This song is about how Fred Potter got saved, written by Danny Minton. |
It is our privilege to welcome you to the Charity Baptist Mission web page. We hope this will be a testament of what the Lord is doing in America and throughout the world. In 1973 the Lord laid upon my heart to start Charity Baptist Mission Inc., here in Bristol, Tennessee. We started it because we were opening a children’s home in Mexico. From there the Lord continued to bless and increased the areas to other countries by which we could share the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour. It has been truly a blessing to see how the Lord has used missionaries to reach the lost and see them saved. We believe in the Authorized King James 1611 version of the Word of God. It has stood the test of time and we believe this is the only true Bible. To God be the Glory!
updated 2-12-25 |
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Missions Updates
November/December 2024
Dear Pastors, Churches, and Fellow Saints,
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Joshua 1:8,9
The year 2024 has quickly passed. It was full of many blessings and events. God has helped us every step of the way.
I was in Bulgaria until May, attending meetings and working on a new church building. Many of you helped by prayer and financial support. We are grateful for that. We are able to hold church services in it and are enjoying our times of fellowship and worship together. Our 15-year-old grandson, Carrick LeFevre preached recently in one of our meetings and that sure was a blessing to our hearts.
In the past year we have had to say goodbye to some of our church folk here, that have passed from this life to the next. One of them was my dear old friend, Malcho. We had been to many church services together and he never failed to get up and give a testimony. I will miss him and the others who have gone on before, but I'm confident and at peace knowing we'll be reunited one day in our heavenly home with our loving Savior, Jesus Christ.
In May we were in the States for our daughter Charity's high school graduation. After graduating Charity joined the Air Force and left to Basic Training. She came through with flying colors. She is now stationed at Hill Air Force Base in Utah. Please remember her in your prayers.
As I mentioned in a previous letter, it was necessary for me while in America, to have a total knee replacement in August. After a couple months of recuperation, and therapy, we returned back to our home in November. I continue to slowly improve and truly appreciate your prayers for complete healing.
Our son, John, is stationed at an Air Force base in Germany, and he was able to visit us for two weeks during the Christmas and New Year holidays. We were so happy to have him home. Then, at the same time, we had a surprise visit from our daughter, Grace, and son, James. They spent three weeks with us.
Most of you are probably aware that our daughter, Hannah, and her husband William (along with their four children), serve on the mission field with us in Bulgaria. Needless to say, we all enjoyed a very happy time together. It was a very joyful ending to 2024.
Last of all I would like to mention a woman named, Sylvia. Please pray for her health and salvation. She works at our local village store. She has always been unfriendly toward us. But the Lord laid her on my heart recently and I was able to talk with her and give her a tract.
All because of Calvary, (A printable PDF version is available here)
Matthew and Jane Welch