "We've tried to help people, but we just can't do it like you all do. How do you manage to reach so many people?" Our pastor responded, "It's not us, it's our God that does it".

Our family has arrived in the states for a furlough this year. Isaac is turning eighteen, and is finishing high school. Please pray for him as he seeks the Lord's perfect will for his life. We look forward to seeing as many of you as we can, and visiting each supporting church. My phone number is (629) 999-0843.

Please pray for us, and pray for our churches in Bulgaria.

In Christ,
Zachary LeFevre




Dear Churches and Praying Friends; January 2021

"O continue thy lovingkindness unto them that know thee; and thy righteousness to the upright in heart." (Psalms 36:10)

With joy in the Lord we greet this new year. Our hope is in Him and His word. The future is as bright as the promises of God. The King of Saints is just and true. He's still on the throne, so what could be wrong? Our prayer is that the Lord would continue to reveal his lovingkindness to his children this year.

Last year was difficult for many of us here. Although we are a small country, Bulgaria is reported to be tenth in the world with Covid deaths per million. In November the local hospitals were overrun. Looking back, we can see the Lord's mercy. Many of our people were sick, but most of them have recovered. I suffered from the virus symptoms for a week or so; Verity remained weak for over a month. Our local church and missionary friends proved their love for us during that time by ministering to our needs. Other believers here have testified about how much their church did for them. We know it was our father that put it in their hearts to show such lovingkindness. After our recovery we have been able to minister to others.

The restrictions here have prevented us from visiting the village churches. For the first time in twenty-five years we have only had one church service per week, and that was usually in our own house. The local pastors have been able to meet with the village churches, though. Everywhere here people are longing for the opportunity to meet together again. Christ loved the church. We love the church. Our people here love the church. The Lord indeed is in our midst, even when there's just two or three meeting together.

And in these difficult days we have seen some unbelievers who, finding themselves in need of the mercy of God, have reached out to us. The national pastors here have preached and testified on social media and received a great response.

Praise the Lord who doeth all things well!

In Christ, Zachary LeFevre




Dear Churches and Praying Friends,                    March 2020

"...our brother, and minister of God, and our fellowlabourer in the gospel of Christ, to establish you, and to comfort you concerning your faith: That no man should be moved by these afflictions: for yourselves know that we are appointed thereunto." (1 Thessalonians 3:2,3)

Greetings in the name of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank God that he counted me worthy, putting me into the ministry. This year is our twenty-fifth year of service on the mission field, and looks to be the most challenging. Currently, our family is happy and healthy; the situation in Bulgaria is difficult, though. To slow the spread of the virus the government has restricted any public meetings - including church. Also, they have restricted travel in and out of the cities, which restricts our access to banks and grocery stores. We're not sure how long these rules will be in place, possibly three months.

Praise the Lord that we were able to finish our annual flour distribution before these restrictions were implemented! Nearly eighty tons of flour were delivered to our church families, along with seven thousand liters of cooking oil. The Lord takes care of his children.

There is plenty of work to do. I continue to proof-read the Turkish Old Testament, comparing it word for word with the King James Bible. I recently made a trip to Turkey where I left several new testaments. The people were thrilled to have them, as our new testaments are full paged, and large print.

Please pray for our churches during these difficult times. There is such fear among the people. The Lord is our refuge.

I also would ask for your prayers for our daughter, Maggie. She is in Tennessee right now visiting her grandmother. She is scheduled to return to Bulgaria on the 7th of April, but it looks like she will not be able to come due to current travel restrictions.

Thank you for your prayers.

In Christ, Zachary LeFevre





Dear Churches and Praying Friends,        July 2019

"The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD,  and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.” (Isaiah 29:19)

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I thank God that he counted me faithful and enabled me for this ministry. Our ministry is with the poor in Bulgaria. Our joy is to see them rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.

This summer we've been busy with our village churches, as well as the larger meetings in Dabravino. Each month we gather believers from villages all over eastern Bulgaria for a day of worship and fellowship. We've heard many wonderful testimonies of how God has answered prayer, and enjoyed spirit-filled singing and preaching. At each meeting, we have at least two worship services, and a meal in between. This month we'll also baptize in between the services. I suppose there have been over 500 people come to these meetings, and they all take back some of the joy to their own village churches.

Preaching to bigger crowds is wonderful, but people are won to the Lord as individuals. Every new visitor is a soul that needs light from the gospel. Many come to church with great problems, such as sickness, but we have confidence that the Lord is able to meet every need. Every village church needs a pastor that can effectively shepherd the flock, and protect them from the many enemies of the gospel. The Lord has given us faithful men who love their sheep.

Continue to pray for us as we continue to preach the gospel to the poor. Many hungry children are still being fed hot meals in our churches. Many Turkish Bibles and hymnbooks are still being printed and distributed. The thanksgiving of many still redounds to the glory of God.

In Christ, Zachary LeFevre



Dear Churches and Praying Friends,           March 2019


"Distributing to the necessity of saints..." (Romans 12:13)


We trust this letter finds each of you resting in the hope given to us God's holy word. In the dark days that we live His word is still true, and keeps our souls anchored. Christ still loves the church, and cares for his own.

Over here we see the Lord blessing the work. Last week we finished the flour and oil distribution for 2019. Each year, as most of you know, we distribute over one hundred pounds of flour and over a gallon of oil to each church family. Bulgaria is still one of the poorest countries in Europe. Many of the elderly subsist on less than one hundred dollars a month. Most of the Millet Turks in our churches are only employed seasonally; winter is a difficult time for them. Recently I went to a meeting where the family had just finished their Sunday dinner: bread and boiled garlic. They are now truly thankful for the flour and oil, which will provide them with fresh bread every day until the spring/summer work begins again. Other church members have testified that their winter stores were depleted, when, the next day the flour truck came to the village. He who feeds the little birds, cares for his children.

This year we were able to feed right at sixteen hundred families. That requires a total of eighty tons of flour, and eight thousand liters of oil to go with it. The Lord again has shown his faithfulness in providing the need. I truly believe that He enjoys feeding these hungry people. Of course, we realize that these blessings come from people like you who cheerfully give to the necessities of your poorer brethren in Bulgaria. Heaven will see a grand reunion of saints. There they will be able to fully thank you for your generosity. Until then, I send you their expressions of gratitude.

Praise be to God who sees and meets every need. There are other projects in the mission work right now concerning Bible and hymnbook printing, church buildings, and the continual feeding of poor children in the churches. Please join us in prayer to the Father who giveth to all men liberally that he would remember these other needs.

In Christ, Zachary LeFevre




Dear Churches and Praying Friends,                    November 2018


"But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works." (Psa 73:28)


Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Autumn has come to Bulgaria, and we are again thankful for the time when the summer work has ended and more people are able to come to church. This summer we have been busy working on our building in the village of Avren, and of course continuing with the regular village meetings.


Thanks to the Lord's wonderful provision, we were able to complete the first phase of our building project. The sanctuary and the entryway to the church is finished, as are the restrooms. Our goal was to have at least one church service there by the end of summer. We saw this desire fulfilled in September when we met for English church. A week later we met there again, this time for a Turkish meeting. Alish, the local pastor in that region has since held more Turkish meetings in the building, and we have begun to have regular English church services. We trust that this may be the building where the Lord saves our children, and many Turks. This week, when presented with the need for rugs in the church, the missionaries themselves gave to meet this need. Also, one missionary family volunteered to give their new piano to the church! God is supplying every need. Next month we should be getting a heater for the work room, where we will be binding Bibles and hymnbooks. To complete the next stage of our building we will need at least five thousand dollars. Please join with us in praying.


Last week our local pastor, Brother Alish, lost his oldest daughter. She was fifty-eight years old, and died of cancer. As she lay on her bed, she quoted the Lord's prayer three times, and then she died. A few years earlier she had professed faith in Christ, but this past summer got baptized. It was her desire to honor the Lord at her funeral, and God granted her wish. At the funeral there were over a hundred people present, most of them unbelievers. We were able to sing and preach on the street in their Turkish neighborhood, and many heard the gospel who might not ever come to church otherwise. The seed was sown. Several were interested in the preaching, and one even professed that she had been saved years ago. After hearing the gospel preached at the funeral she declared, "I'm going back to church, and I'm gonna be a Christian until I die!"


I lost count, but believe there were at least twenty new believers baptized this summer.  I also want to mention that my family is still happy and healthy. Verity schools the younger children at home during the week, then attends a Turkish children's meeting in our village. Our grown daughters back in the states are a blessing to our hearts; remember to pray for them also.


Please continue praying with us and praising God for what He has done and will do.


In Christ, Zachary LeFevre.




“For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:” (II Tim 4:7,8)


Dear churches and praying friends,                            March 2018

Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. As spring comes to Bulgaria, we are thankful for a new season of sowing and reaping. The Lord has been good to us these many years. Here in my office, I have about two hundred Turkish New Testaments that I have bound by hand, and ready to be distributed. Last month one of our national pastors went to the hospital for a week’s stay where he witnessed to all those around him. One man, although unreceptive at the first, said, “Why don’t you give me a Bible so I can read it for myself? Then I might believe.” Last week this same pastor went back to the hospital for a week, and this time he took Bibles with him. In due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

It’s been five years since Brother Ralph Cheatwood purchased a house and small building in the village of Avren. Each year we have worked on preparing the building to be a church house, a workspace for producing Bibles and also a storage facility for the coat distribution in the winter. It is our desire to finish the work this year. Brother Cheatwood was recently diagnosed with cancer in the lungs and kidneys. He has refused chemo therapy, choosing to live the rest of his days in the Lord’s hands. Paul told Timothy, “The time of my departure is at hand.” That’s where Brother Cheatwood is now. After forty years of service on the mission field his departure time is near. He called us missionaries and national pastors together to tell us. “…neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.” His last request is that we finish the work on this church house and Bible factory.

I believe the work needed on this building will cost at least ten thousand dollars. Would you pray for this work? Brother Cheatwood has given his life preaching the gospel to the Turks and translating the Bible into their language. Although Paul told Timothy that his departure was at hand, he also gave him some final instructions. Those instructions included bringing his winter coat to him, the books, and especially the parchments. This is Brother Cheatwood’s final request. To prepare a place for the winter coats that we give the poor children each winter; to have a meeting house for a Turkish meeting, Bulgarian meeting, and an English meeting; and to have a place to print and bind the New Testament that he has translated. We believe there are some people who would believe, if only they had a Bible in their hands. Please pray with us about finishing this work.

