Sending Church:
Galilean Baptist Church
28875 W. Seven Mile Rd.
Livonia, MI 48152   


The Matthew Welch Family

Serving the LORD in BULGARIA and ROMANIA


Support and Mailing Address:

Charity Baptist Mission Inc.
P.O. Box 692
Bristol, TN 37621-0692
Tel. (423) 878-8131



November/December 2024


Dear Pastors, Churches, and Fellow Saints,


This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Joshua 1:8,9


The year 2024 has quickly passed. It was full of many blessings and events. God has helped us every step of the way.


I was in Bulgaria until May, attending meetings and working on a new church building. Many of you helped by prayer and financial support. We are grateful for that. We are able to hold church services in it and are enjoying our times of fellowship and worship together. Our 15-year-old grandson, Carrick LeFevre preached recently in one of our meetings and that sure was a blessing to our hearts.


In the past year we have had to say goodbye to some of our church folk here, that have passed from this life to the next. One of them was my dear old friend, Malcho. We had been to many church services together and he never failed to get up and give a testimony. I will miss him and the others who have gone on before, but I'm confident and at peace knowing we'll be reunited one day in our heavenly home with our loving Savior, Jesus Christ.


In May we were in the States for our daughter Charity's high school graduation. After graduating Charity joined the Air Force and left to Basic Training. She came through with flying colors. She is now stationed at Hill Air Force Base in Utah. Please remember her in your prayers.


As I mentioned in a previous letter, it was necessary for me while in America, to have a total knee replacement in August. After a couple months of recuperation, and therapy, we returned back to our home in November. I continue to slowly improve and truly appreciate your prayers for complete healing.


Our son, John, is stationed at an Air Force base in Germany, and he was able to visit us for two weeks during the Christmas and New Year holidays. We were so happy to have him home. Then, at the same time, we had a surprise visit from our daughter, Grace, and son, James. They spent three weeks with us.


Most of you are probably aware that our daughter, Hannah, and her husband William (along with their four children), serve on the mission field with us in Bulgaria. Needless to say, we all enjoyed a very happy time together. It was a very joyful ending to 2024.


Last of all I would like to mention a woman named, Sylvia. Please pray for her health and salvation. She works at our local village store. She has always been unfriendly toward us. But the Lord laid her on my heart recently and I was able to talk with her and give her a tract.


All because of Calvary,   (A printable PDF version is available here)


Matthew and Jane Welch




July - August 2024


Dear Pastors Churches and Fellow Saints. 


It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not. Lamentations 3:22


Greetings in the blessed name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


To begin with, I would like to thank the Lord for the time we could be with our family and friends during our stay in America. We miss all of you and are encouraged and blessed to see you again.


While in America we were privileged to preach the word of God and present the work God has called us to in Bulgaria. We visited churches in Alabama, Florida, North Carolina and Tennessee. We are grateful for these meetings and for the prayers and support of all of our churches and individuals.


During our stay in America, I suffered some serious problems with my right knee. The diagnosis was osteoarthritis. The cartilage in the knee joint had deteriorated and the joint was bone on bone. It was determined that I needed to have a total knee replacement.


On August 30th the surgery was successfully preformed. Dr. Bryant was the Orthopedic surgeon who operated on me. Since then, I have been recuperating and getting around with a walker and a cane. I have physical therapy twice a week and things are progressing well. We want to thank all of you that helped us during this difficult time. We appreciate your concern, love and prayers.


We are looking forward to returning to Bulgaria on November 6th. We have lived as missionaries overseas since 1993 and consider it to be "home".


We thank the Lord for allowing us the blessings of being a part of this work all these years. We have seen many souls saved, many churches started, and so many needs, both physical and spiritual, have been met. And you, our dear supporting friends, family, and churches, have had a part in this ministry also.


May the Lord bless each and every one of you as you have blessed us.

All because of Calvary,   (A printable PDF version is available here)


Matthew and Jane Welch




May – June 2024


Dear Pastors, Churches, and Fellow Saints,


Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6


I am very thankful that the Lord blessed my wife and me with ten beautiful children and eleven grandchildren. Our youngest daughter, Charity, graduated from Pensacola Christian Academy in May. We are very proud of her and thankful for everyone who helped her accomplish this. We are also grateful for the time we could train her in the “way” she should go.


I’m thankful for that way, also known as the gloryland way, the old paths, the gospel road, the right way (Gen. 24:48), his way (Deut. 8:6), the good and the right way (Isa. 12:23), thy way (Ps. 25:4), and God’s way (Acts 16:17). It’s a glorious, blessed, satisfying, peaceful, and life-giving way. I entered the way in 1979; I received the Lord Jesus Christ (the way, the truth, the life, John 14:6) as my Lord and Savior and was translated into the kingdom of God’s dear Son. It’s a wonderful way.


We are not only admonished to train up a child in the way he should go, but we also have the promise that when he is old, he will not depart from it. It’s the way he was trained in, always before him, written in his heart, and he can’t depart from it.


I believe the prodigal son was trained in God’s way. Yet when he left, he couldn’t help but compare the “bad way” to the “good way.” He went from being “in want” to having “bread enough and to spare,” from not “worthy to be called thy son” to “this my son,” from “took his journey into a far country” to “I will arise and go to my father,” from “fain have filled his belly with the husks” to feasting on “the fatted calf,” and from sent to the fields of swine to the father having compassion on him, kissing him, and receiving him safe and sound. What a blessing! No matter how far he strayed from his father’s way, he could never get so far that the way he was brought up in departed from him. As a Christian father, I take great solace in the promises of God found throughout the scriptures. For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us (2 Cor. 1:20).


Concerning our new building in Avren, Bulgaria, we have started to hold church services. Our families meet here to have an English service on Sundays. Bibles and songbooks in the Bulgarian and Turkish languages are printed and bound here. We are close to finishing the building, but still have a little ways to go. We cannot express enough our thankfulness to all who prayed and helped out financially.


