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How can YOU help?
Here are some ways you can help in the different mission works which Charity Baptist Mission is engaged in:
1) Pray, Pray, Pray!!! We believe that the prayers of God’s children are a very important part of these mission works.
Pray for the workers in the four children’s homes, that the Lord will bless them with the health, strength, and Christian love and wisdom they need in working with the children.
Pray for the health and strength of the missionary families and national workers we have in foreign countries; pray that they will preach the gospel with the power of God on them, and that many souls will be saved and many churches established in these foreign countries.
Pray that the Lord will send forth more laborers to help in these mission works, both here in America and on the foreign mission fields.
2) Find out more about the different mission works. It was not possible in this brochure to give you detailed information about each work. If you will write, call, or fax us, we will be glad to better inform you about any part of this work. We have Newsletters, Updates, Personal letters and Faxes we receive from the various missionaries and nationals telling how the mission works are doing. This information will be a blessing to you, and the more you know about the work the more encouraged you will be to pray for it.
3) Allow our Field Representative to present one or more of these Mission Works to your Church.
4) Support these Mission Works Financially. The children’s homes, workers, missionaries, and foreign national pastors need regular financial support to continue in the work the Lord has called them to do. Not every Christian is called to go to the mission field, but most Christians can give and help those that are called and do go to the field. If the Lord should lead you to help support one or more of these missionaries or mission works, your support will be much appreciated!
Directions for sending support to a missionary or mission work through Charity Baptist Mission:
For proper records and receipt purposes all checks should be made payable to Charity Baptist Mission, Inc. with the missionary’s name or mission work to whom the support is designated written clearly in the “For ______” column on the bottom left hand side of the check. Charity Baptist Mission’s home office in Bristol, TN, does not charge for handling the accounts, therefore one hundred percent of all support that is received is credited to the account of the missionary or mission work for which it is designated.
Summary of the Mission Works laboring through Charity Baptist
Tri-State Baptist Children’s Home - Bristol, TN.
Radio Ministry - 18 Stations in five states Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina and Florida.
Audio & Video Cassette Ministry - Mailed to many states and other countries
Charity Baptist Mission Field Representatives - Luther Carver, George ThornBurg and Pastor Rick Bolick
Bible Society - Preservation of the AV 1611 King James Bible, Bristol, TN
Subsidiary of Charity Baptist Mission, Inc.
Brookside Baptist Academy - Educating the children here by private schooling in Bristol, TN
Mission of Boston - Boston, MASS.
Missionaries Jim and Jo-ann Costigan - Taking the gospel to the streets.
Kentucky Feeding and Clothing - Providing for those in the impoverished areas of Eastern Kentucky.
Home - Ameca, Mexico
Missionary Judy Pageant
The Cable Family - Cochabamba, Bolivia
Children’s Homes
Bulgarian National Pastors - Eleven
Maher Family - Ukraine and Moldova
Chris Rue Family - Ukraine and Moldova
Debbie Myers
- Ukraine
Paul Gray -
Cheatwood Family
Frank Cornelius Family
Dave Turner Family
Matt Welch Family
Keith Blalock Family
Zachary Lefevre Family
Nathan Reed Family
Joe Alvarado Family