In Christ,  Zachary LeFevre



But he stood in the midst of the ground, and defended it, and slew the Philistines: and the LORD wrought a great victory." (II Sam. 23:12)


Dear Churches and Praying Friends,                                         January 2018


Greetings in the name of our great Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. We trust this letter finds you persevering in the work of God by faith. As the New Year rolls around, we always think about what we've seen in the past year, and then what the New Year might hold. Reflecting on the events of 2017 we are, first of all, bound to give thanks to each of you who have supported this work faithfully through the years. Without your support we would not be here. You labor with us in your prayers. We are fellow laborers. Our burdens are your burdens. Our prayer requests are your works of faith. The victories that we see are your victories. Another year now has passed, a year of standing like Shammah in the midst of the ground and defending it, as mentioned in the verse above. Victory is experienced after long battles. Much of our work here is simply standing, refusing to move or leave the battle. Ralph Cheatwood, the senior missionary with whom we work, when asked “what was his greatest accomplishment in forty years on the mission field”, responded simply, "I stayed." During those forty years of staying he was able to translate the Bible into modern Turkish and preach to thousands of people all over Bulgaria. Many of those thousands believed the gospel and obeyed the command to be baptized into the Christian faith.


So, we have stayed another year. Our year has been filled with preaching to little crowds in house churches. The saints have been edified, or built up in the faith. National pastors have been able to faithfully travel to the villages, week in and week out because we've stayed, and because you've stayed faithful. Hungry children have been fed. Had we not stayed faithful, what would they eat? Just today at the children's meeting there was a girl that told my wife, "I don't come here for the food. I come to hear you talk about Jesus." Many poor people have come to church and experienced the blessing of answered prayer in times of sickness and disease. Just today there was a lady that came to our house and asked prayer for her mother who has cancer. Had we not stayed faithful, where would they be? Last year there was a town drunk who started coming to church. He professed faith in Jesus and proclaimed his drinking days were over. Had we not stayed faithful, what hope would he have?


So, we have stayed another year, and the Lord gives a great victory. The victory is in the hearts of the people here. When they see God answer their prayers, when the truth of the gospel enlightens their hearts, when their faith is manifested in the baptismal waters, which is a great victory.


In 2018 we look forward to more battles and more victories.


In Christ,  Zachary LeFevre





November 2017  Dear Churches and Praying Friends,

“Then said he also to him that bade him, When thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbours; lest they also bid thee again, and a recompence be made thee. But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.” (Luke 14:12-14)

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who has washed us from our sins in his own blood, and called us into the glorious work of preaching the gospel. Our primary work on the field is preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost, and establishing churches. Much of our time is spent preaching and teaching in the local village churches, along with the national pastors. Thus, the national pastors receive training in the work, the saints are edified, and the churches built. Widespread evangelism was done in previous decades, so that now, in most cities with Turkish populations, most everyone has heard the gospel. However, when opportunities arise to preach the gospel to unbelievers, we rejoice.

One of the main connections we have with the lost world now is in the “kardesh sofrasi”, or brotherly supper. This is a tradition among the people here of showing their thanks to God for some great blessing. These blessings might include such things as escaping injury in a car crash, or recovering from a serious illness. When one realizes that God has done some great thing for them, they like to show their thanks by putting on a supper: to feed their friends, family and neighbors. Before each supper, though, we will sing hymns, and give the believers an opportunity to explain what God has done for them. Then, we preach the gospel to the gathered crowd, many of whom would not come to a regular church service. Last week I was able to preach to about thirty people gathered for a supper. What a joy it is to preach the gospel to the lost! Through such outreach many have come to know the Lord, and we shall be blessed at the resurrection of the just. We have two more such meetings scheduled in the near future. Among so many village churches they are a regular occurrence.

After these meetings we also distribute New Testaments. I spend most mornings binding New Testaments before the afternoon church services. I’ve done hundreds of them, but there are still thousands of people without Bibles. We appreciate your prayers and support for us in this work of sowing the seed.

In Christ, Zachary LeFevre


 "For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ" (Eph. 4:12)

Dear churches and praying friends,                      June 2017

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who has called us and put us into this ministry. I thank the Lord that this is his ministry, and we are labourers together with you. You all labour with us in your prayers and support, while we labour in the field.

This spring we've been as busy as ever. Since missionary Larry Leach has left for his furlough, we are going to his meetings along with Pastor Ismail, as well as our other meetings with Pastor Alish. That makes ten church services a week, and then the occasional larger meetings on Saturdays. Then, once a month we travel to Romania for a weekend and have church with the kids in the children's home and with the other missionaries up there. This is a lot of traveling, and we thank the Lord every day for the vehicles that he has provided us with.

In the mornings we continue to bind Bibles. Right now we are sewing Turkish Bibles (written in the Cyrillic alphabet). We are doing about thirty New Testaments a week. They only cost about five dollars to print, and then the binding is done by hand. We've already given out hundreds. People are thankful to receive a Bible (for the first time). Some people are overjoyed. I've seen people cry, and actually kiss the Bible when we give it to them! Recently Pastor Ahmet told about taking Bibles to one of his villages. Apparently, earlier that week some other religious workers had come through that village selling Bibles. Our people are poor. They said that as bad as they wanted to buy a Bible, they just didn't have the money. Later that week Pastor Ahmet came with boxes of Bibles and gave one to each person in the church (for free). The people were thrilled to see how God gave them the desire of their hearts.

Another part of our work week in the ministry is in the village of Avren where we are working on a building. This will be used for church to meet, and it will have be room to print and bind the Bibles there. I've had the joy of running a jackhammer, busting out all the old concrete. Sometimes the work of the ministry is actual work. The Lord told us to pray for labourers, not loafers.

Aside from all this, we still make hospital visits and preach in various other meetings. We've also seen that if one prays for opportunities to witness, the Lord provides those opportunities. In our daily life and business, we've recently had several people inquire about our work, which opens the door for us to share the gospel with them.

We appreciate all that you do for us. Continue to keep us in your prayers.

In Christ, Zachary LeFevre



Dear Churches and Praying Friends,                                                        January 2017


"While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease" (Gen. 8:22)

Greetings in the name of our Savior, Defender and Friend, the Lord Jesus. We trust this letter finds each of you striving together with us in prayer and rejoicing in the hope of his coming. We are back in Bulgaria now. Our trip was long, but uneventful. My brother, William, was kind enough to watch our house while we were gone, and had everything in good working order upon our return. After adjusting to the time difference, we were able to get right back into the work - before the hard winter hit.

Bulgaria is experiencing its worst winter in years. Heavy snowfall has blocked many roads, leaving villages isolated for days resulting in no bread or other groceries transported to the local stores. Many villages were without power and water for several days. Even the Danube River and parts of the Black sea along the coast have been frozen over. For now, the snow has stopped falling, but has not melted. Temperatures remain below freezing for days at a time. The Lord has given us grace to manage through these difficulties. Many poor people are running out of firewood. Let's pray that the Lord would have mercy on them.

Before the winter storms hit, we were able to help (hand) bind several boxes of New Testaments and hymnbooks. We have over a thousand New Testaments printed, waiting to be bound, as soon as we can travel again to the printing location in Dabravino. These New Testaments cost only three dollars to print. We praise the Lord for continually providing seed to the sower. Our desire is to sow bountifully and reap likewise.

Pastor Nasuf related a wonderful testimony of how the Lord saved a man in one of his churches. Sister Leyla has been saved for a couple of years. Her husband, however, wanted nothing to do with the church. He carried a Koran and professed himself as a devout Muslim, doing all he could to suppress his wife's faith in Jesus, but she prayed in the closet all the while. One day he fell sick and was hospitalized. Three days later he came home and told his wife that the Lord spoke to him in the hospital and he gave his heart to Jesus; and that he is a now a believer in Jesus Christ. He immediately got rid of his Koran and asked his wife for her Bible. Two weeks later he was baptized.

Remember to pray for us, and for the poor people here whom we love.

In Christ, Zachary LeFevre



Dear Churches and Praying Friends,        November 2016

“And Hezekiah appointed the courses of the priests and the Levites after their courses, every man according to his service, the priests and Levites for burnt offerings and for peace offerings, to minister, and to give thanks, and to praise in the gates of the tents of the Lord.” (2 Chr. 31:2)

It is once again our privilege to report of the Lord’s work. This month many Americans take time to be thankful, and Christians especially. We have many things to be thankful for: our eternal salvation, our Christian heritage, our families and churches, just to name a few. One particular blessing for which I thank the Lord is that he has appointed me to be a New Testament priest, to give the sacrifice of praise, to minister and give thanks in the gates of the Lord’s house. This ministry is not difficult; it is easy. Count your many blessings, it will surprise what the Lord hath done.

We are now completing our 2016 furlough, and what a blessed time it has been. Every church we visited was like a family reunion – God’s family. Old friends and new friends both have been a blessing to us. Several churches and individuals have given us clothes, or things we’ll need on the field, or just snacks for when we travel. On one recent trip, our car was full to capacity, and little Levi said, “I don’t think we should be blessed any more – we don’t have room.” Truly, God and his children have been good to us. We’ve traveled over twenty thousand miles visiting churches and by faith giving good reports of the mission work. Some new churches have pledged to support the work on a monthly basis, and that is a special blessing, not only for us and for them, but for the many souls in spiritual darkness who still wait for the gospel light to shine on them.

On the twenty-ninth of this month we will be traveling back to Bulgaria. We still need some money for the vehicle which we plan to buy, and a few other household items, so please pray with us about that. I spoke with pastor Alish from our village a few days ago. He and his family are all anxious for us to return, as are we.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and continued financial support. We will try our best to carry on the work evangelizing the Turks in Bulgaria and establishing churches.