All because of Calvary,   (A printable PDF version is available here)


Matthew and Jane Welch



March - April 2024


" of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon." Nehemiah 4:17


Dear Pastors, Churches and Fellow Servants.


Greetings from the believers in the Lord Jesus Christ that are with us.  We have been extremely busy while renovating a Church building in Avrin, Bulgaria. From the demolition of the old structure to rebuilding the new one, it has taken a considerable amount of labor and strength. With God being in the center of it all it has been a blessing and a joy. Sometimes after we were finished with construction for the day we would go and hold our weekly meeting in Ynak. We literally had a trowel in one hand and a few minutes later we had a Bible, "the sword of the spirit", in the other.


I can't express the gratitude we have for all the help and prayers that many of you have had a part in with this project. We could not have done it without you all. May all the praise be to God who has made this happen. May this building always be to his glory and honor.


God has been good to us in letting us see him work amongst us.


All because of Calvary, (A printable PDF version is available here) 


Matthew and Jane Welch



January - February 2024

“And some days after Paul said unto Barnabas, Let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord, and see how they do.”  Acts 15:36

Dear Pastors, Churches and Fellow Servants,

We send greetings from all the saints that are with us.

Paul and Barnabas had a desire to go again and visit their brethren where they had preached the word of the Lord and see how they do. The Bible says “As newborn babies desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby” 1 Peter 2:2

While in Bulgaria, we follow a schedule for visiting the churches. The apostles went out two by two, Paul with Barnabas and then with Silas. I myself go with national pastor Demir. Paul's program did not change; they prayed, they sang praises to God and spake the word of the Lord. Acts 16:25,32

It's a real privilege to visit the churches and see how they are doing. In Acts16:4 “…they delivered the decrees for to keep…” Acts 15:28-31, and through the preaching of God's word “…so were the churches established in the faith, and increased in number daily.” Acts 16:5

It's a real joy to visit the churches every week that are in: Sadovo, Venilin, Kamindell, Dolgapol, Kamarvo, Bliskovo, Gradenarovo, Provadia, Markov and Snezna. While there we sing praises to God, pray and preach God's word. We are thankful for these people, and pray for them, Philippians 1:3,4, while enjoying our fellowship in the gospel from the beginning to now. To see God working in them and us makes us long to see each other every week. “For God is my record, how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:8 Through this we are encouraged to stay on the battlefield by God's grace.

All because of Calvary,
Matthew and Jane Welch         (A printable PDF version is available here)



November - December 2023

“...The good LORD pardon everyone that prepareth his heart to seek God,” 2 Chronicles 30:18 - 19

Dear Pastors, Churches, and Fellow Saints, we greet you all in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We give thanks for you all and are grateful for your love, prayers and support.

Yunak is just a little village, but the people are faithful and love to come to church. We meet in sister Zaharina's home and everyone has a testimony of God's faithfulness and care. We have an edifying time together when God meets with us. Lately Zaharina's step-son Nasko has been around when we have meetings. He is about 40 years old and is as rough as a cob. It will take nothing apart from a miracle for Nasko to get saved. And that’s what it took for us to get saved. We are reminded in the scriptures of when the disciples were told by the Lord that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. After hearing that they echoed most of our sentiments and said “…who then can be saved?” The more we look at lost men and women we often say only half of the verse which says "with men this is impossible". It’s easy to give up when we don't look to God. But thank God, when we look to God and his track record we read, "but with God all things are possible" Matthew 19:26. God is able to save anyone that will come to him and believe on His Son. I will admit after getting to know Nasko it seems impossible that he will turn to God. But when I look to God's word, he says “Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them." Hebrews 7:25 Then it's easy to believe. Jeremiah said it like this “Ah Lord GOD....there is nothing too hard for thee...” Jeremiah 32:17.

There are definitely two viewpoints: One "with men" and one "with God"

May God help us to see things his way because, “Where there is no vision the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18

All because of Calvary,

Matthew Welch and family        (A printable PDF version is available here)


September – October 2023

“Tomorrow is the new moon, and thou shall be missed because thy seat will be empty”. 1 Samuel 20:18

Dear Pastors, Churches, and Fellow Saints,

Greetings from all the saints among us and the God of all comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:3

I was saved in July of 1979; with that salvation came a desire to see my loved ones also be saved. The Bible says after Andrew received Jesus, “he first findeth his own brother Simon and sayeth unto him, We have found the Messias, which is being interpreted the Christ, And he brought him to Jesus...” John 1:41- 42 Isn't it wonderful when the ones you love come to the Lord Jesus Christ and receive him as their Lord and Savior? I highly recommend going to your family first and telling them, as the man in Mark 5, how great things the Lord had done for him and had compassion on him. Mark 5:19

My brother Kevin passed away in September; he knew his time of departure was at hand. I had the privilege of seeing Kevin getting saved and then being called by God to be a preacher of the gospel of Christ. Kevin was as Paul was; he was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. Romans 1:16 He was also a pastor and held gospel services in prison for many years. Please pray for his wife, Barbara, and their four boys: Nathaniel, Daniel, Samuel, and Gabriel. Not long after Kevin went home to be with the Lord, my son-in-law Tyler Lyon also went home to be with the Lord. Tyler and I had some good Christian fellowship especially the last time we were together. We took a walk and talked about the Lord and how good God was. We never knew that would be the last time we would see each other in this world, but we knew we would see each other in the world to come.

Please pray for my daughter Sarah and their two children, Arabella and Luke. Kevin and Tyler’s seats are empty now and already missed. But thank God for the Lord's promises in his word; one day soon, we will reunite with them; therefore, we comfort one another with God's words of hope. 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18

As for the mission work in Bulgaria, we have also started a special revival meeting where we bring in as many villagers as possible and hold a special men's meeting once a month. We are also getting ready for our flour and oil distribution. We give each church family 110 pounds of flour and one gallon of cooking oil. We have been doing this for many years and have seen that God is faithful, and the church people are thankful. God continues to bless his work here.

