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Audio & Video Cassette Ministry

We have found that audio and video cassettes are a very effective way in our day to get the gospel out in America.  But the cassette ministry does not stop there by any means.  We mail out monthly an average of 900 audio and 30 video cassettes to various places in America.  We are living in a time in America when many Christians are having a hard time finding a good church that preaches the word of God in the area they live in.  Many of these people receive tapes from us on a regular basis, and we have received many calls and letters thanking us for the help they are receiving from the preaching and singing they hear on these cassettes.

 Roadside Mission of Boston

Brother Jim Costigan and his wife Jo-ann have been doing mission work on the streets of Boston for over ten years.  God delivered brother Costigan from a life on the streets and gave him a burden to reach people on the streets with the gospel.  With a population of over four million people of many different nationalities living in Boston and it’s suburbs, this is a great and effective open door for the gospel.  Brother Costigan works the streets almost daily, presenting the gospel to the people through street preaching, free gospels, New Testaments, Bibles, gospel tracts, and preaching cassette tapes.  A number of businesses now allow him to keep gospel tracts and preaching tapes on racks in their place of business, where people can take them free of charge.  At times he broadcasts preaching on the streets by use of a P.A. system.  His ministry on the streets has varied from witnessing to and feeding the homeless, to speaking with international diplomats about their souls!

The Costigan family receives financial and material support through Charity Baptist Mission.  The mission board also sends them hundreds of pre-recorded preaching cassettes monthly for distribution  in the Boston area.

Feeding and Clothing those in Eastern Kentucky

In 1998, the Lord laid it upon Rev. Potter's heart to help those in the poverty stricken areas of Eastern Kentucky.  These are families that used to work the mines and are now out of jobs and no employment much to be found due to the mountainous landscape.  Rev. Potter made contact with Marlowe Tackett a local business owner in that area and they began to work together to help these families.  Bro. Tackett had been helping them for some time and Bro. Potter felt led to use him as a contact to help feed, clothe, and minister to these in need.  Since 1998, we have taken over 400 tons of food to the region. In addition, we have sent many, many tractor trailor loads of clothing, furniture and house appliances.  Many people have been helped and this is just another growing and extending arm of the Charity Baptist Mission.

Our Samaria

“...and in Samaria,”   Samaria was a neighboring country of Judaea.  Mexico and Bolivia are neighboring countries in which God has led Charity Baptist Mission to labor.

Children’s Home in Mexico

In 1973, Pastor Potter felt burdened to start a Children’s Home in Mexico.  Shortly afterwards he met Marcus and Judy Padgett, a young missionary couple who were preparing to go to Mexico as missionaries.  After his telling them about his burden to start a Children’s Home in  Mexico, they prayed about it and felt led to work through our mission to help establish the home. The Padgetts went to Ameca, Mexico and lived in a pick-up camper for two years while they built the Children’s Home with their own hands.  Ameca, Mexico is near Guadalajara, 700 miles south of the American border.  Brother Marcus and sister Judy labored in the home together until 1991, when brother Marcus had a heart attack and went home to be with the Lord.  Sister Judy continues to operate the children’s home today, with the help of a national couple.  Through the years many Mexican children have received good food, clothing, and shelter because of the home.  Best of all, they have been taught about the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Since Bolivia is located in South America, we also consider it as one of our neighboring countries.  The Cable family just recently (fall of 1996) went to Bolivia through Charity Baptist Mission.  They report to us that the people are open to the gospel in that country, and they have already seen the Lord save a number of souls there.

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