In Christ,
Zachary LeFevre



“And we have sent with him the brother, whose praise is in the gospel throughout all the churches; And not that only, but who was also chosen of the churches to travel with us with this grace, which is administered by us to the glory of the same Lord, and declaration of your ready mind:” (II Cor. 8:18)


Dear Churches and Praying Friends,                            June 2016


We trust this letter reaches you rejoicing in the Lord and the victory he has promised us upon his return. It is our joy and privilege to serve him and each day is a gift.


This summer we are in the states traveling to our supporting churches, reporting of the good work of God in Bulgaria. What a blessing it has been to see old friends, and of course, to make new ones. The Lord has also allowed us to present the work in some new churches which have promised to support it. (We need more of these.)


While we are in the states my brother, William, is overseeing our part of the work in Bulgaria. Recently he told me about a visitor to our village church. This Turkish lady was passing through our village, and was invited by one of the believers to come to the meeting. She came, and the Lord touched her heart. All during the singing, she sat and wept. After church, she stayed behind to talk to Pastor Alish and his family. She told them that she had never before heard about Jesus or his wondrous love.


We ask that you would pray for our ministry. Specifically, we are asking the Lord for a new vehicle when we return to Bulgaria in November. Some money has been given already. We lack about twelve thousand dollars yet, but believe that the Lord will provide, right on time.


Thank you for your continued prayer and support.


In Christ, Zachary LeFevre



Dear Churches and Praying Friends, February 2016

Greetings in the name of our Savior, the Lord Jesus. We trust this letter finds you rejoicing in the Lord and waiting for his appearing. Our winter months have been busy, and we're glad to report that the Lord's still working in Bulgaria. Most of our village churches are full, and there is joy and love among the believers.

In the village of Avren we were able to help finish the main part of the roof of the building that we will use for a church and a Bible printing facility. Even without this facility, we've been able to print and distribute hundreds of hymn books and gospels of John to the church members.

Pastor Nasuf recently told me about a family that visited his church one Sunday. This woman had evidently heard the gospel years ago, but never did believe. Until she got seriously ill. After the doctors told her they could do nothing more to help her, she began to seek the Lord and pray. Then through his miraculous power, the Lord healed her. For months she has been worshipping the Lord in her own home every Sunday morning, and inviting her neighbors to join her. Several of them have also come to believe in Jesus. One day, she happened to meet another believer in a different village that told her about their preacher, Pastor Nasuf. So, she traveled thirty kilometers to Targovishte to find Pastor Nasuf and his church. Last week Pastor Nasuf was able to visit her village on Sunday mornings and have church with this little group of believers. The Lord answered their prayers in sending them a pastor. Please pray for Pastor Nasuf and for these believers, who are very poor.

Lord willing, this March we should be traveling back to the states for an eight month furlough. This is a difficult time for us, because the work is going so well that we don't want to leave. But we do look forward to seeing our American friends and family, and most of all, the churches.

Please pray for us. We want to see you all. For now, if you would like to contact us, please use our email: zacharylefevre@yahoo.com

In Christ, Zachary LeFevre




Dear Churches and Praying Friends,                                                                              November 2015

Greetings in the name that is above every name, Jesus Christ. We trust this letter finds you rejoicing in the hope of his coming. This summer we've been busier than ever, between the campmeeting in Romania, and the regular weekly meetings, not to mention the special meetings and baptizings. We've also spent a lot of time working on a building in the village of Avren that will be a church house and a factory to print Bibles.

Leaving our local meetings in the hands of our pastor here in the village, has given me the opportunity to visit several village churches with other national pastors. The thing that I see in our churches all over Bulgaria is people praising God. Everywhere I go, the people are glad to see me and have a visitor preach for them, but I am the one that gets the greater blessing. So many people have testimonies of how God has answered their prayers in miraculous ways. So many people are giving God the glory for taking care of them despite the difficulties of life. And so many are praising God for salvation.

The churches are at all different levels of spiritual maturity. Some are full of new believers that have not yet seen God's power that removes all doubts the way the sun burns off the morning fog. Although they lack the faith and confidence that comes with seeing God work, these believers are still faithful to come to the meetings. Other churches that were in this condition a few years ago are now seeing the power of prayer. The meeting rooms are full, the singing is more lively, the prayers are real, and the testimonies are joyful. Then there are also the older churches that are filled with saints who have walked with God for ten or twenty years. These believers have a deeper appreciation for church, and especially the preaching.

Yet, scattered in these churches are still so many people with great burdens and broken hearts. There are always those who are sick or have family members near death with no hope of recovery. Many people despair of any hope of surviving their poverty. And recently it seems I've heard several parents ask prayer for their daughters who have been kidnapped and sold into a life of prostitution. These people have a hard look of hopelessness, that they'll never see their daughters again. But we remember the words of the Lord spoken to Jeremiah, "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?" Would you take these burdens to the Lord in prayer?

So many believers here send their greetings. They love you all and thank God for you all, that you helped send the gospel to them.

In Christ, Zachary LeFevre



Dear Churches and Praying Friends,                                                                                           May 2015

"Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous..." (Matthew 9:37)

We've had a good time this spring visiting the different churches here in Bulgaria. I've been able to go to the village churches of pastors Nasuf, Alish, Mitko and Ismail. The people are all very glad to have us come and preach; they're encouraged just to see someone come visit them.

In one church there was a sixteen year old girl that came for the first time. She told about her problems with fear and with seeing strange visions. The local Islamic religious leader told her she had a demon in her (and he was probably right). To protect her from it, he made a type of a spell, and gave her a little charm to wear around her neck to keep evil spirits away. Of course, this just made the matters worse. She couldn't keep from crying while telling us about what all she's suffered. Thanks be to God, that I was able to tell her that her suffering could all end that day. I preached to her that faith in the name of Jesus would run every devil away, and she could live a life of peace. We prayed for her and gave her a New Testament to take home. The next week she came back and said she hadn't suffered any more since that day at the church. Now, she attends the meetings every week and loves it. What a blessing it is to preach to someone so hungry to hear the word of God!

In another church there was a middle-aged man that came in while I was preaching. He sat down and listened intently while I preached from Matthew 16:27, "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? " Well, this man had recently returned to Bulgaria from Germany where he works to see his mother. She is seventy-five years old and in the hospital with heart trouble. She has been saved and faithful to the church for years. This man said that his mother always prayed for him and told him he needed to quit drinking, but he never did. Now that she is perhaps on her death bed, he came to church and said that from now on he is going to be a believer. That day he prayed for the first time in his life. What a blessing it was to be able to preach the first gospel sermon that man had ever heard!

In one of Mitko's villages we went to pray for an older lady after church. She had suffered a stroke and couldn't get out of bed. We sang her a song and prayed for her. Pastor Mitko told me her testimony. He said that when they were younger both she and her husband used to drink a lot. When her husband died, her children tried to convince her not to get drunk at the funeral, but she couldn't even stay sober one day. Later, she said that one day somebody told her about Jesus and she asked him in her heart. After that she said she never had a desire to drink any more. Her life changed completely. What a blessing it was to pray for her!

Continue to pray for us as we keep preaching the gospel six days a week in the Bulgarian villages. We always need help. The harvest truly is plenteous.

In Christ, Zachary LeFevre



Thou crownest the year with thy goodness and thy paths drop fatness Ps. 65:11

Dear churches and praying friends, 
                                                                   December 2014

As the year draws to a close we want to take time again to count our blessings. We've seen many blessings this year in our family and in the work among the Turks in Romania and Bulgaria. The Lord has also allowed us to continue travel in Turkey, looking for open doors of ministry.

This year we were able to purchase some good vehicles for our national pastors to use in their ministries. Through your generous giving, these men are able to continue preaching to over ten village churches apiece each week. Some of the national pastors preach in fourteen villages a week. What a blessed privilege it is to work with such dedicated men.

This summer we had over fifty new converts follow the Lord in believer's baptism. One of these was a sixteen year old girl that grew up eating at one of our daily feedings. Her father had taken his life when she was small, leaving four orphan children behind, and we believed it our duty to take care of them. After being cared for by the church and taught about the Jesus her whole life, how could she not give her life to the one who loved and care for her? We thank God for the opportunity to care for the widows and the fatherless. There are, no doubt, many other children in Bulgaria who have come to know and love the Lord because of this ministry. Today many of these children are grown and are raising their own children in church.

Currently we are back in the states for just a short time. We've had some unexpected medical problems which necessitated our return to the states. Thankfully, it seems that everything will be alright. The Lord has already taken care of the hospital bills, but we're still paying on the seven thousand dollars of traveling expenses. Please pray with us about these needs. Our plan is to return the field in January.

Thank you all for your continued love and support.

In Christ,  Zachary LeFevre



June 2014


 "And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat."     (Gen 8:4) 

This month it was my privilege to again make a trip down into Turkey.  This time I was able to travel to the eastern region of the country, and see Mt. Ararat.  It is the highest peak in a mountainous region, at over 16,000 ft.  Noah's ark has never been found, but the covenant that God made with Noah stands to this day.  The Lord graciously allowed me see a rainbow on Mt. Ararat.  "And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth."  (Gen 9:16)  What a blessing it was to witness the token of the covenant that God made with Noah thousands of years ago!


There is, however, more to the story.  After ten days in Turkey I returned home on a Wednesday.  Then, on Friday a flood came to the Turkish section of Varna.  It seems it has rained here almost every day since Easter.  The ground on the hills above Asparuhovo must have reached the point of saturation, causing a small landslide and flash flood.  This is the area where we have had a church for nearly twenty years.  Praise the Lord, the flood did not affect any of our church people, but the lives of many others have been devastated.  At least twelve people have been confirmed dead, and others are missing.  Scores of houses have been destroyed.  An estimated two hundred people are, at least temporarily, homeless.  

We feel it out duty and privilege to help these people.  The day after the flood, Brother Alish, who pastors in that town, was surveyed the damage.  He knew many of the people who died and attended their funerals.  He was able to give those families each a fifty pound bag of flour.  In the days to come it is our desire to continue feeding the flood victims and, as the Lord provides, help them build their homes again.  Would you pray about helping these people that are without food, clothing and shelter?


Jesus warned that a worse catastrophe than a flood is coming.  "For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." (Matt 24:38,39)  Who knows how much time we may have left to preach and warn people of the coming of the Lord?  Pray for us.  