All because of Calvary,

Matthew Welch and family 
    (A printable PDF version is available here)


July - August 2023

And they put it in the hand of the workmen that had the oversight of the house of the Lord, and they gave it to the workmen that wrought in the house of the Lord, to repair and amend the house: 2 Chronicles 34:10

Dear Pastors, Churches and Fellow saints, grace unto you and peace be multiplied. 1 Peter 1:2

For some time now we have had a burden to repair and amend the church in Avren, Bulgaria. Part of the church is finished where we work on songbooks, make xerox copies of scripture and meet to have church services. The Lord has really used these facilities and has met with us here. Part of the building was an old home that "little by little" was caving in on itself. Well, we all knew what had to be done, but it was going to be a big job. First, we had to take the old house down to where it was stable and then reinforce it and repair it. To get there it took 13 long hard weeks, but the Lord blessed and we got the house of the Lord "dried in". We still have more work to do, but the house is no longer caving in.

In 2 Chronicles 34:8 Josiah – “sent Shaphan the son of Azaliah, and Maaseiah the governor of the city, and Joah the son of Joahaz the recorder, to repair the house of the Lord his God.”

2 Chronicles 34:14 says “when they brought out the money that was brought into the house of the Lord, Hilkiah the priest found a book of the law of the Lord given by Moses.”

It seems that good things happen when God's people repair the house of the Lord. They not only found the book of God, but also had one of the greatest observances of the Passover ever witnessed.

2 Chronicles 35:18 I believe it's a picture of Calvary to us which are on this side of the crucifixion. In other words, when you get interested in the house of the Lord you will find God's book, the Bible, and in turn Calvary will find its rightful place in our hearts. We still could use some help to finish the building, and I know God is in it. Brother Ralph Cheatwood had a burden to have a place for God's people to come together and worship Him, and to God's glory, it is coming to pass as he desired. Please keep us in your prayers.

All because of Calvary,

Matthew Welch and family        (Included are some pictures of the construction in Avrin)


May - June 2023

...but if thou canst do anything, have compassion on us and help us. Mark 9:22

Dear Pastors, Churches and Saints,

Greetings from all that are with us and love the Lord Jesus Christ.

Some things only God can do. I have gone to God's people for help and I have had God's people come to me for help. I would like to help each one; and I am burdened and sometimes bewildered when I can't help them, but thank God for the Lord Jesus Christ that said "bring him to me". Matthew 17:17. The all sufficient One, the One who is able. Hebrews 7:25 We all know someone that is tormented by one or more of the devil's fiery darts or an unclean spirit. But, I am encouraged that when we couldn't help them, that we are admonished to have faith as a grain of mustard seed. This is a very small seed, but the potential of what can come from that seed is enormous. The same is true with faith, ět only takes enough to believe. The question was asked in Psalms 78:19 "Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?" Or can God help this loved one of ours that has been taken captive by the devil and is in his snare? 2 Timothy 2:25

I find myself very much like the man in the text from Mark 9:17-29, when the Lord told him "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth". "And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief."

In Zechariah 3:2 "the Lord said unto Satan, The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan;". Some things only God can do. When we pray and fast and we have as Hannah, a sorrowful spirit, and pour out our soul, and when something means more to us than a meal and faith takes us to a prayer altar, we will see the impossible take place!

May God help us to have faith as a grain of mustard seed, to the end we might see others get help from "Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood". Revelation 1:5

Please keep our loved ones in your prayers.

All because of Calvary,

Matthew Welch and family     (A printable PDF version is available here)


"...he knoweth not how.

Dear Pastors Churches and Fellow Saints,               March - April 2023

Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

In Thessalonica the apostle Paul thanked God because, when they received the word of God which they heard Paul preach they “…received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.” 1 Thessalonians 2:13

God's word is different than man's word. God's words are alive. The Bible says "the of God which liveth". It's a great privilege to sow the word of God.

One day 44 years ago my Uncle Don sowed the word God and preached unto me the gospel. Somehow the word sprang and grew up when I believed.

Only God can give life to a seed. You can talk all you want about how a seed springs up, but it would never happen without God. As missionaries spreading the gospel of Christ we don't know how it springs up other than God tells it to spring up and grow. When someone puts their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and receives him as their Lord and Savior, God speaks to that soul and says “Let there be light” and that person is transformed from darkness to the kingdom of God.

I would like to have you pray for these dear Christian friends of mine that help here in the gospel. Malcho and Kadrěa. They are a real blessing to all and God has really used them. We covet your prayers.

All because of Calvary,                 (A printable PDF version is available here) 

Matthew Welch and family



January – February 2023

“And he brought him to Jesus…” John 1:42

Dear Pastors, Churches and Saints,

Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

The first two months of this year have been good ones. We have been able, in spite of the time of year, to hold services in all of our villages. They are not large crowds, but the people are faithful. There has been a good spirit and testimonies about God's faithfulness (Lamentations 3:23), and care
(1 Peter 5:7) in the meetings.

Also, during this time some have passed away. Dobrin was saved within the last year and went home to be with the Lord. We started meeting at his house because of his wife Zaharina. She told us that if we were to meet in her home she believed her husband would come. Well she was right, and we were happy that he came. I believe God was already working on his heart. You could tell he was touched by the testimonies, singing and preaching. I'm thankful God worked and drew him to himself and dealt with him. We believe what the Lord said in John 12:32 "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me". We will miss Dobrin, but we enjoyed worshipping the Lord with him, and we look forward to being with him again one day. With promises like 1 Thes.4:13-18 we can comfort one another. We still meet in his home. Now we are praying for their 22-year-old son Dennis to come to the Lord.

