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Our Uttermost Parts
"...and unto the uttermost part of the earth."

 Children’s Homes in India

In 1973, Pastor Potter felt burdened to start a Children’s Home in the nation of India, where orphaned children could be taken care of and exposed to the gospel.  The first home was opened in India in 1975. 

In 1979 the Lord opened the door for another Children’s Home to be started in India.  Both of these homes have been operated by faith  through the years.  Many orphans have received proper food, clothing, and shelter in the homes; but most important, many have been saved by the grace of God while in these homes.

 (Altogether there is an average of 1,525 children that receive food, clothing, shelter, and Christian instruction through out the 31 children’s homes that Charity Baptist Mission oversees in, Tennessee, Mexico, Two in India, 19 in Bulgaria and 8 in Romania.)


Pastor Potter has known missionary Ralph Cheatwood since 1975.  In 1985, brother Cheatwood told brother Potter about his burden to produce a reliable Turkish translation of the scriptures for the Turkish speaking people of the world, using the King James Bible as the final authority in the translation work.  Pastor Potter felt impressed to help brother Cheatwood in this work, so the Brookside Bible Society (a subsidiary of Charity Baptist Mission) was founded.  The mission bought brother Cheatwood a computer for the translation work and an office was built at our church for him to use while doing translation work in America.  Charity Baptist Mission has supported brother Cheatwood in his translation and missionary work through the years since that time.


As many of you know, in the late 80’s, and early 90’s, the “yoke of communism” was broken in many eastern European countries.  As the walls of communism began to fall, many Christians in America sensed that God was opening the doors to send missionaries to these countries.

In April of 1991, the Lord burdened Pastor Potter’s heart that He had a work for Brookside Baptist Church and Charity Baptist Mission to do in eastern Europe.  Pastor Potter called brother Cheatwood, who was on the mission field in Turkey.  He asked him to make a trip north towards Russia to see what the Lord had for us to do in that region.  Brother Cheatwood agreed to go up towards Russia, but mentioned that he would have to go through Bulgaria to get there.  Pastor Potter told him, “Just stop off in Bulgaria first, because that could be where the Lord wants us to start.”  On brother Cheatwood’s second trip into Bulgaria, he met brother Bedros Altunian, a Bulgarian preacher that had been praying for ten years for God to send them someone to help evangelize their country.  God began to open great doors in Bulgaria.  By January of 1995, Charity Baptist Mission had seven missionary families laboring in several large cities and their surrounding villages in Bulgaria.  During this time we had seen the Lord birth over 30 new Bulgarian, Turkish, and Gypsy churches in different areas of Bulgaria.  The Lord also called and prepared eight Bulgarian and Turkish nationals to help pastor these churches.

Today in 2002, we have 11 national pastors working in Bulgaria, overseeing 57 churches and 19 children's homes, which have been established since it's conception.  Over the years, Brookside Bible Society has printed and distributed hundreds of thousands of gospels and hymn books in the Bulgarian and Turkish languages.  God gave a great harvest of souls in Bulgaria.  We praise His Name that the churches, the national pastors, and the work is still going strong today! 

 Ukraine & Moldova

During the summer of 1992, some of the missionaries in Bulgaria made trips northeast into the country of Ukraine to look into the possibility of starting a mission work there.  God blessed the trips and birthed a mission work in Ukraine.  This mission work then expanded into Moldova, a small country that borders Ukraine and Romania. Charity Baptist Mission now has two missionary families and two single missionaries working in Ukraine and Moldova.  A number of churches have been started in these two countries, and the missionaries tell us that the Lord is now calling and preparing nationals to pastor these churches in the future.  Since 1992, hundreds of thousands of gospels, Bibles, and gospel tracts have been distributed in Ukraine & Moldova by these missionaries.

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