In Christ, Zachary LeFevre


Dear Churches and Praying Friends                                                                April/May 2014
"In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ," (I Cor. 5:4)
One of the greatest blessings in the work here is the camp meeting.  The Lord has helped us to establish house churches all over eastern Bulgaria and Romania.  Many of them are small congregations among small Turkish villages.  Each of the national pastors cares for believers in a different region.  Just as the American camp meeting/revival meeting is a blessing, this large gathering of believers has proven to be a great encouragement for the believers in Bulgaria.  Each summer we try to gather in believers from different regions.  This large gathering together is accompanied by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ.  It is like heaven on earth to experience a large crowd of believers singing loudly the praises of the Lord who died for them, rose again for them, sought them, found them, washed their sins away and gave them a new life.  Then the time of testimonies is a great blessing.  They get to encourage one another by telling their own stories of how God has delivered them from various difficulties.  For the new believers this is an eye-opening experience to see so many other people who have endured the same afflictions and can tell of how God always gives the victory through faith and prayer.  At the camp meetings churches are edified, the preachers are strengthened, prayers are answered, and sometimes even souls are saved.  The fellowship is sweet and parting is sorrowful. 
Just this week we had our first camp meeting of the year.  Later in the summer these meetings will include baptizing down at the river.  Those meetings are special because we get to see the results of a year's worth of preaching in various villages: new believers obeying Christ's command in baptism.  Normally, they enter the water fearful and exit the water with hands lifted to heaven joyfully.
Thank you all for your continued prayer and support.  With some more help, we could sow more bountifully, and reap more bountifully.  The Lord is working in Bulgaria.  We look forward to the day when we shall come again with rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.
In Christ, Zachary LeFevre


"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth". (III John 4)

Dear Churches and Praying Friends,                                                                                             March 2014

First of all, let me say how much we appreciate each and every one of you who have prayed for us these many years. Next month we will begin our twentieth year on the mission field. The time has certainly flown. In 1995 my wife and I packed up six bags, and took our baby girl, Katy, to live and work in Romania. It was an exciting time for us as a family, and an exciting time to be in the work of God among the Turks here. Today we can say that God has been faithful to us these many years. He's never failed us one time. He's provided our every need. He's everything he claims to be and more. He's done so much for us. We're far behind in praising him. We may never catch up, but we have eternity to try.

That baby girl that we brought to the mission field is now almost twenty years old. She is studying at Pensacola Christian College. Her younger sister, Polly, just left home this week. Lord willing, she will be graduating high school in May and then joining her sister at PCC in the fall. Both of these girls have been wonderful and we truly miss having them in the house. They love the Lord and honour their parents. Before you feel sorry for them having to grow up outside of the United States, let me tell you that they speak two foreign languages, know how to cook, clean, sew, and they both play classical violin. God has been good to us! I ask that you pray for them as they seek their way in life. Isaac, Maggie and Levi are still with us here. Verity teaches them at home. Pray for us as we endeavor to raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

It's still an exciting time to be in the work of God among the Turks here. The day after I dropped Polly off at the airport, I got to preach three times. Today our little meeting house was full. Several came for the first time. Two people actually told us their sins, and asked if they were allowed to come to church. I preached from the book of 1st Timothy that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Every week I drive over a hundred miles to that meeting. I pass through many villages along the way, and they're all full of sinners. Pray that the Lord would open doors of opportunity to reach these people.

I thank God for Jesus our Saviour. I thank God for my family. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. To work in the Lord's vineyard we have forsaken father, mother, brothers, sisters, and children. I thank God for the hundreds of spiritual brothers, sisters, mothers, and children that he has given us in return. I thank God for each of the dear brethren in America that love us, pray for us and support us in this work. May God richly bless you all.

In Christ, Zachary LeFevre


Dear churches and Praying Friends,                                                                                            February 2014

"Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much" (Luke 7:47)

Greetings in the name of the Lord and our redeemer. We've had a mild winter in Bulgaria; there's only been one snow storm that kept the roads closed for a week or so. Other than that, we've been able to make it to all of our regular meetings. In recent weeks there have been a couple of people saved, and others strengthened in the faith.

Recently we saw a wonderful display of love for the Lord. In a village to the north of us, there is a 60+ year old woman who has been a believer for several years. Now she is unable to walk. During the meeting this woman came crawling from her house into the church house (about 100 yards)! When she got through the door, she had an extra skirt to put on top of her regular clothes, which were by then dirty. She came into the meeting and requested that we sing number 11 in the hymn book. That song says, "Jesus saved me that I might go to him. Jesus saved me that I might see him." Two weeks ago we had a meeting in Dabravino with believers from several village churches attending. While he was preaching Brother Cheatwood said, "Some people claim to be saved, but don't even come to church. I want to ask them, 'If your faith can't even bring you to the local church, what makes you think your faith will take you to all the way to heaven?" Well, I believe that this sister that crawled through the dirt and mud to be in the Lord's house certainly has a faith that will take her to the Father's house one day.

In one of our new meetings a woman testified of how God had answered her first prayer. She told the story of the prodigal son from Luke 15, but in her case, it was a prodigal daughter. Not long after this woman started coming to church, her daughter left her husband and two children and ran away with another man. The family was devastated; it seemed nothing could be done to reach her. So, as we taught the new believers about prayer she decided that she would pray for her daughter. Then, in January the girl came home one day. She said that they had had a big New Year’s Eve party, and after the party was over she sat down and thought about her life. "What am I doing here?", she said to herself, "I've got a husband and two children." As soon as she could, she made her way home and begged forgiveness. The little church was thrilled to hear how God had worked in the girl's life through the prayers.

Please continue to pray for us as we persevere in preaching the gospel and establishing the new believers in the faith. One by one we see them coming to know the Lord. We trust that our preaching coupled with your prayers will bring more people to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus.

In Christ, Zachary LeFevre


December 2013

"And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready." Luke14:17

 Greetings the name above every name.  We pray this letter finds you rejoicing in the Savior: born in Bethlehem, returning to Jerusalem.

Our recent months have been productive.  Although we don't always see immediate reward for our labour, looking back, the Lord's blessings are evident everywhere.  There have been several saved recently.  One woman has been attending church for five years.  She always enjoyed the meetings, but her heart never had been opened.  Although she had a form of godliness for five years, it wasn't until this month that she discovered the power thereof.  When faced with throat cancer she got serious about God.  In the operating room, she prayed and gave her life to Jesus.  The doctors had told her she would never speak again after surgery.  God delivers again.  When she started talking, the doctors were amazed.  Now she's testifying in church and said that wherever she goes, she's going to use her voice to tell people what the Lord has done for her.

Over here, many times when people have a great blessing like surviving a car crash, or surgery etc. they will give a supper for their family and friends in the community to celebrate.  The Lord actually gave instructions for this type of meal:   "Then said he also to him that bade him, When thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbours; lest they also bid thee again, and a recompence be made thee. But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just."

This practice is also carried out in the churches, with the difference being that now they give glory to God in the name of Jesus for his blessings.  This summer when the lady in our church regained her sight after being blind in one eye for six months, she made a supper and fed over fifty people in the village.  At that gathering we sang hymns and preached the gospel to several people that would not normally come to a church service.  Last week the pastor in the village made a supper.  The occasion was the completion of a meeting house for the church.  Alish is 72 years old and lives off of about three hundred dollars a month.  Yet, he was able to build a room on the end of his house for the church to meet.  He did the work himself and paid for all the materials himself.  The only thing he asked help for was the door and the window, which I was able to get for them.  Very quickly, the new meeting room for the church was full of people, and once they started singing, the spirit filled the room.  The unbelievers that attended heard good spirit-filled singing, many good testimonies of salvation, and at the end a sermon about the resurrection.  At the end, the meal, too, was excellent.  These community suppers have proven to be a tremendous opportunity for evangelism.

In the summer we had started a prayer meeting in Ruse, a town about a hundred miles away.  It's a long drive, but we believed that if the Lord opened the door, we should go.  Now, after six months of weekly meetings we've had six good testimonies of salvation.  Four people have been baptized (some will wait until next summer to get baptized in the Danube river.)  Two people have given testimonies that the Lord answered our prayers in such a way that amazed the doctors.  The little group of believers is beginning to love the hymns.  We've seen a pattern among the new believers here.  First, they love to sing the hymns, later they love to pray, and as they mature in the Lord they love the Bible.  We thank God for each and every one that has given their heart to the Lord Jesus.

This month three vehicles have been purchased for the national pastors.  We've been able to get these used (7 passenger) vehicles that are in great shape for a very reasonable price: between five and six thousand dollars.  There are two more pastors that are in dire need of new vehicles.  We're spending a couple hundred dollars every month in repairs.  Please help us and pray for this situation.  God bless you all.

In Christ, Zachary LeFevre and family


August 2013


For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.  (Rom 1:16)


We've seen the Lord do wonderful things for us in these summer days.  Here in our local church we've had several people come back from western Europe to visit their families.  Some of them have been saved and baptized during their time here with us.  Some of them told about how they came to know the Lord while away, as a result of the prayers and testimony of their family members who attend the church here.  The Lord has also opened up doors for us to minister in new towns and villages.  Recently we started a weekly meeting in a Turkish neighborhood of a large town.  Several people have come and enjoyed the meetings.  Last week one woman asked us after church how she could be saved.  It's good to hear those words again. 


Another blessing that we have seen is the fruit of the children's feedings.  We began this ministry about twelve years ago and have fed hundreds of children in Bulgaria and Romania.  Although we never pressed the children for a profession of faith, many did come to know the Lord personally.  Now, many of them are adults with families of their own and have opened their doors to us to have prayer meetings.  As children they knew the holy scriptures which are able to make them wise unto salvation, and now as adults they are ready to meet the Lord.  We have also seen the Lord send in more support for this important work of the ministry.  This is a great opportunity to impact the lives of children here before the muslim teachers can influence them. 


As usual we have been enjoying summer camp-meetings and baptisms.  This year we have seen about fifty people baptized, and yet there are more waiting the opportunity.  Just last weekend at a baptism there was a new believer, but she was afraid to be baptized.  In the crowd on the shore her sister asked her, "Whom do you love more, Jesus or the world?"  At that she stood right up and marched out into the waters publicly declaring her faith in Christ. 