Also, a man named Marine that lived in our village passed away. I had given him a gospel of John to read, but I don't know if he was saved. I enjoyed talking to him, he also was a beekeeper like myself. Whenever I meet someone like Marine I feel compelled to do as Andrew did. “He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ. And he brought him to Jesus…” John 1:41,42

Please also keep my brother Kevin's health in your prayers.      A printable PDF of this letter is available here.

Because of Calvary,

Matthew Welch and family


Dear Pastors, Churches, and Fellow Saints,     November – December 2022

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Romans 8:35

We have been very busy the last few months. We have mixed and poured concrete at our church building in Avren, Bulgaria. We also worked on leveling the yard. We would like to put a new roof on one of the other buildings on the property and finish two other rooms.

We hold our weekly English services for the American missionaries in Avren. This is the place that Bro. Ralph purchased years ago and we are grateful to be able to meet together and worship there. We are thankful for everyone that helped us accomplish this work.

Soon we will be distributing flour and oil to the church members and others that are destitute. These annual provisions are received with great joy and appreciation. We have witnessed the Lord bless His people, through you all, with these provisions. The flour and oil distribution has continued for many years and it's been a privilege to have a part in this ministry.

In December it was needful for me to return to America for a short visit that I might help my immediate family with some personal battles. Of course, we understand that we can do nothing of ourselves. Our confidence is in the Lord that He will deliver our loved ones from their troubles. We have conveyed to them what was said by Corrie Ten Boom, "There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still." Please, remember our family in your prayers.

We haven't had guests for Christmas in three years because of COVID restrictions. But this year James, John, and Charity came to our village home in Dabravino and celebrated with us. It was a blessed holiday season and we praise God for our time together.

May the Lord bless each and every one of you throughout the upcoming year. Thank you, once again, for your faithful support and prayers. We love you!

Because of Calvary, Matthew and Jane Welch  (A PDF print ready version of this letter with a family picture is available here)


Dear Pastors, Churches, and Fellow Saints,                                 July/August 2022

Thine, O Lord is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine;  thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all. 1 Chronicles 29:11

 In July we had the blessed privilege of hosting the Maher family in our home. They have been serving on the mission field for about 30 years and are fluent in Russian. We took them to hotels, governmental bases, and to two refugee centers (in Varna and Shumen). They were received everywhere with open arms. They had so much liberty to share the gospel at each location. It was like we were having church everywhere we went! We even had the opportunity to sing "Amazing Grace" in Russian on several occasions. It was such a blessing!

 Bibles, tracts, and donations were received with utmost gratitude. Thank you for your faithful prayers and support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian refugees!

 Our daughter, Charity, and grandson, Carrick, had the special blessing of attending a Christian youth camp this summer in Michigan. We are thankful for all that Victory Baptist Church in Hartland, MI did to make this possible. The teenage years are a real crossroads in young people's lives and we are grateful for all the prayers, preaching, and preparation that went into this youth camp.

 In the month of August, we had a baptism at a nearby river and 23 people were baptized.

 Our grandson, Christian, also followed the Lord in baptism during this special service. It was a blessing to witness that take place.

 A man named, Bayram, was also among those that got baptized. He was very weak and sick from cancer but he desired to get baptized. It was a very touching sight to all who attended as we sang a hymn while he entered the river on the arms of some of our men. His wife stood on the shore watching, wiping away her tears. Not many days after, he went home to be with the Lord. What a testimony!

 In the village of Yunak we have started meeting in the home of Dobrin and his wife, Zaharina. They look forward to the weekly meeting and have been an encouragement to this little village church. Sometimes there are just a few believers that attend but the best part is knowing that the Lord Jesus Christ is in our midst.

 Once again, thank you for your faithful prayers and support for our ministry here in Bulgaria, and also for your prayers and contributions for Ukraine and the Ukrainian refugees.

 All Because of Calvary,

                                               (A PDF print ready version with pictures is available here)

Matthew and Jane Welch


May/June 2022

Dear Friends, Family, Pastors, and Churches,

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. Ephesians 3:20,21

The Lord continues to abundantly bless the ministry among the Ukrainian refugees who have fled to Bulgaria. We have so many opportunities to help, to witness, and to show compassion to these people who are hurting so deeply. They have had open hearts and minds as we witness to them in English, Bulgarian, and Russian. We have been able to give out Bibles and tracts in every location we have gone and they have been received with interest and gratitude. Whether we are at a border crossing, a governmental base, a hotel, or a refugee center we have experienced great liberty to evangelize. We are sowing seeds and one day there will be a harvest.

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

We have been able to send thousands of dollars’ worth of humanitarian aid into Ukraine. This aid has gone to military hospitals and to the front-lines. We put tracts in the socks for soldiers; scripture cards in emergency blankets; and New Testaments in medic bags and packages to soldiers. This has all been made possible by the generous contributions of churches, families, and friends. We appreciate your concern, prayers, and support for the ministry to the Ukrainian refugees and Ukraine.

It is encouraging to see the Lord working not only among the Ukrainians but also among the Turkish gypsies. It is refreshing to be able to go to meetings again in spite of the shadow of COVID. We are thankful we are able to fellowship, sing, and preach as we did before.

Recently, we were able to purchase a vehicle for one of our national pastor's named Demir, as well as a van for ourselves which will be very useful in our work here. Even though the price of fuel is almost eight dollars a gallon the Lord has met every need, every time.

Last of all, please continue to pray for my brother Kevin, who is still battling esophageal cancer.

Because of Calvary,

Matthew and Jane Welch   A printable version of this letter with pictures is available here.


March - April 2022

Dear Pastors, Churches, Friends, and Family,

Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it. Proverbs 3:27

As of March 26, 2022, close to 120,000 Ukrainian citizens have poured over the borders of Bulgaria. About 55,000 have remained in the country. These refugees are in "our own backyard" which puts on us a burden to help them in their dire need.

Many of these refugees have left Ukraine in a hurry; exiting with only a backpack- leaving behind their families and homes. They have no idea when (if ever) they will be able to return. We missionaries, in Bulgaria, find ourselves in a place of unique opportunity to help these refugees during such a critical time.

Because of contributions from churches, family, and friends, we have been able to minister to these people who are being housed in: Apartments, Homes, Hotels, Vacant Buildings and Refugee centers.

We have purchased clothing, food, medication, and many other supplies throughout the month of March. We have personally delivered these supplies to refugees residing at these different locations. They have expressed their gratitude over and over again. We tell them that the churches and believers in America want to help them and are praying for them. That's when they start to cry. And we cry with them.

We are thankful to at last have gospel tracts in the Russian language. We were able to pass out hundreds of these at a huge "Peaceful Protest" in Varna, and at several refugee centers. We also slip a tract or scripture card in with supplies we give away. That gets interesting and creative. Some of the pictures included will give you an idea. Please pray for those who receive these "love notes" from the Lord. May He touch their hearts and may they understand that there is a God in Heaven that loves them.

We recently have had the opportunity to purchase humanitarian aid for hospitals and soldiers in Ukraine. The truck made it safely to its destination and from there the supplies were loaded into vans, and trucks, and taken to the areas that are in dire need.

Soon we will sponsor another truck into Ukraine that will be loaded with food and medical supplies. We are blessed to have this opportunity to help in this way. You, our faithful supporters, have made this possible. Thank you. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you. The Ukrainian refugees, with tears in their eyes, thank you, too. Written from Bulgaria by Jane Welch.   A printable version of this prayer letter (with pictures) can be viewed by clicking here.

All because of Calvary,

Matthew and Jane Welch


January – February 2021


It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22,23


Dear Pastors, Churches and Saints,


We send greetings from all the believers in the Lord Jesus Christ in Bulgaria and Romania. We also thank the Lord for your fellowship in the gospel and your faithful support of our Lord's work here.


In January I returned home to America. My brother Kevin had a cancerous tumor in his throat and he received proton therapy this past January and February. He is doing better now. He also wanted me to thank everyone for their prayers, and praise God for all He has done and His presence through it all. Kevin was in the hospital for 40 days, and no one was allowed to visit him due to the Covid-19 restrictions. But praise God, the Lord is not hindered by their rules and went right in with him and never left the whole time, then went home with him. We praise and thank God Kevin is doing better.


We are also thankful that on February 11th my daughter Sarah & son-in-law Tyler became the proud parents of Luke Taylor and Arabella Grace Lyon. They are beautiful and our prayer for them is that they would get saved at an early age, and that they would be brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.


In Bulgaria we started distributing flour and oil to the families in our churches. Every year the Lord has made it possible for us to give each family a 110lb bag of flour and over a gallon of cooking oil. It couldn’t have come at a better time this year, because of all the sickness and restrictions. I can’t stress how much some of these people need and appreciate these provisions. We tell them that it’s from the Lord and that God used His people in America to provide it to them. They praise God for the food and are thankful for you all.


There is also one other prayer request we have and that’s for Robbie Carr. He is from our church in Tennessee and was accidentally shot in the elbow and is mending slowly. God has really used him, and God’s hand is upon him. Please keep Robbie in your prayers.


All because of Calvary,  Matthew Welch and family





November - December 2020

Charge her that she should go in unto the king, to make supplication unto him, and to make request before him for her people. Esther 4:8

Dear Pastors, Churches and Fellow Saints,

We are writing to you with thanks in our hearts and trusting in the promises of God who has faithfully met with us. Since March we have been limited in what we could do concerning church services because of the Covid sickness. We have been able to visit some of the brethren, who have been a real blessing. Especially because of God's promise of..."where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them”. Matthew 18:20

In the book of Esther the name of God is not found. Yet in the same book is God's protection and providence well observed and documented. I'm sure it was difficult for Esther to go through these trials, but because of these dangers namely Haman's hatred for her people, she was charged by God's servant Mordecai to ..."go in unto the king"..."make supplication unto him and to make request before him for her people..." Esther 4:8

In the midst of these troubling times where God is not mentioned nor considered, may we be encouraged and strengthened by one another to go to the king (Jesus) Hebrews 4:17, to make supplication unto him 1 Timothy 2:1 and to make request before him for people. Philippians 4:6 As God turned the tables on Haman who wanted to persecute and destroy God's people, God will fight for us that we may have the victory in him. It is also encouraging to ponder the other words of Mordecai who said to Esther "who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” In other words, God had you in the place where you could go unto the King, and through the King, obtain deliverance for God's people. By the end of the story God's people were blessed with light, gladness, joy and honor. They celebrated it with a feast and a good day. Esther 8: 16- 17 May we be encouraged in these perilous days, 2nd Timothy 3:1 by embracing the promises of God and the knowledge that we are here, that we may be a light and a witness of his saving power.

I'm also thankful to write that Malco (the man whose house burned down) was able to move back into his house. He had been living with his family about an hour away, and he was very happy to get back to his own home. He wanted me to thank everyone that contributed to rebuilding his house, and wanted to praise God for all he had done and for the love God showed him through his people.

I would also ask everyone to please pray for my brother Kevin, he is very ill and would appreciate your prayers. Also, my daughter Sarah and my son-in-law Tyler Lyon are expecting twins in the beginning of March. I know they covet your prayers for their family. May God richly bless all of you. Thank you for your prayers and help.

All because of Calvary,

Matthew Welch and family




And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? Esther 4:14

Dear Pastors, Churches and Fellow Saints,           July-August 2020

Grace unto you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Thessalonians 1:2) Now is definitely a time when this world needs a clear witness. May God give us boldness to be witnesses of what God has done for us and to us: to preach the gospel and to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God; and that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in the Lord Jesus Christ.