Keep us in your prayers as we endeavor to preach the gospel in Bulgaria.


In Christ,  Zachary LeFevre and family



"Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people."  (1Chron. 16:8)



Dear Churches and Praying Friends,                                                March 2013


Again it is our privilege to write to you of the Lord's blessings upon the work in Bulgaria. We're encouraged at what He's been doing here.  This month we've seen people saved, prayers answered, believers encouraged and new meetings started.  We give thanks to the Lord for this, and still call upon his name in prayer for more blessings; then we make known his deeds among the people.


Since our return to the field we've been surprised to see how much some of the new believers have grown in the faith.  Those who before came out of curiosity are now testifying of God answering prayer in their lives.  And as the believers grow in faith and love, they grow in number as well.  The meeting here in our village is full every week, and there is a good spirit here.  During our furlough pastor Alish has started a new meeting in a village.  The people there are very poor, but even sadder is their spiritual poverty.  Many have too much pride in their dead religion to come to the new meeting in their village and bear the offence of the cross; but we will continue to call upon the name of the Lord and make his deeds known among the people. 


We appreciate your prayers.  There are many needs in the work, and the Lord knows them all.  We need to print Bibles and hymnbooks.  We need to copy DVDs and distribute them to new villages.  We need to get the new churches rooted and grounded in the Lord so we can move on to start new churches in new villages.  And we look forward to doing it all with your prayers.


In Christ,  Zachary LeFevre and family


Sent From:  Prayer Baptist Church 855 Edwin Westland, MI 48185    Support & Mailing Address:  Charity Baptist Mission P.O. Box 692  Bristol, TN  37621



“And the king, and all the people that were with him, came weary, and refreshed themselves there.” (II Samuel 16:14)

Dear churches and praying friends,                                                                       January 2013

As our furlough draws to a close we stop to praise the Lord for all of his blessings upon us in the recent months. We travelled thousands of miles and visited most of our supporting churches. What a blessing it was to renew old acquaintance! Even better, to be able to tell them of the Lord’s blessing upon the work in Bulgaria. Many of the saints are encouraged to hear the good news of how the door of faith has been opened to the Millet Turks in the regions of the former Ottoman empire.

It was also our privilege to visit many new churches and present the work to new brothers and sisters in the Lord. (God’s family is great and we only know a very small part of it.) Several of these new churches have already begun to support the work! and in this new year others may follow.

The greatest blessing in this furlough has been the warmth and love present in the many local assemblies of believers that we visited. Jesus said that wherever two or three are gathered together in his name, he would be in their midst; and we ran into him again and again. We had come to the states weary, but are now leaving refreshed.

Unfortunately, we were not able to see everybody or to visit every church; nor were we able to spend as much time as we originally desired with family and friends. This thought pains my heart. Although we send out a couple of prayer letters a year, we do send out an e-mail prayer letter about every week. To receive this e-mail letter, please write to me at zacharylefevre@yahoo.com we would love to communicate with each of you more effectively this way.

We return to Bulgaria a smaller family. Our oldest daughter, Katy, has already finished her first semester at Pensacola Christian College, where she plans to further her studies. Please remember her in your prayers, and her parents.

Your servants in the Lord, Zachary LeFevre and family


Pastors, churches, and praying friends,                                                                      July 2012

"And the next day we touched at Sidon. and Julius courteously entreated Paul, and gave him liberty to go unto his friends to refresh himself." (Acts 27:3)

Greetings in the lovely name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We trust that this letter finds you all rejoicing in the Lord. It is our privilege to return to the states this year to travel to our faithful supporters and report of the work of God in Bulgaria. We've had a wonderful time here in the states so far. It's been seven years since we've taken a regular furlough, so it's definitely time for one. The Lord has graciously allowed us to be in several churches already, both old ones and new ones. What a refreshment it is to see old friends again and to be able to tell of how God has opened the door of faith to the poverty-stricken Millet Turks in Bulgaria and Romania through their faithful support of this work. Also, we've been able to visit new churches which have already begun to support the work. We look forward to visiting all of our supporting churches and anywhere else that the Lord opens a door. Please contact us at zacharylefevre@yahoo.com or by calling my cell phone, 931-952-9194. Lord willing, we will be in the states through next January.

Our oldest daughter, Katy, has finished her high schooling and graduated this year at the Christian school at Brookside Baptist Church in Bristol, Tennessee. The commencement ceremony was special because the other three graduates were all raised on the mission field like Katy. They were able to greet the congregation in three languages. Katy plans on attending Pensacola Christian College this fall.

During our furlough here, my brother and his family will be staying at our house in Bulgaria, and attending the regular meetings where I normally preach. We thank the Lord for him. It's already been a year that they've been on the field. William is able to attend the regular village churches and has progressed enough in the Turkish language that he is able to read a portion of the scripture to them each meeting. Working together with pastor Alish, they have even started a new church! He reports to me that things are going well there. They're into their summer camp meetings and baptisms now.

Please continue to pray for the work in Bulgaria and pray for us as we travel here in the states. We look forward to seeing each of you.

In Christ,  Zachary LeFevre


"Praying always...for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,   For which I am an ambassador...that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak."    (Eph 6:18,19,20)

 Pastors, churches, and praying friends,                                                                      June 2011

 Greetings in the name which is above every name.  We trust this letter finds you rejoicing in the hope of the glory of God.  The Lord continues to bless and answer prayer regarding the work in Bulgaria, which gives us confidence to ask for more.  Recently, while contemplating the verses written above I realized that a missionary's strength to preach comes from the churches that send him.  Only boldness in preaching can produce results.  If the apostle Paul felt a need to ask for prayer that he may preach with boldness, how much more do we need that boldness!  And that boldness comes through your prayers.  So brethren, pray for us that I might speak boldly, declaring the gospel of Jesus Christ.

 In these summer months we've had new doors of opportunity open for us.  The national pastors have started some new meetings. 

 Brother Nasuf has started a new meeting in a village about thirty kilometers north of their town.  With his new vehicle he is also traveling to other villages to evangelize.  Brother Kenan, his son-in-law, will be taking over some of their older meetings as a pastor.  Brother Nasuf's youngest son-in-law lives in Romania and been a part of our churches since he was a boy.  Now he has started preaching.  His father has kicked him out of the house, and now he's struggling just to feed his wife and child.  Please pray for him that the Lord would direct him to a place of service. 

Brother Ismail has also been travelling to new villages.  One day his wife and another lady from their church went to a village to visit some relatives.  While there the people asked them about their religion.  So sister Naziye was able to tell them all about how the gospel came to her town and they had believed.  The two ladies sang hymns and told of the many things the Lord had done for them.  From that house they were invited to another and then another.  Several people in that village invited them to come and start a church.  Lord willing, tomorrow Brother Ismail will return to that village to organize a weekly meeting along with his son.  His son works as a driver driving used cars from Germany to Bulgaria.  Last week he was in an accident on the highway in Hungary.  The car was "totaled"; two other drivers involved in the accident were hospitalized, yet he walked away without a scratch.  Now he wants to travel with his dad, the pastor, to some of the village meetings and testify of how the Lord protected him.  Please pray for Sezgin, that the Lord would strengthen him in the faith.

 We thank the Lord for each of you, for your continued support and prayers.          In Christ,    Zachary LeFevre


"I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst."   "I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world." (John 6:35, 51) 

Dear Churches and Praying Friends,                                                                      March 2011

Twice in his earthly ministry the Lord Jesus fed the multitudes.  He had compassion on them because they had followed him, but had nothing to eat.  He fed them bread, and then declared himself to be the true bread which gives eternal life.  Later He told the disciples that the poor we would have always, and when we would (want to) we could do good unto them.  As the apostle Paul was sent out to preach to the Gentiles he was told "to remember the poor."

This winter we have again remembered the poor, in giving them bread.  There are only a few villages left, but we've already given out tons of flour and oil this year.  Many people have testified that the flour we gave has come at precisely the right time, and has sustained them during the winter months when there's no work in the villages. 

One woman told us that her husband and son both have skilled trades, but cannot find work.  When their meager supplies ran out, she sent her husband to gather scrap metal from the streets and the trash.  That day he was able to gather enough scrap metal and sell it to make about ten dollars.  But from the market he didn't buy any groceries, instead he bought onion sets to plant.  Otherwise, he said, "We won't have anything to eat next winter."  That day the only thing they had to eat was bread, but they thanked God for the flour we gave them.  The believers here send many, many thanks for your generous giving; it has redounded to the glory of God. 

My family is now in possession of our long-term visas.  Again we thank God for each of you that gave to support us in this ministry here.  In his letter to the church at Philppi Paul wrote, "Not that I desire a gift, but I desire fruit that may abound to your account."  We are honored that God, through the church, has trusted us to preach his gospel here in Bulgaria.  We labour that fruit may abound to your account. 
   My brother William, and his wife, Hannah, and two children arrived in Bulgaria two weeks ago.  They will be working here with us among the gypsy Turks.  We're thankful that God is still calling missionaries and still working in Bulgaria!  The future is as bright as the promises of God.

The harvest in Bulgaria truly is great.  Right now we have willing labourers, able to preach the gospel.  Our greatest need these days is fuel for their vehicles.  Many of our preachers drive over five hundred miles a week.  As the price of gasoline has climbed to over seven dollars a gallon, it's become a struggle just to make it to all of the weekly meetings.   Still other villages are waiting for us to come start new churches.  Please pray with us that the Lord would supply the monthly support for these men to go and reap the harvest. 


"Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the LORD, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously..." Ex 15:1   "Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place." 2 Cor 2:14

Dear churches and praying friends,                                                                                                               October 2010 

Again we are able by faith to give a good report of what the Lord is doing here in Bulgaria. As the Lord our Savior triumphed over the forces of evil in this world, He has also given us the power to triumph.

We're glad to report that there have been many new people saved in Bulgaria this year. This summer we saw one hundred people baptized. There have been a several meetings started in new villages. Although many people are leaving Bulgaria looking for work, there are some new people coming to the meetings, hearing the gospel, and believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. It's always a blessing to see a life transformed. The soul that not long ago was cold and unfeeling is now praising God and publicly telling others about Christ.