It has been very different for many months now because of all the restrictions from this sickness. We have not been able to meet with the churches, but God has still met with all of us. These measures have put a real longing and appreciation for the freedom to come together. Hopefully this will pass soon.

We were able to put a roof on the home one of our believers, that burned down in February. Brother Malcho was so thankful. Many of the missionaries and national pastors came together to help, which was a real blessing to be together and to see God work.

We covet your prayers for the work here. We were surprised by this sickness and the measures that have been taken to slow it down. Thankfully we have not contracted the virus. Many of our dear friends have it, and our hearts and prayers are for the ones that have been affected by it. May God bring them through this and restore their strength.

Even though there are many restrictions we are thankful God is bringing us through this time. We believe that God has brought us here for "such a time as this" to be a witness for Him.

All because of Calvary,  Matthew Welch and family


Dear Pastors, Churches, and Fellow Saints,                   March / April 2020

"...thou shalt be missed, because thy seat will be empty." 1 Samuel 20:18

Greetings in the name that is above every name- the Lord Jesus Christ!

On April 4, 2020, my dear dad went gloriously Home to be with the Lord. In 1979 I got saved and immediately began to witness to my family. We were raised by loving parents. They always had time for us, even when we had no time for them. We attended church but had never received the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. After I got saved by the Savior from the penalty of my sins, which was going to hell, I was so happy and at peace with God. It was all that mattered and still is the only thing that really matters. I began telling everyone about my salvation experience how that I had been saved and born again. I didn't know much about it all, but, I knew that everything between me and God was well. I had been forgiven and possessed the peace of God.

After my salvation, I began attending church services at Temple Baptist Church in Detroit, MI. Following the Lord's command, I was baptized by immersion. Life was wonderfully new, and I was under the impression that everyone would want to also receive this gift called "eternal life through Jesus Christ" (Rom. 6:23). But with salvation also comes repentance: turning from your sins and turning to God.

One day I was in a store with my dad and I was handing out gospel tracts. My dad told me not to hand them out anymore when I was with him. He also told me that he didn't want me talking to him about God. But I was quite rich in faith, and believed there was nothing God couldn't do. Even if I couldn’t talk to my dad about his soul's need of salvation, God could. My dad could tell me not to talk to him about the Bible, but I knew that God could speak to him.

Every day I prayed for my dad and my whole family. I had heard that it is best to witness to someone two or three times and then to just be their friend. Jesus was the friend of publicans and sinners, so I knew I couldn't go wrong doing what Jesus did. Praise the Lord! After some years my oldest brother, Kevin, got saved. Then in 1994 my mother got saved and shortly after passed away with cancer. My dad was left all alone, and the Lord began speaking to his heart.

Some years later, during the end of our missionary furlough in America, my dad came and visited us in Tennessee before we returned to Bulgaria. That Sunday morning my dad and I got up early to go out for breakfast at the local diner. Afterwards I told my Dad that the children would be singing in church that morning and that they would love to have him be there. So my dad attended church with us that day, and we had a wonderful service. The preacher preached from the Word of God and the good Holy Spirit was dealing with my dad about his need of salvation. My dad got up during the invitation and went to the altar to pray. With simple child-like faith he believed on the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 16:31). Praise to the Lamb of God!

I will greatly miss my dad and although his seat is empty here, his place in heaven is not empty. I thank the Lord for giving me such a wonderful mom and dad. I look forward to the day when I'll be reunited with them in Heaven.

All Because of Calvary,  Matthew Welch and Family




January/February 2020

And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. (Exodus 33:14)

Dear Pastors, Churches and Fellow Saints,

Greetings in the name that is above every name, the Lord Jesus Christ. Much has happened in the last two months. We have held many church services and I usually attend about ten services a week. We have seen the Lord deal with many people including some of the loved ones in my family. What a difference the Lord's presence makes in a church service or while doing personal work. We have learned you may have everything you need to run a ministry, but without Him, it doesn't work. (John 15:5) Moses knew this along with many other saints; myself included. I have prayed this prayer "If thy presence go not with me carry us not up hence." (Exodus 33:15) I am thankful He has always blessed us with His presence.

I am thankful for the many churches and saints that have prayed for us and supported the Lord's work here in Bulgaria and Romania. During the month of February, one of the believer's home where we hold services burned down. His name is Malcho and we will do all we can to help him rebuild. We have had many good services there and hope to have more in the future.

I do have a special prayer request for some of our loved ones that are trying to get help from the Lord. Their physical and spiritual need is great. It will only be the grace of God and His presence that will give them the victory over the wiles of the devil. Please keep these loved ones of mine in your prayers.

In closing, we would like to ask everyone to keep our home church and Mrs. Sharon Frederick in your prayers after the passing away of their pastor and her loving husband. Pastor David Frederick was a man like Moses. He had no desire to go anywhere God's presence and grace was not going to accompany him. (Exodus 33:15) He was a great and faithful man and God's presence was with him. He will be missed.

We are looking forward to the year 2020, because no matter what happens we can count on God's presence being with us. (Hebrews 13:5-6)

All Because of Calvary, Matthew Welch and Family


I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea: That ye receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints, and that ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you: for she hath been a succourer of many, and of myself also. Romans 16:1-2


Dear Pastors, Churches and Fellow Saints,                     November - December 2019


Greetings from all the Saints in Romania and Bulgaria.


Kadria is one of our national pastors’ wives. Hasan was her husband. A number of years ago, Hasan passed away. It was unexpected and a real loss to Kadria, her family and the work; but a real gain for heaven. I never asked Hasan to a meeting that he didn’t want to go to. He would drop whatever he was doing to attend a church service. I guess one day God came by and invited Hasan to His own service in heaven. Hasan dropped everything he was doing and has been there ever since. It’s easy to imagine how Kadria could miss Hasan so much. There is never a day that goes by that she does not mention him. After Hasan passed away, Kadria told us she wanted to keep visiting the churches each week with us. Usually Kadria goes to church five days a week. She helps by singing the hymns with us and always has a testimony from the heart that helps everyone. Among her many everyday tasks, she also takes care of her grandchildren. She makes fresh bread for them every day. She is like her husband was in this respect, that she is always ready to go to a church service. She is our Phebe. She is definitely a servant of the church and loves God’s business. She has comforted many of the people the same way God has comforted her. II Corinthians 1:4 It’s a privilege and a blessing to see God use her in His work. It’s amazing to see God make someone like Kadria, who has so little, yet is so rich, so happy. II Corinthians 6:10 Please pray for Kadria, her health, and her family.