This summer it was my privilege to preach in Brother Ismail's churches. In one of his villages the believers would gather outside the meeting house an hour before church every week and sing the hymns. What a blessing to see the people so excited about church.

I have now received my permanent visa for residency in Bulgaria! The visas for Verity and the children should be ready next month. Although they cost nearly a thousand dollars apiece, it is the last time we'll have to pay for a visa as long as we live in the country. Please pray about these needs.

We are now able to send out weekly e-mail updates of the ministry. If you or your church would like to receive these updates, please send us your e-mail address to: zacharylefevre@yahoo.com

Thank you all so much for your prayers and financial support.   In Christ, Zachary LeFevre


"To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever." (Psalm 30:12)

 Dear Churches and Praying Friends,                                                                                           January 2010

 The Lord has given us another year to him.  Our plan is to give thanks to his name forever.  We would like to thank him for all that he did for us last year, and look forward to more blessings in the future.

 At year's end, Brother Ralph Cheatwood counted one hundred and five churches in Bulgaria and Romania.  The Lord has raised up a dozen men in these countries that work with us both in evangelism, and the on-going pastoral care for these house churches. Surely more doors will open up this year.

 Last year we gave out thousands of DVDs.  Each DVD has a recorded church service with singing, testifying, praying and preaching.  Many sick and shut-ins watch them every night.  Believers working in Western Europe use these as their church service where no other church preaches the gospel in their native tongue.  Only the Lord knows how many souls have come to faith in the name of Jesus through these DVDs.  We are awaiting the arrival of three high speed DVD duplicators.  In the New Year we ought to be able to give out ten times as many disks.

 In accordance with Christ's command we baptized over one hundred new believers in the summer of 2009.  Each week the national pastors and missionaries continue in the work of teaching them to observe all things whatsoever he has commanded.  He is with us.

 Last October we received the new vehicle that we prayed for.  Thank you for your prayers and financial help with this purchase.  After three months on the village roads it no longer looks or smells like a new car, but does run like one.

Our newest addition, John Levi LeFevre, was born this week, weighing nine pounds, ten ounces.  He couldn't wait for the doctors and nurses, but the Lord helped deliver him in the car.  Mother and baby are now home. 

 We appreciate your prayers and financial help.  The Lord hath done great things.         In Christ, Zachary LeFevre

 If you would like to receive our weekly ministry updates, send us your e-mail address:  zacharylefevre@yahoo.com or look on our website, www.charitybaptistmission.org/recent_updates.htm



"The LORD preserveth the strangers; he relieveth the fatherless and widow." Ps 146:9                                                                 November 11, 2009

Greetings from the saints in Bulgaria. As the cold weather has come and summer work is ended the churches are filling back up. We’ve had a good summer. Now Isaac is attending a Bulgarian kindergarten in the mornings and doing first grade school work at home in the afternoons, while Maggie has started preschool at home. The older girls study at home and take violin lessons twice a week. .Verity’s due date is January seventeenth. Pray for her as this date approaches.

Once again it is our privilege to thank God for providing us with a new vehicle. Last week I bought a seven passenger Dacia Logan. Not only will it fill the needs of our family’s travel, but we’ll be able to carry more believers with us as we visit the village churches and evangelize. Thank you all for your prayers and financial contributions.

We continue to receive requests for cds and DVDs. The Lord is using these discs to take the gospel into places we cannot go.

The little girl from Brother Nasuf’s meeting that we had prayed for is doing better. The doctor’s don’t have any explanation, but her condition has temporarily stabilized. In the mean time we had a young woman come to the meetings in a nearby village. Several young women were coming to the meeting there, at first out of curiosity, which led to them liking the meeting, which will in turn lead to their faith in Christ. Kiymet knew that she needed some help from God, and seemed more serious than the others. She complained of frequent head aches. When she went to the doctor they found a tumor on her brain. In Varna she was operated on, but not given any hope of recovery. I think they gave her three months to live. Her family took her to a bigger hospital in Sofia, the capitol city, where she was operated on again. Again the doctors predicted she would live only a couple months. Now, two months have gone by. She’s recovered from the surgery, on her feet again, and even able to walk about a mile to the church. Everyone is amazed at her progress, and they say that it is due only to the prayers. Her mother came to church for the first time last week. She said that Kiymet began to recover the night we visited her and prayed for her. Please pray for this family, as we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to them.

One morning about a month ago I received a phone call from one of the believers in nearby village. There was a man there who had committed suicide that morning, and they needed help in the funeral. He had been mentally ill for sometime. They said that because of the economic crisis, which has left many people without work, he wasn't able to support his family, and he was ashamed that his children had to go to school hungry, and without new shoes. His wife had often told us that she wanted to come to church, but her husband strictly forbade it. Their children have been coming to the feedings. At the church in that village we've been feeding the poor children for about a year now. This family is so poor though, that many days the only food the children ate was at the church. I'm glad that we can feed them. Now, his wife has been coming to church. She’s found a heavenly father faithful to meet their needs.

From Bulgaria,  Zachary LeFevre



Greetings from Bulgaria.                                                                                                                                                                                         July, 2009


We hope this letter finds you contending for the faith and praying for the work here. We certainly have much to praise God for. Already this summer we've had sixty-four people baptized, and are planning another baptism this Saturday. There were many wonderful testimonies at the all night meeting after the baptism. New believers from villages all over eastern Bulgaria told of how they came to the Lord, and how God had worked in their lives. Many told of being sick, and how God had healed them. After several doctors’ visits and tests they found no help, but when they came to church the Lord touched them. Others testified about their faith in God in spite of their sicknesses. It seems that God is closer to those that suffer. All of the saints were refreshed, and looking forward to more "camp" meetings. Pray for these meetings. We plan on having at least one each month until the cold weather comes.


This month we were able to help Nasuf make some needed repairs on his car. He's able to drive to his own meetings now. For three weeks he rode a bike to the nearby villages.


I found out that the vehicle we want to buy is on sale right now. God doesn't have to give us the full amount that we were asking for, he can just lower the price! We still lack about six thousand dollars. I need to make a down payment to reserve one at the sales price. Help us to pray in the rest of the money.

There's a child from Brother Nasuf's church that is very sick and in the Varna hospital. The doctors are still doing tests. Please pray for this family. They are a blessing to the church, and they are in the middle of a difficult trial.


Thank you for all of your love, prayers and support.


In Christ, Zachary LeFevre


We are now able to send out updates on the work via e-mail on a regular basis. If you are able to receive an e-mail update, please write to us at: zacharylefevre@yahoo.com



Greetings from Bulgaria. We just got back from five days of English church in Romania. What a blessing it was to sing our hymns again and hear preaching in English again. Between all the missionaries and their children we had a crowd of over forty people. Although I somehow couldn't sleep but about three or four hours a night, I came away rested. Three times a year we missionaries get together like that, and our meetings coincide with the campmeetings at Brookside Baptist, our mission board's church in Tennessee. During this meeting the Lord raised the rest of the money that we will need to purchase a new vehicle. We praise God for that. He's heard and answered our prayers. Thank you to those of you who prayed and who gave toward this. May God richly bless you.

During the meeting in Romania one night Brother Nathan preached and testified about the work up in Romania. He told about Brother Memet, a fifty-seven year old man that has only been saved a couple years. Memet and his family live in a town about two hours north of here, but come spend their summers in Constanta. They stay in a little shanty out at the land fill between the dump and the railroad tracks. When the dump trucks come in and dump, Memet and his family run to each new load looking for scrap metal to sell. This is the best way they have of making any money. Every Friday Brother Nathan goes out to the land fill to meet with Memet and his family. Besides them, there are a few other families doing the same work. Nathan said they spread out a large rug under a mulberry tree, the only shade in the whole lot. Sometimes others will come, and bring some cardboard to put down (so as to not sit in the dirt). The people there are so thankful. They praise God for all he's done for them. Although from a human standpoint it looks like they have nothing, they have the glory of God in their hearts.

"He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory".

I Samuel 2:8

A couple weeks ago Nathan brought Memet and his wife down to the meeting i Bulgaria. They were thrilled to be able to go, and enjoyed the meeting immensely. The next day they came back to Romania. Nathan said he dropped them off at the land fill and watched Memet and his wife walk back to their little shanty holding hands. It's amazing to see how God can make people who have nothing so happy.

"Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?" James 2:5

One night Brother Matt preached and told of how the Lord has worked in some of his villages.

They had gone to one of the regular churches in a certain village and a woman from the church asked them to come pray for her son. She has been saved for a long time and everyone that knows her says she has a good spirit on her. Well, they went to pray. When they got there the man was in bed, and couldn't walk. Brother Matt said he could walk maybe inch by inch and not even able to stand up straight. His older brother was there too. Both of them looked like hard men. Matt said he was sure the older he would never see the older brother again anlywhere near church, judging by his stern look. When they began to sing, the man with the bad back turned white as a sheet, they said. After some singing and preaching they prayed for him. Four days later the man and his family came to the meeting in Dabravino. He came walking into the church on his own power without a bit of pain, waving his hands and acting like he knew everybody there. It was obvious the Lord had touched him. He was almost "walking and leaping and praising God". Not only that, but his older brother was there, too. God had changed his heart as well. Both of them got baptized last month and they are thrilled to be saved.

Brother Matt told of another man. Years ago, maybe eighteen or twenty, a woman wanted to have church in her house. She got her son to build a large meeting room in their house so she could host the church. Her son was not saved, but built the room. Today the woman has passed away, but her daughter in law hosts the church in the same house. The man is still as hard as ever. Brother Matt said he would be the last one you would expect to see in church. One day they found out that there was a man there, their son, that was a little bit retarded. He stayed in the room next to the church and apparently listened every week. He knows all the hymns now. Brother Matt always visits with him every week, brings him a little snack, talks with him, and shows him love. Well, before the large meeting in Dabravino Brother Matt invited the old man to come. Even though he was anything but God-fearing he said he would come, probably because of the love that the believers had shown to his retarded son. That touched him. The man came to the meeting. All those that knew him were scared to see him in church. He stood up to testify absolutely full of joy. He said over and over again "This is the very first time I've ever been to church". But he promised he would come back every time. Only God could save the meanest man in town and make him a blessing to everybody.