I also want to take this time to inform everyone my shoulder is doing very well. I am very grateful for all the prayers and support. It has been encouraging to drive again and to do chores pain free.


The work here continues to prosper with God touching people's hearts every day through the preaching of the Gospel and singing of spiritual songs. Psalm 40:3 Therefore we shall continue in God’s way holding back nothing profitable but preaching the unsearchable riches of Christ.


All Because of Calvary,  Matthew Welch and Family




September / October 2019

... Behold, thou hast been careful for us with all this care;… 2 Kings 4:13

Dear Pastors, Churches and Fellow saints,

We send greetings and a testimony of thanks for all the care God and His people have had for me.

Approximately three years ago I started experiencing some real problems with my right shoulder. From day to day it grew worse to the point where I couldn't use my right arm. After a year of injections to relieve the shoulder pain, I was told that the only remedy for my disintegrating shoulder would be the replacement of my shoulder with an implant. This seemed good to me; however, impossible. But as usual, I was wrong. At the same time I was limiting the ways to get help, God was opening doors for me. On September 4th I was operated on in Florida and they replaced my old broken shoulder with a new metal shoulder. I am thankful and happy to say that I have fully recovered, returned to Bulgaria, and am joyfully using my new shoulder now without problems or pain.



This operation has brought back some memories of when I got saved. The Bible says "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh". Ezekiel 36:26 Through all this the Lord and His people have had great care for me. I would personally like to thank all my family, friends, and churches for your prayers and financial support. I also send a special thanks to Dr. Brothers, Andrew’s Institute, and my son in law and daughter Jesse and Rebecca Adcock.

Thank you once again for all this "care".

All because of Calvary, Matthew Welch and Family



“And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?” Acts 8:36

Dear Pastors, Churches, and Fellow Saints,    August 2019

Greetings in the name that is above every name, the Lord Jesus Christ:

The Lord's work here continues to prosper, with the Lord himself dealing with the souls of men. One such person is a young man named Matay. No one knew that the Lord was dealing with him. His grandfather was a preacher named Hassan that I used to visit churches with. It brought back a lot of good memories seeing the Spirit of God working on Matay. It brought him to a serious place and he began to think about, and consider where his soul would spend eternity. I love to do personal work, and I love even more seeing the Holy Spirit deal with people about their need of salvation. Normally we baptize in the summer months, because we baptize in a river. It was in July we made an announcement we would be baptizing. Matay needed no prodding or pulling. He only knew he wanted to be obedient to the Lord's command. The question was “what doth hinder me to be baptized?” And the answer was “If thou believest with all thine heart thou mayest.” He answered and said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.” Romans 10:9-10

What a wonderful day! The day we received Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior! There is no better day in a person's life than the day they come to the Lord Jesus Christ. It was a blessed day for Matay to confess openly his faith in the Son of God. It brought back some wonderful memories of when I was baptized in 1979. Back then I didn't know hardly anything in the Bible, but I knew the Author and have been blessed by Him ever since. After the eunuch was baptized the Bible says "he went on his way rejoicing” Acts 8:39. Matay and I have done the same.

All because of Calvary, Matthew Welch and Family


     May/June 2019

Dear Pastors, Churches, and Fellow Saints,

" know in all your hearts and in all your souls, that not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the LORD your God spake concerning you..."   Joshua 23:14

We send you greetings from all the brethren that are among us in Bulgaria and Romania.  We returned to Bulgaria in late May to a joyous reunion with our friends and family here.

I can't begin to tell you about the wonderful year we spent in America.  We visited over 60 churches in 15 states, and traveled over 40,000 miles presenting our ministry.  Everyone was blessed to hear about what the Lord has been doing, and how people are still getting saved.  It was a great blessing to see so many friends and family that we haven't seen in many years.  We were also able to visit some churches that we hadn't been to in a very long time.  Everyone was so kind and generous to us.  We thank all of you for making it a prosperous furlough in so many ways.  

We also want to say that it was a blessing while stateside to have our twin boys, James and John, attend and graduate from Tri-Cities Christian School in Blountville, Tennessee.

On May 3rd, a dear preacher friend, Rev. Luther Carver, went home to be with the Lord.  He was a great preacher and faithfully supported the mission work in Bulgaria and Romania since it first started many years ago.  We were privileged to know him and he will be sorely missed.

The month of June marked the one year anniversary of Brother Ralph Cheatwood's passing.  It's hard to believe a year has already gone by.  Before his death he was very concerned that the work on the building in Avren be completed.  We rejoice and are encouraged to see the work coming together on the church building and the Bible/songbook printing facility through the efforts of the American missionaries and the national pastors.  Avren is about halfway done.  We thank the Lord for all that He has supplied through the generosity of individuals and churches who are concerned about seeing this project completed.

Last of all, I want to inform you that, unfortunately, I must have a total shoulder replacement surgery in the near future.  I had hoped to put it off, but the discomfort and pain I am experiencing have deemed it necessary that I have the surgery done sooner than later.  I sincerely would appreciate your prayers and any financial help concerning this matter.

All because of Calvary,  Matthew Welch and Family


But ye beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost. Jude 1:20

January - February 2019

Dear Pastors, Churches and Fellow Saints,

We send greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ from hither, thither and yonder. During the month of January and February we presented our ministry in Bulgaria and Romania to churches in Virginia, Alabama, Texas, Arkansas, and North Carolina. Everyone was blessed to see what the Lord was doing there, and we were blessed by the good fellowship we enjoyed together in the Lord. We have been in America since the end of June and have travelled many miles, but God has kept us safe the whole way. Before we returned to America we sold our vehicle that was used for the work. It was a good van and carried many people to the different church meetings we held. We have started a car fund and hope to raise $20,000 dollars toward the purchase of a replacement vehicle.



In Bulgaria a National pastor’s wife and a very dear sister, Aisha, passed away. Her husband preceded her in death, and I’m sure they had a glorious reunion at the throne of God. She loved to sing gospel songs, and I’m sure the angels of God were blessed by her voice.

We also have good news about my son James. He had knee surgery in October and has been in rehabilitation since then. He is doing very well.

Brethren pray for us. All because of Calvary, Matthew Welch and Family




September/October 2018 Finally my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. Philippians 3:1

Dear Pastors, Churches and Fellow Saints.

We send greetings from the churches of the many states we have been traveling in. In September and October we had the privilege to present our mission work and update many churches in Michigan, North Carolina, Virginia, Alabama, Florida and Georgia. It was a lot of traveling, but we had a wonderful time. It brought us much joy telling everyone what the Lord has been doing in Bulgaria and Romania as well as seeing what the Lord has been doing in the churches we visited.

It was easy to rejoice in the Lord when we got together with God's people for church services. Joy can be contagious when you spend time with someone that is rejoicing in the Lord. We were thoroughly encouraged by the joy of the Lord found in so many of the churches we visited. In Nehemiah the Bible says "the joy of the Lord is your strength". May we all be full of God's joy, because everything is different in a good way when we have the joy of the Lord. The Lord is the author of our happiness, for it is written "happy is the people whose God is the Lord". Psalms 144:15

In October my son James was operated on for the third time due to a knee injury. The surgeon was very pleased with how it went. It will take about a year for him to totally recover, but James has a good attitude about it, and is thankful as well as we, are for all Dr. Gibson and the Lord has done for him. I'll also covet your prayers, because it looks like I will need my shoulder replaced in the near future.

We have begun taking up offerings for the 2018 flower and oil distribution in Bulgaria this winter. We will give each family 110 lbs. of flour and a gallon of oil. This provision helps them make it through the long winters. We have seen many rejoice in the Lord from this, and testify that "God can furnish a table in the wilderness".

Please, also keep my father Martin Welch in your prayers. We celebrated his 86th birthday in October.

All because of Calvary, Matthew Welch & Family



Dear Pastors, Churches, and Fellow Saints, July - August 2018

"And when they were come, and had gathered the church together, they rehearsed all that God had done with them, and how he had opened the door of faith unto the gentiles. And there they abode long time with the disciples." Acts 14:27, 28

In July and August we visited and presented our mission work at churches in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia. We had not been to some of those churches in years. It was a blessing to gather together and rehearse once again what God has done on the mission field in Bulgaria and Romania. It was a blessing to also hear from them what the Lord has been doing in their churches and ministries in America.

It is good to be back on furlough and not only to visit with the churches but also with family and friends. I am especially thankful for another opportunity to speak to our lost loved ones about their soul's need of salvation. God is dealing with them and our prayer is that they will open their heart's door and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. It has been encouraging to see some who were so hard and cold to God and the gospel to give ear and listen with open heart and mind. I believe they are in the place of Isaiah 1:18 where the Lord says "come" and "reason".

I love dealing and talking with people about their souls, but how much better it is when the Lord Himself starts to deal with them. We have seen this verse, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." John 12:32, work over and over again in the lives of so many in Bulgaria and Romania and also here in America. If we lift up the Lord Jesus Christ in song and sermon and tell of His great salvation then God will draw them unto Him. "Draw" means: to cause to move in a particular direction". May the Lord help us all to be like the Maniac of Gadara and take to heart the command that Jesus told him, "Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee." Mark 5:19

If you are interested in seeing the work presented or having us come and preach please call me at (828) 592-1498. If you should not be able to reach me at that number I can also be reached at (423) 878-5800. We're looking forward to seeing all of you and fellowshipping and praising God together.

All Because of Calvary,

Matthew Welch and Family


March - April 2018

“Now also when I am old and gray headed, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to everyone that is to come. Thy righteousness also, O God, is very high, who hast done great things: O God, who is like unto thee”. Psalm71:18, 19

Dear Pastors, Churches and Fellow saints,

Ralph_CheatwoodWe send greetings from all the believers that are among us in Christ Jesus our Lord. It was in early March of 2018 that our senior missionary, dear friend and God's man called us all together to let us know that he had been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. All of our hearts were deeply saddened by this unfortunate news. We understood the time had come for Brother Cheatwood to be able to say, as the apostle Peter said, "Shortly I must put off this my tabernacle”. 2 Peter 1:14

It was 1993 the Lord called us to "Come over into Macedonia and help" (Acts 16:9) in God's work under Brother Ralph. It was he who greeted and welcomed us to the mission field. From that time until now Brother Ralph has shown us God's strength and power as manifested in the New Testament, and that without it, God's work cannot be done. From the beginning he has put emphasis on the Word of God, on holding church services, worshipping God, and on prayer. Through these things we have experienced and witnessed God's strength and power.

God has done great things here through Brother Cheatwood. He has translated the King James Bible into the Turkish language and put together a hymnal containing 250 songs that worship God and His Son. He also started over one hundred churches and a children' home in Constanta, Romania.

I would like to thank the Lord for a man of God like Brother Ralph. His desire is for everyone to come and know and experience God's strength, power, and righteousness, and to behold His great things.

Thank you Brother Ralph for all you have done to make this possible. Phil. 4:9 and John 4:38 and 17:3

All because of Calvary, Matthew Welch and family