It's great to be able to fellowship with the other missionaries and hear of how God is blessing. After five days of blessings though we're back in Bulgaria. The ducklings are dead and two chicks are dead, and the car broke down today. That's the way it goes.

Good news: For those of you that don't know, we're expecting another baby. We were at the doctor's office today and the doctor says it is a boy. I guess that means there is at least a fifty percent chance that it will be a boy. Verity's been a little sick, and a little weak, but is doing fine now. Her due date is in January.

Pray for us.

From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre


July 28, 2009

Greetings from sunny Bulgaria.

This week we've had several days of one hundred degree weather.  Saturday night an electrical storm came in with heavy winds and rain.  A store in the village was hit by lightning, leaving the village without power for a while.  Sunday the daytime temperature was about seventy-five, though.

We have good reports of the after effects of the baptism meeting.  Some of the new believers came to that meeting to be baptized, even though they were scared about going into the water for the first time in their lives.  In one of our villages the man and wife that host the church in their house were both baptized along with a grown daughter.  Since that time, they said, God has taken good care of them.  Normally they could only earn about five dollars a day, but now they're getting close to twenty dollars a day.  A happy excitement was present in the church service in their village.  The new believers have joy, but don't fully understand why.  We can say along with John Baptist when he saw his followers leave him to go to Jesus, This my joy therefore is fulfilled.

I had meant to write more about the meeting we had the night of the baptism.  Knowing that I had to drive a couple hundred miles in the morning, I could only stay at the meeting until about four o'clock in the morning.  Some of the others continued to sing until breakfast.  During the testimony time that evening two men especially gave good testimonies of how they had come to Christ.  Their stories were similar.  Each was sick, with unbearable pain.  After weeks of suffering they came to the church and bowed their knees to the Lord.  Both men recovered from their illnesses speedily and left the doctors and nurses asking how it could be.  They told about how God had come into their hearts, taken away the desire for alcohol, and the things of this world, and given them a desire to come to church to sing praises to Jesus.  The congregation wept tears of joy while listening to these men tell what God had done for them. 

Tomorrow we will be traveling, Lord willing, up to Romania for five days of fellowship with the other missionaries.  We will be meeting twice a day to have church services in English.  Remember to pray for us. 

 From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre


Greetings from Bulgaria.                            Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hope that you all are doing well, and praying for the work here.  Our purpose in writing these regular updates is to give people good news.  These days the devil is trying to wear out the saints of the most high.  We hope that our weekly updates can be a refreshing and an encouragement to those who are persevering in prayer. 

This week we have more good news.  Saturday we had another big meeting and baptized forty-three new converts.  These people came from probably twenty different villages all over southeastern Bulgaria.  Each year we have a baptizing in the summer months for those who have been saved throughout the year in the various villages.  This year we were not able to bring in all of those that wanted to be baptized so we had a second meeting.  So far this summer we've had over a hundred baptized.  There may be a few more.  We'll meet with the pastors again next month to see about having another meeting. 

Last week I worked with Brother Mitko proofreading the Turkish New Testament.  In three days we read from Matthew through I Timothy.  Today we should go through Revelation.  Ever read the Bible eight hours a day?

Thank you all for your prayers and support.   From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre


July 13 2009 update

 We had another good week here.  I was able to preach nine times this week, mostly go groups of five and ten people.  In the village’s people stay busy most of the summer, then are at home for the winter.  We've got some new believers that want to get baptized this Saturday. 

We were able to help Nasuf make some needed repairs on his car.  He's able to drive to his own meetings now.  For three weeks he rode a bike to the nearby villages.

I found out that the vehicle we want to buy is on sale right now.  We lack about six thousand dollars.  I may make a down payment to reserve one at the sales price.  Help us to pray in the rest of the money.

There's a child from Brother Nasuf's church that is very sick and in the Varna hospital.  The doctors are still doing tests.  Please pray for this family. 

From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre

I forgot to mention in last week's update that one of the ladies pictured is paralyzed, but still wanted to be baptized, so they carried her into the water.


July 3, 2009

Greetings from Bulgaria.

Trust you all had a good Independence day celebration.  Here we met with other missionaries for a meal, singing, and fellowship.  It rained harder than any other day of the year.  On the way to Brother Welch's house we saw one car turned upside down.  Most of the cars on the highway had pulled to the side of the road because of the heavy rain.  That was the first real rain we've had this year.  In the evening, though, it cleared up and the children were able to play outside. 

I was able to attend the regular meetings with Brother Alish this week.  These village meetings need prayer.  We are no longer facing opposition from unbelievers, but attendance is down due to the work opportunities of the summer months.  We were able to meet with one family that had not been to church in a month or more.  They had been sick, but promised to come back and bring several more people with them. 

There were sixty-four new believers baptized.  Later in the month we'll have another meeting and baptize any who missed the first meeting.  Normally we start the meeting around noon, and preach about the meaning of baptism, then go down to the river.  In the evening we'll have a meal and then meet for church until about midnight when we take a break.  Usually most of the believers stay and have church all night after that.  At five or six in the morning we serve breakfast and take the people back to their villages.

             Pass this message on to your friends.  Thank you for your prayers.


From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre


July 1, 2009

            We had a good week here.   I was able to preach again in Brother Nasuf's new village.  Those new believers are a blessing to preach to.  They're so ignorant of spiritual things, yet eager to hear.  Thursday I went to our regular villages.  The family that hosts the church in their house is moving.  Pray that the Lord will open a door for us to meet in that village.

            Saturday we had a baptism.  There were two vans full of people from Brother Ahmet's villages.  Then, the other preachers each brought in a car load.  Others came on their own.  Over fifty new believers were baptized.  Many of them had never been in the water before, and were scared to death.  Today I was talking with some of them and they told me how peacefully they slept that evening, and how happy they are today.   There are still some others that could not come to this meeting, so we're planning on baptizing them later, probably next month. 

            This month we were able to help Brother Nasuf make some much needed repairs on his vehicle.  Your prayers for the purchase of a new vehicle are not in vain.  This month again we received some more money.  Please continue to pray.


From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre


May 25, 2009

Hello from Sofia.

            I took a bus to the capitol city today to get a new passport.  My old passport is still valid, but all the pages are filled with visa stamps.  I even had new pages added a couple years ago. 

            We had a good week here, preaching in the usual villages.  One lady testified that her daughter that we've been praying for is doing better.  Her daughter has some kind of thyroid problems, but her mother is now a believer in Jesus as a result of our answered prayers.  In another village where we've been disappointed week after week things were different.  We had a good church service without any problems.  In spite of our doubts, the Lord may establish a church in that village.  Pray for them. 

            I've been able to recover at least one of the video files that we thought were of no use.  We may be able to use that recording for distribution, as the whole church service was evangelistic.  We're preparing some other recordings to distribute this summer.  Continue to pray for us as we persevere.


From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre


Greetings from Romania.

            I came up here Monday morning to spend about a couple days and preach in some of the meetings.  However, an evil stomach virus has prevented me from my goal.  After a day of rest I'm able to get out.  Today I'll preach at a meeting in Constanta, then head on home from there.  Another reason for coming was to see sister Ayshe.  She's been faithful to the Lord for several years and is now fighting her final battle.  I'm glad I got to see her one last time.  

            Recently Brother Ralph printed about fifty new testaments for all the preachers and other men in the churches that wanted them.  Many of these men are happy to have a Bible for the first time.  Pray for them as they begin to read the word of God.  The Turkish dialect spoken in Bulgaria is different, so it's difficult for the beginner.

            At this time of year many of the people have begun to work out in the fields and in the mountains.  We're preparing some DVDs to distribute this summer with hymns and preaching.  We are also planning a baptizing in June. 

            I want to thank those of you who have prayed for our vehicle situation.  Last month we had a couple thousand dollars extra come in.  It's exciting to see God work.  Continue to pray for the remainder to come in quickly.


From Romania, Zachary LeFevre


April 21, 2009

            This week in Bulgaria things are warming up.  It won’t be long until many of the people in the villages will find summer work, and the meetings may slow down some.  Although we feared the possibility of the enemy closing certain meetings, we are still meeting in those villages.  Things have calmed down some, and now there are new problems.  I suppose there always will be.  At least the door is still open.

            This week we had a woman touched during the preaching.  I had preached from the first fourteen verses of John chapter one.  It was the most truth she had ever heard about God.  She asked for special prayer for her daughter.  Next week we expect good news from her.  In another village it looked like there might only be two people come, but this week the woman had invited her neighbors, and they came.  They seemed excited to come to church and promised to come again next week.  In our northernmost village the people are very anxious to travel with us to other villages and open new churches.  Pray that the Lord would open the doors up there. 

            Our daughter Katy is doing well after a bout with pneumonia.  The other children have also made a good recovery.  Thanks for your prayers.

            Whenever there’s a computer involved, it seems there’s bound to be some problem in the job.  We’ve worked on some new DVDs, but can’t seem to get them to record properly please keep this part of the work in your prayers as well.  These recordings of our church services are our best evangelistic tool at the moment. 


From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre


March 31, 2009

 We would like to thank all of you who prayed for us during the illness and passing of my father, Clyde LeFevre.  The Lord has been gracious to us in these difficult times.  We sorrow not as others that have no hope.

            I was able to fly back and make it for the funeral.  My family stayed here in Bulgaria.  After a two week visit I'm back home now. 

            Although the time change has my days and nights mixed up, I've been in two meetings since I've been back.  Sunday we had a good meeting here in our village.  Brother Alish gave a good testimony from one of our new villages.  We had prayed for a sick person, though I don't recall what the specific need was.  Apparently that person got better and is praising the Lord now.  This type of testimony shows the new people that we are of God and that the Lord answers our prayers.

            Yesterday we went to a new village about thirty miles from here.  They had never heard the gospel before, and they are slow to believe.  The one that had invited us to come changed her mind and said she doesn't want a church now.  We left some of the evangelistic DVDs and some hymnbooks.  Some people outside said they would come if we had a meeting there. 

            Tomorrow we are going up to Romania for a week of fellowship with the other missionaries and English church.


From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre


Monday, March 10, 2009

Spring has just about come to Bulgaria.  The sun is shining and daffodils are blooming.  Before too long people will begin work in the fields, so we're going to as many meetings as we can while the people are still home. 

            In the northern region where things have been more difficult we have seen a little progress.  One lady told us she would come to church if we had one in the village, but she was not willing to host the meeting in her house.  Another family had claimed to be believers but did not want to host the meeting, either, because of the opposition.  In another village we heard how the man of the house stood up to the unbelievers who were against him.  He told them the local Islamic religious leaders were all hypocrites that did nothing but wait for people to die so they could perform funerals and make some money, and that what he did in his own house was none of their business.  Thank God for giving this man the strength to stand. 

            In another village the family told us not to come back, because they couldn't stand the pressure from the unbelievers, the day before church they called us on the phone and asked us to come.  Several people came and met with us, and agreed to have us come back next week, although they admit to being fearful.  We're praying that God would fill their souls with joy to outweigh their fears of persecution. 

            In two other villages, both new for us, we had short meetings with only two people present.  There may be a few more Turkish gypsies in these villages, but not very many.  Pray for these individuals and their villages this week. 

            On Wednesday we took a family with us to visit a church pastored by Brother Alish (the younger).  There were about thirty people there that sang and testified for about two hours before I preached.  Alish had prepared twenty hymn books for our village churches which will be put to good use. 

            Again, we appreciate your prayers for my dad.  He is growing weaker.  The hospice nurses are amazed that he is still living.  I spoke with him briefly last night.  He wasn't breathing well, but sounded happy. 


From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre


April, 2008
The harvest truly is plenteous.  (Mathew 9:27)

 We write this letter from Constanta Romania, where we have met with our other missionary brethren for a week of English church.  We are all excited about all the testimonies that each of the missionaries bring in from their respective villages.  We're all anxious to see what the Lord will do in the days ahead.  Right now we're planning on recording some more DVDs.  Perhaps this month we'll have three or four meetings in Dabravino and bring in people from different villages each time for recording the testimonies and preaching.  The DVDs are going out everywhere including to the Moslem Turks (not just the gypsy Turks).  One such Turkish man watched the DVD several times and requested a New Testament to read (which is a miracle).  In other villages the real Turks are beginning to come to our meetings and ask for prayer.  The miracle is two-fold.  Not only are Moslems coming to a Christian meeting, but "higher class" Turks are coming to a gypsy meeting.  Brother Ralph also wants to begin printing some New Testaments for distribution in the future.  Right now we need to make several hundred hymn books.  They cost a dollar a piece.  I'm not sure what the New Testaments would cost.

 In some areas the police and authorities are beginning to question our work.  Thankfully we have all the legal documents we need to justify our meetings.  In one village the police came to question what was going on, and Brother Robert could not communicate with him in Bulgarian very well.  One of the sisters explained what they were doing.  When the man threatened to arrest her she put her hands together and told him, "Get out the handcuffs."  They had been preached to that it is easy to have faith and boldness in the church and in the company of other believers, but what would they do when the trials come?  She responded full of joy.

 In other areas the villages are harder Moslems and haven't even heard of us believers.  In those places there is stronger opposition.  In one village the family believes, but no one else does.  They told us it might be better if we would come after dark so that no one else in the village would see us.  In another village the men gathered to ask the family what we were doing there.  We had only had two meetings there.  After much talk and many accusations they saw that the one or two believers would not back down so they threatened that the believers could come back to the village again, but "they had better think about how they're going to make it out of here".  Please pray that God would shine the light in these dark places.

 In other areas people are eager to come to church.  They come to the meetings, and invite the believers to their houses for prayer.  People who had never heard the gospel are now believing God.  Churches are opening up almost every week.  One family had a child that was afflicted with a certain sickness that caused him much pain.  We began praying for the boy and he got better.  The father was off working in another city for a month or more and didn't believe it when his wife told him on the phone that the boy was healed.  He came home and spent a day with the boy and saw how well he was, then told his wife to have the believers pray for him.   In another village there were some deaf people that started coming to the meetings.  Deafness ran in their family.  They can talk fairly well, and can read lips, but can't hear. 

After a few weeks of praying in the church the one girl began to hear in one ear.  She's able to speak to people on the phone now.  The entire village was amazed at this.  No one can deny that God has performed a miracle.  Many new people came to the church after this.  Needless to say the church is packed.  There's not even room to sit comfortably.

 Brother Alish now has over twenty villages that he goes to a week.  He cannot reach that many himself, so we have separated some of the churches for Robert to take over, and some others Brother Frank will take over.  Alish will continue traveling, doing the work of an evangelist in the region where God is moving.

 Here in Romania the DVDs are going out and everyone loves them.  I suppose you heard the testimony about the woman who took a CD of the hymns and listened to it on the bus ride to Istanbul.  When she got there she realized she didn't have the address of her sister in her purse, so she remembered what she heard on the CD about praying to God.  She said a quick prayer then walked from the bus station to the nearest market.  At the market someone called out her name, and it was her sister.  In one of the largest cities in the world, that has over ten million people in it, God brought the two sisters together in answer to prayer.  They both believed through the CD and then took it to the sister's place of work where the boss played our hymns over the intercom to 250  Moslem employees.  I personally sang with the Turks on some of those recordings.  I never thought my voice would reach that many people that far away.  What a blessing.  One of the believers here in Romania has a business selling music cassettes and CDs.  She is saved and gives our gospel CDs and DVDs free of charge to everyone she meets.  Recently business has been poor here in the city, so she travels to several villages now selling.  God has opened the door for the gospel to go all over Romania, and we don't have to pay a dime to send it out.

 Everything is exciting here.  God is moving, and we recognize it.  Have everyone to pray and help us get in on this "wave" to get the gospel out in Bulgaria now more than ever.  Since Bulgaria and Romania have joined the European Union big things have happened.  One, the cost of living here has doubled.  Our American dollars aren’t worth half of what they used to be.  The other thing is that the poor people here are going into every country in Europe looking for work.  And they're taking the gospel with them.  Help us to send it to them.  We need more CDs, DVDs, gas money, and men to preach the gospel.  Pray the Lord of the harvest!

       In Christ,     Zachary LeFevre

"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;"

 Sent From:  Prayer Baptist Church 855 Edwin Westland, MI 48185


Prayer Letter  April 2006

And he said unto them, Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also: for therefore came I forth.”  (Mark 1:38)

 Dear Churches and Praying Friends,

 Again with joy we write unto you of the Lord’s work in Bulgaria and Romania.  This month we were able to travel up to Constanta and enjoy a week of fellowship with the believers up there.  While there, we were able to preach the gospel in three languages.  Only the Lord could give us this grace. 

 Down in Bulgaria, we’ve enjoyed the spring time and warmer weather, using the opportunity to reach new villages.  Last month we were able to preach in twenty different villages.  Although in most of these villages we have had churches meeting for several years, five of them are new to us, and have no regular church.  They asked us to come back.  In one village, they said, “We believe in Jesus, we just don’t have anyone to come preach to us.  We want a church.”  In another one of the new villages they told us they’d like to become believers, but there are fifteen Moslem there, and the persecution would be too great.  Please pray for the people in that village. 

 This week we went to a new village.  While talking to a family there about starting a church, we offered some tapes and cds of the hymns and preaching, only to find that they already had some!  Praise the Lord, He prepares the way for his workers!  Also, we learned that some fifteen years earlier, Brother Ralph and some of the other Turkish preachers had visited that village and held a meeting.  Although a church was not started at that time, there was a sick lady that they prayed for.  The people of the village said that after the believers left, the lady recovered from her illness and her family has professed faith in Jesus all these years.  It’s amazing to see the way that God works.

 Many thanks to all of you who pray and support this work.  We continue to reap the fruit of seed sown years ago, and this encourages us to sew more seed.  Lord willing, we will continue going to new villages, visiting the existing churches, ministering to the saints, both here and in Romania.  May God richly bless each of you.

        In Christ, Zachary LeFevre

 November 2003

Thy congregation hath dwelt therein: thou, O God, hast prepared of thy goodness for the poor. (Ps. 68:10)

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We trust this letter finds you all rejoicing in the Lord and continuing in the faith.  It's turned cold here, and rainy.  Sunday night there was such a thick fog that came in, we could only drive about twenty miles an hour.  Sunday nights we bring the pastors and young men in for a meeting to teach them the Bible and pray for the meetings.  They really enjoy that.  Also, on Tuesdays we bring a couple of carloads of Turks from town out to the village, and have a bigger meeting.  There's more power that way, and several people have testified how they got strength from that meeting.  The name of that village in Romanian is "******", but the Turks call it "Believer's Village".

Ahmet and his family are doing well.  They are gypsies and do a gypsy meeting in the
village of ***.  That meeting is going very well.  They also have the meeting in their house.  Although their house only has three rooms, they gave the biggest room for the church, and they all sleep in the two smaller rooms.

In ***** the Lord's been blessing.  There is not a large crowd, but the ones that come are serious about God.  Every week there's a new testimony of how God has blessed them.  This week one lady testified about how someone had set her house on fire, and everything she had burnt.  She said that she used to be the meanest woman in town, and would have killed them, but now she's a believer and doesn't have any anger.  She forgave them.  Those believers are terribly poor.  They don't have wood to burn, so they burn plastic, or whatever garbage they find.  Their husbands are all drunks, and don't work.  Sometimes their children go hungry, but the believers don't complain, they just pray.

This weekend we should be taking some of the Turks down to
Bulgaria.  In ****, Brother Ralph's been having meetings every weekend, bringing in the preachers and believers from all the villages.  A week or two ago they had heard down there that I was coming down, and might be bringing some of the believers from here, and they gathered up and waited for us until midnight.  Sometimes they have meetings down there all day, then stay up all night singing the hymns.  We're looking forward to a good time.

We thank you all for your faithful prayers and support, and hope that the Lord blesses you richly this holiday season. 

In Christ, The LeFevre Family  Zachary, Verity, Katy, Polly,and Isaac

  "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;"

Sent From:  Prayer Baptist Church 855 Edwin Westland, MI 48185


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